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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

268.65 Approved training.

Subdivision 1. Creation. The commissioner of economic security shall establish a training program for structurally unemployed workers under which individuals may be enrolled in an on-the-job training program, and an additional 1,000 individuals may be enrolled in classroom training, in accordance with this section. Nothing in this section limits or adversely affects the approved training provisions applicable to an individual under section 268.085, subdivision 1, clause (3). An individual approved under this section is eligible for tuition aid under the provisions of chapter 136A.

Subd. 2. Approval of training. An individual's enrollment in a training course must be approved for the purposes of this subdivision if the commissioner finds that:

(1) the individual is not unemployed due to the seasonal nature of the work or a temporary work shortage;

(2) the individual's separation or notice of layoff from most recent employment was caused by job obsolescence, plant shutdown, regional decline in the individual's customary occupation, or industry slowdown, and the individual is unlikely to return to work for that employer or in that occupation within 12 months following separation from employment;

(3) reasonable and suitable work opportunities for which the individual is fitted by training, experience, and physical capabilities do not exist within the local labor market;

(4) the training course is designed to provide preparation for available employment within the local labor market or in an area to which the individual is willing to relocate;

(5) the training is conducted by an agency, educational institution, or employing unit that is approved by the commissioner of children, families, and learning or the board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities or higher education services office to conduct training programs; except that an agency, educational institution, or employing unit that is not subject to regulation and approval by one of the agencies in this clause may be approved by the commissioner if it is determined that the institution's curriculum, facilities, staff, and other essentials are adequate to achieve the training objective; and

(6) the training consists of a full course load, as defined by the training provider, necessary to achieve the approved training objective, and the individual is making satisfactory progress in the course. The department may require the training provider to periodically certify to the individual's attendance and progress.

Subd. 3. On-the-job training. An individual who meets the criteria in subdivision 2 is eligible for participation in a full-time on-the-job training program if:

(1) the on-the-job training position is in an occupation for which the commissioner has determined a demand exists or will exist; in making this determination, the commissioner shall consider labor market information as contained in state and national occupational outlook publications, as well as other generally accepted authoritative sources with verifiable validity;

(2) the employer pays an hourly wage during training of at least the state minimum wage;

(3) the employer guarantees to provide at least 12 consecutive months of employment to the trainee after the completion of training at the prevailing area labor market wage for a trained individual in that occupation;

(4) the employer will not terminate the trainee during the period of training or guaranteed employment except for misconduct or demonstrated substandard performance; and

(5) the employer will not terminate, lay off, or reduce the hours of any employee for the purpose of hiring an individual with money available, and will not hire an individual if another person is on layoff from the same or a substantially equivalent job.

Subd. 4. Training allowance. During participation in an approved on-the-job training program, the trainee shall maintain satisfactory progress and attendance. During the period of training specified in the agreement between the commissioner and the employer, individuals participating in an approved on-the-job training program must be paid a training allowance for each week claimed during the benefit year, until benefits are exhausted, equal to the weekly benefit amount calculated under section 268.07, subdivision 2, less the part of the earnings, including holiday pay, in excess of $100. The training allowance is computed by rounding down to the nearest dollar amount. Notwithstanding any other provision, an individual participating in on-the-job training on a full-time basis is not employed for purposes of benefit eligibility.

Subd. 5. Employer penalty. An employer who enters into an on-the-job training agreement with the commissioner and who terminates the trainee in a manner other than provided in this subdivision shall repay 70 percent of the amount of reemployment compensation benefits paid to the individual while in the training program with that employer if the termination occurs during the training period. If the termination occurs during the 12-month period of guaranteed employment, the employer receives a proportional reduction in the amount it must repay. Penalties assessed under this subdivision are in addition to any other penalties provided for by this chapter and are subject to the same collection procedures that apply to past due contributions under this chapter. Penalties under this subdivision shall be paid to the commissioner and credited to the job search and relocation fund. When it is determined to be in the best interest of the state, the commissioner may waive all or part of the employer penalty. The commissioner shall use any money collected under this paragraph for job search and relocation expenses of structurally unemployed workers participating in the training program.

HIST: 1Sp1985 c 14 art 9 s 46; 1987 c 385 s 46; 1994 c 483 s 1; 1995 c 212 art 3 s 59; 1Sp1995 c 3 art 16 s 13; 1996 c 339 s 7; 1996 c 395 s 18; 1997 c 66 s 80; 1998 c 265 s 45; 1999 c 107 s 66

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes