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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

3C.13 Legal status of statutes.

Any volume of Minnesota Statutes, supplement to Minnesota Statutes, and Laws of Minnesota certified by the revisor according to section 3C.11, subdivision 1, is prima facie evidence of the statutes contained in it in all courts and proceedings.

Revised Laws of Minnesota 1905, General Statutes of Minnesota 1913, General Statutes of Minnesota 1923, Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, and supplements, appendix and addenda, or added volumes to these publications are prima facie evidence of the statutes contained in them in all courts and proceedings.

HIST: 1984 c 480 s 13; 1984 c 655 art 2 s 19 subd 2

* NOTE: The legislature has directed the revisor of statutes *to make the following changes in the text of Minnesota Statutes *pursuant to various session laws:

Laws 1957, chapter 196, section 1:

"asylum for the dangerous insane" or "hospital for the dangerous insane" at St. Peter to "Minnesota Security Hospital"

Laws 1957, chapter 287, section 3:

"state sanitorium for consumptives" to "Minnesota State Sanitorium"

Laws 1957, chapter 576, section 2:

"state teachers colleges" to "state colleges"

Laws 1959, chapter 267, section 3:

"director of public institutions" or "director" to "commissioner of public welfare" or "commissioner" in Minnesota Statutes 1957, sections 525.61 and 525.75 to 525.79

Laws 1959, chapter 305, section 5:

"board of freeholders" to "charter commission"

Laws 1959, chapter 381, section 4:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1959, chapter 576, section 2:

"executive secretary" to "director" in relation to county welfare boards

Laws 1959, chapter 650, section 58:

"public employees retirement board" to "board of trustees"

Laws 1961, chapter 68, section 2:

change in salary for Waterville municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 113, section 2:

"department" and "commissioner" of "agriculture, dairy, and food" to "department" and "commissioner" of "agriculture"

Laws 1961, chapter 183, section 2:

"Mound Springs Recreation Reserve" to "Blue Mounds State Park" in Minnesota Statutes 1957, section 85.18, clause (6)

Laws 1961, chapter 246, section 2:

change in salary for Rochester municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 247, section 2:

addition and salary of Grand Rapids municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 250, section 2:

addition and salary of Hastings municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 253, section 2:

change in salary for Bloomington municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 254, section 2:

addition and salary of Crystal municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 255, section 4:

addition and salary of Plymouth municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 256, section 4:

addition and salary of Golden Valley municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 368, section 2:

change in salary for Faribault and Northfield municipal judges

Laws 1961, chapter 369, section 2:

"chiropody" to "podiatry" and "chiropodist" to "podiatrist" in Minnesota Statutes 1957, sections 153.01 to 153.15, except Laws 1959, chapter 70, section 1

Laws 1961, chapter 431, section 2:

compilation of new trunk highway route

Laws 1961, chapter 451, section 2:

compilation of new trunk highway route

Laws 1961, chapter 498, section 2:

compilation, substitution and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1961, chapter 619, section 2:

change in salary for Eveleth municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 635, section 2:

change in salary for Ely municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 659, section 2:

addition and salary of Brooklyn Center municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 682, section 2:

change in salary for Bemidji municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 684, section 2:

change in salary for Cass Lake municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 708, section 2:

change in salary for Minnetonka municipal judge

Laws 1961, chapter 709, section 2:

change in salary for South St. Paul municipal judge

Extra Session Laws 1961, chapter 57, section 2:

change in salary for St. Cloud municipal judge

Extra Session Laws 1961, chapter 69, section 2:

change in salary for Kasson municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 49, section 3:

addition and salary of Roseau municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 223, section 3:

addition and salary of St. Anthony municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 224, section 2:

change in salary for West St. Paul municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 225, section 2:

change in salary for Albert Lea municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 233, section 3:

addition and salary of Blaine municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 235, section 2:

change in salary for Wayzata municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 266, section 2:

change in salary for Winona municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 292, section 2:

change in salary for Appleton municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 294, section 2:

change in salary for Coon Rapids municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 295, section 2:

change in salary for Richfield municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 297, section 2:

change in salary for Alexandria municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 298, section 2:

change in salary for Edina municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 339, section 2:

change in salary for Plymouth municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 340, section 2:

change in salary for Tracy municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 341, section 3:

change in salary for Mound municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 344, section 2:

change in salary for Red Wing municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 345, section 2:

change in salary for Hopkins municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 496, section 2:

change in salary for Brainerd municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 499, section 3:

change in salary for Minnetonka municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 503, section 2:

change in salary for Crookston municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 507, section 2:

change in salary for North Mankato municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 508, section 2:

change in salary for Bloomington municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 513, section 2:

change in salary for Austin municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 528, section 2:

change in salary for Mankato municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 557, section 2:

change in salary for Staples municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 616, section 3:

addition and salary of Maplewood municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 702, section 2:

change in salary for Thief River Falls municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 743, section 2:

change in salary for Stillwater municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 751, section 2:

change in salary for Tower municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 779, section 2:

change in salary for International Falls municipal judge

Laws 1963, chapter 873, section 67, subdivision 10:

codification of salaries for certain public officials and employees

Laws 1963, chapter 884, section 8, subdivision 4:

codification of salaries for positions within the department of highways

Laws 1963, chapter 884, section 15:

compilation of new trunk highway route

Laws 1965, chapter 207, section 3:

compilation, substitution and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1965, chapter 285, section 5:

"county weed and seed inspectors" or "county weed inspectors" to "county agricultural inspectors"

Laws 1965, chapter 333, section 9:

"broker", "dealer", "broker or dealer", and "dealer or broker" to "broker-dealer"

"licensed broker" and "licensed dealer" to "licensed broker-dealer"

"brokers' or dealers' licenses" to "broker-dealers' licenses" in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 45 and 80

Laws 1965, chapter 698, section 3:

"board of tax appeals" and "board" when referring to the board of tax appeals to "tax court"

Laws 1965, chapter 776, section 2:

compilation and changes in salaries for various municipal court judges

Laws 1965, chapter 863, section 8, subdivision 3:

compilation of salaries for positions within the department of highways

Laws 1965, chapter 876, section 4:

change in salary for Stillwater municipal court judge (section 488.21, subdivision 2)

Laws 1965, chapter 888, section 7, subdivision 2:

codification of language relating to the Indian Affairs Commission

Laws 1965, chapter 901, section 69, subdivision 3:

compilation and changes in salaries for certain positions in the office of the attorney general

Laws 1967, chapter 6, section 2:

"state schools and hospitals for the mentally retarded and epileptic" to "Faribault State Hospital", "Cambridge State Hospital", and "Brainerd State Hospital"

Laws 1967, chapter 16, section 2:

"state soil and water conservation committee" to "state soil and water conservation commission"

"committee" to "commission" when referring to the state soil and water conservation commission

Laws 1967, chapter 19, sections 13 and 14:

renumbering, rearrangement, and incorporation of parts of Minnesota Statutes 1965, chapter 340, into the intoxicating liquor act

Laws 1967, chapter 19, section 16:

"sections 340.07 to 340.40" to "intoxicating liquor act"

Laws 1967, chapter 148, section 2:

"Minnesota Soldiers Home" or "soldiers home" to "Minnesota Veterans Home" or "veterans home"

Laws 1967, chapter 299, section 9:

changes in terminology necessary to carry out terms and provisions of the act

"Department" and "Commissioner" of "Business Development" to "Department" and "Commissioner" of "Economic Development"

personnel to include directors of research, publicity and promotion, tourist development, finance, and industrial development

Laws 1967, chapter 302, section 2:

changes in terminology necessary to reflect transfer of administering investigation and enforcement of certain laws relating to unfair, discriminatory, and other unlawful practices in business, commerce or trade from the department of business development to the attorney general

Laws 1967, chapter 334, section 2:

"commissioner" or "commissioner of administration" to "superintendent" or "superintendent of the bureau of criminal apprehension" in Minnesota Statutes 1965, sections 626.81 to 626.83 (powers and duties relating to a state teletypewriter communications network)

Laws 1967, chapter 398, section 4:

"State Reformatory for Women" to "Minnesota Correctional Institution for Women"

Laws 1967, chapter 421, section 2:

compilation of new trunk highway route

Laws 1967, chapter 568, section 1, subdivision 9:

changes in terminology necessary to reflect the powers or duties transferred from the surveyor general to the commissioner of conservation and deletion of reference to state surveyor of logs and lumber and the surveyor's salary in section 15A.09

Laws 1967, chapter 615, section 1:

"Minnesota liaison and facilities commission for higher education" to "Minnesota higher education coordinating commission" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 136A

Laws 1967, chapter 787, section 1, subdivision 3:

"Split Rock state scenic wayside" or "state wayside" to "Split Rock Lighthouse state park" or "state park"

Laws 1967, chapter 905, section 9:

changes in terminology necessary to record the functions, powers, and duties transferred by the act

reorganization of department of conservation: "game warden" to "conservation officer"

department to be organized with: "director" and "division of forestry" to "division of lands and forestry"

"director" and "division of waters" to "division of waters, soils and minerals"

"director" and "division of game and fish"

"director" and "division of state parks" to "division of parks and recreation"

Extra Session Laws 1967, chapter 1, section 6:

changes in terminology necessary to record functions, powers, and duties transferred by the act

creation of department of labor and industry and commissioner of labor and industry

duties of industrial commission transferred to department of labor and industry's new division of workmen's compensation; division of workmen's compensation under supervision and control of workmen's compensation commission of Minnesota

duties of industrial commission under Minnesota Statutes 1965, chapter 176, and Minnesota Statutes 1965, sections 251.041 to 251.053 (and any other applicable law) transferred to workmen's compensation commission

Extra Session Laws 1967, chapter 12, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Extra Session Laws 1967, chapter 48, section 70, subdivisions 11 and 12:

compilation and substitution of salaries of certain public officials and employees

Laws 1969, chapter 9, section 9:

"board" or "compensation insurance board" to "department" or "department of commerce"

"commissioner" to "commissioner of insurance" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 79

Laws 1969, chapter 9, section 21:

"water pollution control commission" or "commissioner" to "Minnesota pollution control agency" or "agency" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 115, when reference is to former water pollution control commission

Laws 1969, chapter 11, section 2:

compilation of constitutional trunk highways

Laws 1969, chapter 276, section 2:

"referee", relating to workmen's compensation, to "compensation judge" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 176

Laws 1969, chapter 399, section 49:

change terminology of funds and accounts in state treasury in conformity with the act

"general revenue fund" to "general fund"

"income tax school fund" abolished; money transferred to general fund

"property tax relief fund" abolished; money transferred to general fund

"school aid fund" abolished; money transferred to general fund

"boat and water safety account" abolished; money transferred to general fund

"natural resources fund" abolished; money transferred to general fund

Laws 1969, chapter 524, section 4:

compilation, substitution, renumbering, and rearrangement of state parks and other state owned recreation areas

Laws 1969, chapter 567, section 3:

department or commissioner of "employment security" to department or commissioner of "manpower services"

Laws 1969, chapter 637, section 1:

"soil conservation district" to "soil and water conservation district"

Laws 1969, chapter 708, section 63:

references to "section 60A.04" to "chapter 60B"

Laws 1969, chapter 1104, section 9:

terminology changes relating to transfer of responsibility for operation, administration, and management of the St. Paul Ramsey hospital and the Ramsey county tuberculosis sanitarium from the county welfare board of the city of St. Paul and the county of Ramsey to the "Ramsey County Hospital and Sanitarium Commission"

Laws 1969, chapter 1129, article 10, section 2:

changes in terminology to record the functions, powers, and duties transferred in Laws 1969, chapter 1129

creation of department of public safety

transfer of duties of commissioner of insurance as ex officio state fire marshal (Minnesota Statutes, chapters 73, 74, 75, and 76) to commissioner of public safety

creation of division of fire marshal in public safety department

transfer of duties of bureau of criminal apprehension and superintendent of the bureau (Minnesota Statutes, chapter 626) to division in public safety known as bureau of criminal apprehension, under control and supervision of a superintendent appointed by the commissioner of public safety

establishes division of highway patrol under control and supervision of a chief supervisor appointed by the commissioner of public safety; with approval of commissioner, chief may appoint a chief assistant supervisor

powers of commissioner of highways with reference to Minnesota highway patrol transferred to commissioner of public safety (Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapter 352B, and sections 161.48 to 161.49)

establishes division of civil defense under control and supervision of a state director appointed by the commissioner of public safety

transfers powers and duties of state director of the civil defense agency in Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapter 12, to the commissioner of public safety

establishes division of motor vehicles under supervision and control of a director appointed by commissioner of public safety; director is registrar of motor vehicles

transfers duties of secretary of state as registrar of motor vehicles in Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapter 168, or other related law, to commissioner of public safety

establishes driver's license division under supervision and control of a director appointed by the commissioner of public safety; transfers powers and duties of department and commissioner of highways in regard to drivers' licensing and safety responsibility as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapters 169, 170, and 171, to commissioner of public safety

transfers powers and duties of departments of education and highways related to drivers' training as prescribed in Minnesota Statutes 1967, section 171.04, to commissioner of public safety

establishes capitol complex security division under supervision and control of the director of capitol complex security appointed by the commissioner of public safety; transfers powers and duties of commissioner of administration relating to the general function of security in capitol complex of state owned buildings to commissioner of public safety

establishes bureau of mediation services in department of labor and industry under supervision of a director appointed by the governor; transfers powers and duties of the division of conciliation to bureau of mediation services; "labor conciliator" to "director of mediation services"; and "special conciliators" to "special mediators"

department and commissioner of conservation to commissioner and department of natural resources

transfer of duties and powers of state geographic board under Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapter 83A, to commissioner of natural resources

duties of conservation officers transferred from division of game and fish to newly created division of enforcement and field service with supervision and control by a director of enforcement and field service

transfer of duties related to registration and reports of persons soliciting charitable funds in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, sections 309.50 to 309.61, from secretary of state to newly created section of consumer services established in the department of commerce under supervision and control of a director of consumer services appointed by the governor

transfer of powers and duties relating to the imposition and collection of taxes on oleomargarine from commissioner of the department of agriculture under Minnesota Statutes 1967, chapter 33, to the commissioner of taxation

transfer of duties relating to collection of five percent gross receipts tax under Minnesota Statutes 1967, section 341.05, subdivision 1, clause (3), from state athletic commission to the commissioner of taxation

Laws 1969, chapter 1139, section 90, subdivision 6:

compilation, substitution and deletion of annual salaries of certain public officials and employees

Laws 1969, chapter 1154, section 20, subdivision 3:

addition of city of Minneapolis to the list and number of junior college locations in Minnesota Statutes 1967, section 136.601, subdivision 2

Laws 1971, chapter 25, section 44:

"department of weights and measures" or "department" to "division of weights and measures" or "division" where reference is to division of weights and measures in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 239

Laws 1971, chapter 25, section 67:

"railroad and warehouse commission" or "commission" to "department of public service" or "department"

Laws 1971, chapter 25, section 84:

removal from list in section 488.21, subdivision 2, the municipalities whose courts were abolished by Extra Session Laws 1967, chapter 29, section 14

Laws 1971, chapter 65, section 1:

renumbering of chapters 261, 262, and 263 into one chapter (relating to welfare)

Laws 1971, chapter 81, section 2:

"administrative assistant to the supreme court" or "administrative assistant" to "court administrator"

Laws 1971, chapter 492, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1971, chapter 769, section 2:

"Internal Revenue Code" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1970" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290

Laws 1971, chapter 858, section 3:

addition and revision of routes to the trunk highway system

Laws 1973, chapter 34, section 6:

deletion of references to village constables

Laws 1973, chapter 123, article 2, section 1, subdivision 2:

"village" to "city" or "statutory city"

Laws 1973, chapter 123, article 3, section 6:

delete "village" from chapter 205 and make other changes necessary to carry out provisions of Laws 1973, chapter 123, article 3

Laws 1973, chapter 123, article 5, section 7:

changes in terminology and numbering to carry out Laws 1973, chapter 123, and policy of Laws 1973, chapter 123, article 1 (simplification and compilation of statutes relating to municipal government, bringing laws relating to all villages, boroughs, and cities without home rule charters under a single code of statutes)

Laws 1973, chapter 249, section 2:

deletion of route from trunk highway system

Laws 1973, chapter 254, section 3:

department or commissioner of "manpower services" to department or commissioner of "employment services"

Minnesota "manpower services law" to Minnesota "employment services law"

Laws 1973, chapter 349, section 2:

"state junior college" or "junior college" to "community college"

"state junior college board" to "state board for community colleges"

Laws 1973, chapter 492, section 14:

changes in terminology to reflect the powers, duties, and responsibilities transferred by Laws 1973, chapter 492

department and commissioner of finance created

duties of state auditor transferred to department of finance except those listed in Laws 1973, chapter 492, section 2, subdivision 2

duties of commissioner of administration under Minnesota Statutes, sections 3.30 (contingent fund), 16.027 (payrolls), 16.138 (reimbursements), 16.14, 16.15, and 16.155 (budget), transferred to department of finance

duties of commissioner of administration under sections 16.20, 16.245, 16.25, 16.62, 16.63, and 16.64 and other law relating to supervision and control of accounts and expenditures of state government transferred to department of finance

duties of public examiner (except those relating to the legislative auditor) relating to audits of cities, counties, towns, school districts, and other governmental subdivisions contained in sections 215.10 to 215.38 transferred to state auditor

department of public examiner transferred from executive to legislative branch

"public examiner" to become "legislative auditor" upon expiration of term; duties of public examiner under Minnesota Statutes 1971, section 215.03, and other law not dealt with in Laws 1973, chapter 492, transferred to legislative auditor

Laws 1973, chapter 507, section 34:

"board" in sections 43.42 to 43.50 to "commissioner" when reference is to employee insurance benefit board

Laws 1973, chapter 507, section 45:

changes in terminology to reflect transfer of functions in Laws 1973, chapter 507

creation of department and commissioner of personnel

civil service department, director of civil service, and civil service board abolished and duties transferred to the department of personnel, commissioner of personnel, and personnel board

duties of compensation review board transferred to personnel board

duties of commissioner of administration (or representative) and director of civil service (or representative) as the "negotiating team" in matters concerning the state and its officers and employees under the public employment labor relations act of 1971, Minnesota Statutes 1971, sections 179.61 to 179.77, transferred to commissioner of personnel

duties under Minnesota Statutes 1971, chapter 355, relating to social security coverage transferred to commissioner of personnel

Laws 1973, chapter 542, section 14:

"county administrator" in Minnesota Statutes, sections 375.48 to 375.50 to "executive secretary to the county board" or "executive secretary" as appropriate

Laws 1973, chapter 577, section 2:

"department" (of commerce) to "commissioner" (of insurance) in chapter 79

Laws 1973, chapter 582, section 3:

department and commissioner of taxation to department and commissioner of revenue

Laws 1973, chapter 592, section 16, subdivision 4:

change in terminology to indicate disbursement of aid to livestock associations, agricultural societies and poultry associations by department of agriculture

change in terminology to indicate disbursement of aid to school districts by department of education

change in terminology to indicate disbursement of aid to cities, counties, and towns having a large proportion of property paying gross earnings taxes by the department of taxation

Laws 1973, chapter 654, section 15:

youth conservation commission and adult corrections commission abolished and powers and duties transferred to corrections authority or commissioner of corrections

changes in terminology to record functions, powers and duties of Minnesota corrections authority and commissioner of corrections as created and established by Laws 1973, chapter 654

Laws 1973, chapter 708, section 36

"clerk", "clerk of court" or equivalent terms to "administrator", "court administrator" or "administrator of the court" in Minnesota Statutes 1971, sections 488A.18 to 488A.34

Laws 1973, chapter 711, section 3:

"Internal Revenue Code", "Internal Revenue Code of 1954", or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1970" to "the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1972" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1973, chapter 720, section 54, subdivision 2:

transfer of powers and duties of department of labor and industry under Minnesota Statutes, sections 332.31 to 332.45, relating to collection agencies to section of consumer services in department of commerce

Laws 1973, chapter 773, section 1:

substitution of corrected mill rates for those mill rates subject to correction pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 273.1102

Laws 1974, chapter 123, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1974, chapter 151, section 2:

deletion of trunk highway route

Laws 1974, chapter 265, section 5:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1974, chapter 287, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1974, chapter 386, section 2:

compilation and addition of trunk highway route

Laws 1974, chapter 408, section 32, subdivision 4:

references to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 170, or "financial responsibility act" changed to "Minnesota no-fault automobile insurance act"

Laws 1974, chapter 408, section 32, subdivision 5:

references to "section 65B.22" to "section 65B.63"

Laws 1974, chapter 422, article 2, section 7:

"metropolitan sewer service board" to "metropolitan waste control commission" (and related terms)

Laws 1974, chapter 428, section 5:

"Minnesota civil defense agency" or "division of civil defense" to "division of emergency services" except in interstate civil defense and disaster compact

Laws 1974, chapter 435, section 3.14, clause (h):

codification of Ramsey county laws - terminology changes relating to Ramsey county health department; establishing county departments and officers; creating Ramsey County Hospital and Sanitarium Commission with authority transferred from Ramsey county welfare board of the city of St. Paul, the county of Ramsey and the Ramsey county sanitarium commission

Laws 1975, chapter 103, section 2:

"Minnesota Memorial Hardwood State Forest" to "Richard Doer Memorial Hardwood State Forest"

Laws 1975, chapter 162, section 41:

removal of references to "unorganized territory" or the board of an unorganized territory in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 120 to 129

Laws 1975, chapter 203, section 19:

compilation and addition of new trunk highway routes

Laws 1975, chapter 214, section 2:

compilation and addition of new trunk highway route

Laws 1975, chapter 271, section 6:

(1) advisory committee on workmen's compensation to advisory council on workmen's compensation;

(2) advisory commission on fluctuating school enrollments to advisory council on fluctuating school enrollments;

(3) capitol area architectural and planning commission to capitol area architectural and planning board;

(4) commission on judicial standards to board on judicial standards;

(5) economic development advisory commission to economic development advisory committee;

(6) employment agency advisory board to employment agency advisory council;

(7) environmental quality council to environmental quality board;

(8) ethics commission to ethical practices board;

(9) Gillette hospital authority to Gillette hospital board;

(10) governor's citizens council on aging to Minnesota board on aging;

(11) higher education coordinating commission to higher education coordinating board;

(12) Indian affairs commission to Indian affairs board;

(13) intergovernmental information services advisory council to intergovernmental information systems advisory council;

(14) iron range resources and rehabilitation commission to iron range resources and rehabilitation board;

(15) joint committee to review administrative rules to legislative commission to review administrative rules;

(16) joint coordinating committee to legislative coordinating commission;

(17) land exchange commission to land exchange board;

(18) legislative advisory committee to legislative advisory commission;

(19) legislative retirement study commission to legislative commission on pensions and retirement;

(20) licensed practical nursing board to board of licensed practical nursing;

(21) meat improvement board to meat advisory council;

(22) Minnesota abstracters board of examiners to board of abstracters;

(23) Minnesota commission for the handicapped to council for the handicapped;

(24) Minnesota corrections authority to corrections board;

(25) Minnesota environmental education council to environmental education board;

(26) Minnesota resources commission to legislative commission on Minnesota resources;

(27) municipal commission to Minnesota municipal board;

(28) occupational safety and health advisory board to occupational safety and health advisory council;

(29) occupational safety and health review commission to occupational safety and health review board;

(30) physical therapists examining committee to physical therapists examining council;

(31) podiatry examining board to board of podiatry;

(32) private detective and protective agent licensing board to board of private detective and protective agent services;

(33) real estate advisory commission to real estate advisory council;

(34) soil and water conservation commission to soil and water conservation board;

(35) southern Minnesota rivers basin commission to southern Minnesota rivers basin board;

(36) state arts council to state arts board;

(37) state board of examiners of psychologists to board of psychology;

(38) state boxing commission to board of boxing;

(39) state claims commission to legislative commission on claims;

(40) state commission on cable communications to cable communications board;

(41) state cosmetology board to board of cosmetology;

(42) state information services advisory council to state information systems advisory council;

(43) state registration board for architects, engineers and land surveyors to board of architecture, engineering and land surveying;

(44) state teletypewriter communications advisory committee to state teletypewriter communications advisory council;

(45) teachers standards and certification commission to board of teachers standards and certification;

(46) veterinary examining board to board of veterinary medicine;

(47) workmen's compensation commission to workmen's compensation board

"board of certification" to "board of water and wastewater treatment operators certification"

"board" to "council"

Laws 1975, chapter 321, section 2:

"state college board" to "state university board"

designation of state colleges as state universities; changes in terminology to references to individual colleges

Laws 1975, chapter 339, section 8:

"true and full market value", "true value", or "full and true value" to "market value" with reference to the assessment of ad valorem taxes and related matters, except in sections 273.1101, 273.1102, and 273.1103

Laws 1975, chapter 349, section 29:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1972" to "Internal Revenue Code, as amended through December 31, 1974" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1975, chapter 349, section 30:

"executor" or "administrator" to "personal representative" in chapter 290, except section 290.01

Laws 1975, chapter 359, section 23:

"workmen's" to "workers" where used with the word "compensation" to refer to benefits granted under chapter 176 or similar law in other states

"workman" to "worker" in Minnesota Statutes 1974, chapters 79, 175, and 176

Laws 1976, chapter 2, section 171:

"state athletic commission" to "state boxing commission"

Laws 1976, chapter 2, section 172:

correction of internal references in the statutes made to the constitution so as to reflect the renumbered articles and sections of the amended constitution

Laws 1976, chapter 5, section 11:

change of references to "department of liquor control" and "liquor control commissioner" to "commissioner of public safety" or "commissioner of revenue" consistent with the transfer of duties in Laws 1976, chapter 5

Laws 1976, chapter 62, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1976, chapter 134, section 78:

workmen's compensation commission to workmen's compensation court of appeals

workmen's compensation "commissioners" to be known as "judges" of the workmen's compensation court of appeals

"tax court" to "tax court of appeals" and members are to be known as judges of the tax court of appeals

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 2:

"board" and "advisory board" to "council" in sections 17.51 to 17.69

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 3:

"board", "advisory board", and "promotion board" to "council" in sections 21A.01 to 21A.19

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 4:

"advisory board" to "council" in sections 29.14 to 29.19

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 5:

"board" and "board of directors" to "council" in sections 32B.02 to 32B.13

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 5a:

"commission" and "state soil and water conservation commission" to "state board" or "state soil and water conservation board" in chapter 40

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 6:

"board" to "council" in sections 115.71 to 115.82

Laws 1976, chapter 149, section 62, subdivision 7:

"board" to "regional commission" in sections 402.01 to 402.10

Laws 1976, chapter 166, section 7:

department of highways, commissioner of highways,

department of aeronautics, and commissioner of aeronautics abolished and powers and duties transferred to commissioner of transportation

duties of department of public service, public service commission, and director of the department of public service under sections 216A.10 to 216A.13 transferred to commissioner of transportation

duties of state planning agency under Laws 1974, chapter 534 or Laws 1975, chapter 203, sections 9 to 11, relating to state public transit financial assistance transferred to commissioner of transportation

Laws 1976, chapter 181, section 2:

"register of deeds" or "office of register of deeds" to "county recorder" or "office of county recorder"

Laws 1976, chapter 222, section 27:

"teacher standards and certification commission", "board of teacher standards and certification", and "commission" to "board of teaching" or "board" in chapters 121 to 129 and 214

Laws 1976, chapter 222, section 208:

"certified teacher", "certification" in respect to teachers, and similar terminology relating to teacher certification to "licensed teacher", "licensure", or similar appropriate terminology respecting licensure of teachers

Laws 1976, chapter 324, section 26:

"sinking fund" to "debt service fund" in chapter 475 and in sections referring to that chapter

Laws 1977, chapter 67, section 13:

"secretary", "secretary of the board", or "secretary of the board of trustees" to "executive director" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 354, except section 354.06, subdivision 2a

Laws 1977, chapter 80, section 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1977, chapter 305, section 45:

"secretary" or "executive officer" of the board of health (or a similar title) to "commissioner of health" or "commissioner"

"board of health" to "commissioner of health" or "commissioner"

"deputy commissioner" in the department of labor and industry to "commissioner of labor and industry" or "commissioner"

Laws 1977, chapter 307, section 29:

"tax court of appeals" to "tax court"

Laws 1977, chapter 376, section 13:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1974," to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1976" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1977, chapter 411, section 9:

"human services regional commission" to "human services board"

"regional commission" to "board" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 402

Laws 1977, chapter 429, section 63:

"fireman" and "firemen" to "firefighter" and "firefighters" where terms relate to persons engaged in fighting fires as distinguished from maintaining fires in boilers or other machines or devices

Laws 1977, chapter 430, section 25, subdivision 1:

"commissioner of employment services" and "department of employment services" to "commissioner of economic security" and "department of economic security"

Laws 1977, chapter 430, section 25, subdivision 2:

"commissioner of vocational rehabilitation" and "department of vocational rehabilitation" to "commissioner of economic security" and "department of economic security"

Laws 1977, chapter 452, section 35:

"In respect to a collectively bargained contract with the state covering a period beginning on and after July 1, 1979, the revisor of statutes shall provide the chairpersons of the main policy committee in each body of the legislature charged with the responsibility of legislative oversight of state employee contract provisions and the legislative reference library with a copy of the contract showing additions and deletions from contract language in effect for the immediately preceding contract period. Where appropriate, the revisor shall consolidate provisions which are identical from contracts of two or more bargaining units."

Laws 1978, chapter 472, sections 1 and 2:

addition, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1978, chapter 597, section 2:

publish arrangement of section 60A.20 in sequence as subdivisions are renumbered in the act

Laws 1978, chapter 660, section 4:

"secondary system of airports" to "intermediate system of airports"

Laws 1978, chapter 674, section 56:

"sections 30.461 to 30.477 and 30.479" to "sections 30.461 to 30.479" in Minnesota Statutes, sections 30.461 to 30.479

Laws 1978, chapter 674, section 57:

"Laws 1974, chapter 408" to "sections 65B.41 to 65B.71" in sections 65B.41 to 65B.71

Laws 1978, chapter 674, section 58:

"Laws 1945, chapter 303" to "sections 360.011 to 360.076" in Minnesota Statutes, sections 360.011 to 360.076

Laws 1978, chapter 674, section 60:

"registered mail" to "certified mail" except when purpose is to insure articles of monetary value

Laws 1978, chapter 709, section 5:

"director" to "commissioner" in section 362.41

Laws 1978, chapter 714, section 30:

"commissioner of voter registration" or "commissioner" to "secretary of state" or "secretary" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 201

delete capital letters and quotation marks in connection with the terms "Return Envelope", "Ballot Envelope", "Directions to Voters", "Application for Ballots" and variations of those terms in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 207

Laws 1978, chapter 723, article 1, section 17:

changes in terminology necessary to record functions, powers, and duties of the commissioner of corrections and the Minnesota corrections board established by Laws 1978, chapter 723, article 1

Laws 1978, chapter 772, section 62:

"alimony" to "maintenance" (or an equivalent term)

"separate maintenance" to "legal separation"

Laws 1979, chapter 102, section 13:

changes in terminology to effect changes in designation of state correctional institutions and chief executive officers of those institutions (including references to the state training school, Minnesota home school, state prison, state reformatory, Minnesota correctional institution for women which are to be changed to a Minnesota correctional facility by geographic location)

("warden" or "superintendent" of each Minnesota correctional facility is to be designated "chief executive officer")

Laws 1979, chapter 144, section 6:

changes in terminology to record transfer of powers, duties, and responsibilities of consumer services section of department of labor and industry to the commissioner of securities

Laws 1979, chapter 259, section 34:

Indentation of clauses (a) to (e) in section 518.54, subdivision 5, to enhance readability

Laws 1979, chapter 301, section 10, subdivision 6:

compilation, addition, and deletion of state parks in Minnesota Statutes, section 85.012

Laws 1979, chapter 334, article 1, section 25:

renumber section 273.132 as a section in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 124; correct cross references appropriately; and use "STATE SCHOOL AGRICULTURAL CREDIT" as its headnote

Extra Session Laws 1979, chapter 1, section 45:

"director" to "commissioner" in sections 222.46 to 222.54

Extra Session Laws 1979, chapter 3, section 68:

"bureau" to "association" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 79

Laws 1980, chapter 442, section 5:

"department of public service" to "department of agriculture" in chapters 223, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, and 236

Laws 1980, chapter 516, section 2:

"commissioner of securities" in department of commerce to "commissioner of securities and real estate"; "securities" division in department of commerce to "securities and real estate division"

Laws 1980, chapter 533, sections 3 to 5:

compilation, substitution and removal of trunk highway routes in section 161.115

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 1, section 32:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1976" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1977" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1978" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1979" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 14, section 45, subdivision 1:

"executive secretary" to "executive director" in reference to the state board of investment

"Minnesota supplemental retirement fund" to "Minnesota supplemental retirement investment fund"

"Minnesota variable annuity fund" to "Minnesota variable annuity investment fund"

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 14, section 45, subdivision 2:

"Minnesota adjustable fixed benefit fund" in reference to state board of investment to "Minnesota post-retirement investment fund"

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 14, section 46:

changes in cross references

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 16, section 17, subdivision 1:

"executive secretary" in reference to state board of investment to "executive director"

"Minnesota supplemental retirement fund" to "Minnesota supplemental retirement investment fund"

"Minnesota variable annuity fund" to "Minnesota variable annuity investment fund"

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 16, section 17, subdivision 2:

"four percent interest" in reference to Minneapolis employees retirement fund to "six percent interest"

Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 16, section 17, subdivision 3:

"secretary" or "executive secretary" to "director" or "executive director" in chapter 422A

Laws 1980, chapter 609, article 4, section 22:

"community school" to "community education" in sections 3.9279, subdivision 7; 120.76; 121.85; 121.86; 121.87; 121.88, subdivisions 1, 2, and 3; 124.271, subdivisions 1a, 2, 4, and 5; and 275.125, subdivision 8, and delete obsolete language and make necessary grammatical changes in those sections

Laws 1980, chapter 614, section 123:

"public service commission" to "public utilities commission"

"department" to "commission" in sections 216.10; 216.13; 216.14; 216.16; 216.161; 216.17; 216.18; 216.24; 216.25; 216.26; 216.27; 216.271; 237.10; 237.16; 237.18; 237.20; 237.21; 237.22; 237.23; 237.24; 237.25; 237.26; 237.27; and 237.28

Laws 1980, chapter 615, section 60:

"office of hearing examiners" to "office of administrative hearings"

Laws 1980, chapter 617, section 47:

"department of personnel" and "commissioner of personnel" to "department of employee relations" and "commissioner of employee relations"

Laws 1981, chapter 29, article 7, section 38:

In sections and subdivisions not amended by Laws 1981, chapter 29:

(a) In chapter 202A substitute:

(1) "Major political party" for "political party";

(2) "State general election" for "general election"; and

(3) "State primary" for "primary election".

(b) In chapter 205 substitute:

(1) "Major political party" for "political party";

(2) "State general election" for "general election";

(3) "Primary" for "primary election";

(4) "Governing body" or "governing body of the city", as appropriate, for "council"; and

(5) "Municipal primary" for "primary municipal election".

(c) In chapter 206 substitute:

(1) "Major political party" for "political party";

(2) "State general election" for "general election";

(3) "Primary" or "primaries", as appropriate, for "primary election" or "primary elections";

(4) "Governing body of the city" for "council";

(5) "Election judges" for "judges", meaning election judges and not judges of court; and

(6) "Polling place" or "polling places", as appropriate, for "polls."

(d) In chapter 208 substitute:

(1) "Major political party" or "major political parties", as appropriate, for "political party" or "political parties"; and

(2) "State general election" for "general election".

(e) In chapter 209 substitute "primary" for "primary election".

(f) In chapter 210A substitute:

(1) "Major political party" for "political parties"; and

(2) "Polling place" for "polls".

Laws 1981, chapter 37, section 2:

"highway patrol" to "state patrol"

"state highway patrolman" to "state trooper"

Laws 1981, chapter 60, section 27:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1979" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1980" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1981, chapter 168, section 6:

"justice" or "justice of the peace" to "court" or another appropriate term in chapter 566

Laws 1981, chapter 178, section 118:

"sections 290A.01 to 290A.21" to "this chapter" in chapter 290A

Laws 1981, chapter 208, section 10:

"Minnesota supplemental retirement investment fund" or "supplemental retirement investment fund" if reference is to the fund established in Minnesota Statutes, section 11A.17 to "Minnesota supplemental investment fund" or "supplemental investment fund" in chapters 3A; 11A; 13; 69; 352; 353; 354; 355; 356; 422A; or 490

Laws 1981, chapter 209, section 2:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes in section 161.115

Laws 1981, chapter 210, section 54:

changes in cross references

Laws 1981, chapter 224, section 274:

"sections 3A.01 to 3A.10" to "this chapter" in chapter 3A

"police officer" to "peace officer" in sections 69.011 to 69.051

"highway patrolmen's retirement association" to "highway patrol retirement association"

"highway patrolmen's retirement fund" to "highway patrol retirement fund" in chapter 352B

"sections 352D.01 to 352D.09" to "this chapter" in chapter 352D

"adjustable fixed benefit annuity" to "post retirement investment fund annuity" in chapters 354 and 422A

"sections 424A.01 to 424A.09" to "this chapter" in chapter 424A

Laws 1981, chapter 253, section 47:

recodification of section 15.0411, subdivision 2, as a separate section and changes to cross references

Laws 1981, chapter 298, section 11:

"Minneapolis municipal employee retirement fund" to "Minneapolis employees retirement fund"

Laws 1981, chapter 311, section 39:

recodification of sections in Laws 1981, chapter 311, and Minnesota Statutes 1980, sections 15.1611 to 15.1699 and correction of cross reference (relating to data classification)

Laws 1981, chapter 356, section 248:

changes in terminology and renumbering of sections relating to transfer of powers and duties to the department of energy, planning and development

state planning agency, state planning officer, and director of planning abolished and duties and powers transferred to commissioner of energy, planning and development

Minnesota energy agency and director of the Minnesota energy agency abolished and duties transferred to commissioner of energy, planning and development

department of economic development and commissioner of economic development abolished and duties transferred to commissioner of energy, planning and development

crime control planning board and executive director of crime control planning board abolished and duties transferred to commissioner of energy, planning and development

Laws 1981, chapter 357, section 113:

"board of cosmetology" to "director of the office of consumer services"

Laws 1981, chapter 358, article 1, section 48:

renumbering statute relating to equalization aid review committee

Laws 1981, chapter 358, article 5, section 46:

retitle headnote in Minnesota Statutes 1980, section 124.562

Laws 1981, chapter 360, article 2, section 51:

retitle headnote in section 4.40

Laws 1981, chapter 365, section 9:

"mobile home" to "manufactured home" except in section 327.36

Laws 1981, First Special Session chapter 1, article 6, section 8:

changes in cross references

Laws 1982, chapter 424, section 130:

changes in cross references to the administrative procedure act, if the act is recompiled as a separate chapter

Laws 1982, chapter 501, section 25:

In sections specified in the instruction, remove references which provide for appeal from the district court or the trial court to the supreme court so that they provide for an appeal "as in other civil cases", without reference to the supreme court.

In sections specified in the instruction, change "supreme court" to "court of appeals".

In sections specified in the instruction, change "district court" or "supreme court" to "reviewing court".

Laws 1982, chapter 523, article 1, section 71:

references to "sections 290.12, 290.131 to 290.139, 290.14 and 290.15" to "this chapter" in Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 290.09, subdivisions 5 and 6

references to "sections 290.131 to 290.139, 290.14 and 290.15" to "this chapter" in Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 290.12, subdivision 1 and 290.16, subdivision 1

Laws 1982, chapter 523, article 40, section 14:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1980" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1981" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1982, chapter 545, section 24:

codification and recodification of laws relating to data classification

Laws 1982, chapter 581, section 24:

(a) Change references to "chapter 253A" to "chapter 253B";

(b) Change the reference to "sections 253A.01 to 253A.21" found in sections 147.021, subdivision 2; 148.32; 148.75; and 252A.11, subdivision 3, to "chapter 253B";

(c) Change the reference in section 241.69, subdivision 4, from "253A.07" to "253B.07";

(d) Change the reference in section 241.69, subdivision 8, from "253A.02" to "253B.02";

(e) Change the reference in section 284.28, subdivision 4, from "253A.07, subdivision 17" to "chapter 253B";

(f) Change the reference in section 462A.03, subdivision 16, from "253A.02, subdivision 3" to "253B.02, subdivision 13";

(g) Change the reference in section 462A.03, subdivision 17, from "253A.02, subdivision 5" to "253B.02, subdivision 14"; and

(h) Change all references in chapter 462A from "mentally deficient person" to "mentally retarded person".

Laws 1982, chapter 617, sections 2 and 3:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1983, chapter 10, section 1:

"epileptic" to "person having epilepsy" or similar terminology to follow grammatical rules

Laws 1983, chapter 169, section 3:

"assault in the fourth degree" to "assault in the fifth degree" if reference is to section 609.224

Laws 1983, chapter 191, section 2:

codify metes and bounds descriptions of legislative districts

Laws 1983, chapter 207, section 43:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1981" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 1, 1982" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1982" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1983, chapter 216, article 1, section 86:

"Laws 1975, chapter 274" to "sections 367.30 to 367.36" in sections 367.30 to 367.36

Laws 1983, chapter 216, article 1, section 87:

"employment services" to "economic security" where reference is to a fund, building, law, account, or other term relating to the department of economic security, formerly the department of employment services

Laws 1983, chapter 216, article 1, section 88:

"Laws 1973, chapter 732" to "sections 182.65 to 182.674" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 182

Laws 1983, chapter 262, article 1, section 6:

renumber sections specified in the act relating to crime victim programs and agencies

Laws 1983, chapter 274, section 18:

"Minnesota corrections board", "board of corrections", "corrections board" or "board" to "commissioner of corrections" or "commissioner", as appropriate

Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 114, subdivision 1:

substitute the term "commissioner of commerce" or "commissioner" or "department" or similar terms as appropriate for the following terms and similar terms, as necessary to reflect the transfers of powers, duties, and responsibilities prescribed by Laws 1983, chapter 289:

(a) "commerce commission" meaning the state commerce commission, "department of commerce", or "commerce department" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(b) "commissioner of banks", "commissioner of banking", or "banking commissioner" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(c) "commissioner of insurance" or "insurance commissioner" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(d) "commissioner of securities and real estate" where that term appears in Minnesota Statutes;

(e) "division" where that term appears in chapters 46 to 59A, and "banking division" or "division of banking" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(f) "division of insurance", "insurance division", "department of insurance", or "insurance department" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(g) "department of securities and real estate", "securities and real estate department", "securities and real estate division", or "division of securities and real estate" where those terms appear in Minnesota Statutes;

(h) "department of administration" or "commissioner of administration" where those terms appear in chapter 238; and

(i) "director of office of consumer services", "office of consumer services", "consumer services section", where those terms appear in chapter 155A and sections 325F.08 to 325F.18

Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 114, subdivision 2:

renumber sections specified in Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 114, subdivision 2, and make cross-reference changes consistent with the renumbering

Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 115, subdivision 1:

substitute the terms "state planning director" or "director" or "state planning agency" or "agency" or similar terms as appropriate for the terms "commissioner" or "department" meaning the commissioner or department of energy, planning and development, and similar terms where those terms appear in chapters 116C, 116D, and 116G, sections 116J.40 to 116J.54, and other laws relating to the planning functions of the department of energy, planning and development

remove the term "planning" wherever it appears in Minnesota Statutes in reference to the department of energy, planning and development, the commissioner of energy, planning and development or similar terms to reflect the removal of the planning functions from that department

substitute the terms "commissioner of energy and economic development" or "commissioner" for the terms meaning the commissioner or department of energy, planning and development, where those terms appear in sections 116J.04 to 116J.36 and 116J.58 to 116J.91, and other laws relating to the energy and economic development functions of the department of energy, planning and development

change the words "commissioner", "commissioner of energy, planning and development", "department", "agency," "state agency", "executive council", or similar terms to "the energy and economic development authority" wherever it appears in sections 116J.65 and 116J.67; and in chapters 472 and 474

Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 115, subdivision 2:

renumber sections specified in Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 115, subdivision 2

Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 116:

change the words "agency" or "small business finance agency" or similar terms to "authority" or "energy and economic development authority" wherever it appears in chapter 116J and other laws to reflect the change of name made by Laws 1983, chapter 289

Laws 1983, chapter 301, section 234:

"state treasurer" to "commissioner" in Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 345.31 to 345.60

Laws 1983, chapter 314, article 1, section 22:

codify and recodify appropriate portions of education foundation aid statutes into a single chapter of Minnesota Statutes

Laws 1983, chapter 314, article 9, section 12:

renumber sections of Minnesota Statutes relating to grants for education into Minnesota Statutes, chapter 129B

Laws 1983, chapter 314, article 11, section 22:

renumber sections 134.01 and 134.02 into chapter 123

renumber section 134.04 into chapter 121

renumber section 134.30 into the beginning of chapter 134

renumber section 375.335 into chapter 134

Laws 1983, chapter 316, section 29:

"Laws 1973, chapter 732" or like phrase to "this chapter" or "chapter 182" in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 182

Laws 1983, chapter 342, article 1, section 43:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1981" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 1, 1982" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through March 12, 1983" in chapter 290, except sections 290.01, subdivision 20 and 290.09, subdivision 5

Laws 1983, chapter 342, article 8, section 11:

"commissioner" to the name of the successor to the responsibilities of the economic development division of the department of energy, planning and development (if the department no longer exists) in sections 273.1312 and 273.1314

Laws 1984, chapter 417, section 22:

delete headnote from Minnesota Statutes, chapter 173

Laws 1984, chapter 462, section 27:

change cross references as indicated in section 27 of the act

Laws 1984, chapter 463, article 5, section 36:

renumber specified sections into chapter 136C (relating to vocational technical schools)

Laws 1984, chapter 463, article 7, section 53:

codify uncoded permanent law relating to Intermediate School District Nos. 287, 916, and 917

replace language in Minnesota Rules, part 3525.0700

make language in Minnesota Rules, part 8700.3400, subparts 11 and 12, agree with section 44 of the act

Laws 1984, chapter 514, article 1, section 8:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1982"; "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through January 15, 1983"; and "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through March 12, 1983" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1983" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1984, chapter 514, article 4, section 17:

"sections 290A.01 to 290A.20" or "sections 290A.01 to 290A.23" to "this chapter" in chapter 290A

Laws 1984, chapter 535, section 3:

deletion of trunk highway route

Laws 1984, chapter 544, section 89:

change cross references as specified in section 89 of the act

Laws 1984, chapter 558, article 4, section 10:

amends instruction in Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 115, subdivision 2

make additional changes in renumbering specified sections

Laws 1984, chapter 583, section 36, subdivision 1:

"development revolving fund" or "revolving fund" to "Minnesota Fund" in chapter 472

Laws 1984, chapter 583, section 36, subdivision 2:

renumber sections specified in section 36, subdivision 2, of the act

Laws 1984, chapter 628, article 3, section 11:

in a manner consistent with Minnesota Statutes 1983 Supplement, sections 609.033 and 609.341, change maximum amount of any criminal fine as indicated in article 3, section 11 of the act

Laws 1984, chapter 640, section 32:

"temporary rule", "temporary rulemaking" or similar term to "emergency rule", "emergency rulemaking" or similar term

"hearing examiner" or similar term to "administrative law judge" or similar term and "chief hearing examiner" or similar term to "chief administrative law judge" or similar term when reference is to personnel of the office of administrative hearings

Laws 1984, chapter 649, section 5:

"licensee" to "license holder" in sections 326.32 to 326.339

Laws 1984, chapter 654, article 5, section 58:

commissioner or department of "public welfare" to commissioner or department of "human services"

Laws 1984, chapter 655, article 1, section 92:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1983, chapter 289, section 114, subdivision 1, by striking language in clause "(h)" and relettering clause

Laws 1984, chapter 655, article 2, section 13:

codify amendments otherwise enacted consistent with earlier recodification of chapter 16 by Laws 1984, chapter 544

Laws 1985, chapter 49, section 41:

change references to "chapter 64A" to "chapter 64B" and make cross reference changes consistent with recodification of chapter 64A as chapter 64B

Laws 1985, chapter 122, section 10:

change heading of section 136C.26

Laws 1985, chapter 162, section 3:

"Minnesota state advisory council for vocational education" to "state council on vocational technical education" except in section 136C.50

Laws 1985, chapter 234, section 21:

commissioner or department of "commerce" to commissioner or department of "labor and industry" in sections 79.34 to 79.40 except section 79.34, subdivision 3

Laws 1985, chapter 247, section 25:

renumber sections specified in section 25 of the act

"secretary" to "director" where "secretary" refers to the executive secretary of a health-related licensing board as defined in section 214.01, subdivision 2

Laws 1985, chapter 248, section 68:

change references to chapter 16 to references in chapter 16B as specified in the act

Laws 1985, chapter 248, section 69:

make cross reference changes in Minnesota Rules as specified in section 69 of the act

Laws 1985, chapter 248, section 70:

"regulation", "regulations", or similar terms when referring to state administrative rules to "rule", "rules", or similar terms in conformance with Laws 1975, chapter 380

delete "and regulations" from the phrase "rules and regulations"

Laws 1985, chapter 248, section 84:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1984, chapter 463, article 7, section 53, subdivision 2

Laws 1985, chapter 305, article 12, section 5:

changes in references to chapter 340 as specified in article 12, section 5, of the act

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 9, article 2, section 103:

"Minnesota emergency employment development (MEED)" to "Minnesota employment and economic development"

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 12, article 7, section 32:

codify uncoded permanent law relating to the experimental school established in Laws 1973, chapter 683, section 26

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 12, article 8, section 61:

renumber sections 123.74, 123.741, 123.742, and 123.743 as sections 126.65, 126.66, 126.67, and 126.68

renumber section 123.7431 into chapter 124

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 12, article 11, section 20:

change headnote for section 355.46

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 13, section 374:

"state zoological board" to "Minnesota zoological board"

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 14, article 9, section 75:

"commissioner of economic security" and "department of economic security" to "commissioner of jobs and training" and "department of jobs and training" except as specified in Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 14, article 9

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 14, article 14, section 49:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1983" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1984" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 20

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 16, article 2, section 3:

codify amendments to chapter 340 passed in 1985 consistent with the recodification of chapter 340 by Laws 1985, chapter 305

Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 16, article 2, section 26:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1985, chapter 305, article 12, section 5, relating to cross references to chapter 340

Laws 1986, chapter 359, section 26:

"executive secretary of the legislative commission on pensions and retirement" to "executive director of the legislative commission on pensions and retirement"

"section 69.77, subdivision 2, clause (2)" to "section 69.77, subdivision 2b" in section 423A.01, subdivision 2

Laws 1986, chapter 425, section 47:

"disposal" to "stabilization and containment" in sections 115A.18 to 115A.301, except sections 115A.24, subdivision 1, clauses (2) and (3), and 115A.301, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clauses (1) and (2)

Laws 1986, chapter 443, section 17:

renumber section 378.57 as section 378.545

Laws 1986, chapter 444:

adopts "gender revision of 1986"

Laws 1986, chapter 444, section 7:

restore "airman"

Laws 1986, chapter 444, section 8:

restore "sportsmen's club"

Laws 1986, chapter 444, section 9:

restore "father" and "mother" and delete substituted term

Laws 1986, chapter 452, sections 22 to 28:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1986, chapter 454, section 5:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1986, First Special Session chapter 1, article 1, section 9:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1984" and "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through May 25, 1985" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1985" in chapter 290, except sections 290.01, subdivision 20, and 290.068

Laws 1986, First Special Session chapter 1, article 4, section 51:

"class 3c" to "class 1b"; "class 3b" to "class 2a"; "class 3" to "class 2c"; and "class 3c" to "class 1a" in sections 278.03, 278.05, subdivision 5, and 279.01

Laws 1986, First Special Session chapter 3, article 1, section 82:

"clerk of the district court"; "clerk of county court"; "clerk of municipal court"; "clerk of court"; or "clerk" in reference to the clerk of district court, clerk of county court, or clerk of municipal court to "court administrator" or "administrator" except in sections 485.01 and 487.10

Laws 1987, chapter 71, section 2:

"services" to "management" in the phrase "division of emergency services" or in reference to that division

Laws 1987, chapter 128, section 7:

"Tower Soudan state park" to "Soudan Underground Mine state park"

renumbering and compilation of language relating to specific state parks

Laws 1987, chapter 178, section 9:

renumber section 120.10, subdivisions 3 and 4, as subdivisions in section 120.101 and make necessary changes in cross references

Laws 1987, chapter 186, section 15:

"director" to "commissioner" in reference to the head of the state planning agency, housing finance agency, pollution control agency, department of public service, or bureau of mediation services

Laws 1987, chapter 209, section 39:

"life support transportation service" to "ambulance service" in sections 144.801 to 144.8093 and 174.29

Laws 1987, chapter 239, section 138:

renumber sections specified in section 138 of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 258, section 12:

"AVTI", "area vocational technical institute", "vocational technical institute", "area vocational technical school", "vocational technical school", "vocational school", "vocational institute", "technical school", and "school" to "technical institute" or "technical institutes" when reference is to an institute operated by standards established by the state board of vocational technical education

Laws 1987, chapter 268, article 1, section 126:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1984, as amended through December 31, 1985" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1986, as amended through December 31, 1986" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivisions 19(e) and 20, and in chapter 291

Laws 1987, chapter 268, article 17, section 41:

renumbering of sections specified in article 17, section 41, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 291, section 243:

codify any amendments to sections repealed in section 244 of the act, consistent with the recodification of the affected sections by the act

Laws 1987, chapter 309, section 24:

change references to "health officer", "health officer of a city board of health", "city health officer", "county health officer", "township health officer", "health officer of any town board of health", "health officer of a city", "health officer of a county", "chief health officer", "district health officer", or "county and local health officer" wherever they occur in Minnesota Statutes, except chapter 253B, to refer to "agent of a board of health as authorized under section 145A.04" in the first instance in each section where they occur and to "authorized agent" in later references within that section

in chapter 13, change references to "health officer as defined in section 145.01" to "agent of a board of health as authorized under section 145A.04, subdivision 6"

change references to "local board of health", "township board of health", "town board of health", "city board of health", "county board of health", "local and county board of health", "county and local board of health", or "local health board" wherever they occur in Minnesota Statutes, except sections 145.882 to 145.89 and chapter 145A, to refer to "board of health as defined in section 145A.02, subdivision 2", in the first instance in each section where they occur and to "board of health" in later instances in that section

in chapter 368, change references to "board of health" to "board of health under section 145A.07, subdivision 2"

change references to "local board of health," or "local board" in sections 145.882 and 145.885 to "community health board as defined in section 145A.02, subdivision 5", in the first instance in each section where they occur and to "community health board" in later instances in that section

change the words "public health nurse" in Minnesota Statutes to "public health nurse as defined in section 145A.02, subdivision 18", in the first instance in each section in which it occurs except in chapter 145A

change references to:

(1) "local board of health under section 145.913" to "community health board under section 145A.09";

(2) "local board of health organized under sections 145.911 to 145.922" to "community health board organized under sections 145A.09 to 145A.13"; and

(3) "local health boards as defined in section 145.913" to "community health boards as defined in sections 145A.02, subdivision 5"

Laws 1987, chapter 309, section 25:

renumber sections as specified in section 25 of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 309, section 26:

make changes in cross references as specified in section 26 of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 312, article 1, section 10, subdivision 1:

renumber sections specified in section 10, subdivision 1, of the act

"commissioner" or "commissioner of the department of energy and economic development" to "director"; and "department of energy and economic development" to "department" in sections specified in section 10, subdivision 1, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 312, article 1, section 10, subdivision 2:

"commissioner of energy and economic development" or "commissioner" to "director of public service" or "director" in sections specified in section 10, subdivision 2, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 312, article 1, section 26, subdivision 1:

renumber sections and change "commissioner of agriculture" or similar terms to "commissioner of the department of trade and economic development" in sections specified in article 1, section 26, subdivision 1, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 312, article 1, section 26, subdivision 2:

commissioner or department of "energy and economic development" to commissioner or department of "trade and economic development" except in sections specified in article 1, section 10, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 329, section 21:

change laws that provide a maximum $100 penalty for a petty misdemeanor to a maximum $200 fine, consistent with sections 609.02, subdivision 4a and 609.0331, except in section 152.15, subdivision 2, clause (5), and chapters 168 and 169

Laws 1987, chapter 333, section 22:

change cross references as specified in section 22 of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 336, section 46:

"commissioner" or "commissioner of commerce" or "department" in sections 309.52, subdivisions 1 and 7; 309.53, subdivisions 1 and 2; 309.533, subdivision 1; 309.591; and 309.60 to "attorney general"

delete all references to "department" in section 309.581

Laws 1987, chapter 354, section 8:

"council for the handicapped" or "state council for the handicapped" to "council on disability"

Laws 1987, chapter 358, section 34:

"state soil and water conservation board", "water resources board", "water policy board", or similar terms to "board of water and soil resources"

Laws 1987, chapter 365, section 24:

renumber section 4.31, subdivisions 1 and 5, into chapter 16B

Laws 1987, chapter 384, article 1, section 49:

change "Anoka State Hospital" to "Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center"

"Brainerd State Hospital" to "Brainerd Regional Human Services Center"

"Cambridge State Hospital" to "Cambridge Regional Human Services Center"

"Faribault State Hospital" to "Faribault Regional Center"

"Fergus Falls State Hospital" to "Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center"

"Moose Lake State Hospital" to "Moose Lake Regional Treatment Center"

"St. Peter State Hospital" to "St. Peter Regional Treatment Center"

"Willmar State Hospital" to "Willmar Regional Treatment Center"

Laws 1987, chapter 384, article 2, section 1:

change cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 386, article 9, section 20:

"agricultural resource loan guaranty board" to "Minnesota agricultural and economic development board"

Laws 1987, chapter 396, article 9, section 21:

"agricultural resource loan guaranty fund" to "Minnesota agricultural and economic development fund"

Laws 1987, chapter 396, section 31:

"rural finance administration" and "administration" when applied to the rural finance administration to "rural finance authority" and "authority"

renumber sections and subdivisions as specified in section 31 of the act

Laws 1987, chapter 396, article 10, section 8:

"commissioner of agriculture" or similar terms to "commissioner of the department of trade and economic development" in the sections specified in article 10, section 8, of the act and renumber those sections

Laws 1987, chapter 398, article 7, section 42:

In sections 121.904, 121.912, 121.914, 121.917, 122.531, 123.71, 124.225, 124A.08, 136C.28, and 136C.09, change the phrases in column A to the phrases in column B

Column A Column B Reserved Fund Balances Appropriated for AVTI Equipment Reserved for AVTI Equipment Appropriated for AVTI Repair Reserved for AVTI Repair and Betterment and Betterment Appropriated for Unemployment Reserved for Unemployment Insurance Insurance Appropriated for Severance Pay Reserved for Severance Pay Appropriated for Bus Purchases Reserved for Bus Purchases Appropriated for Statutory Reserved for Statutory Operating Debt Reduction Operating Debt Reduction Appropriated for Maintenance Reserved for Maintenance Levy Reduction Levy Reduction Appropriated for Current Use of Reserved for Current Use of Taconite Payments Taconite Payments Appropriated for Encumbrances Reserved for Encumbrances

Unreserved Fund Balances Appropriated for Building Designated for Building Construction Construction Unappropriated Statutory Undesignated Statutory Operating Debts as of Operating Debt as of June 30, 1977 June 30, 1977 Unappropriated from July 1, Undesignated from July 1, 1977 1977 Unappropriated Undesignated

Laws 1987, chapter 401, section 38:

change heading before section 136A.85

Laws 1987, chapter 403, article 3, section 96:

"natural" to "biological" when referring to a mother, father, or parent in chapter 257

Laws 1988, chapter 427, section 3:

"state compensation insurance fund" to "state fund mutual insurance company"

Laws 1988, chapter 479, section 6:

Include in Laws of Minnesota 1989 to 1992 information regarding assignment of chapter numbers to enrollments

Laws 1988, chapter 486, section 101, subdivision 1:

make changes in chapter titles and first grade heads as specified in section 101, subdivision 1, of the act

Laws 1988, chapter 486, section 101, subdivision 2:

change cross references as specified in section 101, subdivision 2 of the act

Laws 1988, chapter 491, section 25:

omit section 383C.231 from the 1988 edition of the statutes

Laws 1988, chapter 565, sections 2 to 4:

compilation, substitution, and deletion of trunk highway routes

Laws 1988, chapter 613, section 30:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1987, chapter 365, section 24 (renumber section 4.31, subdivisions 1 to 5, into chapter 16B)

Laws 1988, chapter 685, section 45:

"agency" and "pollution control agency" to "board" in sections 115A.90 to 115A.914

Laws 1988, chapter 689, article 2, section 268:

"long-term sheltered workshop", "workshop", and "sheltered workshop" to "rehabilitation facility" in chapter 129A or in reference to subject matter of chapter 129A

"sheltered employee" to "extended employment program participant" in chapter 129A or in reference to the subject matter of chapter 129A

renumber sections specified in article 2, section 268, clause (b), of the act

Laws 1988, chapter 690, article 1, section 21:

"legislative commission on Minnesota resources" to "Minnesota future resources commission"

renumber sections and subdivisions specified in article 1, section 21, clause (b), of the act

Laws 1988, chapter 719, article 3, section 12:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1986" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1987" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 19, and chapter 291

Laws 1988, chapter 719, article 5, section 84:

"assessed value" or "assessed valuation" to "gross tax capacity" in Minnesota Statutes 1988 and "net tax capacity" in Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement and subsequent editions except in section 275.011

"mill rate" to "tax capacity rate" except in section 275.011

Laws 1989, chapter 28, section 25:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1987" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1988" in chapter 290, except section 290.01, subdivision 19, and chapter 290A

Laws 1989, chapter 155, section 6:

renumber sections specified in section 6 of the act

Laws 1989, chapter 169, section 1:

deletion of route from trunk highway system

Laws 1989, chapter 209, article 2, section 1:

changes in cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1989, chapter 222, section 38:

change heading of section 124.245

Laws 1989, chapter 246, section 2:

change references to "technical institutes" to "technical colleges"

Laws 1989, chapter 280, section 21:

renumber section 363.123 as section 363.03, subdivision 8b

Laws 1989, chapter 282, article 2, section 218:

"resident" and "patient" to "client" in sections 246.50 to 246.55

Laws 1989, chapter 290, article 7, section 13:

"section 609.55, subdivision 1" to "section 609.52, subdivision 1, clause (10)" in section 609.605, subdivision 1, clause (10)

Laws 1989, chapter 304, section 137:

"chapter 317" to "chapter 317A"

Laws 1989, chapter 313, section 10:

"exclusive agricultural use zone" to "agricultural preserve"

Laws 1989, chapter 325, section 78:

"hazardous substance" to "harmful substance" in sections 13.771 and 115B.28 to 115B.33

Laws 1989, chapter 329, article 12, section 7:

change title of chapter 129C

Laws 1989, chapter 329, article 13, section 20:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1988, chapter 719, article 5, section 84

Laws 1989, chapter 330, section 36:

prepare a bill for introduction making uniform the service of process provisions in chapters 45 to 83, 155A, 309 and 332

Laws 1989, chapter 334, article 2, section 51:

rearrange definitions in section 349.12 into alphabetical order and change references in Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules accordingly

Laws 1989, chapter 335, article 1, section 269:

"Minnesota future resources commission" to "legislative commission on Minnesota resources"

if the provisions governing watercraft licensing are recodified into chapter 361A, correct cross references and renumber sections in Laws 1989, chapter 335, consistent with the recodification

"waste management board" or "board" to "office of waste management" or "office"

"chair" of waste management board, "chair of the board", and "board, through its chair" to "director" where reference is to the head of the waste management board

where reference to "waste management board" or "board" was changed to another board or agency in a 1989 session law resulting from reorganization order number 155, the reference should be changed to "office of waste management" or "office"

Laws 1989, chapter 335, article 4, section 106, subdivision 2:

change "fund" to "account" in sections 41A.09, subdivision 3; 84.155; 84A.51, subdivisions 1 and 3; 84A.54; 84A.55, subdivision 10; 115A.15, subdivision 6; 115B.02, subdivision 7; 115B.16, subdivision 4; 115B.19; 115B.20, subdivisions 2 and 5; 115B.30; 115C.04, subdivision 3; 115C.08, subdivisions 2 and 4; 115C.09, subdivision 3; 115C.10, subdivision 1; 116.07, subdivision 4d; 116J.980, subdivision 1; 116N.08, subdivisions 3 and 5; 116O.02, subdivision 4; and 473.844, subdivisions 1a and 3

change "funds" to "accounts" in section 84.155

change references to "Minnesota agricultural and economic development fund" or "agricultural and economic development fund" to "Minnesota agricultural and economic development account" or "agricultural and economic development account"

Laws 1989, chapter 335, article 4, section 106, subdivision 3:

(1) in section 16B.70, subdivisions 1 and 2, "special revenue fund" to "general fund";

(2) in section 43A.21, subdivision 4, "general fund" to "special revenue fund";

(3) in section 84.0911, subdivision 2, "wild rice management account" to "game and fish fund";

(4) in section 84A.53, subdivision 1, "consolidated fund" to "consolidated account";

(5) in section 84A.53, subdivision 2, "consolidated conservation fund" to "consolidated account";

(6) in section 85.052, subdivision 4, "state park maintenance and operation account" to "general fund";

(7) in section 88.14, subdivision 3, "forest service fund" to "general fund";

(8) in section 88.79, subdivision 2, "forest management fund" to "general fund";

(9) in section 89.37, subdivision 4, "forest management fund" to "forest nursery account";

(10) in section 94.16, subdivision 3, "land acquisition account" to "natural resources fund";

(11) in section 106A.615, subdivision 6, "wildlife acquisition fund" to "game and fish fund";

(12) in section 116.05, subdivision 2, "pollution control agency fund" to "general fund";

(13) in section 116.12, subdivision 1, "special revenue fund" to "special revenue account";

(14) in section 183.545, subdivision 9, "separate revenue fund" to "general fund";

(15) in section 270.185, subdivision 2, "revolving fund" to "account";

(16) in section 284.28, subdivisions 4 and 7, "assurance fund" to "general fund";

(17) in sections 326.47, subdivision 3, and 326.52, "special revenue fund" to "general fund"

(18) in section 385.20, "common school fund" to "general fund"; and

(19) in section 403.11, subdivision 1, "special revenue fund" to "special revenue fund"

Laws 1989, chapter 344, section 13:

change conciliation court jurisdictional amount to "$4,000" effective July 1, 1990 in sections 487.30, subdivisions 1 and 3a; 488A.12, subdivision 3; 488A.14, subdivision 6; 488A.29, subdivision 3; and 488A.31, subdivision 6

Laws 1989, First Special Session chapter 1, article 2, section 11:

with notification to and assistance from the commissioner of revenue, "tax capacity", "tax capacity percentage", "tax capacity percent", or similar phrase to "class rate" when reference is to the percentage of market value applied to property under section 273.13

with notification to and assistance from the commissioner of revenue, "tax capacity rate" to "local tax rate" when reference is to the rate of tax applied to the tax capacity of property within a local unit of government or to the sum of the rates of tax of local governments

Laws 1989, First Special Session chapter 1, article 13, section 28:

"charitable gambling" to "lawful gambling"

Laws 1990, chapter 375, section 3:

"state board of vocational technical education" to "state board of technical colleges"

"state director" or "director" to "chancellor" when reference is to state director of vocational technical education

"director" or "local director" to "president" when reference is to local director of a post-secondary technical college

Laws 1990, chapter 384, section 1:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1990, chapter 391, article 10, section 3:

correct cross references to the reorganized water law in Laws 1990, chapter 391; codify amendments consistent with the recodification; and renumber sections specified in article 10, section 3, of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 422, section 10:

"sections 14.01 to 14.69" to "sections 14.001 to 14.69" in Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules

Laws 1990, chapter 426, article 2, section 1:

correct cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 473, section 6:

include history of the session laws establishing or amending the boundaries of state forests in section 89.021

renumber subdivisions of section 89.021 as specified in the act

Laws 1990, chapter 480, article 1, section 46:

codify any amendments consistent with the laws recodified in article 1 of the act

change references as specified in article 1, section 46, of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 561, section 14:

entitle chapter 18C as specified in section 14 of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 562, article 3, section 13:

"handicapped adults" to "adults with disabilities" in the education code

Laws 1990, chapter 567, section 10:

alphabetize the definitions in section 363.01 and make appropriate cross reference changes in the statutes and rules

Laws 1990, chapter 568, article 4, section 84:

"priority group", "priority groups", "priority caretaker" or "priority caretakers" to "target group", "target groups", "targeted caretaker", or "targeted caretakers" in section 256.736

"local agency" or "local agencies" to "county agency" or "county agencies" in chapters 256 and 256D

Laws 1990, chapter 568, article 5, section 34:

change cross references as specified in article 5, section 34, of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 594, article 3, section 16:

change cross references as specified in article 3, section 16, of the act

Laws 1990, chapter 597, section 69:

"pollution control agency" and "commissioner of the pollution control agency" to "agency" and "commissioner" in sections 115B.17 and 115B.18

"commissioner" and "agency" to "commissioner of the pollution control agency" and "pollution control agency" respectively in section 115B.17, subdivision 13

Laws 1990, chapter 604, article 2, section 16:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1988" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1989" in chapters 290, 290A, and 291 except in sections 290.01, subdivision 19 and 290.92, subdivision 1, paragraph (1)

Laws 1990, chapter 604, article 3, section 64:

codify all permanent local special levies enacted in 1990 in section 275.50

Laws 1990, chapter 611, section 3:

"medical certification" or "medically certified" to "professional certification" or "professionally certified" in chapter 256D

Laws 1991, chapter 94, section 24:

in consultation with the department of human services, change "local mental health service proposals", "local adult mental health proposal", "local children's mental health proposal", or similar terms to "adult mental health component of the community social services plan" or "children's mental health component of the community social services plan" or similar terms in chapter 245

Laws 1991, chapter 106, section 6:

"board of medical examiners" to "board of medical practice" in statutes and rules

Laws 1991, chapter 112, section 5:

"wrecker" to "tow truck or towing vehicle"

Laws 1991, chapter 123, section 5:

"soldiers' welfare fund" to "soldiers' assistance fund" in sections 196.05, 197.02, 197.03, 197.04, 197.05, 197.06, and 197.07

Laws 1991, chapter 130, section 37:

recodify sections as specified in section 37 of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 148, section 6:

"declaration" to "living will" in chapter 145B

Laws 1991, chapter 198, section 11:

renumber section 239.81 as 239.531 and change cross references specified in section 11 of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 199, article 2, section 1:

make changes in cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 202, section 41:

renumber sections specified in section 41 of the act and correct cross references in statutes and rules

Laws 1991, chapter 233, section 109, subdivision 1:

change the following terms in Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules to reflect the intent of Laws 1991, chapter 233, to abolish the department of gaming and the divisions within it:

(1) "division" or similar term to "commission" or similar term wherever it appears in reference to the Minnesota racing commission;

(2) "division" or similar term to "board" or similar term in reference to the gambling control board; and

(3) "division" or similar term to "lottery" or similar term in reference to the state lottery board

Laws 1991, chapter 233, section 109, subdivision 2:

delete the term "division" where it appears in sections 349.153; 349.163, subdivision 4; 349.167, subdivision 4; 349.169, subdivision 2; and 349.18, subdivision 1, and insert the term "board"; and in sections 349A.02, subdivisions 4, 5, 6, and 8; 349A.06, subdivisions 2 and 5; 349A.08, subdivision 7; 349A.10, subdivisions 3 and 4; 349A.11; and 349A.12, delete the term "division" and insert the term "lottery"

Laws 1991, chapter 249, section 31:

"nonintoxicating malt liquor" to "3.2 percent malt liquor" in statutes and rules

Laws 1991, chapter 250, section 31:

renumber section 18B.01, subdivision 15a as section 18B.01, subdivision 15b

Laws 1991, chapter 259, section 23:

delete references to commissioner's orders or similar terms in chapters 97A, 97B, and 97C and insert a reference to commissioner's rule or similar terms

Laws 1991, chapter 265, article 3, section 38:

"handicapped children" to "children with a disability"

"handicapping conditions" to "disabling conditions"

"handicapped pupil" to "pupil with a disability"

"nonhandicapped pupil" to "pupil without a disability"

"nonhandicapped children" to "children without a disability"

"handicapped student" to "pupil with a disability"

"handicapped child" to "child with a disability"

"children with handicaps" to "children with disabilities"

"handicapped youth" to "youth with a disability"

"handicapped individuals" to "individuals with a disability"

in the education code

Laws 1991, chapter 277, section 17:

make cross reference changes as specified in section 17 of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 291, article 6, section 46:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1989" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1990" in chapters 289A, 290, 290A, and 291 except section 290.01, subdivision 19

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 2, section 74:

"individual", "individuals", "regulated individual", "regulated individuals" and "regulated individual's" to "licensee", "licensees", or "licensee's" in section 148B.04, subdivision 3; 148B.05, subdivision 2; 148B.06, subdivision 2; 148B.07, subdivisions 2, 3, 5, and 6; 148B.09; 148B.11; 148B.13; and 148B.15

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 4, section 78:

change cross references as specified in article 4, section 78, of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 5, section 83:

renumber section 256.035, subdivision 4, as 256.033, subdivision 1a

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 6, section 58, subdivision 1:

renumber section 245.4886 as 245.4887 and 245.4887 as 245.4888 and correct references in statutes and rules

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 6, section 58, subdivision 2:

delete references to "individual habilitation plan" in chapters 252 and 252A, and sections 120.17 and 256.045

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 6, section 58, subdivision 3:

"Ah-Gwah-Ching Nursing Home" to "Ah-Gwah-Ching Center"

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 7, section 25, subdivision 1:

"board for quality assurance" to "long-term care planning committee" in sections 144A.071, subdivision 3; 144A.073, subdivision 3; 246.023; and 256B.431, subdivision 2d

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 7, section 25, subdivision 2:

"board" or "board's" to "committee" or "committee's" in section 144A.073, subdivisions 2 and 3

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 7, section 25, subdivision 3:

"interagency board for quality assurance" to "interagency long-term care planning committee"

"interagency board" or "board" to "interagency committee" or "committee"

references to section "256B.091" to "256B.0911"

Laws 1991, chapter 292, article 8, section 25:

renumber sections as specified in article 8, section 25, of the act

Laws 1991, chapter 322, section 19:

"Greater Minnesota Corporation" to "Minnesota Technology, Inc." in statutes and rules

necessary terminology changes to reflect transfer of following programs from department of economic development to Minnesota Technology, Inc.: Minnesota Project Outreach Corporation, Minnesota Project Innovation, Inc., Minnesota Quality Council, Minnesota Inventors' Congress, Minnesota High Technology Corridor Corporation, and the office of science and technology

Laws 1991, chapter 339, sections 10 and 11:

compilation, addition, substitution, and removal of trunk highway routes

Laws 1991, chapter 347, article 1, section 18:

change cross references as specified in section 18 of the act

Laws 1992, chapter 396, section 1:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1992, chapter 460, section 21:

"social work licensing board" to "board of social work" in sections 148B.18 to 148B.28

Laws 1992, chapter 464, article 1, section 55:

"section 252.27, subdivision 1" to "section 252.27, subdivision 1a" in sections specified in article 1, section 55, of the act

Laws 1992, chapter 464, article 1, section 56:

"clerk of court" or "clerk" when reference is to clerk of court, to "court administrator" or "administrator"

Laws 1992, chapter 464, article 2, section 1:

change cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1992, chapter 499, article 5, section 35:

codify Laws 1990, chapter 610, article 1, section 45, as section 124.478

Laws 1992, chapter 499, article 12, section 29:

recodify all subdivisions of section 275.125 added by Laws 1991 or Laws 1992 into the education code

Laws 1992, chapter 507, section 22:

"board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, and landscape architecture" to "board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, and interior design"

Laws 1992, chapter 511, article 1, section 25:

change references to the homestead and agricultural credit guarantee to transition credit

Laws 1992, chapter 511, article 4, section 27:

delete note at section 273.1398 because amendment by Laws 1990, chapter 480, article 7, section 9, is of no effect

Laws 1992, chapter 511, article 6, section 19:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1990" or "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through January 30, 1991" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1991" in chapters 289A, 290, 290A, and 291 except section 290.01, subdivision 19

Laws 1992, chapter 511, article 7, section 25:

delete note after section 290A.19, because after August 1, 1990 the amendment by Laws 1990, chapter 480, article 1, section 38, paragraph (c), is of no effect

Laws 1992, chapter 513, article 1, section 27:

"commissioner", "commissioner's", "department", and "state board of education" to "board" or "board's" in chapter 141

Laws 1992, chapter 513, article 7, section 136:

change headnote at section 256B.495

"nursing home" to "nursing facility" in sections 256B.41, 256B.411, 256B.421, 256B.431, 256B.432, 256B.433, 256B.47, 256B.48, and 256B.50

Laws 1992, chapter 522, section 47:

recodify section 116.53, subdivision 2, into chapter 144 and change "commissioner of the pollution control agency", "pollution control agency" and similar terms to "commissioner of health", "department of health", and similar terms in statutes and rules

Laws 1992, chapter 542, section 4:

"326.23" to "326.229" in sections specified in section 4 of the act; "326.231" to "326.229" in section 326.20; and make similar changes in Minnesota Rules

Laws 1992, chapter 549, article 4, section 19:

"children's health plan" to "health right plan"

recodify section 256.936 as separate sections in chapter 256 and recodify paragraphs as subdivisions within those sections

Laws 1992, chapter 564, article 1, section 54:

"fraternal beneficiary association" or "association" to "fraternal benefit society" or "society" in statutes and rules when reference is to entities regulated under chapter 64B

Laws 1992, chapter 564, article 3, section 29:

recodify section 60A.1701 as 60K.19

recodify amendments by other 1992 laws to provisions of the act consistent with the recodification of those provisions

Laws 1992, chapter 565, section 113:

recodify amendments by other 1992 laws consistent with the recodification of those provisions by chapter 565

change cross references as specified in section 113 of the act

Laws 1992, chapter 571, article 14, section 13, subdivision 1:

change cross references as specified in article 14, section 13, subdivision 1, of the act

Laws 1992, chapter 571, article 14, section 13, subdivision 2:

alphabetize definitions in section 169.791, subdivision 1, and change cross references accordingly

Laws 1992, chapter 575, section 53:

alphabetize definitions in section 296.01 and change cross references accordingly

Laws 1992, chapter 591, section 21:

make changes in the jurisdictional amounts for conciliation courts contained in section 487.30, subdivision 1, to $6,000 on July 1, 1993 and $7,500 on July 1, 1994

Laws 1992, chapter 593, article 1, section 54:

"office", "office's", "director", and "director of the office of waste management" to "board", "board's", "chair", and "chair of the board" in sections 115A.32 to 115A.39

"November 15" to "July 1" in sections 115A.551, subdivision 4, and 115A.557, subdivision 4

Laws 1992, chapter 595, section 28:

recodify section 116.53, subdivision 2, as part of chapter 144 and change "commissioner of the pollution control agency", "pollution control agency", and similar terms to "commissioner of health", "department of health", and similar terms

Laws 1993, chapter 13, article 2, section 1:

change cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1993, chapter 21, section 13:

revise headnote in section 147.037

Laws 1993, chapter 181, section 13:

include a history of the session laws establishing or amending the description for historic sites in section 138.662 and historic places in section 138.664 under each subdivision

Laws 1993, chapter 186, section 16:

"public waters" to "waters of the state" in sections 103G.125, subdivision 3; 103G.251, subdivisions 1 and 2; 103G.255; 103G.295, subdivisions 1 and 2; and 103G.305, subdivision 2, clause (1)

Laws 1993, chapter 192, section 74:

recodify section 16B.92 into chapter 4A to reflect the transfer of the land management information center from the department of administration to the office of strategic and long-range planning

Laws 1993, chapter 192, section 111:

renumber sections as specified in section 111 of the act

Laws 1993, chapter 224, article 14, section 16:

change cross references as specified in article 14, section 16, of the act

Laws 1993, chapter 231, section 71:

codify the rule identified in Laws 1993, chapter 231, section 71, as part of Minnesota Rules

Laws 1993, chapter 247, article 4, section 11:

"health right" to "MinnesotaCare"

Laws 1993, chapter 249, section 61:

"used oil" and "used motor oil" to "motor and vehicle fluids and filters" in sections 115A.03, subdivision 21; 115A.551, subdivision 1; and 115A.935

Laws 1993, chapter 289, section 2:

compilation, substitution, and removal of trunk highway route

Laws 1993, chapter 309, section 31:

change terms to reflect changes in names of the five classes of licenses for real estate appraisers in section 82B.11

1. "state real property appraiser" to "registered real property appraiser"

2. "federal residential real property appraiser" to "licensed real property appraiser"

3. "certified federal residential real property appraiser" to "certified residential real property appraiser"

4. "certified federal general real property appraiser" to "certified general real property appraiser"

5. temporary practice license - no change

Laws 1993, chapter 326, article 7, section 21:

"629.40, subdivision 2b, clause (34)" to "473.407" in section 352.01, subdivision 2b, clause (34)

Laws 1993, chapter 326, article 11, section 4:

change surcharge listed in sections 168.345 and 171.12 to 50 cents

Laws 1993, chapter 330, section 12:

renumber section 62A.31, subdivision 1a, as section 62A.31, subdivision 6

Laws 1993, chapter 345, article 3, section 18:

renumber section 62J.04, subdivisions 2, 2a, and 2b, as section 62J.35, subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 and the other subdivisions of section 62J.35 as section 62J.35, subdivisions 4 and 5

"health care analysis unit" to "data analysis unit"

Laws 1993, chapter 345, article 5, section 18:

"centers of excellence" to "referral centers" in chapters 62D and 62J and Minnesota Rules, parts 4685.0100 and 4685.3400

Laws 1993, chapter 366, section 29:

recodify section 124C.62 as a part of chapter 144

Laws 1993, chapter 369, section 28:

"board", "executive secretary", and "board of abstracters", to "commissioner", "commissioner of commerce", or similar terms when reference is to the board of abstracters in statutes and rules

Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 3, section 48, subdivision 1:

change headings in chapters 277 and 278 to reflect that personal property and real property ad valorem and tax objections are handled under chapter 278

Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 3, section 48, subdivision 2:

"section 274.19" to "section 273.125" alone or in a series reference in the sections specified in article 3, section 48

Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 8, section 14:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1991" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1992" in chapters 289A, 290, 290A, 291, and 297 except section 290.01, subdivision 19

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1988" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1992" in chapter 298

references to Internal Revenue Code or Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through dates set in sections 61A.276; 82A.02; 136.58; 181B.02; 181B.07; 246A.23; 246A.26, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, and 4; 272.02, subdivision 1; 273.11, subdivision 8; 297A.01, subdivision 3; 297A.25, subdivision 25; 352.01, subdivision 2b; 354A.021, subdivision 5; 355.01, subdivision 9; and 356.62 to "Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1992"

Laws 1994, chapter 448, section 5:

Insert appropriate notation after the repealed subdivisions in section 85.013 and transfer legislative histories of those subdivisions to the appropriate subdivisions of section 85.012

Laws 1994, chapter 465, article 1, section 62:

"natural parent" to "biological parent"

Laws 1994, chapter 465, article 2, section 1:

change cross references as specified in article 2, section 1, of the act

Laws 1994, chapter 472, section 63:

renumber sections as specified in section 63 of the act

Laws 1994, chapter 483, section 1:

"jobs and training" to "economic security" when reference is to the department of jobs and training in statutes and rules

Laws 1994, chapter 485, section 65:

recodify section 72A.20, subdivision 4a, as section 72A.201, subdivision 4a

recodify section 60A.30 as 60A.351 and section 60A.31 as 60A.352 and correct references in statutes and rules

Laws 1994, chapter 488, section 8:

"unemployment compensation" or "unemployment compensation insurance" where reference is not to federal unemployment compensation to "reemployment insurance"

Laws 1994, chapter 532, article 6, section 12:

renumber sections as specified in article 6, section 12, of the act

add headnote to 136.41, subdivision 9

Laws 1994, chapter 532, article 7, section 11:

renumber section 136C.06 as section 136E.60

Laws 1994, chapter 559, section 4:

prepare a report listing required periodic reports, along with the statutory citation to each report for submission to the chairs of the house and senate governmental operations committees

Laws 1994, chapter 587, article 1, section 24:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1992" to "Internal Revenue Code" in chapters 289A, 290, 290A, 291, and 297, except sections 290.01, subdivision 19; 290.091, subdivision 3; 290A.03, subdivision 15; and 291.005, subdivision 1

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1992" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1993" in sections 290A.03, subdivision 15; 291.005, subdivision 1; 469.174, subdivision 20; and chapter 298

Laws 1994, chapter 587, article 2, section 21:

"motor vehicle excise tax" to "sales tax on motor vehicles"

Laws 1994, chapter 623, article 1, section 46:

renumber section 84.9695 as section 17.457

Laws 1994, chapter 625, article 1, section 18:

codify Laws 1994, chapter 625, article 1, section 6, relating to expanded provider networks into chapter 62Q

Laws 1994, chapter 625, article 3, section 22:

"regulated all-payer system" and similar terms to "regulated all-payer option" and similar terms in sections 62J.04, 62J.09, 62J.152, 62P.01, and 62P.03

Laws 1994, chapter 625, article 8, section 72:

"health right" to "MinnesotaCare", "health right plan" to "MinnesotaCare program", "MinnesotaCare plan" to "MinnesotaCare program" in statutes and rules

Laws 1994, chapter 625, article 10, section 50:

change name of the private employers insurance program established in section 43A.317 to the Minnesota employees insurance program and the private employers insurance trust fund to the Minnesota employees insurance trust fund in statutes and rules

renumber section 62L.23 as section 62L.08, subdivision 11

Laws 1994, chapter 628, article 3, section 211:

"board" to "council" in section 473.386, subdivision 2

Laws 1994, chapter 630, article 10, section 2:

"518.551, subdivision 10" to "518.5511" in sections 357.021, subdivision 1a, and 518C.05

Laws 1994, chapter 631, section 31:

"natural parent" and "genetic parent" to "birth parent"

"county welfare board" and "county welfare department" to "local social services agency"

renumber chapter 259 and correct all cross references in statutes and rules accordingly

Laws 1994, chapter 633, article 2, section 19:

codify any other amendments to sections recodified in the act consistent with the recodification

change cross references as specified in article 2, section 19, of the act

change references to taxes under or by "this chapter" to taxes under or by "chapter 297E" in sections 349.16, subdivision 5; 349.1641; and 349.2127, subdivision 1

Laws 1994, chapter 634, article 2, section 10:

"state building inspector" to "state building official" in sections 16B.62, subdivision 2; 16B.63, subdivisions 1 to 4; 16B.64, subdivision 7; and 16B.66

Laws 1994, chapter 636, article 6, section 33:

renumber section 243.18, subdivision 1, as section 244.04, subdivision 1a

change headnote of section 243.18

"correctional counselor", "correctional guard", or "guard" to "correctional officer" in chapters 241, 243, and 244 in reference to employees of a state correctional facility

Laws 1994, chapter 639, article 5, section 3:

(1) change the words "office of waste management" and "office" to "director" and change "its", when it refers to the office of waste management, to "the director's" in sections 115A.06, subdivisions 13 and 14; 115A.072; 115A.152; 115A.154; 115A.156; 115A.165; 115A.45; 115A.48; 115A.51; 115A.52; 115A.54, subdivision 3; 115A.541; 115A.55; 115A.551; 115A.552; 115.553; 115A.557; 115A.58; 115A.59; 115A.63; 115A.64; 115A.66; 115A.71; 115A.72; 115A.84; 115A.86; 115A.9162; 115A.917; 115A.961; 115A.97; and 115A.991;

(2) change the word "reviewing authority" to "director" in sections 115A.83, subdivision 2; 115A.84, subdivisions 4 and 5; 115A.86, subdivisions 2, 3, and 5; 115A.87; 115A.89; and 115A.893, subdivisions 3 and 4;

(3) change the word "its", when it refers to the reviewing authority, to "the director's" in sections 115A.84, subdivision 4, paragraph (c); and 115A.89, clause (3);

(4) change the word "it" to "the director" in section 115A.84, subdivision 4, paragraphs (a) and (c);

(5) delete the words "the office or" and delete "acting on behalf of the office" in section 115A.06, subdivisions 8 to 10;

(6) change the word "board" to "director" in section 115A.97, subdivision 5;

(7) delete the word "office" in section 115A.551, subdivision 7; and

(8) change the words "waste management" to "environmental assistance" in sections 115A.03, subdivisions 8a and 22a; 115D.03, subdivision 4; and 116C.03, subdivision 2

Laws 1994, chapter 647, article 3, section 34:

renumber parts of Minnesota Statutes as specified in article 3, section 14, of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 131, section 2:

"governor's job training council" and "education and employment transitions council" to "workforce development council"

Laws 1995, chapter 141, article 3, section 20:

"fund" to "association" where reference is to the teachers retirement organization (the entity that administers the plans under chapter 354) in chapters 354 and 356

"association" to "fund" where reference is to the fund which receives contributions and is used to accumulate and invest assets to meet liabilities created by benefits offered under terms of the plan in chapters 354 and 356

Laws 1995, chapter 141, article 4, section 29:

correct references to chapter 136E in Laws 1995, chapter 141, article 4

Laws 1995, chapter 141, article 4, section 30:

renumber chapter 354C as chapter 354D and change cross-references accordingly (the professional and supervisory employee individual retirement account law)

Laws 1995, chapter 166, section 17:

renumber sections specified in section 17 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 171, section 69:

change cross-references as specified in section 69 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 178, article 6, section 17:

delete the words "work readiness" in sections 256D.01 to 256D.21

Laws 1995, chapter 184, section 31:

renumber section 103B.205, subdivision 10a, as section 103B.205, subdivision 10b; and section 103B.205, subdivision 10b, as section 103B.205, subdivision 10a

Laws 1995, chapter 186, section 119:

change cross-references as specified in section 119 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 189, section 8:

"probate court" to "district court"

Laws 1995, chapter 202, article 1, section 25:

"building and loan association" or "savings, building and loan association" or "savings and loan association" or similar terms to "savings association"

Laws 1995, chapter 207, article 9, section 60:

in coordination with the health department, change cross-references as directed in section 60 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 207, article 11, section 11:

"state coordinating council" to "children's cabinet" in chapter 245

Laws 1995, chapter 212, article 3, section 59, subdivision 1:

renumber sections as directed in article 3, section 59, subdivision 1 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 212, article 3, section 59, subdivision 2:

"higher education coordinating board" and similar terms to "higher education services office" or similar terms

Laws 1995, chapter 212, article 3, section 59, subdivision 3:

"board" to "commissioner" in sections 136A.1355 to 136A.1358

Laws 1995, chapter 212, article 4, section 58:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1994, chapter 532, article 6, section 12

Laws 1995, chapter 212, article 4, section 64:

renumber sections as specified in article 4, section 64 of the act

correct cross-references to reflect changes to sections affected by article 4, sections 1 to 65 of the act

"higher education board" and similar terms to "board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities" or similar terms

Laws 1995, chapter 220, section 130:

"landfill cleanup account" to "solid waste fund" in sections specified in section 130 of the act

"petroleum tank release cleanup account in the environmental fund" or "petroleum tank release cleanup account" and "account" where it refers to the petroleum tank cleanup account to "petroleum tank fund" and "fund" respectively in sections specified in section 130 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 226, article 7, section 25:

change cross-references as specified in article 7, section 25 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 233, article 2, section 56:

correct or remove references to the sections repealed by article 2 of the act

"office of attorney general", "attorney general" or similar terms to "office of administrative hearings", "chief administrative law judge", "administrative law judge" or similar terms in Minnesota Rules, chapter 2010, to reflect the transfer of the attorney general's rule review functions in the manner provided in article 2 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 234, article 3, section 9:

recodification of sections specified in article 3, section 9 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 234, article 5, section 23:

"data institute" or "institute", where applicable, to "health data institute"

change references to the information clearinghouse from section 62J.33 or 62J.33, subdivision 2, to section 62J.2930

Laws 1995, chapter 234, article 8, section 56:

"children's health plan" and similar terms to "MinnesotaCare program" and similar terms, except in section 256.9357, subdivision 1

change the title of chapter 62Q to "REQUIREMENTS FOR HEALTH PLAN COMPANIES"

Laws 1995, chapter 236, section 20:

change headnote references from "regional transit board", "transit board", or "board", "metropolitan waste control commission", "waste control commission", or "commission", and "metropolitan transit commission", "transit commission" or "commission" to "metropolitan council" or "council" where appropriate

Laws 1995, chapter 247, article 1, section 66:

recodify sections 115A.47, subdivision 2, paragraphs (b), (d), and (g), and 115A.931, paragraph (b), as definitions in section 115A.03, and recast the language as necessary to conform to other definitions in that section

Laws 1995, chapter 247, article 2, section 54:

"office of waste management" to "office of environmental assistance" in sections 15A.081, 41A.066, 43A.08, 115B.20, 116.07, 116.101, 116.99, and 477A.012

Laws 1995, chapter 248, article 2, section 7:

"legislative commission on employee relations" to "legislative coordinating commission" in sections 15A.081, subdivisions 1, 7, and 7b; 43A.04, subdivision 7; 43A.05, subdivisions 3, 5, and 6; 43A.06, subdivision 4; 43A.17, subdivision 9; and 43A.18, subdivisions 2 and 3

Laws 1995, chapter 254, article 1, section 96:

"account" to "fund" where reference is to the petroleum tank release cleanup account in sections specified in article 1, section 96 of the act

Laws 1995, chapter 264, article 1, section 4:

"Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1993" to "Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through April 15, 1995" in chapters 289A, 290, 290A, 291, 297, 298, and 469, except section 290.01, subdivision 19

Laws 1995, chapter 264, article 17, section 11:

renumber section 297E.02, subdivision 5, as section 349.213, subdivision 3, and change references accordingly

Laws 1995, First Special Session chapter 3, article 4, section 30:


"governor's job training council" to "workforce development council"

"service learning" to "service-learning"

Laws 1995, First Special Session chapter 3, article 16, section 13:

references to the commissioner of education changed to the commissioner of children, families, and learning

references to the department of education changed to the department of children, families, and learning

references involving the commissioner of education to be rewritten to give all relevant responsibilities or authorities to the commissioner of children, families, and learning

references to the programs being transferred to the department of children, families, and learning to reflect that those programs are under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of children, families, and learning

revisor to prepare a report to the 1996 legislature showing where changes specified above were made

Laws 1996, chapter 273, section 4:

change headnote in section 150A.10 to read "ALLIED DENTAL PERSONNEL"

Laws 1996, chapter 277, section 1:

amends earlier instruction in Laws 1995, chapter 189, section 8

Laws 1996, chapter 305, article 1, section 138:

"educational cooperative service unit" and similar terms to "service cooperative" and similar terms, and "ECSU" to "SC"

Laws 1996, chapter 305, article 1, section 139:

change cross-references as indicated in section 139 of the act

Laws 1996, chapter 310, section 2:

revisor directed to prepare a bill for introduction in the 1997 legislative session that corrects references to sections repealed in section 1 of the act

Laws 1996, chapter 323, section 4:

"nonintoxicating liquor" to "3.2 percent malt liquor"

Laws 1996, chapter 324, section 6:

"commissioner of health", "commissioner", or similar terms to "emergency medical services regulatory board" or similar terms in Minnesota Rules to reflect the transfer of functions in the manner provided in Laws 1995, chapter 207, article 9

Laws 1996, chapter 344, section 33:

section 12.03, subdivisions 4a, 5a, and 8, to be renumbered as subdivisions 4c, 5c, and 10, respectively

Laws 1996, chapter 369, section 12:

recodify sections as directed in section 12 of the act and change cross-references accordingly

"board" where the reference is to the rural development board to "commissioner" in those sections renumbered as specified above

"rural development board" and "board" to "commissioner" in Minnesota Rules, chapter 4370

Laws 1996, chapter 385, article 2, section 7:

change cross-references specified in section 7 of the act

"undesirable exotic species" to "prohibited exotic species" and "ecologically harmful exotic species" to "harmful exotic species" in Minnesota Rules

Laws 1996, chapter 395, section 18:

"community college", "board of community colleges", "state university", "board of state universities", "technical college", "board of technical colleges" and related terms to "Minnesota state colleges and universities", "board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities" or related terms in sections specified in section 18 of the act

"chancellor of vocational education" to "chancellor of the Minnesota state colleges and universities" in section 268.363

"136C" to "136F" in section 326.84, subdivision 3, clause (9)

Laws 1996, chapter 399, article 2, section 12:

change cross-references as specified in section 12 of the act

Laws 1996, chapter 410, section 58:

change cross-references as specified in section 58 of the act

Laws 1996, chapter 412, article 9, section 19:

"Minnesota center for arts education" to "Lola and Rudy Perpich Minnesota center for arts education"

Laws 1996, chapter 417, section 31:

"268.03 to 268.231" to "268.03 to 268.23"

Laws 1996, chapter 437, section 24:

codify the environmental improvement pilot program, Laws 1995, chapter 168, sections 8 to 20, as sections 114C.20 to 114C.33

Laws 1996, chapter 451, article 4, section 70:

change cross-references as specified in section 70 of the act

Laws 1996, chapter 462, section 43:

renumber section 103G.005, subdivision 18, as section 103G.005, subdivision 15a

Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 60:

change references to section "446A.071" to "446A.072" in section 116.182

Laws 1996, chapter 470, section 27:

change provisions that direct reports to the legislative commission on waste management so that the reports are received by the environment and natural resources committees of the senate and house of representatives, the finance division of the senate committee on environment and natural resources, and the house of representatives committee on environment and natural resources finance

Laws 1996, chapter 471, article 3, section 54:

renumber section 383.06, subdivision 2, as section 373.01, subdivision 4

"fiscal year 1998" to "fiscal year 1999" and "fiscal year 1999" to "fiscal year 2000" in section 290A.26

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes