Notwithstanding part 7404.0300, as of January 22, 2008, all deputy registrars appointed by the commissioner under chapter 7406 and Minnesota Statutes, section 168.33, must also be appointed by the commissioner to assume the duties of a limited licensing agent as specified in this part.
A limited licensing agent shall accept applications only for a duplicate driver's license or duplicate Minnesota identification card.
The duties of a limited licensing agent must not require the use of equipment to capture the image or signature or to test the vision of an applicant.
A limited licensing agent shall accept an application for a duplicate driver's license or duplicate state identification card if:
the state document is lost, stolen, destroyed, illegible, or mutilated beyond recognition during the period of validation; or
The procedures in part 7410.0450 for issuance of a duplicate driver's license or duplicate identification card apply.
The applicant's digital image and signature must be on file with the department and the technology to retrieve that information must be available at the application site.
No information on file with the department, except the applicant's residence address, may be changed when applying for a duplicate document under this part.
Only an individual may be appointed as the limited licensing agent. If the deputy registrar is a corporation, the individual must be the corporate officer who executed the certificate of appointment under part 7406.0370, subpart 2.
The limited licensing agent must complete initial and ongoing training provided by the commissioner pertinent to the limited licensing agent's duties.
A deputy registrar acting as a limited licensing agent shall pay all taxes and fees due and owed the state for applications made under this part.
32 SR 1283
February 18, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes