An applicant's registration shall expire biennially on his/her birthday unless it is renewed. Each applicant shall be required to renew his/her registration every two years except that following the initial registration date, an applicant shall renew his/her registration no less than 24 months and no more than 36 months if he/she is registered for the first time on a date other than his/her birthday. Every applicant shall submit a completed registration renewal application, on a form provided by the commissioner together with the renewal fee for the biennium or part thereof. The information requested by the commissioner on the registration renewal application shall be such so as to permit a complete evaluation of each application to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements for registration renewal as specified in these rules and any applicable statutes. To clarify incomplete or ambiguous information presented in the application, the commissioner or the commissioner's agent may request an applicant to submit additional information as may be necessary to determine the applicant's qualifications for renewal. Applications submitted after the applicant's birthday must be accompanied by the late fee of $10 together with all other information required by parts 4695.2500 to 4695.3200.
For registration renewal, each registrant shall submit evidence of successful completion of 24 contact hours of acceptable continuing education activities the content of which is related to one or more of the environmental program areas contained in part 4695.2600, subpart 7.
A continued education activity must meet the following criteria in order for credit to be given:
It must have a specific, written objective(s) which describe expected outcomes for the participant.
It must be presented by knowledgeable person(s) who have reviewed the development in the subject being covered in the program within the last two years. His/her qualifications must be documented by one of the following: specialized training in the subject matter; experience in teaching the subject matter; experience in working in the subject areas.
It must have stated in written form what mechanism was utilized to demonstrate whether or not learning did occur. The mechanism may include, but is not limited to, a successfully completed written test or a performance component.
It must utilize a mechanism to validate participation. This may include, but is not limited to, earned credits and/or verification of attendance. Program sponsors shall maintain attendance sheets for three years.
The council shall review the submitted evidence and decide if the evidence demonstrates that the registrant has complied with the renewal requirements set forth in subparts 2 and 3. If the council decides that the evidence demonstrates that the registrant has so complied, the council will recommend to the commissioner that the registrant's continuing education activities should be accepted.
If the council decides that the evidence does not demonstrate that the registrant has complied with subparts 2 and 3, the council will so inform the applicant who will then have an opportunity to submit additional evidence, decide if it demonstrates that the registrant has complied with subparts 2 and 3, and recommend to the commissioner that the registrant's continuing education activities should or should not be accepted. The commissioner will then make the final decision regarding the acceptability of the registrant's continuing education activities.
Applicants who have permitted their registrations to expire for more than two years may regain their registration when they successfully complete the registration examination, complete continuing education requirements, and submit the required renewal forms and fees.
MS s 214.13
17 SR 1279
January 21, 2000
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes