Parts 2960.3000 to 2960.3100 establish the minimum standards that a foster family setting must meet to qualify for licensure. Parts 2960.3200 to 2960.3230 contain requirements for foster residence settings. Additional licensing requirements for foster family settings that offer treatment foster care are in parts 2960.3300 to 2960.3340.
One of the goals of foster care must be that the foster child will experience a safe and healthy family life. The license holder must also promote the child's development as a physically and mentally healthy person. To accomplish these outcomes, the license holder must:
actively participate with the agency placing the child, to implement the case plan and meet the needs of the child; and
as much as possible, considering the child's age, the child's needs, and the case plan, include the child in the daily life of the family, including eating meals with the family and participating in recreational activities.
The license holder must rely on the advice and counsel of the advisory board or board of directors of the licensing agency regarding community interests and the needs of the community served by the foster home. A license holder, who is supervised by a county, may rely on the advice and counsel of the supervising county and its employees regarding community interests and the needs of the clients and community. The requirements of this subpart do not apply to foster homes licensed by the Department of Corrections.
The license holder must work with the licensing agency to develop a statement of intended use. The statement of intended use must specify:
the number of children the foster home is licensed for, the age range of children to be placed in the home, and any limitations affecting the placement of children in the home;
whether or not the home will serve as an emergency shelter home, a treatment foster care home, or a home for medically fragile children; and
circumstances when the ratio of one adult to five children does not need to be maintained.
The statement of intended use must be approved by the licensing agency, but may be modified at any time by agreement between the licensing agency and the license holder to reflect changes that affect the placement of children in the home.
The license holder must cooperate with the licensing agency's attempt to determine the outcomes of a child's foster care placement. The outcome information must be shared with the license holder and incorporated into the evaluation process outlined in part 2960.3100, subpart 1, item G.
August 5, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes