For the purposes of parts 1721.0430 to 1721.0480, the terms defined in this part have the meanings given them.
"Exposed flock" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 79.1.
"Flock" means sheep, goats, or both maintained on a single premises, or sheep, goats, or both maintained under common ownership or supervision on two or more premises with animal interchange between the premises.
"High-risk animal" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 79.1.
"Restricted-movement feeder animal" means a sheep or goat that is less than 18 months old as evidenced by the eruption of the second incisor, is not pregnant, has never given birth, is not commingled with breeding animals from other flocks, and will be slaughtered at less than 18 months of age.
"Scrapie-positive animal" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 79.1.
"Scrapie-tagged" means officially identified with an ear tag or back tag in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 79.2(a)(2).
An animal is in a "slaughter channel" if it is sold, transferred, or moved to:
"Suspect animal" has the meaning given in Code of Federal Regulations, title 9, part 79.1.
"Terminal feedlot" means a facility that exists for the express purpose of improving an animal's condition for slaughter and from which animals are moved only to slaughter.
MS s 35.03
37 SR 1396
April 4, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes