All persons who present evidence or ask questions must register with the judge before presenting evidence or asking questions at the hearing. Any person may register whether or not they speak at the hearing. Those who register must legibly print their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and the names of any individuals or associations that the persons represent at the hearing on a register provided by the judge. Persons may request on the register to be informed when the judge's report is available. Persons may also request on the register that the agency inform them when the agency adopts the rules and files them with the secretary of state.
The judge must start the hearing and must explain the purpose of the hearing and the procedure to be followed. The judge must explain how written materials can be submitted after the hearing under part 1400.2230. The judge must also explain the requirements for registration of lobbyists under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 10A.
The agency representatives and witnesses must identify themselves for the record. The agency must then make its presentation under part 1400.2220. Presentation by the agency of evidence not summarized in the statement of need and reasonableness, other than bona fide rebuttal, constitutes grounds for the judge, upon proper motion by any interested person, to recess the hearing to allow all interested persons an opportunity to prepare evidence in opposition to the newly presented evidence. The hearing recess must not exceed 25 days.
Interested persons may ask questions of the agency representatives or witnesses and other interested persons who speak. Agency representatives may question interested persons who speak. The questions may relate to the purpose or intended operation of the proposed rules, a suggested modification, or may be conducted for other purposes if material to the evaluation or formulation of the proposed rules.
Interested persons may present oral and written statements and evidence regarding the proposed rules.
The judge may question the agency representatives and witnesses and other interested persons who speak.
The agency may present any further evidence that it considers appropriate in response to statements made by interested persons. Interested persons may respond to this evidence.
Consistent with law, the judge is authorized to do all things necessary and proper to conduct the hearing and to promote justice, fairness, and economy. This includes but is not limited to: presiding at the hearing; administering oaths or affirmations when appropriate; hearing and ruling on objections and motions; questioning witnesses where necessary to make a complete record; ruling on the admissibility of evidence and striking from the record objectionable evidence; limiting repetitive or immaterial oral statements and questioning; and determining the order of making statements and questions.
A transcript of the hearing must be made if requested by the agency, the attorney general, the chief judge, or any interested person. If a transcript is requested by an interested person, that person must pay for the original and one copy. Otherwise, the agency must pay for the original and any copies it requires. Any interested person may purchase a copy of a transcript once the original has been ordered by another person. The cost of an original or copy of a transcript must be determined by the office's contract with court reporters. When a transcript has been prepared, the original must be filed with the office. When a transcript has been prepared after the judge's report is issued, the original must be filed with the office and forwarded to the agency as soon as the office has completed its record keeping.
20 SR 2058; 26 SR 391
August 6, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes