Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
An act
relating to cosmetology; regulating eyelash extension services;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 155A.23, by adding subdivisions; Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, sections 155A.23, subdivisions 8, 18; 155A.27, subdivision 1; 155A.271; 155A.29, subdivision 1.
new text begin "Eyelash extensions" means the application, removal, and trimming of threadlike natural or synthetic fibers to an eyelash, and includes the cleansing of the eye area and lashes. Eyelash extensions do not include color agents, straightening agents, permanent wave solutions, bleaching agents, applications to the eyebrow, or any other cosmetology service. new text end
new text begin An "eyelash technician" is any person who is not a cosmetologist, esthetician, or advanced practice esthetician who, for compensation, performs the personal services limited to eyelash extensions as defined in subdivision 4a only. new text end
A "manager" is any person who is a cosmetologist, esthetician, advanced practice esthetician, deleted text begin ordeleted text end nail techniciannew text begin practitioner, or eyelash technician new text end practitioner, and who has a manager license and provides any services under that license, as defined in subdivision 3.
A "practitioner" is any person licensed in the practice of cosmetology, esthiology, deleted text begin ordeleted text end nail technology servicesnew text begin , or eyelash technology servicesnew text end .
A person must hold an individual license to practice in the state as a cosmetologist, esthetician, nail technician, new text begin eyelash technician, new text end advanced practice esthetician, manager, or instructor.
(a) deleted text begin Effective August 1, 2014,deleted text end To qualify for license renewal under this chapter as an individual cosmetologist, nail technician, esthetician, advanced practice esthetician, new text begin eyelash technician, new text end or salon manager, the applicant must deleted text begin attest to the completion ofdeleted text end new text begin completenew text end four hours of continuing education credits from deleted text begin an accredited school or a professional association of cosmetologydeleted text end new text begin a board-approved continuing education providernew text end during the three years prior to the applicant's renewal date. One credit hour of the requirement must include instruction pertaining to state laws and rules governing the practice of cosmetology. Three credit hours must include instruction pertaining to health, safety, and infection control matters consistent with the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards applicable to the practice of cosmetology, or other applicable federal health, infection control, and safety standards, and must be regularly updated so as to incorporate newly developed standards and accepted professional best practices. Credit hours earned are valid for three years and may be applied simultaneously to all individual licenses held by a licensee under this chapter.
(b) Effective August 1, 2017, in addition to the hours of continuing education credits required under paragraph (a), to qualify for license renewal under this chapter as an individual cosmetologist, nail technician, esthetician, advanced practice esthetician, or salon manager, the applicant must also deleted text begin attest to the completion of one four-hourdeleted text end new text begin complete a four credit hournew text end continuing education course from a new text begin board-approved new text end continuing education provider based on any deleted text begin or alldeleted text end of the followingnew text begin within the licensee's scope of practicenew text end :
(1) product chemistry and deleted text begin chemistrydeleted text end new text begin chemicalnew text end interaction;
(2) proper use new text begin and maintenance new text end of machines and instruments;
(3) business managementnew text begin , professional ethics,new text end and human relations; or
(4) techniques relevant to the type of license held.
Credits new text begin are valid for three years and new text end must be completed new text begin with a board-approved provider of continuing education new text end during the three years prior to the applicant's renewal date and may be applied simultaneously to other individual licenses held as applicable, except that credits completed under this paragraph must not duplicate credits completed under paragraph (a).
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to an instructor license, a school manager license, or an inactive license.
The marketing or sale of any product is prohibited during a continuing education class receiving credit under subdivision 1.
(a) Only a board-licensed school of cosmetology, a postsecondary institution as defined in section 136A.103, paragraph (a), or a board-recognized professional association organized under chapter 317A may new text begin be approved by the board to new text end offer continuing education deleted text begin curriculumdeleted text end for credit under subdivision 1, paragraph (a). Continuing education deleted text begin curriculumdeleted text end under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), may be offered by a:
(1) board-licensed school of cosmetology;
(2) board-recognized professional association organized under chapter 317A; or
(3) board-licensed salon.
deleted text begin Thedeleted text end new text begin An approvednew text end school deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end professional association may offer deleted text begin online and independent study optionsdeleted text end new text begin Web-based continuing education instructionnew text end to achieve maximum involvement of licensees. Continuing education providers are encouraged to offer classes available in foreign language formats.
(b) Board deleted text begin authorizationdeleted text end new text begin approvalnew text end of deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin anynew text end continuing education provider deleted text begin under paragraph (a)deleted text end is valid for one calendar year and is contingent upon submission and preapproval of the lesson plan or plans with learning objectives for the class to be offered and the payment of the application fee in section 155A.25, subdivision 1a, paragraph (d), clause (11). new text begin The board shall maintain a list of approved providers and courses on the board's Web site. new text end The board may revoke authorization of a continuing education provider at any time for just cause and the board may demand return of documents required under subdivision 3.
The continuing education provider shall provide to licensees deleted text begin who attend a class a receipt to provedeleted text end new text begin documentation establishingnew text end completion of the class. Licensees shall retain proof of their continuing education credits for one year beyond the credit's expiration. The continuing education provider shall retain documentation of all licensees deleted text begin successfullydeleted text end completing a class and the licensee's credit hours new text begin awarded by them new text end for five years.
The board shall conduct random audits of active licensees deleted text begin periodicallydeleted text end new text begin and continuing education providersnew text end to ensure compliance with deleted text begin continuing educationdeleted text end new text begin thenew text end requirementsnew text begin of this sectionnew text end . To initiate an audit, the board shall notify an active licensee of the audit and request proof of credits earned during a specified period. The licensee must provide the requested proof to the board within 30 days of an audit notice. The board may request that a deleted text begin school or professional associationdeleted text end new text begin continuing education providernew text end verify a licensee's credits. The deleted text begin continuing educationdeleted text end provider must furnish verification, or a written statement that the credits are not verified, within 15 days of the board's request for verification. If the board determines that a licensee has failed to provide proof of necessary credits earned during the specified time, the board may revoke the individual's license and may deem the individual an expired practitioner subject to penalty under section 155A.25 or text begin The board staff shall have unrestricted free access to any provider's class offerings to verify adherence to the provider's approved lesson plan and overall compliance with this text end
A person must not offer cosmetology services for compensation unless the services are provided by a licensee in a licensed salon or as otherwise provided in this section. Each salon must be licensed as a cosmetology salon, a nail salon, esthetician salon, deleted text begin ordeleted text end advanced practice esthetician salonnew text begin , or eyelash extension salonnew text end . A salon may hold more than one type of salon license.
new text begin Sections 1 to 7 are effective the day following final enactment. With respect to eyelash technicians, the Board of Cosmetologist Examiners must not enforce sections 1 to 7 until July 1, 2017. Any educational or training requirements developed by the board regarding eyelash technicians must be 14 hours. new text end
Presented to the governor May 18, 2016
Signed by the governor May 19, 2016, 11:00 a.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes