Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1988 CHAPTER 469-S.F.No. 1644 An act relating to statutes; revising the text of certain laws to remove redundant and obsolete language, to simplify grammar and syntax, and to improve the style of language without causing changes in the meaning of the laws; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapters 3, as amended; 31A; 227; 228; 306, as amended; 451; 456; and 560. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: ARTICLE 1 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 3, as amended by Laws 1987, chapters 7, section 1; 184, section 1; 259, section 1; 268, article 7, section 1; 373, sections 1 and 2; 375, section 1; 404, sections 60, 61, 62, 63, and 191; and Laws 1987, First Special Session chapter 2, section 1, is amended to read: 3.011 [SESSIONS.] The legislature shallassemblemeet at the seat of government on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of each odd numbered year; provided, however, that. When the first Monday in January falls on January 1,thelegislatureit shallassemblemeet on the first Wednesday after the first Mondayin January of that year; and at such othertimes as it may be. It shall also meet when called by the governor to meet inextraspecial session. 3.012 [LEGISLATIVE DAY.] A legislative day isanya day when either house of the legislature is called to order. A legislative dayshallcommencebegins at seven o'clock a.m. andcontinuecontinues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day. 3.02 [EVIDENCE OF MEMBERSHIP.] For all purposes of organization of either house of the legislature, a certificate of electiontheretoto it, duly executed by the auditor of the proper county, or by the secretary of state when the member is elected from more than one county,shall beis prima facie evidence of the right to membership of the personthereinnamed in it. 3.05 [ORGANIZATION.] At noon of the day appointed fortheconveningofthe legislature, the membersthereofshall meet in their respective chambers. The lieutenant governor shall call the senate to order;and the secretary of state, the house of representatives. In the absence of eitherof these officersofficer, the oldest member present shall act in the officer's place. The person so acting shall appoint, from the members present, a clerk pro tem, who shall call the legislative districts in the order of their numbers; and,. As each is called, the persons claiming to be memberstherefromfrom each shall present their certificates to be filed. All whose certificates are so presented shall then stand and be sworn. 3.06 [OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES.] Subdivision 1. [ELECTION.] Thereupon, if a quorumbeingis present, therespectivehouses shall elect the following officers, any of whom may be removed by resolution of the appointing body:. The senate,shall elect a secretary, a first and a second assistant secretary, an enrolling clerk, an engrossing clerk, a sergeant-at-arms, an assistant sergeant-at-arms, and a chaplain;and. The house,shall elect a speaker, who shall be a memberthereofof the house, a chief clerk, a first and a second assistant clerk, an index clerk, a chief sergeant-at-arms, a first and a second assistant sergeant-at-arms, a postmaster, an assistant postmaster, and a chaplain. Subd. 2. [SUCCESSORS.]In the event of the resignation ordeath ofIf an officer of the house of representatives or senate resigns or dies, the duties of the officer shall be performed by a successor as provided in the rules of therespectiveofficer's house until a successor is elected at a regular or special sessionof the legislature. 3.07 [ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES.] Each house, after its organization, may appoint and at pleasure removesuchthe employeesas areprovided for by its permanent rules or recommended by its committee on legislative expense. All officers and employees shall be paid by the day and shall receivesuchthe compensationas isprovided by the permanent rules of the electing or appointing body or recommended by its committee on legislative expense; and,. Unless otherwise expressly provided by law, nosuchofficer or employee shall receive any other compensation for services. 3.073 [ORGANIZATION OF SPECIAL SESSION.] The officers elected, the rules adopted, and the committees established by the legislature and by each house during the preceding regular session shall serve and be in effect duringanya special session, except as the legislature or a house provides otherwise. 3.08 [ELECTION; DUTIES.] In addition to the duties prescribed by law,suchthe officers and employees shall performsuchthe servicesas may berequired of them by rule or vote of the appointing body or by direction ofanya committeethereofof the appointing body. 3.082 [MEMBERS' EMPLOYMENT; CONTINUATION.]AnyA member of the legislature of the state of Minnesota who held a position, other than a temporary position, in the employ ofanya private employer in Minnesota at the commencement of service inanya legislative session, whomakesapplicationapplies for reemployment not later than 30 days after the last legislative day in each calendar year, shall be continued in or restored tosuchthe position, or to a position of like seniority, status and pay. Retirement benefits under an employer-sponsored pension or retirement plan shall not be reducedby reasonbecause of time spent in legislative service. 3.083 [RETENTION OF SENIORITY, FRINGE BENEFITS AND TENURE.] Subdivision 1.AnyA member of the legislature who is continued in or restored to a position in accordance withtheprovisions ofsection 3.082: (1) shall besocontinued or restored without loss of seniority,shall be entitled to(2) may participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employerpursuant tounder its established rules and practices, and (3) shall not be discharged without good cause fromsuchthe position fora period ofthree years after the continuation or restoration except in the reverse order of seniority with the employer within the field of the legislator's training and experiencewithout good cause after such continuation orrestoration. Subd. 2. No employer or employee organization mayat anytimedischarge or otherwise discriminate against an employee or member who is or was a member of the legislature in retribution for statements made or beliefs held by the employee or member in the capacity as a member of the legislature. For purposes of this subdivision "employee organization" meansanya union or organization of employees which existsfor the purpose, in whole or in part,offor collective bargaining orofdealing with employers concerning grievances or term or conditions of employment. 3.087 [RIGHT OF ACTION IN DISTRICT COURT.]In case anyIf a private employer fails or refuses to comply withthe provisions ofsections 3.082 and 3.083, the district courtof the state of Minnesota for the district inwhich suchwhere the private employer maintains a place of business, shall have the powermay, upon the filing of amemorandum, petition or other appropriate pleadingcomplaint by the memberof the legislatureentitled to the benefits ofsuch provisionssections 3.082 and 3.083,tospecifically requiresuchthe employer to comply withsuchtheir provisions,and, as an incident thereto, tocompensatesuchthe memberof the legislaturefor any loss of wages or benefits suffered by reason ofsuchthe employer's unlawful action. The court shall order a speedy hearing inany suchthe case andshalladvance it on the calendar. 3.088 [LEAVE OF ABSENCE.] Subdivision 1. [LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY.] Subject tothe conditions prescribed bythis section, any appointed officer or employee ofanya political subdivision, municipal corporation, or school district of the state or an institution of learning maintained by the state who serves as astatelegislator during a session or is elected toanya full time city or county office in Minnesotashall beis entitled to a leave of absence from the public office or to employment without pay during any part or all of the service, with right of reinstatement as provided in this section. Subd. 2. [REINSTATEMENT.] Except asotherwiseprovided in this section, upon the completion of the last legislative day in each calendar year, or, in the case of an elected city or county official, on the completion of the final day of the term to which the official was elected, the officer or employee shall be reinstated in the public position held at the time of entry into the legislature orat the time oftaking city or county officeas a city or county officer, orshallbe placed in a public position of like seniority, status, and pay if it is available at the same salary which would have been received if the leave had not been taken, upon the following conditions: (1) that the position has not been abolished or thattheits termthereof, if limited, has not expired; (2) that the legislator makes a written application for reinstatement to the appointing authority within 30 days after the last legislative day in a calendar year or, in the case of an elected city or county official, within 30 days after the expiration of the elected termto which the official waselected; and;(3) that the request for reinstatement is made not later than 10 years after the granting of the leave. Upon reinstatement the officer or employee shall have the same rights with respect to accrued and future seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, insurance benefits, sick leave, and other benefits as if actually employed during the time of the leave. No public employershall beis required to compensate a reinstated employee or officer foranytime spent by that employee or officer away from work for the employer and on the business of the state legislatureat any timeduring the period between the first and last legislative day in each calendar year or on the business ofany otheran elected city or county office. No officer or employee reinstated shall be removed or discharged within one yearthereafterafter reinstatement except for cause,and after notice and hearing;, but thisshalldoes notoperate toextend a term of service limited by law. Subd. 3. [OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES TO PRESERVEPENSION AND RETIREMENT RIGHTS.]AnyA public officer or employeereceivingwho receives leave of absence under this section orwhois elected as a state constitutional officer andhavinghas rights inanya state, municipal, or other public pension, retirement, or relief system shall retain all the rights accrued up to the time of taking leave.TheTime spent by the employee as a member of the legislature or as an elected city or county official orwho is elected as astate constitutional officer shall be calculated in the same manner as if the employee had spent that time in the service of the public employer for the purpose of determining vesting of the employee's rights in the employer's pension, retirement or relief system. Under no circumstances shall two governmental units pay the employee's share of pension contributionsfor that period on whichwhen the employee is on leave of absence to serve in the legislature or as an elected city or county official. Subd. 4. [VACANCIES TO BE FILLED TEMPORARILY.] When a public officer or employee is absent with leave undertheprovisions ofthis section and it is necessaryin the publicinterestto provide for the performance of the duties of the absentee's position during the absence, the authority having power to fill a vacancy in the position may appointasubstitute, to be known asan acting incumbent, who shall qualify as required for the regular incumbent, receive the same compensation as fixed by law,orotherwise the compensation asfixed byproper authority, and haveallthe powers and performallthe duties of the position until the return of the regular incumbent. This sectionshalldoes not precludethemakingofanyother lawful provision for the discharge of the duties of the positionwhich may be otherwise authorized by law. Subd. 5. [SUPPLEMENTARY.] The rights and privileges granted by this sectionshalldo not applywhenif the elected office is constitutionally or legally incompatible with the public office or employment orwhenthe elected person chooses to take leave as provided by other law. Subd. 6. [PENSIONS.] Notwithstandingthe provisions ofany other law or ordinance orthe provisions of anystate, municipal, or other public retirement or relief association rule or bylaw, a personwho has served as a member of the legislatureand has qualified for a legislative retirement pension orallowanceshall not be disqualified from receivingthata legislative retirement pension or allowanceby reason of thefact thatbecause the person is entitled to receive a public pension or retirement benefit as a result of employment by another public employer, and. The person shall receive both the legislative retirement pension or allowance and any state, municipal or other public pension or retirement benefit for which the person has qualified. 3.09 [COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES.] The compensation of officers and employees shall be at the rates per day fixed by the permanent rules of the electing or appointing body or recommended by its committee on legislative expense. 3.095 [LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYEES, LEAVES.] The legislative coordinating commission shall adopt planspertaining tofor sick leave and annual leavewhich shall applyto allfor the permanent employees of the legislature and of legislative committees and commissions. 3.096 [TRANSFER OF LEAVE.] An employee in the classified service who accepts a position as a permanent employee of the legislature shall haveanyaccrued vacation or sick leave transferred and placed to the employee's credit on the legislative records. A permanent employee of the legislature who accepts a position in the classified service shall haveanyaccrued vacation or sick leave transferred and placed to the employee's credit on the records of the new appointing authority. 3.099 [MEMBERS; COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES, FLEXIBLE SESSIONS.] Subdivision 1. The compensation of each member of the legislatureshall beis due on the first day of the regular legislative session of the term and payable in equal parts on the fifteenth day of January in the first month of each term and on the first day of each following monththereafter,during the term for which the member was elected. The compensation of each member of the legislature elected at a special election is due on the day the member takes the oath of office and payable within ten days of taking the oath,for the remaining part of the month in which the oath was taken, and then in equal partsthereafteron the first day of each following month during the term for which the member was elected. Each member shall receive mileage for necessary travelingoingtoand returning fromthe place of meeting and returning to the member'splace ofresidence insuchthe amount and forsuchtrips asmay beauthorized by the senateas tofor senate members, and by the house of representativesas tofor house members. Each member shall also receivein addition to theforegoing, suchper diem living expenses during a regular or special session of the legislature insuchthe amounts and forsuchthe purposes asmay bedetermined by the senateas tofor senate members and by the house of representativesas tofor house members; provided, that because of the salary increasesprovided in subdivision 2, the amount of the per diem livingexpenses payable pursuant to this section during the 71stlegislative session shall be set at a level not to exceed $27for each member who has moved from the member's usual place oflodging during a substantial part of the session and not toexceed $17 for each member who has not so changed the place oflodging. Onthe fifteenth day ofJanuary 15 in the first month of each term and on the first day of each following monththereafter, the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives, shall certify to the commissioner of finance, in duplicate, the amount of compensation then payable to each member of their respective houses, andtheaggregate thereofits total. Subd. 3.Commencing with the start of the legislativesession in 1979,The senate committee on rules and administration for the senate and the house committee on rules and legislative administration for the house may each designate for their respective body up to three leadership positions to receive up to 140 percent of the compensation of other members. At the commencement of each biennial legislative session, each house of the legislature shall adopt a resolution designatingtheits majority and minority leaderof thatrespective body. The majority leadershall be thatis the person elected byathe caucus of members in each house whichconstitutes theis its largest political affiliationwithin that body and. The minority leadershall be thatis the person elected byathe caucusof members in each housewhichconstitutes theis its second largest political affiliationwithin that body. 3.101 [LIVING EXPENSES.] A member of the legislature in addition to the compensation and mileage otherwise providedforby law shall be reimbursed for living and other expenses incurred in the performance of duties or engaging in official business during a regularsession, aor special session,and when the legislature is not in session in the manner andin suchamountas may beprescribed by the senate committee on rules and administrationas to senatemembersfor senators and by the house committee on rules and legislative administrationas tofor house members. 3.103 [SPECIAL SESSION LIVING EXPENSES.] Each member of the legislature, during a special sessionthereof, shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of duties in the same amounts, for the same purposes, and in the same manner aswereauthorized forthemembers of the senatesenators andthemembers of the house of representatives at the last regular sessionoccurringimmediately prior to suchbefore the special session. Reimbursement for travel, however,shall not exceedmore thanone round trip per memberperfor each seven calendar days in which the legislature meets insuchthe special session.Thissection applies to each special session of the legislaturecommencing after May 24, 1971.3.14 [CONTEMPTS.] Each house may punish, as a contempt,anya breach of its privileges, or of the privileges of its members, but only forone or more ofthe following offenses: (1) arresting or causing to be arrested,anya member or officerthereof,in violation of the member's privilege from arrest; (2) disorderly conduct in its view and presence, or in the view and presence of any of its committees, tending to interrupttheirits proceedings; (3) giving or offering a bribe toanya member, or attempting by menace orby anycorrupt or improper means, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving or withholding the member's vote. No person shall be excused from attending and testifying before either house of the legislature, or a committeethereofof either house, for an alleged offense upon an investigationinreference to suchof giving or offeringofa bribe, or attempting by menace orby anycorrupt or improper means, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving or withholding the member's vote upon the ground, or forthe reasonthat the person's required testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, may tend to convict the person of a crime or subject the person to a penaltyor forfeiture; but. No person shall be prosecuted, or subjected toanya penaltyorforfeiturefor, or on account of, anya transaction, matter, or thing concerning which the person may so testify, or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, and. No testimony, so given or produced, shall be received against the personuponin any criminal investigation or proceeding. 3.15 [PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT.] Punishment for contempt shall be by imprisonment, but. The termthereofof imprisonment shall not extend beyond the session at which it is inflicted. When either house shall direct the imprisonment ofanya person for a contempt the keeper of thecommonjail of the county in which the seat of government is situated shall receive,andthendetain the person in close confinement, the personduring the term fixed by the order of commitment, or until the detainee is discharged by vote of the committing body orbydue process of law. 3.151 [DISTURBING LEGISLATURE OR INTIMIDATING MEMBER.]EveryA person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor whoshall: (1) willfullydisturbdisturbs the legislature, or either housethereofof it, while in session, or who shall commit any; (2) commits disorderly conduct in the presence and view of either housethereof, tending to interrupt its proceedings or impair the respect due to its authority,; orwho,(3) willfully, by intimidation or otherwise,shall preventanyprevents a member of the legislature from attendinganya session of the member's houseof the member, or ofanya committeethereofof it, or from giving the member's vote uponanya question which may come beforesuchthe house, or from performing any other official act, shall be guilty of agross misdemeanor. 3.153 [LEGISLATIVE SUBPOENAS.] Subdivision 1.AnyA standing or interim legislative committee by a two-thirds vote of its members, may request the issuance of subpoenas, including subpoenas duces tecum, requiring the appearance of persons, production of relevant records, and the giving of relevant testimony. Subpoenas shall be issued by the chief clerk of the house or the secretary of the senate upon receipt ofsuchthe request. A person subpoenaed to attend a meeting of the legislature or a hearing of a legislative committee shall receive the same fees and expenses provided by law for witnesses in district court. Subd. 2. Service of a subpoena authorized by this section shall be made in the manner providedby lawfor the service of subpoenas in civil actions at least seven daysprior tobefore the date fixed in the subpoena for appearance or production of records unless a shorter periodof timeis authorized by a majority vote of all the members of thelegislativecommittee. Subd. 3. Any person served with a subpoena may chooseandto be accompanied by counselin the eventif a personal appearance is required and shall be served with a notice to that effect.In addition, anyThe personserved with a subpoenaissued by a legislative committeeshall also be served with a copy of the resolution or statute establishing the committee, and a general statement of the subject matter of the committee's investigation or inquiry. Subd. 4.In orderTo carry out the authority granted byLaws 1971, Chapter 227this section,anya committee authorized by subdivision 1 to request the issuance of subpoenas may, by a two-thirds vote of its members, request the issuance ofattachmentsan attachment to compel the attendance ofwitnessesa witness who, having been duly subpoenaed to attend,failfails to do so. The chief clerk of the house or the secretary of the senate upon receipt of the request shall apply to the district courtofin Ramsey county for issuance of the attachment. Subd. 5. Any person who without lawful excuse fails to respond tosubpoenasa subpoena issuedpursuant to Laws 1971,Chapter 227under this section or who, having been subpoenaed, willfully refuses to be sworn or affirm or to answer any material or proper question before a committeeof thelegislatureis guilty of a misdemeanorand upon convictionthereof may be punished accordingly. 3.16 [MEMBERS, OFFICERSOF, ORAND ATTORNEYSEMPLOYED BY,EXCUSED FROM COURT DUTY.] No member or officer of, oranyattorney employed by, the legislature shall be compelled to attend as a witness inanya court of this state duringthea session of the legislature, or while attendingmeetingsa meeting ofanya legislative committee or commission when the legislature is not in session unless the court in which the action is pending orders it, upon sufficient showing, shall otherwise orderand with the consent of the presiding officer of the body of whichsuchthe witness is an employee or the consent of the body of whichsuchthe witness is a member. No cause or proceeding, civil or criminal, in court or beforeanya commission or an officer or refereethereofof a court or commission or a motion or hearingthereinon the cause or proceeding, in which a member or officer of, oranyan attorney employed by, the legislature is a party, attorney, or witness shall be tried or heard duringthea session of the legislature or whileanythe member, officerof, or attorneyemployed by the legislatureis attendingmeetingsa meeting ofanya legislative committee or commission when the legislature is not in sessionbut. The matter shall be continued until the legislature or the committee or commission meetingshall havehas adjourned. The memberor, officerof, oranyattorneyemployed by,the legislaturemay, with the consent of the body of the legislature of which the person is a memberor, officer, oremployed byemployee, waive this privilegeand in this case. The cause or proceeding, motion, or hearing may then be tried or heard atsucha timeasthat will not conflict with legislative duties. 3.17 [JOURNALS.] A journal of the daily proceedings in each house shall be printed and laid before each member at the beginning of the next day's session. After it has been publicly read and corrected, a copyof the journal, kept by the secretary and chief clerk, respectively, and a transcriptthereofas approved shall be certified by the secretary or clerk to the printer, who shall print the correctedsheets for thepermanent journal. Executive messages, addresses, reports, communications, andallvoluminous documents other than amendments to the constitution or to bills and resolutions and the protests of members submitted under the constitutionof the State of Minnesota, article 4, section 11, shall be omitted from the journals, unless otherwise ordered by vote. 3.18 [OTHER RECORDS.] Each house may determine, by rule or resolution,whatthe number of copies of its journalshallto be printed, and the form and contents oftheits other recordsit may see fit tokeep.In like mannerIt maycause to behave printed, in an appendix to its journal, the documents itshall desire to so preserve; but,desires. If both housesshallorder the same document to be so printed, it shall be inserted only in the appendix to the senate journal. 3.185 [ALTERING DRAFT OF BILL.]EveryA person whoshallfraudulentlyalteralters the draft ofanya bill or resolution which has been presented to either house of the legislature to be passed or adopted, with intent to procureit to be passed or adoptedits passage or adoption by either house,orcertifiedcertification byitsthe presiding officer,in language different from that intended bysuchthe house,shall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 3.19 [ENGROSSING AND ENROLLING.] All bills, joint resolutions, and legislative acts shall be engrossed or enrolledin the manneras provided by the rules of the senate and the house of representatives orthetheir joint rulesthereof. Intheengrossing or enrollingofbills, copying machines and other labor saving devices and equipment shall be used to the greatest possible extent. 3.191 [ALTERING ENGROSSED BILL.]EveryA person whoshallfraudulentlyalteralters the engrossed copy or enrollment ofanya bill which has been passed by the legislature, with intent to procureit to be approvedits approval by the governor,or certifiedcertification by the secretary of state, orprintedprinting orpublishedpublication by the printer of the statutes, in language different from that in which it was passed by the legislature,shall beis guilty of a felony. 3.195 [REPORTS TO THE LEGISLATURE.] Subdivision 1. [DISTRIBUTION OF REPORTS.]WheneverA report to the legislatureisrequired of a department or agencyof government, itshall be made, unless otherwise specifically required by law, bythefilingofone copy with the secretary of the senate, one copy with the chief clerk of the house of representatives, and ten copies with the legislative reference library. The same distribution procedure shall be followed for other reports and publications unless otherwise requested by a legislator or the legislative reference library. Subd. 2. [IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS.]WheneverWhen a report or publication as defined in section 3.302, subdivision 3, is submitted by a department or agency to the legislative reference library, the department or agency shall supply to thelegislative referencelibrary the information necessary to identify the document as requiredinby section 3.302, subdivision 3a. Subd. 3. [CHECKLIST OF STATE DOCUMENTS.] The legislative reference library shall monthly publish and distribute to legislators a checklist of state documents.AdditionalEnough copies of the checklistsufficientfor distribution to all state agencies, public, university and college libraries shall be provided by the documents section, department of administration. 3.198 [COMPUTER TERMINALS;ACCESS TOMECC INFORMATION SYSTEMPROVIDED BY MECC.] TheMinnesota statesenate andthe Minnesota statehouse of representativesare hereby authorized tomay obtain computer terminals forthe purpose of gainingaccess to the statewide management information system provided for school districts through the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium.Further,TheMinnesota Educational Computingconsortiumisdirected toshall provide the staff of the senate and house of representatives with training for use of that system. 3.20 [FORM OF ACT; SUBMISSION.] Every act for the submission of an amendment to the constitution shall set forth the section asthe sameit will readin caseif the amendment is adopted, withsuchonly the other matteronly as may benecessary to show in what section or article the alteration is proposed. It shall be submitted and voted upon at the next general electionnext ensuing in themanneras providedforby thegenerallaw relating tosuchgeneral elections. If adopted, the governor shall announce the fact by proclamation. 3.21 [NOTICE.] At least four monthsprecedingbefore the election, the attorney general shall furnish to the secretary of state a statement of the purpose and effect of all amendments proposed, showing clearly the form of the existing sections,andof thesame ashow they will read if amended, except that when any. If a section to which an amendment is proposed exceeds 150 words in length, the statement shall showthatthe part of the section in which a change is proposed, bothinits existing form and as it will read when amended, together with the portions of the contextasthat the attorney general deems necessary toanunderstanding ofunderstand theproposedamendment. Inthemonth ofOctoberprior tobefore the election, the secretary of state shall publish the statement once in all qualified newspapers of the state. The secretary of state shall furnish the statement to the newspapers in reproducible form approved by the secretary of state, set in 7-1/2-point type on an 8-point body. The maximum rate for publicationshall be asis that provided in section 331A.06 or 18 cents per standard line, whichever is less. Ifanya newspapershall refuse thepublication ofrefuses to publish the amendments,thisthe refusaland failure of the publicationshall have no effect on the validity of the amendments. The secretary of state shall also forward to each county auditor enough copies of the statement, in poster form,in quantities sufficientto supply each election district of the county with two copiesthereof. The auditor shallcausehave two copiesto beconspicuously posted at or near each polling place on election day. Willful or negligent failure byanyan official named to performanya duty imposed by this sectionshall be deemedis a misdemeanor. 3.22 [PAYMENT.] The publisher ofanyeach newspaper publishing the proposed amendments shall, before receiving fees for the publication andprior tobefore the first day of January following an election year, file with the secretary of state an affidavit showing the qualification and legality of the newspaper and stating that the amendments have been published as required by law. 3.23 [APPROPRIATIONS.] A standing appropriation, within the meaning of sections 3.23 and 3.24, is one which sets apart a specified or unspecified and open amount of public money or funds of the state general fund for expenditure foranya purpose and makesthatthe amount, orsomea part of it, available for use continuously and at a time more distant than the end of the second fiscal year after the session of the legislature at which the appropriation is made. Every appropriation stated to be an "annual appropriation," "payable annually," "appropriated annually," or "annually appropriated," and every appropriation described by equivalent terms or language isto be included among thea standingappropriationsappropriation ashereinbeforedefined in this section. 3.24 [STANDING APPROPRIATION REPEALED.]Each andEvery provision ofthe laws of Minnesotalaw constituting a standing appropriation of money from the general fund, or derived fromanyrevenue of the state, or in any way justifying the continuous payment ofanymoney from the treasury of the state, isherebyrepealed, exceptin cases where:there is(1) a provision for a tax levy or fees or receipts foranya purpose and set apart in a special fund, andalsoexcepting(2) the miscellaneous receipts ofallstate educational, charitable, and penal institutions, and the state agricultural society; and all standing or continuous appropriations not basedon a tax levy, fees, or receipts, as heretofore provided, arehereby abolished and terminated and each and every word, clause,and paragraph providing for such appropriations is herebystricken from the laws of this state, respectively, in whichthey occur.AllActs containing provisions for standing appropriations shall remain unaffected by sections 3.23 and 3.24, except as tosuchthe appropriationsand the amount thereof. 3.25 [APPROPRIATIONS; NOT DISCLOSING SOURCE.]Whenever moneys areIf money is appropriated from the state treasury and the appropriation does not disclosetheits sourcethereof, the appropriation is from the general fund. 3.251 [COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS.] A commission on uniform state laws consisting of four commissioners is created. Before the first day of June, each odd-numbered year, the governor, the attorney general, and the chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint three persons learned in the law to serve as commissioners for a term of two years, and until their successors are appointed. The fourth commissioner is the revisor of statutes or the revisor's designated assistant. If a vacancy occurs in the commission the appointing officers shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. 3.252 [COMMISSIONERS TO REPRESENT STATE.] The commissioners shall: (1) represent this state in the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; (2) examineintolegal subjects on which uniformity of legislation in the different states is desirable; (3) ascertain the best means to effect uniformity; (4) represent Minnesota in conventions oflikesimilar commissioners of other states; (5) cooperate in the consideration and drafting of uniform acts for submission to the legislatures of the several states; and (6) prepare bills adaptingsuchthe uniform acts to our statutes for introduction in the legislature. The commission shall keep a record of all its transactions. 3.253 [NO COMPENSATION FOR COMMISSIONERS.] The commissionersshallserve without compensation for services as commissioners. 3.30 [LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COMMISSION.] Subdivision 1. [APPROPRIATION; TRANSFERS.]There is herebyauthorized oneA general contingent appropriation for each year of the biennium is authorized insuchthe amountasthe legislaturemay deemdeems sufficient.There is furtherauthorized suchAdditional special contingent appropriations as the legislaturemay deemdeems necessary are authorized. Transfers fromsuchthe appropriations to the appropriations of the various departments and agencies may be made by the commissioner of finance subject to the following provisions: (a) Transfers may be authorized by the commissioner of finance not exceeding $5,000 for the same purpose for any quarterly period; (b) Transfers exceeding $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000 may be authorized by the commissioner of finance with the approval of the governor; (c) Transfers exceeding $10,000 may be authorized by the governor; provided, that no suchbut no transfershallexceeding $10,000 may be made until the governor has consulted the legislative advisory commissionhereinafter provided forandsuch commissionit has made its recommendationthereonon the transfer.SuchIts recommendationshall beis advisory only. Failure or refusal of the commission to make a recommendation promptlyshall be deemedis a negative recommendation. The commissioner of finance shall return to the appropriate contingent account any funds transferred under this subdivision that the commissioner determines are not needed. Subd. 2. [MEMBERS; DUTIES.] The majority leader of the senate or a designee, the chair of the senate committee on finance, and the chair of the senate division of finance responsible for overseeing the items being considered by the commission, the speaker of the house of representatives or a designee, the chair of the house committee on appropriations, and the chair of the division of the house appropriations committee responsible for overseeing the items being considered by the commissioner constitute the legislative advisory commission. The division chair of the finance committee in the senate and the division chair of the appropriations committee in the house shall rotate according to the items being considered by the commission. If any of thelegislativemembers elect not to serve on the commission, the house of which they are members, if in session, shall select some other member forsuchthe vacancy. If the legislature is not in session, vacancies in thelegislativehouse membership of the commission shall be filled by the last speaker of the house or, if the speakerbeis not available, by the last chair of the house rules committee,incase of a house vacancy,and by the last senate committee on committees or other appointing authority designated by the senate rules in case of a senate vacancy. The commissioner of finance shallact asbe secretary of the commission andshallkeep a permanent record and minutes of its proceedings, whichshall beare public records. The commissioner of finance shall transmit, underthe provisions ofsection 3.195, a report to the next legislature of all actions ofsaidthe commission.TheMembersof the commissionshall receive traveling and subsistence expensesinincurred attending meetings of the commission. The commission shall meet from time to time upon the call of the governor or upon the call of the secretary at the request of three or more of its members. Subd. 3. [LIMITATIONS.]The provisions ofThis sectionshalldoes notbe construed toprevent the appropriation of separate contingent funds to the governor and the attorney general,ortolimitthetheir useof said fundsasotherwiseauthorized by other law.Subd. 4. [PUBLIC RELIEF ADVISORY COMMITTEE; ABOLITION.] TheMinnesota public relief advisory committee is abolished, and itspowers and duties are transferred to the legislative advisorycommission.3.3005 [FEDERAL MONEY; EXPENDITURE REVIEW.] Subdivision 1. As used in this section, the term "state agency" means all agencies in the executive branch of state government, but does not include the Minnesota historical society, the University of Minnesota, state universities, or community colleges. Subd. 2. A state agency shall not expend money received by it underanyfederal law for any purpose unless a request to spend federal money from that source for that purpose in that fiscal year has been submitted by the governor to the legislature as a part ofthe governor's bienniala budget requestor as part of a supplementary or deficiency budgetrequest, or unless specifically authorized by law or as provided by this section. Subd. 3.WhenIf a request to spend federal moneyhas beenis included in the governor's budget or spending the money is authorized by lawas described in subdivision 2,but the amount of federal money receivedwill requirerequires a state match greater than that included in thegovernor'sbudget request or authorized by law, thefederal moneyamount thatwillrequirerequires an additional state matchshall notmay be allotted for expenditureuntilafter the requirements of subdivision 5 are met. Subd. 4. If federal money becomes available to the state for expenditure while the legislature is not in session, and the availability of money from that source or for that purpose or in that fiscal year could not reasonably have been anticipated and included in the governor's budget request, and an urgency requires that all ora portionpart of the money be allotted before the legislature reconvenes,all or a portion of the moneyit may be allotted to a state agency after the requirements of subdivision 5 are met. Subd. 5. Federal money that becomes available under subdivisions 3 and 4 maynotbe allotteduntilafter the commissioner of finance hasfirstsubmitted the request to the members of the legislative advisory commission for their review and recommendation for further review. If a recommendation is not made within ten days, no further review by the legislative advisory commission is required, and the commissioner shall approve or disapprove the request. Ifthea recommendation by any member is for further review the governor shall submit the request to the legislative advisory commission for its review and recommendation. Failure or refusal of the commission to make a recommendation promptly is a negative recommendation. 3.302 [LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT.] A legislative reference library is established under thejurisdiction andcontrol of the legislative coordinating commission. Subd. 2. [COLLECTION; PURPOSE.] Thelegislative referencelibrary shall collect, index, and make available in suitable form information relative to governmental and legislative subjects which will aid members of the legislaturein theperformance ofto perform their duties in an efficient and economical manner. It shall maintain an adequate collection of public documents of Minnesota and other statesand. It may enter into loan agreements with other libraries. Subd. 3. [STATE DOCUMENTS.] Thelegislative referencelibrary is a depository of all documents published by the state and shall receivesuch materialsthem automatically without cost. As used in this chapter, "document"shall includeincludes any publication issued by the state, constitutional officers, departments, commissions, councils, bureaus, research centers, societies, task forces, including advisory task forces created under section 15.014 or 15.0593, or other agencies supported by state funds, or any publication prepared for the state by private individuals or organizations and issued in print, including all forms of duplicating other than by the use of carbon paper, considered to be of interest or value to thelegislative referencelibrary. Intraoffice or interoffice memos and forms and information concerning only the internal operation of an agency are not included. Subd. 3a. [IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS.] For all documents deposited under subdivision 3, thelegislative referencelibrary shall require that the issuing agency supply proper bibliographic identification. The identification shall appear on the title page of each volume andshallinclude a complete title, a statement of authorship, the name of the publisher, and the date and place of publication.WheneverIf possible the document shall be consecutively paged.Whenever applicableThe issuing agency shall include a statementindicatingciting thesection number ofstatute orthe chapter number and year of thesession law with which the report complies, if there is one. Subd. 4. [STUDIES AND REPORTS.] Thelegislative referencelibrary mayutilize the materials assembleduse its collection to prepare studies and reportsprovidingto provide pertinent informationregardingabout subjectswhich are or may becomeitemsof concern to members of the legislatureand wherewarranted. It may publishsuchthe studies and reports. 3.3025 [DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY.] Subdivision 1. The legislative coordinating commission shall appoint a qualified director of the legislative reference librarywho is qualified to perform the duties imposed upon theoffice at an annual salary which. It shall fixunless otherwisethe director's salary if it is not providedforby law. The directorof the legislative reference libraryshall serve at the pleasure of the commission andshallbe reimbursed foranynecessary travel expenses. Subd. 2. Subject to the approval of thelegislativecoordinatingcommission, the directorof the legislativereference libraryshall employ and may fix the compensation of technical research, clerical, and stenographic assistants as necessary toexpeditiously andefficiently discharge the duties imposed upon the officeand. The director shall procure the necessary furniture and supplies. Subd. 3. Thelegislative referencelibrary shall be kept open during the time provided by law for other state offices. When the legislature is in session theofficelibrary shall be kept open at the hours most convenient to members of the legislature. 3.3026 [INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTORY.] Subdivision 1. [POLICY.] The state must make maximum use of its information files and data processing systems. A statewide directory of information systems will direct users to existing information systems maintained by state agencies, minimize duplication of information systems already developed, and encouragethesharingofinformation systems within the state. A directory will assist usersin contactingto contact agencies about information files and about experience with hardware and softwareconfigurations. It will reduce overall costs, promote communication among agencies, and permit more efficient use of personnel resources for information systems development. Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.] The terms used in this section have the meanings given them in this subdivision. (a) "Directory" means an indexed listing of descriptive data about information systems. The descriptions will include agency name, information system name, contact person, software used, hardware used, and other informationwhich in, at the discretion of the legislative reference library, that will assist users. (b) "Information system"or "information systems"means an organized collection of data, either manually organized or automated, used by an agencyin performingto perform its duties orassistingto assist inthemakingofadministrative and budgetary decisions. An information system includes the data organized and any hardware or software used to process it.Every state agency shall file a description of its existinginformation systems with the legislative reference library byJanuary 31, 1984. These descriptions shall be in accordancewith specifications and on forms provided by the library. Eachagency shall file an updated description, noting additions,deletions, and changes by November 30 and by May 31 each year.(c) "State agency"or "state agencies"means any office, department, agency, commission, council, bureau, research center, or society of state government, and other agencies supported by state funds. Subd. 3.[LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY; DEVELOPMENT OFPLANINFORMATION SYSTEMS; FILING.]The legislative referencelibrary shall prepare a plan for the directory by January 1,1984. The plan shall include a definition of the types ofsystems that will be included in the directory, an enumerationof the types of information required for each system reported,and a description of the method selected for production anddissemination of the directoryEach state agency shall file with the legislative reference library an updated description of its information systems, noting additions, deletions, and changes, by November 30 and May 31 each year. The descriptions must be in accordance with specifications and on forms provided by the library. Subd. 4. [LEGISLATIVE REFERENCELIBRARY DIRECTOR; DUTIES.] The legislative reference library director shall employ and fix the salary of the technical, clerical, and other assistants necessary to produce the directory. The director may enter into contracts for equipment and services necessaryin the productionto produce anddissemination ofdisseminate the directory. Subd. 5. [PUBLICATION.]The legislative reference libraryshall prepare a directory by June 30, 1985.The directory shall be prepared in a format which thelegislative referencelibrary, in its discretion, believes is most efficient and beneficial to the user. Subd. 6. [UPDATING.] The legislative reference library shall continually update the directory andshallreissue it at intervals it finds, in its discretion, are reasonable and cost efficient. Subd. 7. [AGENCY COOPERATION.] Every state agency shall appoint one person within the agency as a data processing liaison, responsible for working with the legislative reference library. Theappointment shall be made and thename of the person appointed shall be forwarded to thelegislative referencelibraryby July 1, 1983. The department of administration shall provide access to its library listing of systems and programs produced under section 16.90 and shall produce this information in hard copy form or on magnetic tape media, as requested by the legislative reference library director. 3.303 [LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION; CREATION AND ORGANIZATION.] Subdivision 1.A legislative commission is hereby createdto be known asThe legislative coordinating commission,designated herein as the "commission,"is created to coordinate the legislative activities of the senate andthehouse of representatives. Subd. 2. Themembership of thecommissionshall consistconsists of the majority leader of the senate, the president of the senate, two senators appointed by the majority leader, the minority leader of the senate, and one senator appointed by the minority leader; and the majority leader of the house of representatives, the speaker of the house of representatives, two representatives appointed by the speaker, the minority leader of the house of representatives, and one representative appointed by the minority leader. Each member shall serve until a successor is named during a regular session following appointment. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Subd. 3. The president of the senate and the speaker of the house shall alternate annually as chair of the commission. Subd. 4. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation butshallbe reimbursed in the same manner as members of standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives. Subd. 5. The commission shall represent the legislature and assist state agenciesin makingto make arrangementsfor theaccommodationto accommodate andappropriate recognition ofappropriately recognize individuals or groups visiting Minnesota as direct or indirect representatives of foreign governments, other states, orany of thesubdivisions or agencies of foreign governments or other states;and to provide other services determined by the commission. The commission may make grants, employ staff, and obtain office space, equipment, and supplies necessary to performthe designatedits duties. 3.304 [OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH.] Subdivision 1. [REVISOR AND LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY; JURISDICTION OF LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION.] The legislative coordinating commission may establish under its jurisdiction and control an office of legislative research, and may include withinsuch officeit the office of revisor of statutes and the legislative reference library. The commission may appoint, set salaries for, and delegate authority to,suchthe personnelasit deems necessary to perform the functions required. Subd. 2. [EMPLOYEES IN UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE.] All employees under thejurisdiction andcontrol of the legislative coordinating commission are employees of the legislature in the unclassified service of the state. Subd. 2a. [JOINT LEGISLATIVE STUDIES.] The legislative coordinating commission shall oversee and coordinate all joint legislative studies mandated by the legislature and may require regular progress reports to thelegislative coordinatingcommission andtoappropriate standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate. Appropriations for all joint legislative studies except those specifically assigned to an existing legislative commission shall be made to the legislative coordinating commission. Responsibility and appropriations for a joint legislative study may be delegated by the legislative coordinating commission to an existing staff office of the house of representatives or senate, a legislative commission, a joint legislative committee or office or a state agency. The office, commission, joint committee, or agency responsible for the study may contract with another agent for assistance. Subd. 3. [STATE AGENCIES TO COOPERATE WITH LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION.] The legislative coordinating commission may call upon any agencyof the stateor political subdivisionthereofof the state forsuchavailable dataasmay be available, andsuchthe agencies shall cooperate with the commission to the fullest possible extent. Subd. 5. [EXPENSES OF LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION.] One-half the expenses of the legislative coordinating commission not including the expenses of the office of the revisor of statutes and the legislative reference library, as determined by the commission, shall be allocated from the legislative expense fund of each house of the legislature to a legislative research account. The expenses of the commission other than the expenses of the office of the revisor of statutes and the legislative reference library, shall be paid from the legislative research account upon vouchers signed by the chair of the commission. 3.305 [LEGISLATIVE COORDINATING COMMISSION; BUDGET REVIEW.] The administrative budget request of any statutory commission the majority of whose members are members of the legislature shall be submitted to the legislative coordinating commission for review and commentprior tobefore its submission to the finance committee of the senate and the appropriations committee of the house of representatives. No such commission shall employ additional personnel without first having received the recommendation of the legislative coordinating commission. The commission shall establish the compensation of all employees of any statutory commission, except classified employees of the legislative audit commission, the majority of whose members are members of the legislature. 3.732 [SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS.] Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.] As used in this section and section 3.736 the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. (1) "State" includes each of the departments, boards, agencies, commissions, courts, and officers in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the state of Minnesota and includes but is not limited to theMinnesotahousing finance agency, theMinnesotahigher education coordinating board, theMinnesotahigher education facilities authority, the armory building commission, theMinnesotazoological board, the state agricultural society, the University of Minnesota, state universities, community colleges, state hospitals, and state penal institutions. It does not include a city, town, county, school district, or other local governmental body corporate and politic. (2) "Employee of the state" means all present or former officers, members, directors, or employees of the state, members of the Minnesota national guard, or persons acting on behalf of the state in an official capacity, temporarily or permanently, with or without compensation, but. It does not include either an independent contractor or members of the Minnesota national guard while engaged in training or duty under United States Code, title 10, or United States Code, title 32, section 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505, as amended through December 31, 1983. (3) "Scope of office or employment" means that the employee was acting on behalf of the state in the performance of duties or tasks lawfully assigned by competent authority. Subd. 2. The head of each department or agency of the state, or a designee, acting on behalf of the state, shall attempt to determine, adjust and settle, at any time, any claim for money damages of $2,500 or less against the state for injury to or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by an act or omission of any employee of the state while acting within the scope of office or employment, under circumstances where the state, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant.Any suchThe settlementshall beis final and conclusive on all officers of the state,except whereunless procured by fraud. The acceptance by the claimant ofany sucha settlementshall beis final and conclusive on the claimant andshallconstituteconstitutes a complete release of any claim against the state andagainstthe employee of the state whose act or omission gave rise to the claim, by reason of the same subject matter. Subd. 3.NoA settlement made underthe provisions ofthis sectionshall beis not valid unless it is supported by a claim in writing, and is approved in writing by the attorney general as to its form and legality. The claim shall be insuchthe formasthat the attorney generalmay prescribeprescribes. Subd. 5. Nothing in this section is to be construedasto deny a claimant who is not paidpursuant to the provisionshereofunder this section from bringing an action at law in the courts of this state. Subd. 6. The head of each department or agency, or a designee, acting on behalf of the state, may enter into structured settlements, through the negotiation, creation, andutilizationuse of annuities or similar financial plans for claimants, to resolve claims arising from the alleged negligence of the state, its agencies, or employees.The requirements setforth inSections16.07, 16.08, and 16.098 shall16B.06, 16B.07, 16B.08, and 16B.09 do not apply to the state's selection of and contracts with structured settlement consultants or purveyors of structured settlement plans. 3.736 [TORT CLAIMS.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL RULE.] The state will pay compensation for injury to or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by an act or omission ofanyan employee of the state while acting within the scope of office or employment or a peace officer who is not acting on behalf of a private employer and who is acting in good faithpursuant tounder section 629.40, subdivision 4, under circumstances where the state, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant, whether arising out of a governmental or proprietary function. Nothing in this section waives the defense of judicial or legislative immunity except to the extent provided in subdivision 8. Subd. 2. [PROCEDURE.] Claims of various kinds shall be considered and paid only in accordance with the statutory procedures provided.WhereIf there is no other applicable statute, a claim shall be broughtpursuant tounder this section as a civil action in the courts of the state. Subd. 3. [EXCLUSIONS.] Without intent to preclude the courts from finding additional cases where the state and its employees should not, in equity and good conscience, pay compensation for personal injuries or property losses, the legislature declares that the state and its employees are not liable for the following losses: (a)Anya loss caused by an act or omission of a state employee exercising due care in the execution of a valid or invalid statute or rule; (b)Anya loss caused by the performance or failure to perform a discretionary duty, whether or not the discretion is abused; (c)Anya loss in connection with the assessment and collection of taxes; (d)Anya loss caused by snow or ice conditions onanya highway or public sidewalk that does not abut a publicly-owned building or a publicly-owned parking lot, except when the condition is affirmatively caused by the negligent acts of a state employee; (e)Anya loss caused by wild animals in their natural state, except as provided in section 3.7371; (f)Anya loss other than injury to or loss of property or personal injury or death; (g)Anya loss caused by the condition of unimproved real property owned by the state, which means land that the state has not improved, and appurtenances, fixtures, and attachments to land that the state has neither affixed nor improved; (h)Anya loss incurred by a user within the boundaries of the outdoor recreation system and arising from the construction, operation, or maintenance of the system, as defined in section 86A.04, or from the clearing of land, removal of refuse, and creation of trails or paths without artificial surfaces, or from the construction, operation, or maintenance of a water access site created by the iron range resources and rehabilitation board, except that the state is liable for conduct that would entitle a trespasser to damages against a private person; (i)Anya loss of benefits or compensation due under a program of public assistance or public welfare, exceptwhereif state compensation for loss is expressly required by federal law in order for the state to receive federal grants-in-aid; (j)Anya loss based on the failure ofanya person to meet the standards needed for a license, permit, or other authorization issued by the state or its agents; (k)Anya loss based on the usual care and treatment, or lack of care and treatment, ofanya person at a state hospital or state corrections facility where reasonable use of available appropriations has been made to provide care; (l)Anyloss, damage, or destruction of property of a patient or inmate of a state institution; (m)Anya loss for which recovery is prohibited by section 169.121, subdivision 9; and (n)Anya loss caused by an aeration, bubbler, water circulation, or similar system used to increase dissolved oxygen or maintain open water on the ice of public waters, that is operated under a permit issued by the commissioner of natural resources. The state will not pay punitive damages. Subd. 4. [LIMITS.] The total liability of the state and its employees acting within the scope of their employment on any tort claim shall not exceed: (a) $200,000 when the claim is one for death by wrongful act or omission and $200,000 to any claimant in any other case.; (b) $600,000 for any number of claims arising out of a single occurrence. If the amount awarded to or settled upon multiple claimants exceeds $600,000, any party may apply toanythe district court to apportion to each claimant a proper share of the $600,000. The share apportioned to each claimant shall be in the proportion that the ratio of the award or settlement bears to the aggregate awards and settlements for all claims arising out of the occurrence. The limitation imposed by this subdivision on individual claimants includes damages claimed for loss of services or loss of support arising out of the same tort. Subd. 4a. [SECURITIES CLAIMS LIMITS.] The total liability of the state and its employees acting within the scope of their employment on any claim of whatever matter arising from the issuance and sale of securities by the state shall not exceed: (a) $100,000 to any one person or (b) $500,000 to all claimants in respect of the securities of the same series. Theforegoinglimitations in clauses (a) and (b) shall not affect the obligation of the issuing state entity to pay the indebtedness under the securities in accordance with their terms and from the sources pledged to their payment. Subd. 5. [NOTICE REQUIRED.] Except as provided in subdivision 6, every person, whether plaintiff, defendant or third party plaintiff or defendant, who claims compensation from the state or a state employee acting within the scope of employment for or on account of any loss or injury shall present to the attorney generalof the stateor, in the case of a claim against the University of Minnesota, to the person designated by the regents of the university as the university attorney, and any state employee from whom the claimant will seek compensation, within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is discovered, a notice statingtheits time, place and circumstancesthereof, the names of any state employees known to be involved, and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded. Actual notice of sufficient facts to reasonably put the state or its insurer on notice of a possible claim complies with the notice requirements of this section. Failure to state the amount of compensation or other relief demanded does not invalidate the notice, but the claimant shall furnish full information available regarding the nature and extent of the injuries and damages within 15 days after demand by the state. The time for giving the notice does not include the time during which the person injured is incapacitated by the injury from giving the notice. Subd. 6. [CLAIMS FOR WRONGFUL DEATH; NOTICE.] When the claim is one for death by wrongful act or omission, the notice may be presented by the personal representative, surviving spouse, or next of kin, or the consular officer of the foreign country of which the deceased was a citizen, within one year after the alleged injury or loss resulting in the death. If the person for whose death the claim is made has presented a notice that would have been sufficient had the person lived, an action for wrongful death may be brought withoutanyadditional notice. Subd. 7. [PAYMENT.] A state agency, includinganyan entity defined as part of the state in section 3.732, subdivision 1, clause (1), incurring a tort claim judgment or settlement obligation or whose employees acting within the scope of their employment incur the obligation shall seek approval to make payment by submitting a written request to the commissioner of finance. The request shall contain a description of the tort claimprecipitatingthat causes the request, specify the amount of the obligation and be accompanied by copies of judgments, settlement agreements or other documentation relevant to the obligation for which the agencyis seekingseeks payment. Upon receipt of the request and review of the claim, the commissioner of finance shall determine the proper appropriation from which to make payment. If there issufficientenough money in an appropriation or combination of appropriations to the agency for its general operations and management toallowpay the claimtobe paid from that sourcewithout unduly hindering the operation of the agency, the commissioner shall direct that payment be made from that source. Claims relating to activities paid for by appropriations of dedicated receipts shall be paid from those appropriations if practicable. On determining that an agency has sufficient money in these appropriations to pay only part of a claim, the commissioner shall pay the remainder of the claim from the money appropriated to the commissioner forthisthe purpose. On determining that the agency does not havesufficientenough money to pay any part of the claim, the commissioner shall pay all of the claim from money appropriated to the commissioner forthisthe purpose. On January 1 and July 1 of each year, the commissioner of finance shall transmit to the legislature and to the chair of the house appropriations and senate finance committees copies of all requests in the preceding six months together with a report on the payments made with respect to each request. Payment shall be made only upon receipt of a written release by the claimant in a form approved by the attorney general, or the person designated as the university attorney, as the case may be. No attachment or execution shall issue against the state. Subd. 8. [LIABILITY INSURANCE.] A state agency, includinganyan entity defined as a part of the state in section 3.732, subdivision 1, clause (1), may procure insurance against liability of the agency and its employees for damages resulting from the torts of the agency and its employees.TheProcurement ofthisthe insuranceconstitutesis a waiver of the defense of governmental immunity to the extent of the liability stated in the policy but has no effect on the liability of the agency and its employees beyond the coveragesoprovided by the policy. Subd. 9. [INDEMNIFICATION.] The stateof Minnesotashall defend, save harmless, and indemnify any employee of the state against expenses, attorneys' fees, judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the employeeof the statein connection with any tort, civil, or equitable claim or demand, or expenses, attorneys' fees, judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the employeeof the statein connection with any claim or demand arising from the issuance and sale ofanysecurities by the state, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurringheretoforeor hereafterduring the period of employment if the employee provides complete disclosure and cooperation in the defense of the claim or demand and if the employee was acting within the scope of employment. Except for elected employees, an employeeof the state shall beis conclusively presumed to have been acting within the scope of employment if the employee's appointing authority issues a certificate to that effect. This determination may be overruled by the attorney general. The determination of whether an employeeof the statewas acting within the scope of employmentshall beis a question of fact to be determined by the trier of fact based upon the circumstances of each case: (i) in the absence of a certification, (ii) if a certification is overruled by the attorney general, (iii) if an unfavorable certification is made, or (iv) with respect to an elected official. The absence of the certification or an unfavorable certificationshallis notbeevidence relevant tosucha determination by the trier of fact. It is the express intent of this provision to defend, save harmless, and indemnify any employee of the state against the full amount of any final judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction arising from a claim or demand described herein, regardless of whether the limitations on liability specified in subdivision 4 or 4ahereofare, for any reason, found to be inapplicable. This subdivision does not apply in case of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton actions or neglect of duty, nor does it apply to expenses, attorneys' fees, judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement of claims for proceedings brought by or before responsibility or ethics boards or committees. Subd. 9a. [PEACE OFFICER INDEMNIFICATION.] The stateofMinnesotashall defend, save harmless, and indemnify a peace officer who is not acting on behalf of a private employer and who is acting in good faithpursuant tounder section 629.40, subdivision 4, the same as if the officer were an employee of the state. Subd. 10. [JUDGMENT AS BAR.] The judgment in an action under this section is a complete bar to any action by the claimant, by reason of the same subject matter, against the state employee whose act or omission gave rise to the claim. Subd. 11. [STATUTE OF LIMITATION.] The statute of limitations for all tort claims brought against the stateshallbeis asset forthprovided in chapter 541 and otherapplicablelaws. 3.737 [LIVESTOCK OWNERS; COMPENSATION FOR DESTROYED OR CRIPPLED ANIMALS.] Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding section 3.736, subdivision 3, paragraph (e) or any other lawto the contrary, a livestock owner shall be compensated by the commissioner of agriculture for livestock that is destroyed or is crippled so that it must be destroyedafter July 1, 1977by an animal classified as endangered under the federal endangered species act of 1973. The ownershall beis entitled to the fair market value of the destroyed livestock, not to exceed $400 per animal destroyed, as determined by the commissionerof agriculture, upon recommendation of the county extension agent for the owner's county and a conservation officer. The commissioner, upon recommendation of the agent and conservation officer, shall determine whether the livestock was destroyed by an animal described in this subdivision. The owner shall file a claim on forms provided by the commissionerof agricultureand available at the county extension agent's office. Subd. 2.AnyPayments madepursuant tounder this section shall be reduced by amounts received by the owner as proceeds fromanyan insurance policy covering livestock losses, or from any other source for the same purpose including, but not limited to, a federal program. Subd. 3. The commissionerof agricultureshall adopt and may amend rules to carry outthe provisions ofthis section which shall include:(a)methods of valuation of livestock destroyed;(b)criteria for determination of the cause for livestock loss;(c)notice requirements by the owner of destroyed livestock; and(d) anyother matters determined necessary by the commissioner to carry outthe provisions ofthis section. Subd. 4.[COMMISSIONER'S DETERMINATION; APPEALS.]If the commissioner finds that the livestock owner has shown that the loss of the livestock was caused more probably than not by an animal classified as an endangered species, the commissioner shall pay compensation as provided in this section and in the rules of the department. If the commissioner deniesanycompensation claimed byalivestockan owner under this section, the commissioner shall issue a written decision based upon the available evidencewhich. It shall include specification of the facts upon which the decision is based and the conclusions on the material issues of the claim. A copy of the decision shall betransmittedmailed to thelivestockownerby first classdenyingto deny compensation claimed under this section is not subject to the contested case review procedures of chapter 14, but may be reviewed upon a trial de novo inthecountya court in the county where the loss occurred. The decision of thecountycourt may be appealed as in other civil cases. Review inthe countycourt may be obtained bythefilingofa petition for review with the administrator of thecountycourt within 60 days following receipt of a decision under this section. Upon the filing of a petition, the administratorofthe county courtshall mail a copyof itto the commissioner and set a time for hearingwhich shall be heldwithin 90 days of the filingof the petition. 3.7371 [COMPENSATION FOR CROP DAMAGE CAUSED BY ELK.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.] Notwithstanding section 3.736, subdivision 3, paragraph (e), or any other lawto thecontrary, a person who owns an agricultural crop shall be compensated by the commissioner of agriculture for an agricultural crop that is damaged or destroyed by elk as provided in this section. Subd. 2. [CLAIM FORM.] The crop owner must prepare a claim on forms provided by the commissionerof agricultureand available at the county extension agent's office. The claim form must be filed with the commissionerof agriculture. A claim form may not be filed for crop damage or destruction that occurs before June 3, 1987. Subd. 3. [COMPENSATION.] The crop ownershall beis entitled to the target price or the market price, whichever is greater, of the damaged or destroyed crop plus adjustments for yield loss determined according to agricultural stabilization and conservation service programs for individual farms, adjusted annually, as determined by the commissionerof agriculture, upon recommendation of the county extension agent for the owner's county or a federal crop adjuster. The commissionerofagriculture, upon recommendation of the agent or adjuster, shall determine whether the crop damage or destruction is caused by elk and, if so, the amount of the crop that is damaged or destroyed. In any calendar year, a crop owner may not be compensated for a damaged or destroyed crop that is less than $100 in value and may be compensated up to $20,000in value, as determined under this section,providedif normal harvest procedures for the area are followed. Subd. 4. [INSURANCE DEDUCTION.] Payments authorized by this section must be reduced by amounts received by the owner as proceeds from an insurance policy covering crop losses, or from any other source for the same purpose including, but not limited to, a federal program. Subd. 5. [DECISION ON CLAIMS; OPENING LAND TO HUNTING.] If the commissionerof agriculturefinds that the crop owner has shown that the damage or destruction of the owner's crop was caused more probably than not by elk, the commissionerofagricultureshall pay compensation as provided in this section and the rules of the commissioner. Total compensation to all claimants shall not exceed the amount of funds appropriated for Laws 1987, chapter 373. A crop owner who receives compensation under this section may, by written permission, permit hunting on the land at the landowner's discretion. Subd. 6. [DENIAL OF CLAIM; APPEAL.] (a) If the commissioner denies compensation claimed by a crop owner under this section, the commissioner shall issue a written decision based upon the available evidence including a statement of the facts upon which the decision is based and the conclusions on the material issues of the claim. A copy of the decision must betransmittedmailed to the crop ownerby first class mail. (b) A decision denying compensation claimed under this section is not subject to the contested case review procedures of chapter 14, but a crop owner may have the claim reviewed in a trial de novo inthe countya court in the county where the loss occurred. The decision of thecountycourt may be appealed as in other civil cases. Review inthe countycourt may be obtained bythefilingofa petition for review with the administrator of thecountycourt within 60 days following receipt of a decision under this section. Upon the filing of a petition, the administratorof the county courtshall mail a copyof itto the commissioner and set a time for hearing within 90 days after the filingof the petition. Subd. 7. [RULES.] The commissionerof agricultureshall adopt rules and may adopt emergency rules andmayamend rules to carry outthe provisions ofthis section. The rules must include: (1) methods of valuation of crops damaged or destroyed; (2) criteria for determination of the cause of the crop damage or destruction; (3) notice requirements by the owner of the damaged or destroyed crop; and (4) any other matters determined necessary by the commissioner to carry outthe provisions ofthis section. 3.738 [INJURY OR DEATH OF PATIENT OR INMATE.] Subdivision 1. [LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY.] Claims and demands arising out of injury to or death of a patient of a state institution under the control of the commissioner of human services or an inmate of a state correctional facility while performing assigned duties shall be presented to, heard and determined by the legislature. Subd. 2. [EVALUATION OF CLAIMS.] Claimsarisingunder this section shall be paid pursuant to legislative appropriation following evaluation of each claim by the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives. Compensation will not be paid for pain and suffering. Subd. 3. [EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.] The procedure established by this section is exclusive of all other legal, equitable and statutory remedies. 3.739 [INJURY OR DEATH OF CONDITIONALLY RELEASED INMATE.] Subdivision 1. [PERMISSIBLE CLAIMS.] Claims and demands arising out of the circumstances described in this subdivision shall be presented to, heard, and determined as provided in subdivision 2: (1) an injury to or death of an inmate of a state, regional, or local correctional facility or county jail who has been conditionally released and ordered to perform uncompensated work for a state agency, a political subdivision or public corporation of this state, a nonprofit educational, medical, or social service agency, or a private business or individual, as a condition of the release, while performing the work; (2) an injury to or death of a person sentenced by a court, granted a suspended sentence by a court, or subject to a court disposition order, and who,pursuant tounder court order, is performing work (a) in restitution, (b) in lieu of or to work off fines or court ordered costs, (c) in lieu of incarceration, or (d) as a term or condition of a sentence, suspended sentence, or disposition order, while performing the work; (3) an injury to or death of a person, who has been diverted from the court system and who is performing work as described in paragraph (1) or (2)pursuant tounder a written agreement signed by the person, and if a juvenile, by a parent or guardian; or (4) an injury to or death of any person caused by an individual who was performing work as described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). Subd. 2. [EVALUATION AND PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.] Claimsnot toexceedof $500arising out ofor less subject to this section shall be investigated by the state or local agency responsible for supervising the work to determine if the claim is valid and if the loss is covered by the claimant's insurance. The investigating agency shall submit all appropriate claims to the department of corrections. The department shall pay the portion ofanyan approved claim that is not covered by the claimant's insurance within a reasonableperiod oftime. On or before the first day of each legislative session, the department shall submit to the appropriate committees of the senate and the house of representatives a list of the claims paid by it during the preceding calendar year, and shall be reimbursedpursuant toby legislative appropriation for the claims paid. For the purposes of this paragraph, in the case of a juvenile claimant the term "claimant's insurance" includes the insurancepolicyof the juvenile's parents if the juvenile is covered by thepolicyinsurance.AnyA claim in excess of $500, andanya claim that was not paid by the department may be presented to, heard, and determined by the appropriate committees of the senate and the house of representatives and, if approved, shall be paid pursuant to legislative claims procedure. No juvenile claimant receiving paymentpursuant tounder this section may be identified by name either in the list of claimants submitted by the department or in the legislative appropriation. Subd. 2a. [LIMITATIONS.] Compensation paid under this section is limited to reimbursement for medical expenses and compensation for permanent total or partial disability or death. No compensation shall be paidpursuant tounder this section for pain and suffering. Payments madepursuant tounder this section shall be reduced by any proceeds received by the claimant from any insurance policy covering the loss. For the purposes of this section, "insurance policy" does not include the medical assistance program authorized under chapter 256B, or the general assistance medical care program authorized under chapter 256D. Subd. 3. [EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.] The procedure established by this section is exclusive of all other legal, equitable and statutory remedies against the state, its political subdivisions, oranyemployeesthereofof the state or its political subdivisions. 3.751 [CONTRACT CLAIMS.] Subdivision 1. When a controversy arises out ofanya contract for work, services, the delivery of goods, or debt obligations of the state incurredpursuant tounder Article XI of the Minnesota Constitution entered into byanya state agency through established procedure, in respect to which controversy apersonparty to the contract would be entitled to redress against the state,in a courtof appropriate jurisdiction, if the state were suable, andwhenno claim against the state has been made in a bill pending in the legislature for the same redress against it, the stateherebywaives immunity from suit in connection withsuchthe controversy and confers jurisdiction on the district court tohear anddetermineany such controversyit in the manner provided forthe trial of causescivil actions in the district court. Only a party to the contract may bring action against the state. Subd. 2. No action shall be maintained unless it is commenced within 90 days after the plaintiff has been furnished by the state with a final estimate under the contract, or, at the election of the plaintiff, within six months after the work provided for under the contract is completed. Subd. 3. The action may be brought in the district courtofin the countyin whichwhere the cause of action or some partthereofof it arose, or in the district courtofin Ramsey county. The action shall be commenced by filing a complaint with the administrator of court, and serving a summons and copy of the complaint upon the attorney general at the state capitol. The state shall have 40 days from the date ofsuchthe servicewithin whichto serve an answer upon the plaintiff. The action shall proceed in the district court as other actions at law. Subd. 4.[APPEAL.]An appeal fromanya final order or judgment in the action may be taken as in other civil cases. Subd. 5. This section does not apply to controversies arising out ofanya contractfor the constructionto construct or repairofa state trunk highway. 3.754 [BUDGET REQUESTS; PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CLAIMS.] All state departments and agencies including the state university board and the state board for community colleges shall include in their budget requests the amounts necessary to reimburse counties and municipalities for claims involving assessments for improvements benefiting state owned propertylocatedin their communities. 3.755 [DAMAGE BY ESCAPING INMATES.] The department of corrections and the department of human servicesare directed toshall pay all claims involving property damage, not covered by insurance, resulting from actions of escaping inmates or runaway patients occurring whileperfectingmaking their escape, provided that. The departmentshaveverifiedmust verify the reasonableness of the amounts claimed. Upon the approval of the commissioner of human services or the commissioner of corrections as to the institutions under their respective control, the superintendent or chief executive officer ofany suchan institution may pay out of the current expense appropriation of the institution toanyan employeethereofof the institution the amount of any property damage sustained by the employee, not in excess of $250,by reason oras a resultbecause of action ofanya patient or inmate of the institution. 3.761 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS DEFINED.] For purposes of this section and sections 3.762 to 3.765, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. [ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE.] "Administrative law judge" means the official assigned to conduct a contested case hearing under chapter 14. Subd. 3. [CONTESTED CASE.] "Contested case" means a proceeding defined in section 14.02, subdivision 3, in which the position of the state is represented by counsel, but excludes. It does not include a contested casefor the purpose ofestablishingto establish orfixingfix a rate orfor grantinggrant orrenewingrenew a license. Subd. 4. [EXPENSES.] "Expenses" means the costs incurred by the party in the litigation, including: (1) filing fees; (2) subpoena fees and mileage; (3) transcript costs and court reporter fees; (4) expert witness fees; (5) photocopying and printing costs; (6) postage and delivery costs; and (7) service of process fees. Subd. 5. [FEES.] "Fees" means the reasonable attorney fees or reasonable fees charged by a person not an attorney who is authorized by law or rule to represent the party and may include reasonable charges by the party, the party's employee, or agent. The amount of fees must be based upon prevailing market rates for the kind and quality of the services furnished, subject to the following limitations: (a) In a court action, an expert witness may not be compensated at a rate in excess of the highest rate of compensation for expert witnesses paid by the United States. (b) In a contested case proceeding, an expert witness may not be compensated at a rate in excess of the highest rate of compensation for expert witnesses paid by the state agency involved. (c) Attorney or agent fees may not be awarded in excess of $100 per hour unless the court or administrative law judge determines that an increase in the cost of living or a special factor, such as the limited availability of qualified attorneys or agents for the proceedings involved, justifies a higher fee. Subd. 6. [PARTY.] (a) Except as modified by paragraph (b), "party" means a person named or admitted as a party, or seeking and entitledas of rightto be admitted as a party, in a court action or contested case proceeding, or a person admitted by an administrative law judge for limited purposes, and who is: (1) an unincorporated business, partnership, corporation, association, or organization, having not more than 50 employees at the time the civil action was filed or the contested case proceeding was initiated; and (2) an unincorporated business, partnership, corporation, association, or organization whose annual revenues did not exceed $4,000,000 at the time the civil action was filed or the contested case proceeding was initiated. (b) "Party" also includes a partner, officer, shareholder, member, or owner of an entity described in paragraph (a), clauses (1) and (2). (c) "Party" does not includeanya person providing services pursuant to licensure or reimbursement on a cost basis by the department of health or the department of human services, when that person is named or admitted or seeking to be admitted as a party inanya matter which involves the licensing or reimbursement rates, procedures, or methodology applicable to those services. Subd. 7. [STATE.] "State" means the state of Minnesota or an agency or official of the stateof Minnesotaacting in an official capacity. Subd. 8. [SUBSTANTIALLY JUSTIFIED.] "Substantially justified" means that the state's position had a reasonable basis in law and fact, based on the totality of the circumstancesprior tobefore and during the litigation or contested case proceeding. 3.762 [FEES AND EXPENSES; CIVIL ACTION OR CONTESTED CASE PROCEEDING INVOLVING STATE.] (a) If a prevailing party other than the state, in a civil action or contested case proceeding other than a tort action, brought by or against the state, shows that the position of the state was not substantially justified, the court or administrative law judge shall award fees and other expenses to the party unless special circumstances make an award unjust. (b) The court or administrative law judge may reduce the amount to be awarded under this section, or deny an award, to the extent that the prevailing party during thecourse of theproceedings engaged in conduct that unduly and unreasonably protracted the final resolution of the matter in controversy. The decision of an administrative law judge under this section must be made a part of the record containing the final decision of the agency and must include written findings and conclusions. (c) This section does not preclude a party from recovering costs, disbursements, fees, and expenses under other applicable law. 3.763 [PAYMENT OF COSTS AND FEES.] Subdivision 1. [CIVIL ACTION.] A judgment against the state in a civil action for fees and expenses under section 3.762 must be paid from funds of the agency. Subd. 2. [CONTESTED CASE PROCEEDING.] Fees and other expenses awarded in a contested case proceeding under section 3.762 must be paid by the agency over which the party prevails from funds of the agency. 3.764 [PROCEDURE FOR AWARD OF FEES; CONTESTED CASE.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICATIONS.] The chief administrative law judge shall by rule establish uniform procedures for the submission and consideration of applications for an award of fees and expenses in a contested case proceeding. If a court reviews the underlying decision of the contested case under sections 14.63 to 14.68, an award for fees and expenses may be made onlypursuant tounder subdivision 3. Subd. 2. [APPEAL.] A party dissatisfied with the fee determination made under subdivision 1 may petition for leave to appeal to the court having jurisdiction to review the merits of the underlying decision of the contested case. If the court denies the petition for leave to appeal, no appeal may be taken from the denial. If the court grants the petition, it may modify the determination only if it finds that the failure to make an award, or the calculation of the amount of the award, was an abuse of discretion. Subd. 3. [JUDICIAL REVIEW.] (a) In awarding fees and expenses under subdivision 1 to a prevailing party in an action for judicial review of a contested case under sections 14.63 to 14.68, the court shall include in that award fees and expenses to the extent authorized in section 3.762. (b) Fees and expenses awarded under this subdivision may be paid in accordance with section 3.763, subdivision 2. 3.765 [REPORTS ON AWARDS.] The state court administrator and the chief administrative law judge shall report annually to the legislature on the amount of fees and expenses awarded under section 3.762 during the preceding fiscal year in court actions and contested case proceedings. The reports shall describe the number, nature, and amount of the awards, the claims involved in the controversy, and any other relevant information that may aid the legislature in evaluating the scope and impact of the awards. State agencies shall provide the chief administrative law judge with information needed to comply withthe requirements ofthis section. 3.84 [MISDEMEANOR.] A person who knowingly and willfully presents, or attempts to present, a false or fraudulent claim; or a state officer who knowingly and willfully participates, or assists, in the preparation or presentation of a false or fraudulent claim is guilty of a misdemeanor. A state officer convicted of such an offense also forfeitstheoffice. 3.85 [LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION ON PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.]A permanentThe legislative commission on pensions and retirement is created tocontinuallystudy and investigate public retirement systemsis herebycreated. Subd. 2. [POWERS.]The name of the commission is thelegislative commission on pensions and retirement.The commission shall make a continuing study and investigation of retirement benefit plans applicable to nonfederal government employees in this state. The powers and duties of the commission include, but are not limited to the following: (a)the study ofstudying retirement benefit plans applicable to nonfederal government employees inthe state ofMinnesota, including federal plans available tosuchthe employees; (b)themakingofrecommendations within the scope oftheits study, including attention to financing of the various pension funds and financing of accrued liabilities; (c)the consideration ofconsidering all aspects of pension planning and operation andthemakingofrecommendations designed to establish and maintain sound pension policyas tofor all funds; (d)thefilingofa report at least biennially to each session of the legislature; (e)theanalyzingofeach item of proposed pension and retirement legislation, including amendmentsthereonto each, with particular reference to analysisas toof their cost, actuarial soundness, and adherence to sound pension policy, andthereportingofits findings to the legislature; (f)the creationcreating andmaintenance ofmaintaining a library for reference concerning pension and retirement matters, including informationas toabout laws and systems in other states; and (g)to study, analyze, and have preparedstudying, analyzing, and preparing reports in regard to subjects certified to the commission forsuchstudy. Subd. 3. [MEMBERSHIP.] The commission consists of five members of the senateto beappointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and administration and five members of the house of representativesto beappointed by the speaker. Membersof the commissionshall be appointed at the commencement of each regular session of the legislature for a two year term beginning January 16 of the first year of the regular session. Vacancieson the commission occurringthat occur while the legislature is in session shall be filledin thesame manner aslike regular appointmentsto the commission. If the legislature is not in session, senate vacanciesin themembership of the commissionshall be filled by the last subcommittee on committees of the senate committee on rules and administration or other appointing authority designated by the senate rulesin case of a senate vacancy, and house vacancies shall be filled by the last speaker of the house, or if the speakerbeis not available, by the last chair of the house rules committeein case of a house vacancy. Subd. 4. [OFFICE, MEETINGS, OFFICERS.] The commission shall maintain an office in the capitol group of buildings in space which the commissioner of administration shall provide. The commission shall hold meetings atsuchthe times and placesasit may designate. It shall select a chair, a vice-chair andsuchother officers from its membership as itmay deemdeems necessary. Subd. 5. [STAFF.] The commission may employsuchprofessional, clerical, and technical assistants as it deems necessaryin orderto perform the dutieshereinprescribed in this section. Subd. 6. [ASSISTANCE OF OTHER AGENCIES.] The commission may request information from any state officer or agency oranypublic pension fund or plan as defined in section 356.61, includinganya volunteer firefighters' relief association to which sections 69.771 to 69.776 applies,in orderto assistincarryingit to carry out the terms of this sectionand. The officer, agency, or public pension fund or plan, is authorizedand directed toshall promptly furnish any data requested. Subd. 7. [LEGISLATIVE BILLS FURNISHED.] The secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house shall provide the commission with a copy of each bill introduced in the legislature concerning retirement and pensions. Subd. 8. [EXPENSES, REIMBURSEMENT.] The members of the commission and its assistants shall be reimbursed for all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their dutieshereunder. Reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be madepursuant tounder the rules governing state employees. Subd. 9. [EXPENSES AND REPORTS.] Expenses of the commission shall be approved by the chair orsuch otheranother member as the rules of the commissionmayprovideand. The expenses shall then be paidin the same manner aslike other state expensesare paid. A general summary or statement of expenses incurred by the commission and paid shall be made to the legislature by November 15 of each even numbered year. Subd. 10.[EFFECTIVE DATE.] This section is effective May1, 1967.Subd. 11.[STANDARDS FOR PENSION VALUATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES.] The commission shallby June 30, 1985,adopt standards prescribing specific detailed methodsof calculating,evaluatingto calculate, evaluate, anddisplayingdisplay current and proposed law liabilities, costs, and actuarial equivalents of all public employee pension plans in Minnesota. These standards shall be consistent with chapter 356 andshallbe updated annuallythereafter. Subd.1211. [VALUATIONS AND REPORTS TO LEGISLATURE.] (a) The commission shall contract with an established actuarial consulting firm to conduct annual actuarial valuations and financial adequacy studies for the retirement plans named in clause (b). The contract shallalsoinclude provisions for performing cost analyses of proposals for changes in benefit and funding policies. (b) The contract for actuarial valuation and analysis shall include the following retirement plans: (1) the Statewide Teachers Retirement Association; (2) the General Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System; (3) the Correctional Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System; (4) the State Patrol Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System; (5) the Judges Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System; (6) the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund; (7) the General Plan, Public Employees Retirement Association; (8) the Police and Fire Plan, Public Employees Retirement Association; (9) the Duluth Teachers Retirement Association; (10) the Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Association; (11) the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Association; (12) the Legislator's Retirement Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System; and (13) the Elective State Officers Retirement Plan, Minnesota State Retirement System. (c)The contract shall include the following:(1) Effective forEvery yearbeginning in fiscal year 1986,the contract shall specify completion of standard actuarial valuations for the fiscal year with contents as described in section 356.215, subdivisions 4 to 4k;and cash flow forecasts through the amortization target date.(2) EffectiveFor every plan yearbeginning in fiscal year1987,the contract shall specify preparation of an exhibit on the experience of the fund for inclusion in the annual actuarial valuation and completion of a periodic experience study as provided for in the standards adopted by the commission. The experience study shall evaluate the appropriateness of continuing to use for future valuations the assumptions relating to: individual salary progression; rate of return on investments; payroll growth; mortality; withdrawal; disability; retirement; and any other experience-related factor that could impact the future financial condition of the retirement funds. (d) The commission shall annually prepare a report to the legislature summarizing the results of the valuations and cash flow projectionsand. It shall include with its report recommendations concerning the appropriateness of the support rates to achieve proper funding of the retirement funds by the required funding dates. It shallalso, within two months of the completion of the periodic experience studies, prepare a report to the legislature on the appropriateness of the valuation assumptions required for evaluation in the periodic experience study. (e) The commission shall assesstheeach retirementplansplan specified in paragraph (b), other than clauses (12) and (13), for the cost oftheirits actuarial valuations andoftheirexperience studies. The assessment shall be that part of the amount of contract compensationwithfor the actuarial consulting firm retained by the commissionspecifiedforthesethose functions that bears the same relationship that the total active, deferred, inactive, and benefit recipient membership of the retirement plan bears to the total action, deferred, inactive, and benefit recipient membership of all retirement plans specified in paragraph (b). The assessment shall be made upon the completion of the actuarial valuations and the experience studies. The amount of the assessment is appropriated from the retirement fund applicable to the retirement plan. Receipts from assessments shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the general fund. 3.855 [LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION ON EMPLOYEE RELATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT.]There is createdThe legislative commission on employee relations is created. The commissionshall consistconsists of six members of the senate and six members of the house of representatives. The senate members shallincludebe the leader of the majority caucus of the senate, the leader of the minority caucus of the senate, the chair of the governmental operations committee, the chair of the finance committee, the chair of the committee on taxes and tax laws, and an additional member designated by the leader of the minority caucus. The house members shallincludebe the speaker, the leader of the minority caucus of the house, the chair of the governmental operations committee, the chair of the appropriations committee, the chair of the taxes committee, and an additional member designated by the leader of the minority caucus.In the event thatIf the membership of the house is evenly divided, the house members shall be selectedpursuant tounder the rules of the house.AnyA member of the commission may resign by providing notice to the chair.In the event of aUpon resignation by a member of the: (1) senate, a replacement shall be selected from among the members of the senate by the committee on rules; (2) house, a replacement shall be selected from among the members of the housepursuant tounder house rules. The commission shall electits ownofficerswho shall servefor terms of two years. Theoffice ofchair of the commission shall alternate between a member of the senate and a member of the house. Subd. 2. [STATE EMPLOYEE NEGOTIATIONS.] The commissioner of employee relations shall regularly advise the commission on the progress of collective bargaining activities with state employeespursuant tounder the state public employment labor relations act. Duringthe course of thenegotiations, the commission may make recommendations to the commissioner as it deems appropriate but no recommendation shall impose any obligation or grant any right or privilege to the parties. The commissioner shall submit to the chair of the commission any negotiated agreements or arbitration awards. Approved negotiated agreements shall be submitted within five days of the date of approval by the commissioner or the date of approval by the affected state employees, whichever occurs later. Arbitration awards shall be submitted within five days of their receipt by the commissioner. If the commission disapprovesofanyan agreement or award, the commission shall specify in writing to the parties those portions with which it disagrees andtheits reasonstherefor. If the commission approvesofan agreement or award, it shallcausesubmit the matterto besubmittedto the legislature to be accepted or rejectedpursuanttounder section 179A.22, subdivision 4. Failure of the commission to disapproveofan agreement or award within 30 days of its receiptshall be deemedconstitutes approval. Approval or disapproval by the commissionshallis notbebinding on theentirelegislature. After adjournment of the legislature in an odd-numbered year, the commission may give interim approval to a negotiated agreement or arbitration award. It shall submit the negotiated agreement or arbitration award to the entire legislature for ratification as provided in section 179A.22, subdivision 4. Subd. 3. [OTHER DUTIES.]In addition to the dutiesspecified in subdivision 2,The commission shallperform thefollowingalso: (a) review and approve, reject, or modify a plan for compensation, terms and conditions of employment prepared and submitted by the commissioner of employee relationspursuant tounder section 43A.18, subdivision 2, covering all state employees who are not represented by an exclusive bargaining representative and whose compensation is not provided for by chapter 43A or other law; (b) review and approve, reject or modify a plan for total compensation and terms and conditions of employment for employeesof thosein positions identified as being managerialpursuant tounder section 43A.18, subdivision 3, whose salaries and benefits are not otherwise provided for in law or other plans established under chapter 43A; (c) review and approve, reject or modify recommendations for salaries submitted by the governorpursuant tounder section 43A.18, subdivision 5, covering agency head positions listed in section 15A.081; (d) continually monitor the state's civil service systemasprovided for in chapter 43A, rules of the commissioner of employee relations and the collective bargaining processasprovided for insections 179A.01 to 179A.25chapter 179A, as applied to state employees; (e) research and analyze the need for improvements in those statutory sections; (f) adopt rulesnot inconsistentconsistent with this section relating to the scheduling and conduct of commission business and other organizational and procedural matters; and (g) performsuchother related functionsas aredelegated to it by the legislature. 3.861 [TAX STUDY COMMISSION.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.] A legislative tax study commission is created. Subd. 2. [DUTIES.] The commission shall: (1) examine the burden of income maintenance and social services on the property tax levies of the counties, and of each county individually, and determine the impact of total or increased state funding of income maintenance and social services on those levies; (2) examine and recommend to the legislature alternative methods of income adjusted property tax relief for homeowners and renters; (3) examine and recommend to the legislature alternative property tax classification systems that reduce the number of property classifications, and determine the effects of the consolidation by type and use of property; (4) examine the tax structures and revenue needs and revenue resources of state and local governments; (5) study and make recommendations about long-range tax policy; (6) analyze proposed tax legislation, with particular reference to revenue and distribution impact, local government financing, and adherence to sound tax policies, and report its findings to the legislature; (7) examine the property tax burdens on agricultural, commercial, industrial, and employment property by county, and by type, use, and market value; and (8) file a report at least biennially with the legislature. Subd. 3. [MEMBERSHIP.] The commission consists of seven members of the senate, including the chair of the committee on taxes and tax laws, to be appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and administration, and seven members of the house of representatives, including the chair of the committee on taxes, to be appointed by the speaker. Appointees are members of the commission only while they are members of the bodies from which they were appointed. The first members serve for a term expiring on January 15 of the next biennial session of the legislature and until their successors are appointed. Later members must be appointed at the start of each biennial session of the legislature for a two-year term beginning on January 16 of that year. Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. Subd. 4. [MEETINGS; OFFICERS.] The commission shall hold meetings at the times and places it designates. The commission's first chair shall be the chair of the house tax committee. Every two years, the chair of the house tax committee and the chair of the senate committee on taxes and tax laws shall alternate the office of commission chair. The commission shall select a vice-chair and other officers from its membership. Subd. 5. [STAFF; OFFICE; EQUIPMENT.] (a) In performing its duties, the commission must utilize existing legislative staff. (b) The commission may purchase equipment and supplies,andmayenter into contracts forthe furnishing ofservices, equipment, and supplies necessary to discharge its duties. Subd. 6. [ASSISTANCE OF OTHER AGENCIES.] (a) The commission may request information from any state officer or agency to assist in carrying out this section. The officer or agency shall promptly provide the datarequestedto the extent permitted by law. (b) The commissioner of revenue shall prepare, maintain, and make available to the commission data that compares (1) household incomes with rents and property tax burdens; and (2) household incomes with home market values and property tax burdens. The data must be furnished and made available in the form and manner that the commission determines will facilitate its use to discharge the duty imposed in subdivision 2, clause (2). The data must not disclose the name, address, social security number, or any other item of information that the commissioner believes may identify an individual. Thedatacommissioner mustbe furnished to the commission by September15, 1987, and subsequently maintained by the commissioner sothatfurnish to the commission and maintain for it the most complete and current data availableis furnished to thecommission. Subd. 7. [EXPENSES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF MEMBERS AND STAFF.] The members of the commission may receive per diem when attending meetings and other commission business. Members and legislative employees must be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties under the rules governing legislators and legislative employees. Subd. 8. [COMMISSION EXPENSES AND REPORTS.] Expenses of the commission must be approved by the chair or other member as the rules of the commissionmayprovide. The expenses must then be paidin the same way aslike other state expensesare paid. A general summary or statement of expenses incurred by the commission and paid must be made to the legislature by November 15 of each even-numbered year. Subd. 9. [APPROPRIATION.] $300,000 is appropriated for the biennium ending June 30, 1989, from the general fund to the tax study commission. 3.865 [LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION ON PUBLIC EDUCATION.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT.]There is establishedA legislative commission on public education. The commissionshallis established to study issues relating to elementary and secondary education, including at least the following: (a) education policy development and planning and recommendations for change to make education more effective; (b) current and alternative financing formulas for education and recommendations for changes in the use of public money to fund education; (c) current school district organization and administration and recommendations for more efficient use of available resources; (d) current technology and alternative education delivery systems for Minnesota; and (e) teacher preparation, certification, salaries, employment policies, and retention. Subd. 2. [MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS.] The commissionshallconsistconsists of 12 members. Six membersshall befrom the senate, including members of the minority caucus,andshall be appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and administration. Six membersshall befrom the house of representatives, including members of the minority caucus,andshall be appointed by the speaker. The chairs of the senate education committee, senate education aids subcommittee, house education committee, and house education finance division shall be members of the commission. The members shall be appointed for two-year terms beginning on January 1 of each odd-numbered year. Vacancieson thecommissionshall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. Subd. 3. [TERMS AND OFFICERS.] The commission shall elect a chair and a vice-chair from among its members. The chair shall alternate biennially between a member of the senate and a member of the house. The vice-chair shall be a house member when the chair is a senate member, and a senate member when the chair is a house member. Subd. 4. [GOVERNOR'S REPRESENTATIVE.] The governor shall appoint a person toserve asbe liaison between the governor and the commission. Subd. 5. [ADVISORY COMMITTEE.] The commission may appoint advisory committees to assist it as needed. The advisory committees shall meet at the discretion of the commission. Subd. 6. [ASSISTANCE OF OTHER AGENCIES.] The commission may request information from any state officer or agency to assist the commission in performing its duties. The officer or agencyis authorized and directed toshall promptly furnish any data requested. Subd. 7. [STAFF.] The commission may employ professional, technical, consulting, and clerical services. The commission may use legislative staff to provide legal counsel, research, secretarial, and clerical assistance. Subd. 8. [EXPENSES AND REIMBURSEMENT.] The members of the commission and its assistants shall be reimbursed forallexpenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties. Expenses of the commission shall be approved by the chair andthe expenses shall bepaidin the same manner aslike other state expensesare paid. Subd. 9. [REPORT.] By January 15 of each year, the commission shall report to the education committees of the legislature on its findings and recommendations, including information related to the funding of education. 3.866 [SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUE STUDY.] The legislative commission on public education is encouraged to conduct a study of school district foundation and retirement revenue. The study may address at least the following topics: (1) alternative means of funding school district retirement costs, including means of funding retirement costs through the foundation revenue formulas; (2) the financial constraints and costs faced by districts with highly educated and experienced staff, the adequacy of the current training and experience allowance and revenue in tiers two through five in recognizing these constraints and costs, and the impact of the training and experience allowance on program differences among districts and on incentives for district personnel decisions; (3) the financial constraints and costs faced by small and isolated districts, and the adequacy of the current sparsity allowance in recognizing these constraints and costs; (4) an analysis of the financial constraints and costs faced by districts with low salaries, and the need for additional revenue to enablesuch districtsthem to raise salaries; (5) an analysis of the financial constraints and costs faced by districts with declining enrollments, and the need for additional revenue insuchthe districts; (6) an analysis of the financial constraints and costs faced by districts with large concentrations of low-income and disadvantaged pupils, the adequacy of the current AFDC pupil unit formula in providing revenue inthesethe districts, and possible alternative formulas for education overburden revenue; (7) differences in the average costs of educating elementary and secondary pupils, and the adequacy of the current pupil unit weightings in addressing these differences; (8) trends in the degree of equalization of school district revenues and tax rates; (9) the relationship of the basic formula allowance and foundation revenue to school district operating expenditures; (10) the adequacy of unappropriated balances in school district operating funds, including the implications of fund balances regarding the revenue needs of school districts; (11) the advantages, disadvantages, and cost implications of program-based funding; and (12) means to simplify and improve understanding of school district funding formulas and laws. The department of finance and the department of education shall provide assistance to the commission upon request. 3.885 [LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ON PLANNING AND FISCAL POLICY.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP.] The legislative committee on planning and fiscal policy consists of 18 members of the senate and the house of representatives appointed by the legislative coordinating commission. Vacancies on the committee are filled in the same manner as original appointments. The committee shall elect a chair and a vice-chair from among its members. The chair alternates between a member of the senate and a member of the house in January of each odd-numbered year. Subd. 2. [COMPENSATION.] Members of the committee are compensatedin the manneras provided by section 3.101. Subd. 3. [STAFF.] The committee may hire staff necessary to carry out its duties and may also use other legislative staff. The legislative coordinating commission shall provide office space and administrative support to the committee. The commissioners of finance and revenue shall supply the committee with information upon request of the chair. The state planning agency shall report to the committee, and the committee may make recommendations to the state planning agency. Subd. 4. [DUTIES.] The committee shall study and evaluate the actual and projected expenditures by state government, the actual and projected sources of revenue that support these expenditures, and the various options available to meet the state's future fiscal needs. In performing this duty the committee shall consider, among other things: (1) the relative dependence on state tax revenues, federal funds, and user fees to support state-funded programs, and whether the existing mix of revenue sources is appropriate, given the purposes of the programs; (2) the relative percentages of state expenditures that are devoted to major programs such as education, assistance to local government, aid to individuals, state agencies and institutions, and debt service; and (3) the role of the legislature in overseeing state government expenditures, including legislative appropriation of money from the general fund, legislative appropriation of money from funds other than the general fund, state agency receipt of money into revolving and other dedicated funds and expenditure of money from these funds, and state agency expenditure of federal funds. As necessary, the committee shall recommend to the legislature changes in the mix of revenue sources for programs, in the percentage of state expenditures devoted to major programs, and in the role of the legislature in overseeing state government expenditures. The committee mayalsomake recommendations for changes in the design or continuing operation of programs. The committee's recommendations must consider the long-term needs of the state. The recommendations must not duplicate work done by standing committees of the senate and house of representatives. The committee shall report to the legislature on its activities and recommendations by January 15 of each odd-numbered year. 3.921 [STANDING COMMITTEES AS INTERIM STUDY COMMITTEES.] Subdivision 1. Each standing committee or subcommitteeexisting inof the senate and house of representatives is continued during the intervals between sessions of the legislature to make studies and investigations withintheits general jurisdictionof each such committee, as directed by the committee on rules and administration of the senate and the committee on rules and legislative administration of the house of representatives, oras otherwise prescribedby resolutionduly adoptedorbylaw. Subd. 2. Vacancies inany sucha committee or subcommittee duringsuchthe intervals shall be filled by the last elected speaker of the house of representativesas tofor house committees and by the last elected senate committee on committeesas tofor senate committees. Subd. 3.AnyA standing committee of the senate that requiresan appropriation of fundsmoney to defray expenses of its operations during the interim shall prepare and submit a budget, which budget shall be submittedto the senate committee on rules and administration for its approval.No funds shall beexpendedThe money must not be spent bysuchthe standing committee without prior approval of the senate committee on rules and administration.AnyA standing committee of the house of representatives that requiresan appropriation of fundsmoney to defray expenses of its operations during the interim shall prepare and submit a budget, which budget shall be submittedto the rules and legislative administration committee of the house of representatives for its approval.No funds shall be expendedThe money must not be spent bysuchthe standing committee without prior approval of the rules and legislative administration committee of the house of representatives. Subd. 4. The expenses ofany sucha committee shall be paid upon the certification to the commissioner of finance ofthetheir amountthereof. Payment ofsuchthe expenses isherebydirected from any direct appropriationthereforfor them to the legislature or either branchthereofof it. 3.922 [INDIAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION, MEMBERSHIP.]There is created aThe state Indian affairs council is created to consist of the following ex officio members: the governor or a member of the governor's official staff designated by the governor, the commissioner of education, the commissioner of human services, the commissioner of natural resources, the commissioner of human rights, the commissioner of energy and economic development, the commissioner of corrections, the executive director of the Minnesota housing finance agency, the commissioner of iron range resources and rehabilitation,andthe commissioner of health, each of whom may designate a staff member to serve instead, and three members of thestatehouse of representatives appointed by the speakerof the house of representatives, and three members of thestatesenate appointed bythe committeeits subcommittee on committeesof the senate. Voting members of the councilshall be:are thedulyelected tribal chair of: the Fond du Lac Reservation business committee; the Grand Portage Reservation business committee; the Mille Lacs Reservation business committee; the White Earth Reservation business committee; the Bois Forte (Nett Lake) Reservation business committee; the Leech Lake Reservation business committee; the Red Lake tribal council; the Upper Sioux board of trustees; the Lower Sioux tribal council; the Shakopee-Mdewankanton general council; the Prairie Island tribal council; and two members to be selectedpursuant tounder subdivision 2. The chairs of theaboveIndian committees, trusts, or councils may designate in writing a member whoshall havehas been elected at large to an office in the committee, trust, or council, to serve instead.CouncilMembers appointed to represent thestatehouse of representatives, thestatesenate or tribal governments shall no longer serve on the councilatsuch time aswhen they are no longer members of the bodies which they represent,andupon such circumstances,their offices shall be vacant. A member who is a designee of a tribal chair shall cease to be a member at the end of the term of the designating tribal chair. Ex officio members or their designees on the council shall notbe voting members of the councilvote. Subd. 2. [ADDITIONAL MEMBERS.] Two members of the council shall be elected at large by Indian residents of Minnesota who(1)are legal members and eligible voters of a federally recognized tribe in accordance with the criteria ofsaidthe tribe and(2)are not members of any federally recognized tribe with a reservation in Minnesota. The electionof at largemembersshall be in a manner prescribed by the secretary of statewith the first such election for at large members to takeplace at a reasonable time, but no later than April 14, 1977. The manner of election, certification, and contest shall,insofaras far as reasonably possible, be consistent with procedures employed in general elections in the stateso asto insure a fair election and ready access to the election process by eligible voters. The voting procedure shall include voting by absentee ballot. A personshall beis eligible to serve as an at large member of the council if at the time of the election the person is a qualified voter within the requirements of the Minnesota Constitution, article VII and a member of a federally recognized tribe that does not have a reservation in Minnesota. Theat largeelectiondescribed hereinshall be certified and regulated by the secretary of state.The term for at largemembers elected in 1977 shall expire on April 20, 1981. AtlargeElections shall be heldno later thanby April 14, 1981, andno later thanby every fourth April 14 thereafter, and. The term of office for at large membersshall beis four years commencing on the April 20 followingeach at largethe election and ending at 12:01 a.m., April 20 four yearsthereafterlater. Subd. 3. [COMPENSATION; EXPENSES.] Compensation of nonlegislator membersshall beis as provided in section 15.059. Expenses of the council shall be approved by two of any three members of the council designated by the council andshallthen be paid in the same manner as other state expensesarepaid. The executive secretary shall inform the commissioner of financeshall be informedin writingby the executive secretaryof the names of the persons authorized to approve expenses. Subd. 4. [MEETINGS.] Meetings may be called by the chair or at the written request of five members of the council. A majority of the voting members of the councilconstitutesis a quorum. Subd. 5. [OFFICERS; PERSONNEL; AUTHORITY.] The council shall annually elect a chair andsuchother officers as it may deem necessary. The chairshall have the authority tomay appoint subcommittees necessary to fulfill the duties of the council. It shall also employ,and prescribe the duties ofsuchemployees and agents as it deems necessary. The compensation of the executive director of the boardshall beis as provided by section 43A.18. All employees are in the unclassified service. The chairshall beis an ex officio member of the state board of human rights.TheAppropriations and other funds ofthisthe council are subject tothe provisions ofchapter 16B. The councilshall have power tomay contract in its own name. Contracts must be approved by a majority of the members of the council and executed by the chair and the executive director. The council may apply for, receive, and spend in its own name, grants and gifts of money consistent with the powers and duties specified in this section. The council shall maintain its primary office in Bemidjiand. It shall also maintain personnel and office space in St. Paul. Subd. 6. [DUTIES.] The primary duties of the councilshallbeare to: (1) clarify for the legislature and state agencies the nature of tribal governments,and the relationship of tribal governments to the Indian people of Minnesota; (2) assist the secretary of state in establishing an election of at large members of the council; (3) make recommendations to members of the legislature on desired and needed legislationfor theto benefitofthe statewide Indian community and communicate to the members of the legislature when legislation has or will have an adverse effect on the statewide Indian community; (4) provide, through the elected apparatus of the council, an effective conduit to the legislature for programs, proposals, and projectsto the legislaturesubmitted by tribal governments, organizations, committees, groups, or individuals; (5) provide a continuing dialogue with members of theappropriatetribal governmentsin orderto improve their knowledge of the legislative process, state agencies, and governmental due process; (6) assist in establishing Indian advisory councils in cooperation with state agenciesdeliveringthat deliver services to the Indian community; (7) assist state agencies in defining what groups, organizations, committees, councils, or individuals are eligible for delivery of their respective services; (8) assist in providing resources, tribal and other, in the delivery of services to the statewide Indian community; (9) act as a liaison between local, state, and national units of government in the delivery of services to the Indian population of Minnesota; (10) assist state agencies inthe implementationimplementing and updatingofstudies of services delivered to the Indian community; (11) provide, for the benefit of all levels of state government, a continuing liaison betweenthosegovernmental bodies anddulyelected tribal governments and officials; (12) interreact with private organizations involved with Indian concernsin the developmentto develop andimplementationofimplement programsdesignedto assist Indian people,insofaras they affect state agencies and departments; (13) act as an intermediary, when requested and if necessary, between Indian interests and state agencies and departments when questions, problems, or conflicts exist or arise; (14) provide information for and direction to a programdesignedto assist Indian citizens to assume all the rights, privileges, and duties of citizenship, and to coordinate and cooperate with local, state, and national private agencies providing services to the Indian people; (15) develop educational programs, community organization programs, leadership development programs, motivational programs, and business development programs forthe benefit ofIndian persons who have been, are, or will be subject to prejudice and discrimination; and (16) cooperate and consult with appropriate commissioners and agencies to develop plans and programs to most effectively serve the needs of Indians. Subd. 7. [STATE OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENTS; COOPERATION.] In carrying out these objectives and to ascertain Indian needs the council shall have the right to confer with state officials and other governmental units, andtohave access tosuchrecords asarenecessary to obtain needed information. The council also shall have the right to call upon various state departments forsuchtechnical advice and service asareneeded to fulfilltheits purposesof the council. Subd. 8. [ADVISORY COUNCIL.] An advisory council on urban Indians is created to advise the board on the unique problems and concerns of Minnesota Indians whoare residingreside in urban areas of the state. The council shall be appointed by the board andshallconsist of five Indians residing in the vicinity of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth. At least one member of the council shall be a resident of eachof the aforementioned citiescity. The councilshall expireexpires, and terms, compensation and removal of membersshall beare as provided in section 15.059. Subd. 9. [ANNUAL REPORT.] The council shall make an annual report to the governor and the legislature on its activities, its findings, and its recommendationsprior tobefore November 15 in each year. 3.9222 [LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION ON THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF WOMEN.] Subdivision 1. A legislative commission is created to study and report on the economic status of women in Minnesota. Subd. 2. The commissionshall consistconsists of five members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker and five members of the senate appointed by the committee on committees. Membersshallserve until the expiration of their legislative terms. Subd. 3. The commission shall study all matters relating to the economic status of women in Minnesota, including: (1) economic security of homemakers and women in the labor force, (2) opportunities for education and vocational training, (3) employment opportunities, (4) the contributions of women to the economy,their(5) women's access to benefits and services provided to citizens of this state, and (6) laws and business practices constituting barriers to the full participation by women in the economy.In addition,The commission shall study also the adequacy of programs and services relating to families in Minnesota, including single-parent families and members beyond the nuclear or immediate family. Subd. 4. The commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the governor and the legislaturenot laterthanby December 15 of each even-numbered year andshallsupplement its findings and recommendationsnot later thanby December 15 of each odd-numbered year. The report shall recommend legislation and administrative actiondesignedto enable women to achieve full participation in the economy. The report shall also recommend methods to encourage the development of coordinated, interdepartmental goals and objectives and the coordination of programs, services and facilities among all state departments and public and private providers of services related to children, youth and families. Subd. 5. The commission may hold meetings and hearings at the times and places it designates to accomplish the purposesset forthin this section. It shall select a chair and other officers from its membership as it deems necessary. Subd. 6. The legislative coordinating commission shall supply the commission with necessary staff, office space and administrative services. Subd. 7. When any person, corporation, the United States government, or any other entity offersfundsmoney to the commission by way of gift, grant or loan,for the purpose ofassistingto assist the commission to carry out its powers and duties, the commission may accept the offer by majority voteand. Upon acceptance the chair shall receive thefundsmoney subject to the terms of the offer, but no money shall be accepted or received as a loan norshall anyindebtednessbeincurred except in the manner and under the limitations otherwise provided by law. 3.9223 [COUNCIL ON AFFAIRS OF SPANISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP.]There is createdA state council on affairs of Spanish-speaking people is created to consist of seven members appointed by the governor. The demographic composition of the council members shall accurately reflect the demographic composition of Minnesota's Spanish-speaking community, including migrant workers, as determined by the state demographer. Membership, terms, compensation, removal of members and filling of vacanciesshallbeare as provided in section 15.0575. The council shall annually elect from its membership a chair and other officers it deems necessary. The councilshall expireexpires on the date provided by section 15.059, subdivision 5. Subd. 2. [SPANISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE.] For purposes of subdivisions 3 to 7, the term "Spanish-speaking person" means a person who uses Spanish as a primary method of communication, or who is a spouse of a person who does. Subd. 3. [DUTIES.] The council shall: (a) advise the governor and the legislature on the nature of the issues and disabilities confronting Spanish-speaking people in this state including the unique problems encountered by Spanish-speaking migrant agricultural workers; (b) advise the governor and the legislature on statutes or rules necessary to insure Spanish-speaking people access to benefits and services provided to people in this state; (c) recommend to the governor and the legislature legislationdesignedto improve the economic and social condition of Spanish-speaking people in this state; (d) serve as a conduit to state government for organizations of Spanish-speaking people in the state; (e) serve as a referral agency to assist Spanish-speaking peoplein securingto secure access to state agencies and programs; (f) serve as a liaison with the federal government, local government units and private organizations on matters relating to the Spanish-speaking people of this state; (g) perform or contract for the performance of studies designed to suggest solutions to problems of Spanish-speaking people in the areas of education, employment, human rights, health, housing, social welfare and other related programs; (h) implement programs designed to solve problems of Spanish-speaking people whensoauthorized by other statute, rule or order; (i) publicize the accomplishments of Spanish-speaking people andthetheir contributionsmade by themto this state. Subd. 4. [REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION AUTHORITY.] All applications for the receipt of federal money andallproposed rules ofanya state agency which will have their primary effect on Spanish-speaking people shall be submitted to the council for review and recommendation at least 15 daysprior tobefore submission to a federal agency or initial publication in the State Register. Subd. 5. [POWERS.] The councilshall have power tomay contract in its own name. Contracts shall be approved by a majority of the members of the council and executed by the chair and the executive director. The council may apply for, receive, and expend in its own name grants and gifts of money consistent with the power and duties specified in this section. The council shall appoint, subject to the approval of the governor, an executive director whoshall beis experienced in administrative activities and familiar with the problems and needs of Spanish-speaking people. The council may delegate to the executive directoranypowers and duties under this section which do not require council approval. The executive director and council staffshallserve in the unclassified service. The executive director may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the entire council. The executive director shall recommend to the council the appropriate staffingpatternsnecessary to carry out its duties. The commissioner of administration shall provide the council with necessary administrative services, and the council shall reimburse the commissioner forthetheir costof these services. Subd. 6. [STATE AGENCY ASSISTANCE.] Other state agencies shall supply the council upon request with advisory staff services on matters relating to the jurisdiction of the counciland. The council shall cooperate and coordinate its activities with other state agencies to the highest possible degree. Subd. 7. [REPORT.] The council shall prepare and distribute a report to the governor and legislature by November 15 of each even-numbered year. The report shall summarize the activities of the council since itspriorlast report, list receipts and expenditures, identify the major problems and issues confronting Spanish-speaking people, and list the specific objectives which the council seeks to attain during the next biennium. 3.9225 [COUNCIL ON BLACK MINNESOTANS.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.]There is createdA state council on Black Minnesotans is created to consist of seven members appointed by the governor. The members of the council shall be broadly representative of the Black community of the state andshallinclude at least three males and at least three females. Membership terms, compensation, removal of members, and filling of vacancies for nonlegislative membersshall beare as provided in section 15.059.In addition,Two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker and two members of the senate appointed by the subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and administration shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the council. The council shall annually elect from its membership a chair and other officers it deems necessary. Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.] For the purpose of this section, the term "Black" describes persons who consider themselves as having origin in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Subd. 3. [DUTIES.] The council shall: (a) advise the governor and the legislature on the nature of the issues confronting Black people in this state; (b) advise the governor and the legislature on statutes or rules necessary toinsureensure that Black people have access to benefits and services provided to people in this state; (c) recommend to the governor and the legislature any revisions in the state's affirmative action program andanyother steps that are necessary to eliminate underutilization of Blacks in the state's work force; (d) recommend to the governor and the legislature legislationdesignedto improve the economic and social condition of Black people in this state; (e) serve as a conduit to state government for organizations of Black people in the state; (f) serve as a referral agency to assist Black peopleinsecuringto secure access to state agencies and programs; (g) serve as a liaison with the federal government, local government units and private organizations on matters relating to the Black people of this state; (h) perform or contract for the performance of studies designed to suggest solutions to problems of Black people in the areas of education, employment, human rights, health, housing, social welfare and other related areas; (i) implement programs designed to solve problems of Black people whensoauthorized by other statute, rule or order; and (j) publicize the accomplishments of Black people andthetheir contributionsmade by themto this state. Subd. 4. [REVIEW OF GRANT APPLICATIONS.] All applications by a state department or agency for the receipt of federal funds which will have their primary effect on Black Minnesotans shall be submitted to the council for review and recommendation at least 30 daysprior tobefore submission to a federal agency. Subd. 5. [POWERS.] The councilshall have power tomay contract in its own name,provided thatbut no money shall be accepted or received as a loan norshall anyindebtednessbeincurred except as otherwise provided by law. Contracts shall be approved by a majority of the members of the council and executed by the chair and the executive director. The council may apply for, receive, and expend in its own name grants and gifts of money consistent with the power and duties specified in subdivisions 1 to 7. The council shall appoint an executive director whoshallbeis experienced in administrative activities and familiar with the problems and needs of Black people. The council may delegate to the executive directoranypowers and duties under subdivisions 1 to 7 which do not require council approval. The executive directorshall serveserves in the unclassified service and may be removed at any time by the council. The executive director shall recommend to the council, and the council may appoint, the appropriate staff necessary to carry out its duties.AllStaff membersshall alsoserve in the unclassified service. The commissioner of administration shall provide the council with necessary administrative services, and the council shall reimburse the commissioner forthetheir costof these services. Subd. 6. [STATE AGENCY ASSISTANCE.] Other state agencies shall supply the council upon request with advisory staff services on matters relating to the jurisdiction of the counciland. The council shall cooperate and coordinate its activities with other state agencies to the highest possible degree. Subd. 7. [REPORT.] The council shall prepare and distribute a report to the governor and legislature by November 15 of each even-numbered year. The report shall summarize the activities of the council since itspriorlast report, list receipts and expenditures, identify the major problems and issues confronting Black people, and list the specific objectives which the council seeks to attain during the next biennium. 3.9226 [COUNCIL ON ASIAN-PACIFIC MINNESOTANS.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.] The state council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans consists of 13 members. Nine members are appointed by the governor and shall be broadly representative of the Asian-Pacific community of the state. Terms, compensation, removal, and filling of vacancies fortheseappointed members are as provided in section 15.059.Inaddition,Two members of the house of representatives appointed under the rules of the house of representatives and two members of the senate appointed under the rules of the senate shall serve as nonvoting members of the council. The council shall annually elect from its membership a chair and other officers it deems necessary. Subd. 2. [DEFINITION.] For the purpose of this section, the term Asian-Pacific means a person from any of the countries in Asia or the Pacific Islands. Subd. 3. [DUTIES.] The council shall: (1) advise the governor and the legislature on issues confronting Asian-Pacific people in this state, including the unique problems of non-English-speaking immigrants and refugees; (2) advise the governor and the legislature of administrative and legislative changes necessary to ensure that Asian-Pacific people have access to benefits and services provided to people in this state; (3) recommend to the governor and the legislature any revisions in the state's affirmative action program and other steps that are necessary to eliminate underutilization of Asian-Pacific people in the state's work force; (4) recommend to the governor and the legislature legislationdesignedto improve the economic and social condition of Asian-Pacific people in this state; (5) serve as a conduit to state government for organizations of Asian-Pacific people in the state; (6) serve as a referral agency to assist Asian-Pacific peoplein securingto secure access to state agencies and programs; (7) serve as a liaison with the federal government, local government units, and private organizations on matters relating to the Asian-Pacific people of this state; (8) perform or contract for the performance of studies designed to suggest solutions to the problems of Asian-Pacific people in the areas of education, employment, human rights, health, housing, social welfare, and other related areas; (9) implement programs designed to solve the problems of Asian-Pacific people when authorized by other law; (10) publicize the accomplishments of Asian-Pacific people and their contributions to this state; (11) work with other state and federal agencies and organizations to develop small business opportunities and promote economic development for Asian-Pacific Minnesotans; (12) supervise development of an Asian-Pacific trade primer, outlining Asian and Pacific customs, cultural traditions, and business practices, including language usage, for use by Minnesota's export community; and (13) cooperate with other state and federal agencies and organizations to develop improved state trade relations with Asian and Pacific countries. Subd. 4. [REVIEW OF GRANT APPLICATIONS AND BUDGET REQUESTS.] State departments and agencies shall consult with the council concerning any application for federal money that will have its primary effect on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans before development of the application. The council shall advise the governor and the commissioner of finance concerning any state agency request that will have its primary effect on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans. Subd. 5. [POWERS.] (a) The council may contract in its own name but may not accept or receive a loan or incur indebtedness except as otherwise provided by law. Contracts must be approved by a majority of the members of the council and executed by the chair and the executive director. The council may apply for, receive, and expend in its own name grants and gifts of money consistent with the powers and duties specified in this section. (b) The council shall appoint an executive director who is experienced in administrative activities and familiar with the problems and needs of Asian-Pacific people. The council may delegate to the executive directoranypowers and duties under this section that do not require council approval. The executive director serves in the unclassified service and may be removed at any time by the council. The executive director shall recommend to the council, and the council may appoint, the appropriate staff necessary to carry out the duties of the council. All staff members serve in the unclassified service. The commissioner of administration shall provide the council with necessary administrative services, for which the council shall reimburse the commissioner. Subd. 6. [STATE AGENCY ASSISTANCE.]On theAt its requestof the council, state agencies shall supply the council with advisory staff services on matters relating totheits jurisdictionof the council. The council shall cooperate and coordinate its activities with other state agencies to the highest possible degree. Subd. 7. [REPORT.] The council shall prepare and distribute a report to the governor and legislature by November 15 of each even-numbered year. The report shall summarize the activities of the council since its last report, list receipts and expenditures, identify the major problems and issues confronting Asian-Pacific people, and list the specific objectives that the council seeks to attain during the next biennium. 3.93 [DEFINITIONS.] As used in sections 3.93 to 3.96 "attack" meansanyan action or series of actions taken by an enemy of the United States resulting in substantial damage or injury to persons or property in this statewhetherthrough sabotage, bombs, missiles, shellfire, or atomic, radiological, chemical, bacteriological, or biological means. 3.94 [PLACE OF SESSION.] Whenever, in the event of an attack, or a finding by the executive council that an attack may be imminent, the governor deems the place of the legislative session then prescribed to be unsafe, the governor may change it to any other place within or without the state which the governor deems safe and convenient. 3.95 [SPECIAL SESSION IN EVENT OF ATTACK.] In the event of an attack, if the legislature is notthenin session, the governor shall convene a special sessionthereof,as soon as practicable,and in no case later thanbut within 30 daysfollowingafter the inception of the attack. If the governor fails to issuesuch athe call, the legislature, on the first Tuesday after the first Mondayafter the expiration ofmore than 30 daysfollowing the date ofafter the inception of the attack, shall convene without call at the place where the governor then maintains official office. 3.96 [QUORUM AND VOTE REQUIREMENTS.] In the event of an attack the quorum requirement for the legislatureshall beis a majority of the members of each house who convene for the session.WhereIf the affirmative vote of a specified proportion of members of the legislature would otherwise be requiredfor approval ofto approve a bill, resolution, or for any other action, the same proportion ofthosethe members of each house convening at the sessionshall beis sufficient. 3.97 [AUDIT POLICY; CREATION OF COMMISSION; TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS OF PUBLIC EXAMINER; ACCESS TO DATA.] Subdivision 1. Continuous legislative review of the effect of grant-in-aid programs, the spending of public funds and their financing at all levels of government is required in the public interest to enable the enactment of appropriate legislation. Subd. 2.A legislative commission to be known asThe legislative audit commission, designated herein as "thecommission"isherebycreated. The commissionshallconsistconsists of: (1) the majority leader of the senate and the president of the senate,or theirrespectivedesignees; (2) the chair of the senate committee on taxes or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thesenate taxcommittee; (3) the chair of the senate committee on governmental operations or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thegovernmental operationscommittee; (4) the chair of the senate committee on finance or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thesenate financecommittee;and(5) three members of the senate appointed by the senate minority leader; (6) the speaker of the house and the chair of the house committee on rules,or theirrespectivedesignees; (7) the chair of the house committee on taxes or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thehouse taxcommittee; (8) the chair of the house committee on governmental operations or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thehousegovernmental operationscommittee; (9) the chair of the house appropriations committee or a designee,whoshall beis a member of thehouse appropriationscommittee; and (10) three members of the house appointed by the house minority leader. The appointed members of the commission shall serve for a term commencing upon appointment and expiring at the opening of the next regular session of the legislature in the odd-numbered year and until a successor is appointed. A vacancy in the membership of the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term insucha manneras tothat will preserve the representation established by this subdivision. The commission shall elect its chair andsuchother officers as it may determine necessary. It shall meet at the call of the chair oratthecall of itsexecutive secretary. The membersof the commissionshall serve without compensation butshallbe reimbursed for their reasonable expenses as members of the legislature. The commission may exercise the powers prescribed by section 3.153. Subd. 3. The department of public examiner is transferred from the executive to the legislative branch. Subd. 4. The legislative auditor is the executive secretary of the commission. The legislative auditor shall be appointed by the commission for a six-year term and serve in the unclassified service. The legislative auditor shall not at any time while in office hold any other public office. The legislative auditor shall not be removed from office before the expiration of the term of service except for cause after public hearing. Subd. 5. The legislative auditor shall establish a financial audits division and a program evaluation division to fulfill the duties prescribed in this section. Each division shall be supervised by a deputy auditor, appointed by the legislative auditor, with the approval of the commission, for a term coterminous with the legislative auditor's term. The deputy auditors may be removed before the expiration of their terms only for cause. The legislative auditor and deputy auditors may each appoint a confidential secretary to serve at pleasure. The commission shall fix the salaries of the deputy auditors and confidential secretaries. The deputy auditors may perform and exercise the powers, duties and responsibilities imposed by law on the legislative auditor when authorizedso todoby the legislative auditor. The deputy auditors and the confidential secretariesshallserve in the unclassified civil service, but all other employees of the legislative auditorshall beare in the classified civil service. Subd. 6. All the powers, duties and responsibilities of the department of public examiner relating to the state of Minnesota, its departments and agencies as described in Minnesota Statutes 1971, section 215.03, and any other law concerning powers, duties and responsibilities of the public examiner not otherwise dealt with by Laws 1973, chapter 492 areherebytransferred to the legislative auditor. Nothing in this subdivision shallbe deemed tosupersede the powers conferred upon the commissioner of finance under section 16A.055. Subd. 7. In addition to the legislative auditing duties concerning state financial matters, the legislative auditor shall also exercise and performsuchdutiesas may beprescribed by rule of the legislature or either bodythereofof it or by the commission. The legislative auditor shall review department policies and evaluate projects or programs requested by the commission. Any standing legislative committee having legislative jurisdiction may request the commission to review projects or programs. Subd. 8. The legislature may, by rule, provideby rulesuchto the legislative auditor the testimonial powersasthat are conferred by law on legislative standing commissions or committeeson the legislative auditor. Subd. 9. The legislative auditor is subject to the government data practices act, chapter 13. If data provided by the legislative auditor to the commission is disseminated by the commission or its members or agentsof the commissionin violation of section 13.05, subdivision 4, the commission is subject to liability under section 13.08, subdivisions 1 and 3. Subd. 10. Members of thelegislative auditcommission have access to data that is collected or used by the legislative auditor and classified as not public or as private or confidential only as authorized by resolution of thelegislativeauditcommission. Thelegislative auditcommission shall not authorize its members to have access to private or confidential data on individuals collected or used in connection with the collection of any tax. Subd. 11. "Audit" as used in this subdivision means a financial audit, a program evaluation, or an investigation. Data relating to an audit are not public or with respect to data on individuals are confidential until the final report of the audit has been published or the audit is no longer being actively pursued. Data that support the conclusions of the report and that the legislative auditor reasonably believes will result in litigation are not public and with respect to data on individuals are confidential until the litigation has been completed oruntil the litigationis no longer being actively pursued. Data on individuals that could reasonably be used to determine the identity of an individual supplying data for an audit are private if(a)the data supplied by the individual were needed for an audit and(b)the individual would not have provided the data to the legislative auditor without an assurance that the individual's identity would remain private. The definitions of terms provided in section 13.02 apply for purposes of this subdivision. 3.971 [POWERS AND DUTIES OF LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR.] Subdivision 1. To perform financial audits the legislative auditor shall postaudit and make a complete examination and verification of all accounts, records, inventories, vouchers, receipts, funds, securities, and other assets of all state departments, boards, commissions, and other state agencies at least once a year, if funds and personnel permit, and oftener if deemed necessary or as directed by the legislature or the legislative audit commission. Audits may include detailed checking of every transaction or test checking as the legislative auditor deems best. The books of the state treasurer and commissioner of finance may be examined monthly. The legislative auditor shall see that all provisions of law respecting the appropriate and economic use of public funds are complied with by all departments and agencies of the state government. A copy of all postaudits, reports and results of examinations made by the legislative auditor shall be deposited with the legislative reference library. Subd. 2. To perform program evaluation, the legislative auditor shall determine the degree to which the activities and programs entered into or funded by the state are accomplishing their goals and objectives, including an evaluation of goals and objectives, measurement of program results and effectiveness, alternative means of achieving the same results, and efficiency in the allocation of resources. At the direction of the commission the legislative auditor may perform program evaluations of any state department, board, commission, or agency and any metropolitan agency, board, or commission created under chapter 473. 3.972 [AGENCIES; AUDITS; DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT.] For the purposes of this section, "public accountant" means a certified public accountant, certified public accounting firm, or a licensed public accountant licensed by the board of accountancypursuanttounder sections 326.17 to 326.23. Subd. 2. [AUDITS OF STATE AND SEMISTATE AGENCIES.] The legislative auditor shall make a constant audit of all financial affairs of all departments and agencies of the state, and of the financial records and transactions of public boards, associations, and societies supported, wholly or in part, by state funds. Once in each year, if funds and personnel permit, without previous notice, the legislative auditor shall visit eachof suchstatedepartmentsdepartment andagenciesagency,associationsassociation orsocietiessociety and, so far as practicable, (1) inspectsuch agencies,; (2) thoroughly examinetheits books and accountsthereof, verifying the funds, securities and other assets,; (3) check the items of receipts and disbursements withtheits voucher recordsthereof,; (4) ascertain the character of the official bonds fortheits officersthereofand the financial ability of the bonding institution,; (5) inspecttheits sources of revenuethereof,and the use and disposition of state appropriations and property,; (6) investigate the methods of purchase and sale,and the character of contracts on public account,; (7) ascertain proper custody and depository fortheits funds and securitiesthereof,; (8) verify the inventory of public property and other assets held in trust,; and (9) ascertain that all financial transactions and operations involving the public funds and property of the state comply with the spirit and purpose of the law, are sound by modern standards of financial management and are for the best protection of the public interest. Subd. 3. [AUDIT CONTRACTS.] Notwithstanding any other lawto the contrary, a state department, board, commission, or other state agency shall not negotiate a contract with a public accountant for an audit, except a contract negotiated by the state auditor for an audit of a local government, unless the contract has been reviewed by the legislative auditor. The legislative auditor shall not participate in the selection of the public accountant, but shall review and submit written comments on the proposed contract within seven days of its receipt. Upon completion of the audit, the legislative auditor shall be given a copy of the final report. 3.973 [STATE TREASURER; AUDIT.] At least once each year, and atsuchother timesasthat the legislative auditormay deemdeems appropriate, without previous notice to the state treasurer, the legislative auditor shall examine and audit the accounts, books, and vouchers of the state treasurer, ascertain the amounts of the several funds which should be in the treasury, count the sums actually on hand, and make a record of the facts found. The legislative auditor shall report to the legislature, on or before the third day of each regular session, the results ofsuchthe examinations and the legislative auditor's doings in the premises. The legislative auditor shallalsowitness and attest the transfer of books, accounts, vouchers, and funds from the outgoing treasurer to a successor in office, and verify the official record of all redeemed bonds, certificates of indebtedness, and interest coupons issued by the state; and,. From time to time, the legislative auditor shall cause to be destroyed allsuchobligations whichshallhave been redeemed for at least one year. A notation shall be made by the treasurer in the treasurer's records of allsuchobligations destroyed and the legislative auditor shall certify totheits correctnessthereof. A copy of eachsuch legislative auditor'scertificate shall be filed with the commissioner of finance and treasurer. 3.974 [TO FILE WRITTEN REPORTS.] For each audit done, the legislative auditor shall file a written report with the department, agency, society, or association concerned, and the legislative audit commission for its consideration and action.SuchEach auditreportsreport shall set forth: (1) whether all funds have been expended for the purposes authorized inthe appropriations therefortheir appropriation; (2) whether all receipts have been accounted for and paid into the state treasury as required by law; (3) all illegal and unbusinesslike practices, if any; (4) an assessment of the financial control practices used in the agency, a measurement of performance, and recommendations for improved effectiveness; and (5)Suchother data, information, and recommendations as the legislative auditor may deem advisable and necessary. 3.9741 [COST OF EXAMINATION, BILLING, PAYMENT.] Upon the audit of the financial accounts and affairs ofanya commissionpursuant tounder section 473.413, 473.595, 473.604, or 473.703, the affected metropolitan commission is liable to the state for the total cost and expenses of the audit, including the salaries paid to the examiners while actually engaged in making the examination. The legislative auditor may bill the metropolitan commission either monthly or at the completion of the audit. All collections received for the audits must be deposited in the general fund. 3.975 [DUTIES WHEN VIOLATIONS ARE DISCOVERED.] Ifany sucha legislative auditor'sexaminations shalldiscloseexamination discloses malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office on the part ofanyan officer or employee, a copy ofsuchthe report shall be signed and verified, and it shall be the duty of the legislative auditor to filesuchthe report with the legislative audit commission and the attorney general. It shall be the duty of the attorney general to institute and prosecutesuchcivil proceedings againstsuchthe delinquent officer or employee, or upon the officer's or employee's official bond, or both, asmay beappropriate to secure to the state the recovery ofanyfunds or other assets misappropriated, and. The attorney general shall causesuchcriminal proceedings to be instituted by the proper authorities as the evidence may warrant. 3.978 [LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR; SUBPOENA POWERS; PENALTIES.] In all matters relating to official duties, the legislative auditorshall havehas the powers possessed by courts of law to issue and have subpoenas served. All public officials and theirrespectivedeputies and employees, and all corporations, firms, and individuals having business involving the receipt, disbursement, or custody of public funds shall at all times afford reasonable facilities for examinations by the legislative auditor, make returns and reports required by the legislative auditor, attend and answer under oath the legislative auditor's lawful inquiries, produce and exhibit all books, accounts, documents, and property that the legislative auditor may desire to inspect, and in all things aid the legislative auditor in the performance of duties. If a person refuses or neglects to obey any lawful direction of the legislative auditor, a deputy or assistant, or withholds any information, book, record, paper or other document called for by the legislative auditor for the purpose of examination, after having been lawfully required by order or subpoena, upon application by the auditor, a judge of the district court in the county where the order or subpoena was made returnable shall compel obedience or punish disobedience as for contempt, as in the case of a similar order or subpoena issued by the court. A person who swears falsely concerning any matter stated under oath is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 3.98 [FISCAL NOTES.] Subdivision 1. The head or chief administrative officer of each department or agency of the state government shall prepare a fiscal note at the request of the chair of the standing committee to which a bill has been referred, or the chair of the house appropriations committee, or the chair of the senate committee on finance. Subd. 2. The fiscal note, where possible, shall: (1) cite the effect in dollar amounts; (2) cite the statutory provisions affected; (3) estimate the increase or decrease in revenues or expenditures; (4) include the costs which may be absorbed without additional funds; and (5) specifytheany long-range implicationif any. The fiscal note may comment on technical or mechanical defects in the bill but shall express no opinions concerning the merits of the proposal. Subd. 3. A copy of the fiscal note shall be delivered to the chair of the appropriations committeeof appropriationsof the house of representatives, the chair of the finance committeeof financeof the senate, the chair of the standing committee to which the bill has been referred, to the chief author of the bill and to the commissioner of finance. Subd. 4. The commissioner of finance shall prescribe a uniform procedure to govern the departments and agencies of the state in complying with the requirements of this section. 3.981 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.] The terms used in sections 3.981 to 3.983 and 14.131 have the meanings given them in this section. Subd. 2. [COSTS MANDATED BY THE STATE.] "Costs mandated by the state" means increased costs that a local agency or a school district is required to incur as a result of: (a) a law enacted after June 30, 1985, which mandates a new program or an increased level of service of an existing program; (b) an executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which mandates a new program; (c) an executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which implements or interprets a state statute and, by this its implementation or interpretation, increases program levels above the levels required before July 1, 1985; (d) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which implements or interprets a federal statute or regulation and, bythisits implementation or interpretation, increases program or service levels above the levels required bythisthe federal statute or regulation; (e) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which implements or interprets a statute or amendment adopted or enacted pursuant to the approval of a statewide ballot measure by the voters and, bythisits implementation or interpretation, increases program or service levels above the levels required by the ballot measure; (f) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which removes an option previously available to local agencies and thus increases program or service levels or prohibits a specific activity and so forces local agencies to use a more costly alternative to provide a mandated program or service; (g) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which requires that an existing program or service be provided in a shorter time period and thus increases the cost of the program or service; (h) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which adds new requirements to an existing optional program or service and thus increases the cost of the program or service as the local agencies have no reasonable alternatives other than to continue the optional program; (i) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which creates new revenue lossesstemming fromby new property or sales and use tax exemptions; (j) a statute enacted after June 30, 1985, or executive order issued after June 30, 1985, which requires costs previously incurred at local option that have subsequently been mandated by the state; or (k) a statute enacted or an executive order issued after March 26, 1986 which requires payment of a new fee or increases the amount of an existing fee. Subd. 3. [EXECUTIVE ORDER.] "Executive order" means an order, plan, requirement, or rule issued by the governor, an official serving at the pleasure of the governor, or an agency, department, board, or commission of state government. "Executive order" does not include an order, plan, requirement, or rule issued by a regional water quality control board. Subd. 4. [LOCAL AGENCY.] "Local agency" means a home rule charter or statutory city, county, town, or special district. Subd. 5. [MANDATE.] A "mandate" means a requirement which applies to a local agency or school district and which, if not complied with, results in civil liability, criminal penalty, substantial economic sanction such as loss of funding, or severe administrative sanctions such as closure or nonlicensure of a facility or program. "To mandate" means to impose such a requirement. Subd. 6. [REQUIRING AN INCREASED LEVEL OF SERVICE.] "Requiring an increased level of service" includes requiring that an existing service be provided in a shorter time. Subd. 7. [RULE.] "Rule" means a rule, order, or standard of general application adopted by a state agency to implement, interpret, or make specific the law it enforces or administers or to govern its procedure. "Rule" includes an amendment to a rule. "Rule" does not include rules that relate only to the internal management of a state agency. Subd. 8. [SAVINGS.] "Savings" includes budget reductions and the freeing of staff or resources to be reassigned to a local agency's or school district's other areas of concern. Subd. 9. [SCHOOL DISTRICT.] "School district" includes school districts, community college districts, and county superintendents of schools. 3.982 [FISCAL NOTES FOR STATE-MANDATED ACTIONS.] When the state proposes to mandate that a local agency or school district take an action, and when reasonable compliance with that action would force the local agency or school district to incur costs mandated by the state, a fiscal note shall be prepared as provided in section 3.98, subdivision 2 andshall bemade available to the public upon request. If the action is among the exceptions listed in section 3.983, a fiscal note need not be prepared. When a bill proposing a mandate is introduced and referred to a standing committee, the chair of the standing committee to which the bill is referred shall request the appropriate state agency or department to prepare a fiscal note before the bill is heard in the committee. Before a proposed mandate is issued in an executive order, the governor or appropriate agency head assigned by the governor shall prepare the fiscal note and make it available to the public. 3.983 [EXCEPTIONS TO FISCAL NOTES.] Subdivision 1. [COSTS RESULTING FROM INFLATION.] A fiscal note need not be prepared for increases in the cost of providing an existing service if the increases result directly from inflation. "Resulting directly from inflation" means attributable to maintaining an existing level of service rather than increasing the level of service. A cost-of-living increase in welfare benefits is an example of a cost resulting directly from inflation. Subd. 2. [COSTS NOT RESULT OF NEW PROGRAM OR INCREASED SERVICE.] A fiscal note need not be prepared for increased local costs that do not result from a new program or an increased level of service. Subd. 3. [MISCELLANEOUS EXCEPTIONS.] A fiscal note need not be prepared for the cost of a mandated action if the law containing the mandate: (a) accommodates a specific local request; (b) results in no new local government duties; (c) leads to revenue losses from exemptions to taxes other than sales, use, or property taxes; (d) provides only clarifying or conforming, nonsubstantive changes on local government; (e) imposes additional net local costs which are minor (less than $200 for any single local government if the mandate does not apply statewide or less than one-tenth of a mill times the entire value of taxable property in the state if the mandate is statewide) and do not cause a financial burden on local government; (f) is a legislative mandate or executive order enacted before July 1, 1985, or a rule initially implementing legislation enacted before July 1, 1985; (g) implements something other than a state statute or executive order, such as a federal, court, or voter-approved mandate; (h) appears in rules that are permissive or discretionary in nature; (i) defines a new crime or redefines an existing crime or infraction; (j) provides, or falls within the purview of existing, revenue sources or other financing mechanisms; or (k) results in savings that equal or exceed costs. ARTICLE 2 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 31A, is amended to read: 31A.01 [DECLARATION OFPOLICY.] Meat and meat food products are an important source of the nation's total supply of food. It is essential in the public interest that the health and welfare of consumers be protected by assuring that meat and meat food products distributed to them are wholesome,not adulteratedunadulterated, and properly marked, labeled, and packaged. Unwholesome, adulterated, or misbranded meat or meat food productsare injurious toinjure the public welfare, destroy markets for wholesome,notadulteratedunadulterated, and properly labeled and packaged meat and meat food products, and result insundrylosses to livestock producers and processors of meat and meat food products, as well asand injury to consumers.TheUnwholesome, adulterated, mislabeled, or deceptively packaged articles can be sold at lower prices and compete unfairly withthewholesome,not adulteratedunadulterated, and properly labeled and packaged articles, to the detriment of consumers and the general publicgenerally.It is hereby found thatRegulation by the commissioner and cooperationbybetween this state and the United Statesas contemplated by sections31A.01 to 31A.31under this chapter are appropriate to protect the health and welfare of consumers andotherwise effectuateaccomplish the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter. 31A.02 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.]As used in sections 31A.01 to31A.31, except as otherwise specified, the following terms shallhave the meanings givenThe definitions in this section apply to this chapter. Subd. 2. [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" means the commissioner ofthe Minnesota department ofagriculture or the commissioner's delegate. Subd. 3. [PERSON.] "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other unincorporated business organization. Subd. 4. [ANIMALS.]"Animal""Animals" means cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, equines,orand other large domesticated animals,and shallnotincludeincluding poultry. Subd. 5. [CUSTOM PROCESSING.] "Custom processing" meanstheslaughtering, eviscerating, dressing, or processingofan animal ortheprocessingofmeat products for the owner of the animal or of the meat productswhen, if all meat products derived from the customslaughteroperation are returned to the owner of the animal or of the meat products. No personshallmay sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sellanymeat derived from custom processing. Subd. 6. [MEAT BROKER.] "Meat broker" meansanya personengagedin the business of buying or selling carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, or meat food products of animals on commission, or otherwise negotiating purchases or sales of those articles other than for the person's own account or as an employee of another person, firm, or corporation. Subd. 7. [RENDERER.] "Renderer" meansanya person, firm,or corporation engagedin the business of rendering carcasses, or parts or products of the carcasses of animals, except rendering conducted under inspection under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16. Subd. 8. [ANIMAL FOOD MANUFACTURER.] "Animal food manufacturer" meansanya person, firm, or corporation engagedin the business of manufacturing or processing animal food derived wholly or in part from animal carcasses,or carcass parts or productsof the carcasses, of animals. Subd. 9. [INTRASTATE COMMERCE.] "Intrastate commerce" means commerce within this state. Subd. 10. [MEAT FOOD PRODUCT.] "Meat food product" meansanya productcapable of useusable as human foodwhich isand made wholly or in part fromanymeat orothera portion of the carcass ofanycattle, sheep, swine, or goats, excepting. "Meat food product" does not include products which contain meat or other portions of the carcasses of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats only in a relatively small proportion or that historically have not been considered by consumers as products of the meat food industry, and which are exempted from definition as a meat food product by the commissioner under the conditions the commissioner prescribes to assure that the meat or other portions of carcasses contained in the products are not adulterated and that the products are not represented as meat food products.This term"Meat food product," as applied tofoodproducts of equinesshall have, has a meaning comparable to thatprovidedin this subdivisionfor cattle, sheep, swine, and goats. Subd. 11. [USABLE AS HUMAN FOOD.] "Capable of useUsable as human food"shall apply to anymeans that a carcass, or part or product of a carcass, ofanyan animal, unless it(1) is not denatured or otherwise identified as required by rulesprescribed byof the commissioner to deter its use as human food, orit(2) is not naturally inedible by humans. Subd. 12. [PREPARED.] "Prepared" means slaughtered, canned, salted, rendered, boned, cut up, or otherwise manufactured or processed. Subd. 13. [ADULTERATED.] "Adulterated"shall apply to anymeans a carcass, partthereofof a carcass, meat, or meat food product under one or more of the following circumstances: (a) if it bears or containsanya poisonous ordeleteriousharmful substance which may render it injurious to health; butin caseif the substance is not an added substance, the articleshallis notbe consideredadulteratedunder this clauseif the quantity of the substance in or on the article does not ordinarilyrendermake it injurious to health; (b)(1)if it bears or contains, byreason ofadministration ofanya substance to the live animal or otherwise,anyan added poisonous oradded deleteriousharmful substance(, other thanone which is (i)(1) a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural commodity;(ii)(2) a food additive; or(iii)(3) a color additive), which may, in the judgment of the commissioner, make the article unfit for human food;(2)(c) if it is, in whole or in part, a raw agricultural commodityand the commoditythat bears or contains a pesticide chemical which is unsafe within the meaning of section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;(3)(d) if it bears or containsanya food additive which is unsafe within the meaning of section 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;(4)(e) if it bears or containsanya color additive which is unsafe within the meaning of section 706 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;provided, that an article which is notadulterated under clause (2), (3), or (4), shall nevertheless bedeemed adulterated if use of the pesticide chemical, foodadditive, or color additive in or on the article is prohibitedby rules of the commissioner in establishments at whichinspection is maintained under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16.(c)(f) if itconsists in whole or in part of anycontains a filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is for any other reasonunsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwiseunfit for human food;(d)(g) if it has been prepared, packed, or held underinsanitaryunsanitary conditionswherebyso that it mayhavebecomebe contaminated with filth,orwhereby it may have beenrendered injuriousharmful to health;(e)(h) if it is, in whole or in part,wholly or partly the product of an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter;(f)(i) if its container is wholly or partly composed, inwhole or in part,ofanya poisonous ordeleteriousharmful substance which mayrendermake the contentsinjuriousharmful to health;(g)(j) if it has been intentionally subjected to radiation, unless the use of the radiationwas in conformityconformed with a regulation or exemption in effectpursuant tounder section 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;(h)(k) ifanya valuable constituent has beenin wholeor in partwholly or partly omitted orabstracted therefromremoved from it;orifanya substance has been wholly or partly substituted, wholly or in part thereforfor it;orif damage or inferiority has been concealedin any manner; or ifanya substance has been addedtheretoto it or mixed or packedtherewithwith it so as to increase its bulk or weight,orreduce its quality or strength, or make it appear better or of greater value than it is; or(i)(l) if it is margarine containing animal fat and any of the raw material usedthereinin it wholly or partly consistedin whole or in partofanya filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance. Subd. 14. [MISBRANDED.] "Misbranded"shall apply to anymeans a carcass, partthereofof a carcass, meat, or meat food product under one or more of the following circumstances: (a) if its labeling is false or misleadingin anyparticular.; (b) if it is offered for sale under the name of another food.; (c) if it is an imitation of another food, unless its label bears, in type of uniform size and prominence, the word "imitation"andfollowed immediatelythereafter,by the name of the food imitated.; (d) if its container issomade, formed, or filled so as to be misleading.; (e) ifin aits package or other containerunless it bearsdoes not have a label showing (1) the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; and (2) an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count; provided, that under clause (2) ofthis paragraph,subject to reasonable variationsmay bepermitted,and exemptionsas tofor small packagesmay beestablished, byin rulesprescribed byof the commissioner.; (f) ifanya word, statement, or other information required by or under authority ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter to appear on the label or other labeling is not prominently and conspicuously placedthereon with conspicuousness (as comparedwith other words, statements, designs, or devices, in thelabeling) andon the label or labeling in terms thatrendermake it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use.; (g) if itpurports to be oris represented as a food for which a definition and standard of identity or composition has been prescribed by rules of the commissioner under section 31A.07, unless (1) it conforms to the definition and standard, and (2) its label bears the name of the food specified in the definition and standard and,insofar as may beif required by the rules, the common names of optional ingredients(, other than spices, flavoring, and coloring), present insuchthe food.; (h) if itpurports to be oris represented as a food for which a standardor standardsof fill of containerhavehas been prescribed by rules of the commissioner under section 31A.07, and it falls below the applicable standard of fill of containerapplicable thereto, unless its label bears, in the manner and form the rules specify, a statement that it falls below the standard.; (i) if it is not subject tothe provisions ofparagraph (g), unless its label bears (1) thecommon orusual name of the food, if therebe anyis one, and (2) in case it is fabricated from two or more ingredients, the common or usual name of each ingredient; except that spices, flavorings, and colorings may, when authorized by the commissioner, be designated as spices, flavorings, and colorings without naming each. To the extent that compliance withthe requirements ofclause (2)of thisparagraphis impracticable, or results in deception or unfair competition, the commissioner shall establish exemptionsshallbe establishedbyrules promulgated by the commissioner.rule; (j) if it purports to be or is represented for special dietary uses, unless its label bears the information concerning its vitamin, mineral, and other dietary properties that the commissioner, after consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, determines by rule to be, andby rules prescribes as,necessaryin order fullyto inform purchasers of its value for special dietary uses.; (k) if it bears or contains any artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical preservative, unless it bears labeling stating that fact. To the extent that compliance withthe requirements of this paragraph is impracticable, exemptionsshall be established by rules promulgated by the commissioner.; (l) if it fails to bear, directlythereonor on its container, as the commissioner byrulesrule prescribes, the inspection legend and, unrestricted by any of the foregoing, theother information the commissioner may requirein rulesby rule to assure that it will not have false or misleading labeling and that the public will beinformed of the manner of handlingrequiredtold how tomaintainkeep the articlein awholesomecondition. Subd. 15. [LABEL.] "Label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic matterupon theon an article's immediate container(, not including package liners) of any article. Subd. 16. [LABELING.] "Labeling" meansalllabels and other written, printed, or graphic matter (1)upon anyon an article orany ofits containers or wrappers, or (2) accompanying an article. Subd. 17. [FEDERAL MEAT INSPECTION ACT.] "Federal Meat Inspection Act" means the Federal Meat Inspection Actsoentitled approved March 4, 1907, (Statutes at Large, volume 34,page 584). Subd. 18. [FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT.] "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Actso entitled, approved June 25, 1938 (Statutes atLarge, volume 52, page 1040), and acts amendatory thereof orsupplementary thereto, as amended. Subd. 19. [PESTICIDE CHEMICAL; FOOD ADDITIVE; COLOR ADDITIVE; RAW AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY.] "Pesticide chemical," "food additive," "color additive," and "raw agricultural commodity"shallhave thesamemeaningsfor purposes of sections31A.01 to 31A.31 as undergiven them in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Subd. 20. [OFFICIAL MARK.] "Official mark" means the official inspection legend oranyother symbol prescribed by rule of the commissioner to identify the status ofanyan article or animal undersections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter. Subd. 21. [OFFICIAL INSPECTION LEGEND.] "Official inspection legend" meansanya symbol prescribed by rule of the commissioner showing that an article was inspected and passedinaccordance with sections 31A.01 to 31A.31under this chapter. Subd. 22. [OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE.] "Official certificate" meansanya certificate prescribed by rule of the commissioner for issuance by an inspector or other person performing official functions undersections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter. Subd. 23. [OFFICIAL DEVICE.] "Official device" meansanya device prescribed or authorized by the commissioner for use in applyinganyan official mark. 31A.03 [INSPECTION OF LIVE ANIMALS; DISPOSITION OF DEFECTIVE ANIMALS.]For the purpose of preventingTo prevent the use in intrastate commerce, as hereinafter provided,of adulterated meat and meat food productswhich are adulterated, the commissioner shallcause to be made, by inspectors appointed forthat purpose, an examinationappoint inspectors and have them examine andinspection ofinspect all animals beforethey shallbe allowed tothe animals enterinto anya slaughtering, packing, meat canning, rendering, or similar establishment in this state in which slaughtering of animals and preparation of meat and meat food productsof animalsare conducted solely for intrastate commerce; and. Animals found on inspection to show symptoms of diseaseshallmust be set apart and slaughtered separately fromallother animals, and when so slaughtered,. The carcasses of those animalsshallmust besubject to acareful examinationcarefully examined andinspection, asprovided by theinspected under rulesto be prescribed byof the commissioner. 31A.04 [INSPECTION OF CARCASSES AND PARTS; MARKING; DISPOSITION OF CONDEMNED CARCASSES.]For the purposes hereinbefore set forth the commissionershall cause to be made byInspectors appointed by the commissioner for that purpose, as hereinafter provided,shall make a postmortem examination and inspection of the carcasses and partsthereofof all animalscapable of useusable as human food, to beprepared atanya slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment in this state in which carcasses or parts are prepared solely for intrastate commerce; and the. Carcasses and partsthereofof animals found to benot adulterated shallunadulterated must be marked, stamped, tagged, or labeled, as "Inspected and Passed.";andThe inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Inspected and Condemned"allcarcasses and partsthereofof animals found to be adulterated; and all. Carcasses and animal partsthereofinspected and condemnedshallmust be destroyed for food purposes by the establishment in the presence of an inspector, and. The commissioner may remove inspectors fromanyan establishment which fails to destroyanya condemned carcass or animal partthereof, and inspectors,. After the first inspection, inspectors shall,whenif theydeemconsider it necessary, reinspect the carcasses or animal partsthereofto determine whethersince the first inspectionthe samethey have become adulteratedandsince the first inspection. Ifanya carcass oranyanimal partthereofshall, upon examination and inspection subsequent to the firstexamination and inspection, beis then found to be adulterated, itshallmust be destroyed for food purposes by the establishment in the presence of an inspector, and. The commissioner may remove inspectors fromanyan establishment which fails to destroy a condemned carcass or animal partthereof. 31A.05 [APPLICATION OF INSPECTION PROVISIONS.]The foregoing provisions shallSections 31A.03 and 31A.04 apply toallcarcasses or partsof carcassesof animalsor theand meat or meat productsthereof, capable of usederived from them that are usable as human food,which may bewhen these items are brought intoanya slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment, where inspection under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 ismaintained, anddone. Examination and inspectionshallmust be made before the carcasses or animal partsthereof shall be allowed tomay enter intoanya departmentwhereinwhere they are to be treated and prepared for meat food products; and the foregoing provisionsshall. Sections 31A.03 and 31A.04 also apply toallproducts which, after having been issued from a slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment,shallmust be returned to it or toanya similar establishment where inspection ismaintaineddone. The commissioner may limit the entry of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat and meat food products, and other materials intoanyan establishmentat whichwhere inspection under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 ismaintaineddone to conditions the commissioner prescribes to assure that allowing the entry of articles into inspected establishmentswill beis consistent with the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter. 31A.06 [INSPECTION IN SLAUGHTERING ESTABLISHMENTS; MARKING;DISPOSITION OF CONDEMNED MEATINSPECTORS' DUTIES.]For the purposes hereinbefore set forthThe commissioner shallcause to be made byappoint inspectorsappointed for thatpurpose an examinationto examine andinspection of allinspect meat food products prepared inanya slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment, where the articles are prepared solely for intrastate commerceand. Forthe purposes of anyexamination and inspection purposes, the inspectorsshall havemust be given access at all times, by dayor night, whether the establishmentbeis operated or not, to every part of the establishment; and. The inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag, or label as "Minnesota Inspected and Passed" all products found to benot adulterated;unadulterated, and the inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Minnesota Inspected and Condemned" all products found to be adulterated,and all. Condemned meat food productsshallmust be destroyed for food purposes, as hereinbefore provided, andunder section 31A.04. The commissioner may remove inspectors fromanyan establishment which fails to destroy condemned meat food products. 31A.07 [MARKING OR LABELING OF INSPECTED ARTICLES.] Subdivision 1. [LABELING; PACKING.] Whenanymeat or a meat food product prepared for intrastate commerce which has been inspectedas hereinbefore providedand marked "Minnesota Inspected and Passed"shall beis placed or packed inanya can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle or covering inanyan establishment where inspection is done underthe provisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31is maintained, the person, firm, or corporation preparing the product shallcausehave a labelto beattached to the can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle or covering, under supervision of an inspector, which shall. The label must state that the contents have been "Minnesota Inspected and Passed" underthe provisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31, and.NoAn inspectionandor examination of meat or meat food products deposited or enclosed in cans, tins, pots, canvas, or otherreceptaclereceptacles orcoveringcoverings inanyan establishment where inspection is done undertheprovisions of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31 is maintained shall bedeemed to bethis chapter is not complete until the meat or meat food products have been sealed or enclosed in the can, tin, pot, canvas, or other receptacle or covering under the supervision of an inspector. Subd. 2. [LABELS; MARKS.] All carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products inspected atanyan establishment underthe authority of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter and found not to be adulterated,shallmustat thetimewhen they leave the establishment bear,in distinctlylegible form,directlythereonor on their containers,a labellegible labels or officialmarkmarks as required by the commissionermay require. Subd. 3. [LABELING STYLES, SIZES; STANDARDS OF IDENTITY, COMPOSITION, AND FILL.] If the commissioner, ondeterminingdetermines thatactionit is necessary for the protection of the public, the commissioner may prescribe: (1) the styles and sizes of type to be usedwith respect toin material required to be incorporated in labeling to avoid false or misleading labeling ofanyarticles or animals subject to sections 31A.01 to 31A.20; and (2) definitions and standards of identityor, composition, or fill of container for articles subject to sections 31A.01 to 31A.16and standards of fill of container for articles subjectto sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 not inconsistentconsistent withanystandards established under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,orunderthe Federal Meat Inspection Act, andthere shall be consultation between. The commissioner and the Secretary of Agriculture of the United Statesprior to theshall consult before issuance of standards to avoidinconsistencybetweeninconsistent statestandardsandthefederal standards. Subd. 4. [MISLEADING LABELING OR CONTAINERS.] No article subject to sections 31A.01 to 31A.16shallmay be sold or offered for sale byanya person in intrastate commerce,underanya name or other marking or labeling which is false or misleading,or inanya container of a misleading form or size,but. Established trade names and other marking and labeling and containers which are not false or misleading and which are approved by the commissioner,are permitted. Subd. 5. [COMMISSIONER'S ORDERS.] If the commissioner has reason to believe thatanya marking or labeling or the size or form ofanya container in use or proposed for use withanyan article subject to sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 is false or misleadingin any particular, the commissioner may direct that its use be withheld unless the marking, labeling, or container is modified in a manner the commissioner prescribes so that it will not be false or misleading. If the person using or proposing to use the marking, labeling, or container does not accept the determination of the commissioner, the person may request a hearing, but. The use of the marking, labeling, or containershallmust, if the commissioner so directs, be withheld pending hearing and final determination by the commissioner.AnyA determination by the commissionershall beis conclusive unless, within 30 days after receipt of notice ofthe final determination,the person adversely affected appeals to the district court within 30 days after receiving the notice of final determination. 31A.08 [RULES.] The commissioner shallcause to be made, byhave experts in sanitation,orbyother competent inspectors, the inspections ofinspect all slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishments in which animals are slaughtered andthetheir meat and meat food productsthereofare prepared solely for intrastate commerce. The inspections must be conducted asmay benecessary for the commissioner tobecome informed concerningknow the sanitary conditions of the establishments, and to prescribe the rules of sanitation under which the establishmentsshallmust be maintained; and wherethe. If an establishment has sanitary conditionsof anyestablishment are suchthattheallow meat or meat food productsare renderedto become adulterated, the commissioner shall refuse to allow the meat or meat food products to be labeled, marked, stamped, or tagged as "Minnesota Inspected and Passed." 31A.09 [NIGHTTIME INSPECTIONS.]The commissioner shall cause an examination and inspectionof all animals and the food products thereof, slaughtered andprepared in the establishments hereinbefore described for thepurposes of intrastate commerce toInspections under section 31A.08 must be madeduring the nighttimeat night as well as during the daytimewhen theif slaughtering of animals orthepreparation of food products is conductedduring the nighttimeat night. 31A.10 [PROHIBITIONS.] Nopersonsperson may, with respect toanyan animalorany carcasses, parts, carcass, part ofcarcassesa carcass, meat, or meat foodproducts of any animalsproduct:(a)(1) slaughterany animalsan animal or prepareanyarticles which arean article that iscapable of useusable as human food, at any establishment preparing articles solely for intrastate commerce, except in compliance withthe requirementsof sections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter;(b)(2) sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce(1)any(i) articles which arecapable of useusable as human food,and are adulterated or misbranded at the time of sale, transportation, offer for sale or transportation, or receipt for transportation; or(2) any(ii) articles required to be inspected under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16unless theythat have not beensoinspected and passed;(c)(3) do, with respectsomething toany articles whichare capable of usean article that is usable as human food, anyactwhilethey arethe article is being transported in intrastate commerce or held for sale after transportation, which is intended to cause or has the effect of causingarticlesthe article to be adulterated or misbranded; or(d)(4) sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell, anymeat derived from custom processing. 31A.11 [FORGING OF OFFICIAL MARKS OR CERTIFICATES.] Subdivision 1. [UNAUTHORIZED MARKS OR CERTIFICATES.] No brand manufacturer, printer, or other personshallmay cast, print, lithograph, or otherwise makeanya device containinganyan official markor, simulationthereofof an official mark,or anylabel bearinganya mark or simulation, oranyform of official certificate or simulationthereof, except as authorized by the commissioner. Subd. 2. [PROHIBITIONS.] No personshallmay:(a)(1) forgeanyan official device, mark, or certificate;(b)(2) without authorization from the commissioner useanya real or simulated official device, mark, or certificate,orsimulation thereof,or alter, detach, deface, or destroyanyan official device, mark, or certificate;(c)(3) contrary to the rules prescribed by the commissioner,fail to use, or todetach, deface,ordestroyany, or fail to use an official device, mark, or certificate;(d)(4) knowingly possess, without promptly notifying the commissioner or the commissioner's representative,anyan official deviceor any, a counterfeit, simulated, forged, or improperly altered official certificate, oranya deviceor, label, oranycarcass, part, or product ofanyan animal, orpart or product thereof,bearinganya counterfeit, simulated, forged, or improperly altered official mark;(e)(5) knowingly makeanya false statement inanya shipper's certificate or othernonofficial or officialcertificate provided for in the rulesprescribed byof the commissioner,; or;(f)(6) knowingly represent falsely thatanyan article has been inspected and passed, or exempted, undersections31A.01 to 31A.31, when in fact, it has, respectively, not beeninspected and passed, or exemptedthis chapter. 31A.12 [HORSE MEAT.] No personshallmay sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation,in intrastate commerce,anywhole or parts of carcasses of horses, mules, or other equinesor parts of carcasses,orthemeat or meat food productsthereofderived from them, unless they are plainly and conspicuously markedor, labeled, or otherwise identified as required by rules prescribed by the commissioner to show the kinds of animals from which they were derived. When required by the commissioner with respect to establishmentsat whichwhere inspection ismaintaineddone under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16the animals, equines and their carcasses, partsthereof, meat, and meat food productsshallmust be prepared in establishments separate from those in which cattle, sheep, swine, or goats are slaughtered or their carcasses, partsthereof,meatsmeat, or meat food products are prepared. 31A.13 [APPOINTMENT OFINSPECTORS.] The commissioner shall appointfrom time to timeinspectors tomake examination and inspection of allinspect animals, whole or parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products the inspection of which is provided for by law,and of all carcassesand parts thereof, and of all meats and meat food productsthereof,andofthe sanitary conditions of all establishments in which the meat and meat food productshereinbefore describedare prepared; and. Inspectors shall refuse to stamp, mark, tag, or labelanya whole or part of a carcassor any part thereof,or a meat food producttherefromderived from it, prepared inanyan establishmenthereinbefore mentionedcovered by sections 31A.01 to 31A.12, until it has actually been inspected and found to be not adulterated; and. Inspectors shall performtheother dutiesas providedrequired bysections 31A.01 to 31A.31 and by thethis chapter or by rulesto be prescribedadopted by the commissionerand the commissioner shall, from time to time, makethe rulesthat are necessary for the efficient execution oftheprovisions of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31, and allthis chapter. Inspectionsand examinations madeundersections 31A.01 to31A.31 shallthis chapter must conform to the rulesprescribedadopted by the commissioner consistent withthe provisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter. 31A.14 [BRIBERY.]AnyA person who gives or receives anything of value in order to influence the performance of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31 violates section 609.42 or 609.43. 31A.15 [EXEMPTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [INSPECTION.] The provisions of sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 requiring inspection of the slaughter of animals and the preparation of the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products at establishments conducting slaughter and preparation do not apply: (1) to the processing byanya person of the person's own animals and the owner's preparation and transportation in intrastate commerce of the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products of those animals exclusively for use by the owner and members of the owner's household, nonpaying guests, and employees; or (2) to the custom processing byanya person of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats delivered by the owner for processing, and the preparation or transportation in intrastate commerce of the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products of animals, exclusively for use in the household of the owner by the owner and members of the owner's household, nonpaying guests, and employees; provided, that all. Meatderivedfrom custom processing of cattle, sheep, swine, or goatsshallmust be identified and handled as required by the commissioner, during all phases of processing, chilling, cooling, freezing, preparation, storage, and transportation; and provided further,that. The custom processordoesmay not engage in the business of buying or sellinganycarcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, or meat food products ofanyanimalscapable of useusable as human food unless the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, or meat food products have been inspected and passed and are identified ashaving beeninspected and passed by the Minnesota department of agriculture or the United States Department of Agriculture. Subd. 2. [SANITARY CONDITIONS.] The processing of animals and preparation of articles referred to in subdivision 1, clause (2)shall, must be conducted in accordance withthesanitary conditions that the commissioner may by rule prescribe.Violation of a rule is prohibited.Subd. 3. [ADULTERATION AND MISBRANDING.] The adulteration and misbranding provisions of sections 31A.01 to 31A.16, other than the requirement of the inspection legend, apply to articles which are not required to be inspected under this section. 31A.16 [STORING AND HANDLING CONDITIONS.] The commissioner maybyadopt rulesprescribeprescribing conditions under which carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products of animalscapable of useusable as human food, shallmust be stored or otherwise handled byanya personengagedin the business of buying, selling, freezing, storing, or transporting them, in or for intrastate commerce,wheneverif the commissionerdeemsconsiders action necessary to assure that the articles will not be adulterated or misbranded when delivered to the consumer.Violation of the commissioner's ruleis prohibited.31A.17 [ARTICLES NOT INTENDED AS HUMAN FOOD.] Inspectionshallmust not be provided under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 atanyan establishment for the slaughter of animals or the preparation ofanycarcasses or parts or products of animals,which are not intended for use as human food, but. Before they are offered for sale or transportation in intrastate commerce, those articlesshall, prior to their offer for sale ortransportation in intrastate commerce, unless naturally inedibleby humans,must be denatured or otherwise identified as prescribed by rules of the commissioner to deter their use for human food, unless they are naturally inedible by humans. No personshallmay buy, sell, transport,oroffer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce,anycarcasses, partsthereofof carcasses, meat, or meat food products ofanyanimals,which are not intended for use as human food unless they are denatured or otherwise identified as required by the rules of the commissioner or are naturally inedible by humans. 31A.18 [RECORDS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICABILITYWHO MUST KEEP.] The following classes of persons shall keep records thatwillfully and correctly disclose all transactions involved in their businesses; and all persons subject to the requirements shall,at all reasonable times, upon notice by a duly authorizedrepresentative of the commissioner afford the representative andany duly authorized representative of the Secretary ofAgriculture of the United States accompanied by a representativeof the commissioner access to their places of business andopportunity to examine the facilities, inventory, and recordsthereof, to copy all business records, and to take reasonablesamples of their inventory upon payment of the fair market valuetherefor:(a) Any(1) personswho engage, for intrastate commerce,in the business, for intrastate commerce, of slaughtering animals or preparing, freezing, packaging, or labeling animal carcasses,orparts, or products of carcasses, of animals,for use as humanfoodor animal food;(b) Any(2) personswho engagein the intrastate business of buying or selling,(as meat brokers, wholesalers, or otherwise),ortransporting, in intrastate commerce, or storingin or for intrastate commerce, anyanimal carcasses,or parts or products of animal carcasses, of animals; and(c) Any(3) personswho engagein the intrastate business, in or for intrastate commerce, as renderersof rendering, orengagein the intrastate business of buying, selling, or transporting, in intrastate commerce, anydead, dying, disabled, or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses of animals that diedotherwiseother than by slaughter. Subd. 1a. [EXAMINATION OF RECORDS, FACILITIES.] Upon notice by an authorized representative of the commissioner, persons subject to this section shall, at all reasonable times, give the representative and an authorized representative of the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States accompanied by a representative of the commissioner access to their places of business and opportunity to examine the facilities, inventory, and records of the business, to copy business records, and to take reasonable samples of their inventory upon payment of the fair market value of the samples. Subd. 2. [RETENTION.]Any recordRecords requiredto bemaintainedby this sectionshallmust be maintained for the period of time the commissioner prescribes by ruleprescribes. 31A.19 [REGISTRATION OF BUSINESSES.] No personshallmay engage in intrastate business, in orfor intrastate commerce,as: (1) a meat broker, renderer, or animal food manufacturer,or engage in business in intrastate commerce as; (2) a wholesaler ofanyanimal carcasses,orcarcass parts, or products of carcasses,of animals whetherintended for human food or other purposes, or engage in business as; (3) a public warehouse operator storing carcasses,or parts of carcasses of animals in or for intrastate commerce, or engagein the business of buying, selling, or transporting inintrastate commerce, any; or (4) a buyer, seller, or transporter of dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animals of the specified kinds, or parts of the carcasses of animals that diedotherwiseother than by slaughter,unless, when required by rule of the commissioner, the person hasregistered withprovided the commissioner with the person's name,and the address of each place of business at which, and all trade names under which, the person conducts business. 31A.20 [DEAD, DYING, DISABLED OR DISEASED ANIMALS; RULES.]No person engaged in the business of buying, selling, ortransporting in intrastate commerce, dead, dying, disabled, ordiseased animals, or any parts of the carcasses of any animalsthat died otherwise than by slaughter, shall buy, sell,transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive fortransportation, in intrastate commerce, any dead, dying,disabled, or diseased animals or parts of the carcasses of anyanimals that died otherwise than by slaughter, unless thetransaction or transportation, is made in accordance with therulesThis section covers dead, dying, or disabled animals and the whole or partial carcasses of animals that died other than by slaughter. The commissioner mayprescribeadopt rules to assure thatthe animals, or the unwholesome parts or products thereof,will be prevented from beingitems covered by this section are not usedforas human foodpurposes. A person in the intrastate business of buying, selling, or transporting items covered by this section must comply with those rules. 31A.21 [COOPERATION WITH FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.] Subdivision 1. [DESIGNATION.] The Minnesota department of agriculture ishereby designated asthe state agencywhich shallberesponsible for cooperating with the United States Secretary of Agricultureof the United Statesunderthe provisions ofsection 301 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act to develop and administer the state meat inspection programof this stateundersection 31A.01 to 31A.31 to assurethis chapter so that its requirementswill beat least equaltothose imposed under Titles I and IV of the Federal Meat Inspection Act and to develop and administer the state programof this stateunder sections 31A.17 to 31A.20in a manner that will effectuateto carry out the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter and the federal act. Subd. 2. [FEDERAL ASSISTANCE.] In its cooperative efforts, the Minnesota department of agricultureis authorized tomay accept from the United States Secretary of Agriculture (1) advisory assistance in planning and otherwise developing the state program, (2) technical and laboratory assistance and training, including necessary curricular and instructional materials and equipment, and (3) financial and other aid for the administration of the program. The Minnesota department of agricultureis further authorized tomay spend a sum for administration ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter equal topay50per centumpercent of the estimated total cost of the cooperative program. Subd. 3. [ADVICE; CONSULTATION.] The Minnesota department of agricultureis further authorized tomay recommend to the United States Secretary of Agriculture officials or employees of this stateas the Minnesota department of agriculture shalldesignate,for appointment to the advisory committees provided for in section 301 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act; and. The Minnesota department of agriculture shall serve as the representative of the governor for consultation with the secretary under paragraph (c) of section 301 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act unless the governorshall selectselects another representative. Subd. 4. [MUNICIPALITIES; GOVERNMENT SUBDIVISIONS.]WhenIf the state program includes performance of functions by a municipality or other subdivision of state government, the municipality orothersubdivisionof state government shall bedeemed to be ais part of the Minnesota department of agriculture for the purposes of this section.(a) AnySubd. 5. [APPLICATION TO OPERATE INSPECTION SERVICE.] A municipality or other subdivision of state government, through the health officer or other appropriate authority, maymake written applicationapply in writing for designation to operate a state-approved inspection service under supervision of the commissioner.Each applicationshallApplications must be filed ona formforms obtained from the commissioner andshallinclude the information the commissioner requires.(b) UponSubd. 6. [INSPECTION AND DESIGNATION.] On receipt of an application under subdivision 5, the commissioner shallmake an inspection and investigation todetermine whether the applicant's inspection serviceof a municipality or othersubdivision of state government is in conformanceconforms withsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter and the designation to operate under the commissioner's supervision as an approved inspection serviceon the basis of facts disclosed by theinvestigation. A municipality or other subdivision of state governmentshallmay be designated only afterdetermination bythe commissioner determines that each establishment under supervision of the municipality or other subdivisionis inconformanceconforms withsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter and the rules of the commissioner and that the municipality orothersubdivisionof state governmentis effectively enforcing laws and rules equivalent to sections 31A.01 to 31A.31 and the rulespromulgated thereunderof the commissioner. The department shall make regularperiodicinspections and surveys to determine if the inspection serviceby a municipality orother subdivision of state government is being maintained incompliancecontinues to complyand. The commissioner may revoke the designation of inspection service by an agency if the commissioner finds that there isanya failure to conform to theapplicableprovisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter or the rules. Subd. 7. [REIMBURSEMENT BY STATE.](c) WhenIf a municipality or other subdivision of state government performs inspection serviceas provided for hereinunder this section, the agency may be reimbursed for the service at a rate contracted with Minnesota department of agriculture. 31A.22 [REFUSAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF INSPECTION.] The commissioner may, for aperiod, or indefinitely, aslength of time the commissionerdeemsconsiders necessary toeffectuatecarry out the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter, refuse to provide, or withdraw, inspection service under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16with respect to anyfrom an establishment. The commissioner may refuse or withdraw inspection service if the commissioner determines, after giving the applicant for or recipient of the service an opportunity for a hearingis accorded to the applicant for, or recipient of, theservice, that the applicant or recipient is unfit to engage in any business requiring inspection under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 because the applicant or recipient, or anyone responsibly connected with the applicant or recipient, has been convicted, in a federal or state court, of (1)anya felony, or (2) more than one violation ofanya law, other than a felony, basedupontheon acquiring, handling, or distributingofunwholesome, mislabeled, or deceptively packaged food oruponon fraud in connection with transactions in food. This sectionshalldoes not affectin any wayother provisions ofsections 31A.01 to31A.31this chapter for withdrawal of inspection services under sections 31A.01 to 31A.16 from establishments failing to maintain sanitary conditions or to destroy condemned carcasses, parts, meat, or meat food products. For the purpose of this section a personshall be deemed tobeis responsibly connected withthea business if the person is a partner, officer, director, holder, or owner of tenper centumpercent or more of its voting stock or an employee in a managerial or executive capacity.TheA determination and order of the commissionerwithrespect theretounder this sectionshall beis finalandconclusiveunless the affected applicant for,or recipient of,inspection servicefiles applicationapplies for judicial review within 30 days after the effective date of the order in the district court. Judicial review ofanyan ordershallmust beuponbased on the same recordupon whichas the determination and orderare based. 31A.23 [DETENTION OF ANIMALS OR PRODUCTS.]Whenever anyThis section applies to a carcass, part of a carcass, meat, or meat food product ofanimals or anyan animal, a product exempted from the definition of a meat food product, oranya dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animalis found byany. If an authorized representative of the commissioneruponanyfinds such an article or animal on premises where it is held for purposes of,orduring, or after distribution in intrastate commerce, and there is reason to believe thatany articleit is adulterated or misbranded and iscapable of useusable as human food, or that it has not been inspected, in violation oftheprovisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.16or of, the Federal Meat Inspection Act, or the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, or that the article or animal has been or is intended to be,distributed in violation ofanya provision of those laws, it may be detained by the representative fora period notup toexceed20 days,pending action under section 31A.24 or notification ofanyfederal authorities having jurisdiction over the article or animal, and shall. It must not be moved byanya person, firm, or corporation from the place at which it is located whensodetained, until released by the representative. The representative may require all official marksmay berequired by the representativeto be removed from the article or animal before it is released unlessit appears to thesatisfaction ofthe commissioner is satisfied that the article or animal is eligible to retain the official marks. 31A.24 [SEIZURE AND CONDEMNATION.] Subdivision 1. [WHAT CAN BE SEIZED.]AnyThis section applies to a carcass, part of a carcass, meat or meat food product of animals oranyto a dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animal that is being transported in intrastate commerce, or is held for sale in this state after transportation in intrastate commerce, and that is or has. These articles or animals may be proceeded against, seized, and condemned, if (1) they are or have been prepared, sold, transported, or otherwise distributed or offered or received for distribution in violation of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31, or is capable of use; (2) they are usable as human food andisare adulterated or misbranded, or; or (3) they are in any other wayisin violation of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31, shall be liable to be proceeded against andseized and condemned,. The department may act against the article or animal at any time, on a complaint in the district court of the judicial district where the article or animal is found. Subd. 2. [SALE OF CONDEMNED ITEMS.] If the article or animal is condemned itshallmust, after entry of the decree, be disposed of by destruction or sale as the court directsand theproceeds,. If it is sold, the proceeds must be paid to the state, less the court costs and fees,and storage and other proper expenses, shall be paid to the state, but the article oranimals shallanimal must not be sold contrary tothe provisionsof sections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter,orthe Federal Meat Inspection Act, or the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;provided, that upon the execution and delivery of a good andsufficient. If a bond is delivered conditioned that the article or animalshallmust not be sold or otherwise disposed of contrary tothe provisions of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31, or thelaws of the United Statesthis chapter or federal law, the court may direct that the article or animal be delivered totheits ownerthereofsubject tothesupervision by authorized representatives of the commissioner that is necessary toinsureassure compliance with the applicable laws. Subd. 3. [TYPES OF PROCEEDINGS; AWARDS OF COSTS.] When a decree of condemnation is entered against the article or animal and it is released under bond,or destroyed, court costs and fees,and storage and other proper expensesshallmust be awarded against the person, if any, intervening as claimant of the article or animal. The proceedings for condemnationshallmust be in rem. Either party may demand trial by jury of any issue of fact joined in any case, and all proceedingsshallmust be at the suit of and in the name of the state.The provisions ofThis sectionshall in no way derogatefromdoes not change the authority for condemnation or seizure conferred by other provisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter, or other laws. 31A.25 [ACCESS BY INSPECTORS.]For obtaining information regardingTo get information about suspected violations of law, the commissioner and the commissioner's assistants, inspectors, appointees, agents and employees, shall havemust be given access toall placesthe following: (1) places whereany article offood,orother articlesomething else, the manufacture, sale, use, or transportation of which isnow or hereafterrestricted, regulated, or prohibited byanya law of this state, is or may be manufactured, prepared, stored, sold, used, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or had in possession with intent to use, sell, or transport, or where cows or other animals are pastured or stabled, to; (2) cars or other carriages usedfor transportation ofto transport the articles or animals,; andto(3) places where food is or may be cooked, prepared, sold or kept for sale to or for the public or distributed as a part of the compensation ofservantsan employee or agent, including public and private hospitals, lumber and railroad camps, inns, boarding and eating houses, drinking places, dining cars, boats, and other places where any of these articles may be manufactured, sold, used, offered for sale or transportation, orhad in possessionpossessed with intent to use, sell or transport, and. They may inspectanya package, receptacle, or container foundthereinin those places apparently containingany articleoffoodor, a food ingredientthereof, orany otherarticlesomething else the manufacture, use, sale, or transportation of which isnow or hereafterrestricted, regulated, or forbidden byanystate lawof this state, and may take samplestherefromfrom it for analysis.AnyA person obstructing entry or inspection, or failing upon request to assisttherein, shall bein the inspection, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 31A.26 [VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES.] Subdivision 1. [MISDEMEANORS.]AnyA person who violatesanya provision ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter oranya rule adoptedthereunderunder it for which no other criminal penalty is provided is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 2. [MINOR VIOLATIONS.]Nothing in sections 31A.01 to31A.31 shall be construed as requiringThis chapter does not require the commissioner to report for prosecution or for the institution of injunction proceedings,minor violations of sections 31A.01 to 31A.31whenif the commissioner believes that the public interest will be adequately served by a suitable writtennotice ofwarning. 31A.27 [POWERS OF COMMISSIONER.] Subdivision 1. [TO GATHER INFORMATION.] The commissioner may, for the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter:(a)(1) gather and compile information concerning and,investigatefrom time to timethe organization, business, conduct, practices, and management ofanya personengagedin intrastate commerce,and the person's relationthereofto other persons; and(b)(2) require, by general or special orders, a person, persons, or a class of persons engaged in intrastate commerce,or any class of them, or any of themto file with the commissioner, in the form the commissioner prescribes, annual and special reports or answers in writing to specific questions,furnishing togiving the commissioner the information the commissioner requires about the organization, business, conduct, practices, management, and relation to other persons, of the person filing the reports or answers. The reports and answersshallmust be made under oath, or otherwise, as the commissioner prescribes, andshall befiled with the commissioner within a reasonable timeasthe commissioner prescribes, unless additional time is grantedin any caseby the commissioner. Subd. 2. [TO EXAMINE DOCUMENTS FOR EVIDENCE.] (a) For the purposes ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter, the commissionershallmust at all reasonable timeshave accessbe allowed to, for the purpose of examination,examine andtheright tocopyanydocumentary evidence ofanya person being investigated or proceeded against, and. The commissioner mayrequire bysubpoenathe attendance and testimony ofwitnesses and require the production ofalldocumentary evidence ofanya person relating to any matter under investigation. The commissioner may sign subpoenasand may, administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses, and receive evidence.(a)(b) Attendance of witnesses,and the production of documentary evidence may be required atanya designated hearing placeof hearing. In case of disobedience to a subpoena the commissioner may invoke the aid of the district court to require the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence.(b)(c) The district court, in case ofcontumacy orrefusal to obey a subpoena issued toanya person, may issue an order requiring the person to appear before the commissioner or to produce documentary evidence if ordered, or to give evidence touching the matter in question; and any. Failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt.(c)(d) Upon the application of the attorney general of this state at the request of the commissioner, the district courtshall have jurisdiction to issue orders commanding anymay order a person to comply withthe provisions ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31 oranyan order of the commissioner madein pursuanceof itunder those sections.(d)(e) The commissioner may order testimony to be taken by deposition inanya proceeding or investigation pending undersections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter at any state of the proceeding or investigation. Depositions may be taken beforeanya person designated by the commissioner and having power to administer oaths. The testimonyshallmust be reduced to writing by the person taking the deposition,or under the person's direction andshallmust then besubscribedsigned by thedeponentwitness.AnyA person may be compelled to appear and depose and to produce documentary evidence in the same manner as witnesses may be compelled to appear and testify and produce documentary evidence before the commissionerashereinbefore provided.(e)(f) Witnesses summoned before the commissioner may be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the district courts, and. Witnesses whose depositions are taken and the persons takingthe samethem mayseverallybe entitled to thesamefeesasthat are paid forlikethose services in the district court.(f) No(g) A personshall beis not excused from attending and testifying or from producing books, papers, schedules of charges, contracts, agreements, or other documentary evidence before the commissioner or in obedience to the subpoena of the commissioner whether the subpoena is signed or issued by the commissioner or the commissioner's delegate, or in any cause or proceeding, criminal or otherwise, based upon or growing out ofanyan alleged violation ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31, or ofany amendments thereto, on the ground or for the reasonthatthis chapter because the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of the person may tend to incriminate the person or subject the person to a penalty or forfeiture; but. No personshallmay be prosecuted or subjected toanya penalty or forfeiturefor oron account ofany transaction,a matter, orthingconcerning which the person is compelled, after having claimed a privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, except thatanyperson so testifying shalla witness is notbeexempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed insotestifying. Subd. 3. [PENALTIES RELATED TO TESTIMONY AND RECORDS.] (a) A person who neglects or refuses to attend and testifyor, to answeranya lawful inquiry, or to produce documentary evidence, if it is in the person's power to do so, in obedience to the subpoena or lawful requirement of the commissioner is guilty of a misdemeanor.(a) Any(b) A person whoshallwillfullymake,(1) makes orcausecauses to be made, anya false entry or statement of fact inanya report requiredto be madeundersections 31A.01to 31A.31 or who shall willfully make,this chapter; (2) makes orcausecauses to be made, anya false entry inanyan account, record, or memorandum kept by a person subject tosections 31A.01 to 31A.31 or who shall willfully neglectthis chapter; (3) neglects orfailfails to make,or to cause to be made,full, true,and correct entries in the accounts, records, or memoranda, of all facts and transactionsappertainingrelating to the person's businessof the person or that shallwillfully remove out of; (4) leaves the jurisdiction of this state, or willfully mutilate; (5) mutilates,alteralters, or by any other meansfalsify anyfalsifies documentary evidence of a person subject tosections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter; orthat shall willfully refuse(6) refuses to submit to the commissioner, forthe purpose ofinspection andtakingcopiescopying, any documentary evidence of a person subject tosections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter in the person's possession or control, is guilty of a misdemeanor.(b) If any(c) A person required bysections 31A.01 to31A.31this chapter to fileanyan annual or special report who fails to do so within the time fixed by the commissioner for filing the report,andthe person's failurecontinues the failure for 30 days after notice of failure to file,the personshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor.(c) Any(d) An officer or employee of this state whoshallmakemakes publicanyinformation obtained by the commissioner without the commissioner's authority, unless directed by a court, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 31A.28 [APPLICATION OF CHAPTER WITH REGARD TO FEDERAL ACT.]The requirements of Sections 31A.01 to 31A.31 shall applyThis chapter applies to persons, establishments, animals, and articles regulated under the Federal Meat Inspection Act only to the extent providedforin section 408 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act. 31A.29 [COST OF ADMINISTRATION; OVERTIME WORK.] The cost ofadministration ofadministeringsections 31A.01to 31A.31this chapter, including the cost of inspectionrendered under the requirements of sections 31A.01 to31A.31,shallmust be paid from appropriations made for this purpose, except to the extent of federal contributions as provided in section 31A.21. The commissioner may pay employees of theMinnesotadepartment of agriculture employed in establishments subject tothe provisions of sections 31A.01 to31A.31,this chapter for overtime work performed at the establishments, and to. The commissioner may accept from the establishments where the overtime work is performed reimbursement for sums paid by the commissioner for overtime work. Reimbursementsshallmust be deposited in the treasury and credited to the accounts from which the overtime costs were paid. 31A.30 [SEVERABILITY.] Ifanya provision ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31this chapter ortheits applicationthereoftoanya person or circumstances is held invalid, thevalidity of theremainder ofsections 31A.01 to 31A.31the chapter andof theits applicationof the provisionto other persons and circumstancesshall not beaffected therebyremains valid. 31A.31 [CITATION.]Sections 31A.01 to 31A.31 shallThis chapter may bedesignatedcited as the Minnesota meat inspection act. ARTICLE 3 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 227, is amended to read:CRIMES INVOLVING WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS 227.50 [ISSUING A RECEIPT ; ISSUE; GOODS NOT RECEIVED;PENALTYFOR GOODS ONE DOES NOT HAVE.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.] A warehouse operator, oranyan officer, agent, orservantemployee of a warehouse operator, who issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue a receipt for goods knowing thatthe goods for which such receipt isissued have not been actually received bythe warehouse operator, or are not under the actual control of the warehouse operatorat the time of issuing such receipt, shall bedoes not have or control the goods is guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction,punished. Subd. 2. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonmentnot exceedingfor not more than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. 227.51 [ISSUING A RECEIPT; ISSUE; CONTAININGWITH A FALSE STATEMENT; PENALTYIN IT.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.] A warehouse operator, oranyan officer, agent, orservantemployee of a warehouse operator, who fraudulently issues oraids inhelps to fraudulentlyissuingissue a receipt for goods knowing thatitthe receipt containsanya false statement,shall beis guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction, punished. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. 227.52 [ISSUING A SECOND RECEIPT; DUPLICATE; NOT SO MARKED;ISSUEWITHOUT "DUPLICATE" ON IT.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.] A warehouse operator, oranyan officer, agent, orservantemployee of a warehouse operator, who issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue aduplicate or additionalnegotiable receipt for goods knowing thata formeranother negotiable receipt for some or all of thesamegoodsor any part of themis outstanding and uncanceled, without putting the word "duplicate" plainlyplacing uponon the facethereof the word "duplicate" except in the case of a lost,stolen or destroyed receipt after proceedings as provided for bylaw, shall beof the receipt is guilty of a crime; and, uponconviction, punished. Subd. 2. [EXCEPTION.] If the original receipt is lost, stolen, or destroyed, and if proceedings have been conducted as provided by law, it is not a crime under subdivision 1 to issue a duplicate receipt without putting the word "duplicate" plainly on it. Subd. 3. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. 227.53 [RECEIPTS ISSUED FOR WAREHOUSE OPERATOR'SISSUING RECEIPT NOT SHOWING OPERATOR OWNS GOODSWHICH DO NOT STATE THATFACT.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Where there aredeposited with or held by a warehouse operator goods owned bythat operator either solely or jointly or in common with others,and if the warehouse operator, or any of the operator'sofficers, agents, or servants knowing this ownership, issues oraids in issuing a negotiable receipt for such goods which doesnot state such ownership, that person shall be guilty of acrime; and, upon conviction, punished forIf: (1) a warehouse operator owns goods solely, jointly, or in common with others; (2) the goods are deposited with or held by the warehouse operator; (3) the warehouse operator or an officer, agent, or employee of the warehouse operator issues or helps to issue a negotiable receipt for the goods; (4) the receipt does not show the warehouse operator's ownership interest; and (5) the issuer or helper knows of the warehouse operator's ownership interest; then the issuer or helper is guilty of a crime. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. 227.54 [DELIVERY OF GOODS WITHOUTOBTAININGGETTING NEGOTIABLE RECEIPT.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME; EXCEPTION.]A warehouseoperator, or any officer, agent, or servant of a warehouseoperator, who delivers goods out of the possession of suchwarehouse operator, knowing that a negotiable receipt thenegotiation of which would transfer the right to the possessionof such goods is outstanding and uncanceled, without obtainingthe possession of such receipt at or before the time of suchdelivery, shall, except in cases where such delivery of goods ispermitted by law, be guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction,punishedIf: (1) a warehouse operator, or an officer, agent, or employee of a warehouse operator, delivers goods out of the possession of the warehouse operator; (2) the deliverer knows that a negotiable receipt is outstanding and uncanceled and that if the receipt were negotiated it would transfer the right to possess the goods; and (3) the deliverer does not get possession of the receipt at or before the delivery; then the deliverer is guilty of a crime, unless the delivery is permitted by law. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. 227.55 [NEGOTIATION OFNEGOTIATING RECEIPTFOR MORTGAGEDWITHOUT CLEAR TITLE TO GOODS.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Any person whodeposits goods without having title to the goods, or upon whichthere is a lien or mortgage, and who takes for such goods anegotiable receipt, later negotiating itIf: (1) a person deposits goods without having title to the goods or with a lien or mortgage on them; (2) the person takes a negotiable receipt for the goods; and (3) the person later negotiates the receipt for value with intent to deceive and without disclosing thewantlack of title or the existence of the lien or mortgageshall be; then the person is guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction,punished. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. ARTICLE 4 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 228, is amended to read:CARRIERS;CRIMES INVOLVING BILLS OF LADING 228.45 [ISSUE OFISSUING BILL FOR GOODS NOT RECEIVED;PENALTY, CONTROLLED.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]AnyAn officer, agent, orservantemployee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue a bill knowing that all oranypart of the goods for whichsuchthe bill is issuedhaveare notbeenreceivedby such carrier, or by any agent of suchcarrier, or by a connecting carrier,or are not under the carrier's control at the time of issuingsuchthe bill,shall beis guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction, punished. Goods are received if they are received by the carrier, by an agent of the carrier, or by a connecting carrier. Subd. 2. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. 228.46 [ISSUE OFISSUING A BILLCONTAININGWITH A FALSE STATEMENT; PENALTYIN IT.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]AnyAn officer, agent, orservantemployee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue a bill for goods knowing thatitthe bill containsanya false statement,shallbeis guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction, punished. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. 228.47 [ISSUES OFISSUING A DUPLICATEBILLS NOT SOMARKEDBILL WITH FRAUD IN MIND.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Except in the case ofbills in a set over issue of documents for fungible goods andsubstitutes for lost, stolen, or destroyed documents, anyAn officer, agent, orservantemployee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue aduplicate or additionalnegotiable bill for goods, knowing thata formeranother negotiable bill forthe samesome or all of the goods, or any part of them,is outstanding and uncanceledshallbe, is guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction, punished. Subd. 2. [EXCEPTIONS.] Issuing bills in a set over issue of documents for fungible goods and issuing substitutes for lost, stolen, or destroyed documents are not violations of subdivision 1. Subd. 3. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. 228.48 [NEGOTIATION OFNEGOTIATING BILLFOR MORTGAGEDWITHOUT CLEAR TITLE TO GOODS.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Any person who shipsgoods without having title to the goods, or upon which there isa lien or mortgage, and who takes for such goods a negotiablebill and afterwardsIf: (1) a person ships goods without having title to the goods or with a lien or mortgage on them; (2) the person takes a negotiable bill for the goods; and (3) the person later negotiates the bill for value with intent to deceive and without disclosing thewantlack of title or the existence of the lien or mortgage, shall be; then the person is guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction,punished. Subd. 2. [ONE YEAR; $3,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than one year orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $3,000, orbyboth. 228.49 [NEGOTIATION OFNEGOTIATING BILLWHENFOR GOODSARECARRIER DOES NOTIN CARRIER'S POSSESSIONHAVE.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Any person who withintent to deceive negotiates or transfers for value a billknowing that any or all of the goods which by the terms of suchbill appear to have been received for transportation by thecarrier which issued the bill, are not in the possession orcontrol of such carrier, or of a connecting carrier, withoutdisclosing this fact, shall be guilty of a crime; and, uponconviction, punishedIf: (1) a carrier issues a bill for goods; (2) the goods by the terms of the bill appear to have been received for transportation by the carrier; and (3) a person intending to deceive negotiates or transfers the bill for value knowing that the carrier or a connecting carrier does not have or control some or all of the goods; then the person is guilty of a crime. Subd. 2. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. 228.50 [INDUCINGGETTING CARRIER WITHOUT GOODS TO ISSUEOFA BILLWHEN GOODS HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]Any person who withintent to defraud secures the issue by a carrier of a billknowing that at the time of such issue, any or all of the goodsdescribed in such bill as received for transportation have notbeen received by such carrier, or an agent of such carrier or aconnecting carrier, or are not under the carrier's control, byinducing an officer, agent, or servant of such carrier falselyto believe that such goods have been received by such carrier,or are under its control, shall be guilty of a crime; and, uponconviction, punishedIf: (1) a person gets an officer, agent, or employee of a carrier falsely to believe that the carrier has or controls goods; (2) the person, with intent to defraud, gets the carrier to issue a bill for the goods; and (3) the person knows that, when the bill is issued, some or all of the goods described in the bill have not been received by the carrier, an agent of the carrier, or a connecting carrier, and are not under the carrier's control; then the person is guilty of a crime. Subd. 2. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, or both. 228.51 [ISSUE OFISSUING A NONNEGOTIABLE BILL NOT SO MARKED.] Subdivision 1. [ELEMENTS OF CRIME.]AnyA person who with intent to defraud issues oraids in issuinghelps to issue a nonnegotiable bill without putting theword,words "not negotiable,"placedplainlyuponon the facethereofof the bill,shall beis guilty of a crime; and, upon conviction,punished. Subd. 2. [FIVE YEARS; $10,000.] Whoever commits the crime described in subdivision 1 may be sentenced for each offensebyto imprisonment for notexceedingmore than five years orbyto payment of a fine of notexceedingmore than $10,000, orbyboth. ARTICLE 5 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 306, as amended by Laws 1987, chapter 18, section 1, is amended to read: 306.01 [CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE CEMETERIES, HOW GOVERNED.]AllPublic cemetery associations existingat the time ofthe taking effect of Revised Laws 1905on March 1, 1906, shall continue under the forms of organization adopted by them,respectively,andshallretainallthe rights and powers then possessed.AllCemetery associationsthereafter formedandallprivate cemeteriesthereafterestablished after that date shall be organized and governedsolelybythe provisions ofthis chapterapplicable thereto. 306.02 [CEMETERY CORPORATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE AND METHOD OF FORMATION.] A corporation or association may: (1) be formedfor the purposeof procuring and holding or sellingto procure and hold or sell lands or lots exclusively for the purpose of a public cemetery.It may; (2) acquire and manage all real and personal property necessary or properfor the establishment, embellishmentto establish, embellish, care for, andmanagement ofmanage a cemetery, and may construct and operatethereonon that property a crematory and other proper means of disposing of the dead. Itmay; and (3) sell and convey cemetery lots or sell and convey real or personal propertylawfullyacquired by it but not needed for cemetery purposes.ItThe corporation or association may be formed by three or more persons, who shall execute and verify the certificate or articles of incorporation as required in the matter of the formation of other corporations.SuchThe certificate of incorporation shall be filed for record in the office of the county recorder of the countywherein suchwhere the cemetery issituatedlocated andthereupon suchupon filing, the associationshall becomeis a corporation. Subd. 2. [TRANSFER BY CITY OR TOWN.]AnyCemeterylandsland and property or a public burial groundnow or hereafterowned or controlled byanya town or cityof this statemay be transferred bysuchthe town or city by deed or otherwise toanyan existing cemetery association or corporation or one formedororganizedunderthe terms ofthis chapteror heretofore existingand such. The transfer may be with or without condition, asshall bedetermined by the town or city, as the case may be;such. The town or city may, as a part ofsuchthe transaction, enter into a contract or agreement withsuchthe cemetery associationprovidingto provide for the management andmannerof maintaining, keeping, and caring for suchmaintenance of the cemetery, for the sale of lots orlands thereinland in the cemetery, and forsuchthose other mattersin relation toconcerning the care and controlthereofof the cemetery asshallbe deemedthe town or city considers advisableby such town orcity. Subd. 3. [TRANSFER BY RELIGIOUS CORPORATION.]AnyCemeterylandsland or propertynow or hereafterowned byanya religious corporation existing underthestate lawsof thisstatemay be transferred toanya cemetery associationnow inexistence or hereafter formedunderthestate lawsof this statewithout any express consideration; and,. Insuchthis case, the articles of incorporation ofsuchthe cemetery association may provide, or may be amended to provide, for the appointment of its directors or trustees by the board of directors ofsuchthe religious corporation or by some specified officerthereof, ormay be amended to so provideof the corporation.Any suchA cemetery associationsoaffiliated with a religious corporation by such a provision in its articles mayalsoprovide for the acquisition of other cemetery properties within the statewherein bodies offor the burial of persons of the same religious faith, exclusively, are to be buried. 306.023 [UNUSED PUBLIC CEMETERY; TRANSFER TO OPERATING PUBLIC CEMETERY.] Subdivision 1. [TRANSFER AUTHORIZED.]AnyA public cemetery associationwhichthat owns a cemetery in which no interments have been made for 40 years may transfersuchthe cemetery and real estate owned by it, together withanyfunds or propertywhichthat it possesses, tosuch otheranother public cemetery association or corporationas may at the time beserving the same community in the burial of the dead. Subd. 2. [METHOD OF TRANSFER.] To accomplishsuchthe transfer, the board of trustees ofsuchthe transferring cemetery association shall adopt a resolution to that effect by an unanimous vote of the board of trustees, and thereupon. The chair or president of the board of trustees and the secretaryshall be authorized tomay then execute the proper instruments and a deed in the name of the association to evidence the transfer; provided,. However,that suchthe transfer must first have been authorized by a majority vote of all members of the association, present and voting, at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, after written noticeof which meeting shall have beengivento the members specifying the time, place and purpose ofsuchthe meeting.In the event saidIf the associationshall beis an unincorporated association, a deed executed in the name ofsuchthe association by the chair or president and the secretary or treasurer of the board of trusteesshall be deemedis a valid conveyance of the lands of the association. Subd. 3. [ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFER.]AnyA public cemetery association or corporationactuallyservingsuchthe community in the burial of the dead may accept a transfer ofsucha cemetery andtheits lands, property, and fundsthereof. Beforeanya transfershall beis made, the public cemetery association to whichsuchthe transfer is being made shall adopt a resolution agreeing to acceptsuchthe cemetery and itslands,real and personal property and funds and agreeing to operate, maintain, control, and managesuchthe cemetery andtoadministertheits property and fundsthereof, if any,in the name of, and in accordance with the rulesand regulationsand laws governingsuchthe accepting public cemetery associationsoaccepting. Subd. 4. [EFFECT OF TRANSFER.] Afterany suchtransfer,alllot owners of the former associationshallcontinue their ownershipand shall be. They are entitled to the same rights and privileges with respect to their lotsas areaccorded to lot owners by the public cemetery association to whichsuchthe transfer was made andshallare thereafterbesubject to all the rules, regulationsand laws governingsuchthe public cemetery association. 306.025 [TRANSFER OF CEMETERIES TO STATUTORY CITIES.] Subdivision 1. [ACCEPTANCE.]AnyA public cemetery associationwhich ownsowning a cemetery locatedwithinwholly or partly within a statutory city may transfersuchthe cemetery to thestatutorycity in which it islocated or partlylocated, together with all the funds and property ofsuchthe association, whethersuchthe fundsbeare of a trust character or otherwise.AnyThe statutory city in whichsuch athe cemetery islocatedwholly or partly located may accept a transfer ofany suchthe cemetery and oftheits property and fundsthereof, and may continue to operate, maintain, manage, and conductsuchthe cemetery, and to sell lotsthereinand provide for the burial of the deadthereinin the cemetery.AllFunds received fromsuchthe cemetery association uponsuchtransfer shall be administered by the statutory city for the same purposes and upon the same trusts for which they were originally established. Subd. 2. [TRANSFER, HOW MADE.] To accomplishsucha transfer, the board of trustees ofsuchthe cemetery association shall first adopt a resolution to that effect by a unanimous vote of the members of the board of trustees,and thereuponafter which the chair or president of the board of trustees and the secretaryshall beare authorized to execute the proper instruments to evidence the transferthereby and hereinauthorized, provided,. However,that suchthe transfer must first have been authorized by a majority vote of all the members of the association atanya regularmeetingorat anyspecial meeting called for that express purpose. Subd. 3. [STATUTORY CITY COUNCIL TO ACCEPT BY RESOLUTION.] Beforesuchthe transfershall beis made, thestatutorycity council of the statutory city in whichsuchthe cemetery islocatedwholly or partly located shall first adopt a resolution agreeing to acceptsuchthe transfer of the property and funds ofsuch cemeterythe association, and agree to continue to operate, maintain, manage, conduct, and controlsuchthe cemetery, to sell lotstherefromin it, and to administertheits fundsthereoffor the same purposes and upon the same trusts for which they were originally established. Subd. 4. [TRUST FUND FOR PERPETUAL CARE.] If a trust fund for the perpetual care of cemetery lots is transferred toanysuch statutorya citypursuant tounder this section, thensuchthe fundshallmust be preserved and kept and used and administered for the same purposes and upon the same trusts as ifsuchthe transfer had not been made.AllLots for which payment in full for perpetual care has been made tosuchthe cemetery association, shall beare entitled to receive perpetual care, andsuchthe statutory city shall providesuch perpetualcareit. Subd. 5. [RIGHTS OF LOT OWNERS.] Afterany suchtransfer,alllot ownersshall beare entitled to the same rights and privilegeswith respect toconcerning their lots as ifsuchthe transfer had not been made. Subd. 6. [MAINTENANCE.] Afterany suchthe transfershallhavehas been made, as herein provided,andshall have beenaccepted byany suchthe statutory city, thecouncil of any suchstatutorycity council shall operate, maintain, conduct, control, and managesuchthe transferred cemeterysotransferred. For that purpose it may appoint a committee of the council. Subd. 7. [RULES.] Thestatutorycity council may adopt rules and regulationsfor theto conduct,managementmanage,maintenancemaintain, andoperation of any suchoperate the cemetery, butsuchthe rules may not infringe upon the rights of persons who were lot ownerswho were suchat the time the transfer was made. 306.027 [MERGER OF CEMETERIES.] The ownership of a cemetery owned by a cemetery association or corporation, a municipality or town, a religious corporation, or any other body, or of a privately owned cemetery, may be merged with that of any other cemetery upon the terms set by its governing body, board of trustees, or owner. The surviving association, corporation, municipality, town, religious corporation, or other body or private person owning the cemeteriesshall beis subject to the laws appropriate for the particular type of cemetery ownership. No interests of third parties shall be impaired by the merger and after the merger lot owners of the former cemeteries shall continue their ownership and be entitled to the same rights and privilegeswith respecttoconcerning their lots that were accorded to them under the previous ownership. 306.03 [ACTUARY; RECORDS; REPORTS.] Every such corporation shall, in addition to its ordinary corporate officers,shallannually appoint an actuary,or provide by its bylaws that its secretary shall perform the duties ofsuch officean actuary. The actuary shall keep a register of burials, entering (1) the date of burial or cremation,and (2) the name, age, sex, nativity, and cause of death of every person interred or cremated insuchthe cemetery,. These facts must be registered so far assuch factsthey can be ascertained from the friends, attending physician, or undertaker in charge, and in case of a pauper, stranger, or criminal, from the public official directing the burial.SuchThe record shall be open to public inspection, and the actuary shallfurnish togive the state commissioner of health and to local health officers,when so requestedupon their request, an accurate summary ofsuchthe record during any specified year. 306.04 [FAILURE TO KEEP REGISTER; FORFEITURE.] Every actuary, or secretary performing the duties of an actuary, failing to keepsucha register of burials and to recordthereinin it all interments and cremations,for everysuch offenseshall forfeit not less than $2 nor more than $10 for every failure to keep a register or record the required information for the benefit of the school fund of the district in whichsuchthe cemetery or crematory issituatedlocated. 306.05 [LAND ACQUIRED FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES.] Every such corporation maytake and holdown, by purchase or gift,withinin the countyof its locationwhere it is located and in an adjoining county,not exceedinga maximum of 300 acres of land to beactuallyused and occupied exclusively for the burial or cremation of the dead and for other purposes necessary or propertheretoto those purposes.SuchLand, orsuch portion thereof as may from time to time berequired for that purpose, shallmust be surveyed and divided into lots ofsucha sizeas the trustees shall determinedetermined by the trustees, withsuchthe avenues, alleys, and walksastheydeemconsider proper, and. A map ofsuchthe surveyshallmust be filedfor recordwith the county recorder of the countyof its locationwhere the cemetery is located. When the corporation desires to enlarge its cemetery and cannot agree with the owners of the land desiredthereforfor the cemetery, thesameland may be acquired under the power of eminent domain;provided, that. However, public necessity, propriety, and conveniencerequire suchrequiring the proposed enlargement,which,together with the boundariesthereofof the cemetery, shall be first established and determined as issues of fact. 306.06 [CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN LANDS TO CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS.] Whenanylandsituatedlocated withinanya town or statutory cityin this state, which land heretofore and prior to1870has before 1870 been devoted to and used by the public without restriction as a cemetery, the governing body of the town orstatutorycitywherein such lands are situated is herebyauthorized towhere the land is located may conveysuch landsthe land toanya cemetery association organizedfor the purposeof acquiring these landsto acquire the land for cemetery purposesupon such terms as the governing body may deemadvisable. The governing body may decide the terms of the conveyance. 306.07 [FRATERNAL CORPORATIONS TO TRANSFER LANDS FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES.]AnyA fraternal corporation organizedand existingunderthe laws of thisstatewhichlaw that acquiredlandsland upon which it established a cemeteryprior tobefore 1885 andwhichthereafterthat operatedsucha cemeteryis hereby authorizedand empowered to transfer andafter that date may convey toanya corporation incorporated underthe laws of this state for thepurpose of operatingstate law to operate a public cemetery,theportionany part ofsuchthe cemeterywhich such fraternalthat the corporation has nottransferred andconveyed to individuals to be used for the burial of the dead; also allinterest of such fraternal. The corporation may also convey all its interest inportionsany part ofsuchthe cemeterywhichhave heretoforethat has previously been conveyed bysuchthe public cemetery association, without ownership or controlthereofof it, to individuals to be used for the burial of the dead. 306.08 [LANDS TO BE SUBJECT TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS.]As a part of any such transfer orA conveyancethereby a fraternal corporation maybe includedtransfer all right, title, and control inand to all lands sothe acquiredandland that is devoted to cemetery purposes; and thereupon. Upon transfer, the public cemetery association to whichsuch transfer andthe conveyance is madeshall acquireacquires and may exercise all of the rights, privileges, and controlwhichthat the fraternal corporationtheretoforepreviously had, and the cemetery and all premises constitutingthe same shall beit are subject to the rulesand regulationsof the cemetery association. 306.09 [SALE OF LOTS.] After the filing ofthea mapmentioned inunder section 306.05 the trustees may sell and convey the lotsasdesignated onsuchthe map uponsuchterms andsubject to suchconditionsand restrictionsas theyshall prescribedetermine. Every conveyance ofany sucha lotshallmust be expressly for burial purposes and no other andshallmust be in the corporate name of the association and signed by its president or vice-president and by its treasurer or secretary. 306.10 [USE OF FUNDS, HOW USED; GRANTS IN TRUST.]TheProceedsoffrom the sales of lots andofpersonal property not invested as hereinafter provided shall be applied solely tothe payment ofpay debts incurred inthe purchaseofpurchasing cemetery grounds and property, tofencingfence,improvingimprove, andbeautifying suchbeautify the grounds and the avenues leadingtheretoto the grounds, and todefrayingdefray the necessary expenses ofthetheir management and careof the same.AllReal or personalestateproperty givenor grantedtosuchan associationforthe maintenance of anyto maintain a monument orthe keepingto keep orimprovement of anyimprove grounds within the cemeteryshall remain forevermust always be applied to the uses for whichitthe property was givenor granted. 306.11 [VACANCIES; ANNUAL MEETING; REPORT OF TRUSTEES.] The certificate of incorporation may provide that vacancies among the associatesshallmust be filled by the remaining associates and that at all elections after the first the trustees shall be chosen fromsuchthe associates or it may provide that they shall be chosen by and from the lot owners. When there are two or more owners of a lot they shall select one to represent them and to vote atsuchan election. The trustees may fill any vacancy occurring in their own number for the unexpired term. Public notice of every annual electionshallmust be given in the manner prescribed in the bylaws. If for any reason the annual electionbeis not held on the day fixed in the certificate of incorporation, the trustees mayappointset another time, not more than 60 daysthereafterafter the date provided in the certificate, and must give public noticethereof; butof that date. However, the term of office shall be the same as if the person were elected at the regularly scheduled annual election. At each annual meeting the trustees shall make a written report of theirdoingsofficial acts and of the affairs of the association, with an account of all receipts and expenditures during the preceding year. 306.111 [VACANCIES AMONG ASSOCIATES, PROCEDURE FOR FILLING.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.]AnyAn incorporated public cemetery associationnot having awithout capital stock,heretofore or hereafterorganized underanystate lawin thisstate, which has acquired a burial site and sold lotsthereinin it and for which a majority of the associates of the corporation are deceased or have for three years or morefailed to actnot acted assuchassociates, may by a meeting of the lot ownersinsaidof the cemetery fill the vacancies among the associates. Subd. 2. [NOTICE OF MEETING.]AnyThree or more lot ownersin suchof the cemetery may mail notice to all the lot owners known to them or whose addresses appear in the cemetery records that a meeting of the lot owners will be held not less than 14 days after the mailing at a time and place to be fixed by them and designated in the notice, in the countywhereinwhere the cemetery issituatedlocated, for the purpose of filling the vacancies among the associates. Subd. 3. [MEETING.] The meeting must be held at the time and placementionedprovided in the noticethe meeting so calledshall be held.AnyAn owner of one or more lots in the cemetery maybe presentattend in person or by proxy andshall beis entitled to one vote at that and all subsequent meetings of the lot owners. The meeting may be called to order by any lot owner and shall be organized by choosing in the usual manner a chair and a secretary. The meetingshall thereuponmust then proceed to fill the vacancies among the associates.The voting at suchmeeting shall be by viva voce,A voice vote must be used unless otherwise ordered by those present at the meeting. A majority of the lot owners voting at the meeting shall elect. Subd. 4. [CERTIFICATE; CONTENTS.] The chair and the secretary of the meeting shall, within five days after the meeting is held, prepare a certificate, which shall set forththe existence ofthat recites the factsmentioned inrequired by subdivision 1. Itshall furthermust also state that the meeting was held, giving the names of the chair and the secretary and the names of the lot owners present and voting;but. However, if more than ten aresopresent and voting, the names of tenthereof shall beof the voters are sufficient, but insuchthat case the number of lot owners present and votingshallmust be stated. The certificateshallmust also give the names of the persons elected as associatesand shall. The certificate must be recorded at length in the office of the county recorder inand forthe countyin which suchwhere the cemetery is located, and. The certificate or the recordthereofshall beof it is prima facie evidence of all the facts statedtherein andin it that are required to besostated. Subd. 5. [POWERS OF ASSOCIATES.] The associates elected at the meeting of the lot owners shall exerciseall ofthe powers of associatesasprovided by law and the articles of incorporation of the association, andshallfill any vacancythen existingin the board of directors or trustees of the association. 306.12 [ACTION FOR DAMAGES.] Every such cemetery association may recover, in its own name, all damages resulting from injury to or destruction of any stone, monument, building, fence, railing, or other work for protection or ornament, or any tree, shrub, or plant within the limits ofsuchthe cemetery. 306.13 [EMPLOYEES TO HAVE POLICE POWERS.] The trustees or officers ofanya cemetery association may appointsuchsuperintendents, security guards, gardeners, and agents as they maydeem advisable; and,determine. Upon taking and subscribing an oath similar to that required from constables,every suchan appointeeshall havehas all the rights and powers of a police officer within and adjacent to the cemetery grounds. 306.14 [TAX EXEMPT; NO ROAD OR STREET LAID THROUGH ACEMETERY WITHOUT CONSENT OF TRUSTEESTAXES; ROADS; SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [TAX EXEMPTION.] The lands and property of any such cemetery associationshall beare exempt from all public taxes and assessments, and shall not be sold on execution againstsuchthe association or any lot owner. The owners of cemetery lots, their heirs or legal representatives, may hold thesame solots exempt from taxation so long asthey remainappropriated to the use of athe lots are used for a cemetery;and. No road or street shall be laid throughsuchthe cemetery, or any part of the lands ofsuchthe association,without the consent of the trustees. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS.]Nothing contained inSubdivision 1shall be construed todoes not exempt cemetery property owned or leased byanya corporation, association, partnership, proprietorship oranyother organization from any special assessment unlesssuchthe corporation, association, partnership, proprietorship or other organization:(a)(1) was formed for a purpose not involving pecuniary gain to its shareholders or members; and(b)(2) pays no dividends or other pecuniary remuneration directly or indirectly to its shareholders or members as such. 306.15 [LOTS, CONVEYANCE.]Whenever any(a) When a lot inanya cemetery, oranyan entombment or inurnment space inanya mausoleum, has been sold or conveyed for burial purposes,suchthe lot, entombment, or inurnment spaceshall forever thereafter beis then inalienable, except ashereinafterprovided in this section.(1)(b) The original purchaser ofsuchthe lot, entombment, or inurnment space,may sell,or conveyand releaseany part of it to the cemeterythe portion of the samethat is not actually occupied by interments or by entombed or inurned human remains.(2)(c)The owner by inheritance of suchA person who has inherited the lot, entombment, or inurnment space,may sell,or conveyand releaseany part of it to the cemeterytheportion of the samethat is not actually occupied by interments or by entombed or inurned human remains.(3)(d) When, by the consent of the owner,suchthe lot, entombment, or inurnment space will be solely used by some other person as a family burial place,suchthe owner may conveythesameit to the person so using it.(4)(e) Thereshallmust be filed with the cemetery a copy of an agreement of sale signed and acknowledged bysuchthe owner (and spouse, if any) and the proposed purchaser, transferringand releasingtitle to the cemetery and requesting that the cemetery issue a new conveyance ofsuchthe lot or space directly tosuchthe purchaser in consideration of the payment by the purchaser tosuchthe owner of a specified price,whichprice shallmust not be more than the pricewhichthat would be charged by the cemetery inaits saleby itofanya similar lot or space.(a) With theUpon filingof suchthe agreement,thereshall be paid to the cemeterya reasonable transfer and service charge of notto exceedmore than $15.(b) Upon compliance with the foregoing,must be paid to the cemetery and the cemetery shallforthwiththen promptly issue a conveyance ofsuchthe lot or space to the designated purchaser. (f) The cemetery may use any of its fundsforto repurchaseof anylots,entombmententombments, or inurnment spaces, as provided herein, and may hold or again sell and conveythesamethem. 306.16 [TITLE TO BURIAL LOTS REGAINED BY ASSOCIATION, WHEN; PROCEDURE.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORITY.]When anyIf a cemetery association organized underthe laws of thisstate law oranya public cemetery, whether the same beoperated by a municipality ornot, shall have heretoforeother entity has before March 1, 1906, conveyed toanya person the right ofsepulture orburialuponin any platted lot or designated piece of ground within thearea of suchcemetery, and the deed or conveyancetheretofromsuchthe cemetery provides that the lotshall beis held subject toallthe rules, bylaws, and regulations ofsuchthe cemetery andsuchthe deed orsuchthe rules, bylaws, or regulations further provide for the payment of an annual charge for the care, upkeep, and maintenance ofsuchthe lot, and the ownerthereofof the lot named insuchthe deed or conveyanceneglects or refuses todoes not paysuchthe annual charge,forthea period of ten successive years, the cemetery association oranymunicipally-owned cemetery may reinvest itself with the title to theportionpart ofsuchthe cemetery lot notactuallyused for burial purposes, in the manner hereinafter set forth. Subd. 2. [PROCEDURE.] The association oranymunicipally owned cemetery maycause to be servedserve upon the owner of the lot, in the manner prescribed by law for the service of a summons in a civil action, a notice specifying the amount unpaid forlotcareupon suchof the lot, and specifying a time within which thesameamount must be paid to the secretary ofsuchthe association or the proper officer of the municipally owned cemetery, whichtimeshall not be less than 30 days from the date of the service of the notice, and further specifying that,upon the failure of. The notice must also provide that if the owner of the lot fails to pay the amountspecified in the noticewithin the specified timeof aforesaid, the association or municipally owned cemetery will take the necessary steps to reinvest itself with the title to theportionpart ofsuchthe cemetery lot not actually used for burial purposes.Upon thefailure ofIf the owner of the lot fails to pay the amount within the time specified in the notice, the board of trustees ofany suchthe cemetery may, by resolutiondulyadopted at any regular meeting of the board of trustees, set forth the failure to pay the charges for lot care, the service of the noticeprescribed herein, and declaresuchthe portion of the lot unused for burial purposes, describingthe sameit by metes and bounds insuchthe resolution, to be the property of the association orsuchthe municipally owned cemetery. Subd. 3. [SERVICE BY PUBLICATION.]When it shall bedetermined byIf the return of the sheriff of the county in which the cemetery is located shows that the owner of the lot is not a resident of the county and cannot be foundthereinin it, then the association oranypublic cemeterydescribed thereinmaycause suchhave the noticeto bepublished in a legal newspaper within the county for the period of three weeks,which. The notice shall specify a time for payment, at least 30 days after the completed service ofsuchthe notice by publicationthereof, and. After the expiration of the timethereinspecified in the notice, the board of trustees may adopt the resolutionhereinbefore set forth,provided in subdivision 2 and reinvest the association or municipality with the title to theportionpart of the cemetery lot unused for burial purposes. 306.17 [TO BE PART OFRECORDS OF ASSOCIATION.] Allsuchnotices, with the proof of service or publicationthereof, and allsuchresolutions adopted by the board of trustees of the association or public cemetery under section 306.16, subdivision 2, shall be made a part of the records of the association or public cemetery, as the case may be, and. When the deed or conveyance from the association or public cemetery to the lot ownershall be and appear ofappears in the record in the registry of deeds of the county, a copy ofsuchthe resolution, certified toboththe secretary of the cemetery association or public cemetery, and a copy of the printed notice with the sheriff's returnthereon, shall be placedof recordin the records of the registry of deeds. 306.18 [LOTS, HOW DESCRIBEDDESCRIPTION OF LOTS IN NOTICE AND PROCEEDINGS.] The notice andallproceedingshad pursuant tounder sections 306.16 to 306.20,in relation to any suchconcerning cemetery lots, shall distinctly describe by metes and bounds theportionpart ofsucha cemetery lot unused for burial purposes; and such. The association or public cemeteryis herebyrequired toshall leave sufficientingresspassage to,andegressfrom,any grave upon the lot, either bydulydedicated streets or alleys in the cemetery,or by leavingsufficient oftheunusedportiona part of the cemeterylotsufficient forsuchthat purpose. 306.19 [LIMITATION.] Sections 306.16 to 306.20shalldo not apply toanya lot inanya cemeterywherefor which a perpetual care contract has been entered into between the cemetery association and the lot ownerof the lot. 306.20 [EFFECT; TIME LIMITREINVESTMENT; REDEMPTION.] Compliance withthe terms ofsections 306.16 to 306.20shall as fully reinvestreinvests the associationandor municipality with, anddivestdivests the record owner and dependents of, the title tosuch portion of suchthe part of the cemetery lot unused for burial purposes,as though thesamelot had never been conveyed to any person, and such. The association or municipalityshall have, hold, and enjoy suchthen owns the reclaimedportionspart ofsuch lotsthe lot for its ownuses andpurposes, subject tothe laws of thisstate,law and to the charter, bylaws, rules, and regulations ofsuchthe association or municipality; provided that. The association or municipalityshallmay notbe permitted to alienate any suchtransfer the title of the lot forthe period ofone yearfromandafter the adoption of the resolution provided for in section 306.16by the board of trustees of the association or publiccemetery; and, provided that. Ifat any timeduring the one-year periodanya person entitled by state law tosuchthe cemetery lotby the laws of this state shall pay, or cause to bepaid, to suchpays to the association or public cemetery all the unpaid lot care,together withthe expenses of the service of the noticehereinbeforeprovided for in section 306.16, and any additionalsumsamount due for lot caresubsequent toafter the date of the notice, as prescribed byunder the bylaws, rules, and regulations of the cemetery association or public cemetery, andshall take out and pay for acontracts and pays for the perpetual carecontract uponof the lot, thecemeteryassociation orpubliccemetery shall reconvey the lot to the person lawfully entitled tothe sameit. 306.21 [UPKEEP OF LOTS; ABANDONMENT.] Subdivision 1. [LOTS CONVEYED AND ABANDONED.] (a) In the instances provided in paragraph (b), an incorporated cemetery association may, by a resolution of its governing board, require that grantees of lots or parcels, or parties claiming through grantees of lots or parcels, within the cemetery either: (1) file with the corporation a written notice of claim of their interest in their lot or parcel, supported by satisfactory evidence of the interest, within 60 days after service of a copy of the resolution; or (2) keep the lots clear of weeds and in a condition in harmony with other adjoining lots or parcels. A copy of the resolution must be served upon all parties in the same manner as a complaint in a civil action. (b) Paragraph (a) may be applied in all cases wherea dulyan incorporated association has owned a site for a cemetery for more than 40 years and hasduring that periodsold lots and parcels for burial purposes, and has,conveyedcemetery lots orparcelsthem by deed of conveyance with or without restrictionscontained thereinand the granteetherein, or parties claiming throughsuchthe grantee,(a)(1) for more than 75 years in counties having a population over 50,000 according to the 1960 federal decennial census, and 50 years in all other counties, have not usedportionsparts ofsuchthe lots or parcels for the purposes of burial and duringsaidthat time have notmade provision forprovided careof saidfor the lots beyond that provided uniformly to all lots within the cemetery, and duringsaidthat time have not given tosaidthe corporation a written notice of claim or interest insuchthe lots or parcels, or(b)(2) have not usedportionsparts ofsuchthe lots or parcels for the purposes of burial and have not keptsuchthe lots or plots free of weeds or brush but have allowed thesamelots to remain entirely unimproved for more than 20 years, andsuchthe lots or parcels aresituate in suchportion of the cemetery that they adjoin or arelocated in the cemetery adjacent to improved parts ofsuchthe cemetery and by reason of their unimproved condition detract from the appearance ofsuchthe cemetery and interfere with its harmonious improvement and furnish a place for the propagation of growth of weeds and brush, such corporation may, by resolution of itsgoverning board, demand of such owners or holders (a) that theyfile with the corporation a written notice of claim or interestin and to said lots or parcels supported by satisfactoryevidence thereof within 60 days after the service of a copy ofsuch resolution of demand, or (b) that they keep the premisesclear of weeds and in a condition in harmony with other plotsadjoining, and serve a copy of such resolution upon such partyor parties in the same manner as a complaint in a civil action. Subd. 2. [LOTS CONVEYED BEFORE 1925.]Where suchIf an incorporated cemetery association has sold lots and parcels for burial purposesprior tobefore 1925, with or without restrictionwhich, that have not been used for burial purposes,and the owners have not maintained the lotsnoror paid the fees required by the association of lot owners for care and upkeep for a period of at least 15 years, the association may by resolution of its governing body demand that the owners or holders ofany suchthe lotsdescribed thereinpaytothe association the fees owed for care and upkeep in the period during whichsuchthe fees were not paid, stating. The resolution must state the amountthereof as toof fees due for each lot, without interest, and declare that if that amount is not paid to the association by the persons claiming to be owners within 90 days that the described lots and all interestthereinshall be deemedin them will be considered abandoned to the association.SuchThe resolutionshallmust name all of the persons shown by the records of the association to have a claim of ownership to the lots described andshallmust be served in the manner required for service of a resolutioninby subdivision 1of this section. 306.22 [ACTION TO QUIET TITLE.] If, for 30 days afterthe first day ofMay 1 followingsuchservice or publication, the party or parties fail to conform with the demands ofsuchthe resolution authorized by section 306.21, the rights ofsuchthe party or parties may bedeemedconsidered abandoned, andthereuponthe corporation, uponpermission from its governing board,may, with the approval of its governing board, bring an action in the district court of the county against all partiessoin default, uniting as many partiessoin default as it may desire in one action, to havethetheir rightsof these partiesinsuchthe lots or parcels terminated and the property restored to the corporation free of any right, title, or interest ofall such defaultingthe parties, their heirs or assigns.SuchThe action in all other respectsshallmust be brought and determined in the same manner as ordinary actions to determine title to real estate; provided,that. However, thatportion of any tract orpart of a tract in which a body lies buriedshallmust not be included in any of these proceedingsand there shall be left. Sufficient ground must be left adjoiningsuchthe grave or burial placeas willto provide a propermode ofapproach,. The excepted portions, if any,tomust be particularly and fully described. 306.23 [ABANDONMENT, PRIMA FACIEEVIDENCE OF ABANDONMENT.] In allsuchcases brought under section 306.22, the following facts are prima facie evidence that the grantee or holder has abandoned the lot: (1) the fact thatsuchthe grantee or holder has not used portions of the lots or parcels for burial purposes(a)for more than 75 years in counties having a population over 50,000 according to the 1960 federal decennial census, and 50 years in all other counties,has not used portions of suchlots or parcels for the purposes of burialand duringsaidthat time has not made any provision for the care ofsaidthe lots beyond that provided uniformly to all lots within the cemetery, and duringsaidthat time has not given tosaidthe corporation a written notice of claim or interest insuchthe lots or parcels,; or(b)(2) the fact that the party hasnot, for a term of 20 years or more, not usedsuchthe plot or definite partsthereofof it and has failed to keep thesamelot or parts of it clear of weeds or brush,shall be prima facie evidence that such party has abandonedthe same. 306.24 [COPYFILING OF JUDGMENT; FILING.] A certified copy of the judgment insuchan actionquietingto quiet title under section 306.22 may be filed in the office of the county recorder inand forthe county in which the parcel issituatelocated. 306.241 [DEPOSIT OF NET PROCEEDS FROM LOT RESALES.]All ofThe proceeds from the subsequent resale ofanylots or parcels the title to which hasbeenrevested in the corporationpursuant tounder sections 306.21 to 306.24, or 306.242, less the costs and expenses incurred insuchproceedings approved by the district court,shallbecome a part of the permanent care and improvement fund of the corporation. 306.242 [TITLE TOBURIALLOTS REGAINED BY ASSOCIATION AFTER 60 YEARS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.] As an alternative to the procedure in sections 306.21 to 306.241, a cemetery association incorporated in Minnesota may use the procedures in this section toreinvestrevest itself with the title toa portionpart of a cemeterywhichthat was conveyed by deed to a person butwhichthat has not been used for the purposes of burial for more than 60 years. Subd. 2. [REQUIRED STATEMENT OF OWNER'S INTEREST.] The governing board of a cemetery association may pass a resolution demanding that the owner ofa portionpart of a cemeterywhichthat has been unused for more than 60 years express an interest in the cemetery plot. The boardmust thenshall personally serve a copy of its resolution on the owner in the same manner as personal service of process in a civil action. The resolution must notify the owner that the ownermustshall, within 60 days of service of the resolution on the owner, express an interest in retaining the cemetery plot and submit satisfactory evidence of an intention to use the plot for a future burial. Subd. 3. [PUBLISHED NOTICE; SUBSTITUTESERVICE BY PUBLICATION.] If the owner cannot be personally served with the resolution of the board, as required in subdivision 2, because the owner cannot be found in this state or for another valid reason, the boardmustshall publish its resolution for three successive weeks in a legal newspaper published in the county andmustmail a copy of the resolution within 14 days after the third publication to the owner's last known address. Subd. 4. [REINVESTMENT.] If for 60 days after the personal service or publication of the board's resolution the owner or person with a legal interest in the cemetery plot fails to state a valid interest in the use of the cemetery plot for burial purposes, the owner's rights are terminated and thatportionpart of the cemeteryonceagain belongs to the cemetery association. 306.243 [MAINTAINING ABANDONED CEMETERIES, MAINTENANCE OF.] Subdivision 1. [APPROPRIATION FOR IMPROVEMENT.]WheneverA county board may appropriate the general revenue funds it determines necessary for the improvement and maintenance of the cemetery if there is inanythe county, whether or not within the corporate limits ofanya town or statutory cityornot,there existseither of the following: (1)anya cemetery that has been abandoned or neglected and the association having had charge ofsaidthe cemetery has disbanded or fails to act, or there exists; or (2)aan abandoned or neglected private cemetery containing the remains of pioneers or residents of this state, deceased beforethe year1875 or civil war veterans or veterans of the armed services of the United States of any previous war, andsuch private cemeteries have been abandoned or neglected for anyreason, the county board of any county may appropriate suchfunds from the general revenue funds as is deemed necessary forthe improvement and maintenance of said cemetery. Subd. 2. [DUTIES OF COUNTY BOARD.]Whenever in any county,If there is an isolated grave or graves located outsideofthe boundaries of a cemetery,or outsideofan abandoned or neglected private cemetery, as described in subdivision 1, the county board of the county where the grave is located may order the disintermentof the bodyand the reintermentthereofof the body in some cemetery controlled bya dulyan organized cemetery associationand. The county board may appropriate funds forthepurpose ofpaying perpetual care tosaidthat association for the care ofsaidthe grave or graves. Subd. 3. [DELEGATION OF DUTIES.] The management and supervision of the maintenance and care of the abandoned cemeteries, and abandoned or neglected private cemeteries, or the removal of bodies ashereinprovidedshallin this section must be delegated by the county board to the county highway department or to some existing cemetery association, veterans organization or Boy Scouts of America Area Council, or other charitable institutionwhich shall be. That organization is responsible to the county board for its acts. Subd. 4. [DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS.]WheneverIf funds for the care and maintenance of an abandoned or neglected private cemetery described in subdivision 1 are raised byanyan organization or institution other than an existing cemetery association,to be used for the care and maintenance of anabandoned or neglected private cemetery described in subdivision1, suchthe funds may be paid to the county treasurer to be held or disbursedupon authority ofby the county board for the purposesintendedfor which the funds are raised. 306.245 [NEGLECTED CEMETERIES; DUTIES OF TOWN BOARD.] The town board of supervisorsshall have authority tomay maintain in a properand decentmanner, and keep free of weeds,anya cemeterywhichthat has been neglected fora periodofat least ten yearsor more. 306.246 [CEMETERY MAINTENANCE FUNDS.] A county, city, or town may disburse funds for the general maintenance of abandoned or neglected cemeteries. 306.25 [CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS FOR PURCHASE OF LOTS BY CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS; REFUNDS.] Whenanya cemetery association organized underthe laws ofthisstate, shall enter into a contractlaw agrees to convey toanya personor personsthe right ofsepulture orburial upon any platted lot or designated piece of ground,oranyin an entombment or inurnment space inanya mausoleum within theareaof suchcemetery, by which contract the associationhas reservedreserves the right to terminate thesamecontract in case of default by the purchaser, and to forfeit the payments made,as liquidated damages, it may do so by serving upon the purchaser, a personal representative, or assigns,athe noticeasprovided in section 559.21, specifying. The notice must specify the conditionsin which default has been madedefaulted upon, andstatingstate thatsuchthe contract will terminate 30 days after the service ofsuchthe notice, unlessprior thereto,before the expiration of that time the purchasershall complycomplies withsuchthe conditions andpaypays the costs of service.WhenIf the contractso specifiesallows it, the notice may be served upon the purchaser,by certified mail,with return receipt requested,by depositing thesamenotice in the post office, with the postage prepaidthereon, and addressed to the purchaser at the address given in the contract,or as later changed by written notice to the association.In caseIf the notice of default is served by mail, the 30-day periodhereinbefore specified shall commenceprovided in this section begins to runas ofon the dateof depositing the samethe notice is deposited in the post office. Ifany interment ora burial has been made onsuchthe platted lot or designated piece of ground, or inanyan entombment or inurnment space insaida mausoleumsosoldsaidcontracts to conveyunder the previously mentioned contract, the contract may be terminated only as to theportionpart of the premises or entombment or inurnment space not actually occupied bysaid interment orthe burial or by an entombment or inurnment. Laws 1943, chapter 216,shalldoes not apply toanycontracts existing prior totheits passagethereof. 306.26 [EXISTING CONTRACTS.]All contracts heretoforeA contract entered into by a cemeteryassociationsassociation before April 14, 1927, for the sale of lots or tracts for burial purposes, and which containprovisionsthat contains a provision for the terminationthereofof the contract may be terminated ashereinprovided in section 306.25. 306.27 [LIMITATION.] Nothing in sections 306.25 and 306.26 shall be construed as repealing, expressly or by implication, any of the provisions of sections 306.16 to 306.20 or sections 306.21 to 306.24. 306.28 [PROPERTY SALES BY PUBLIC CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONSMAYSELL PROPERTY IN CERTAIN CASES.]AnyA public cemetery association which ownslandsland thatnow are or hereafteris or may be no longer used for the burial of the deadis hereby authorized and empowered to do anyor all of the followingmay exercise any or all of the following powers: (1) To institute and prosecute to final judgment an action to determine adverse claims tosuch landsthe land in accordance with theprovisions of lawlaws relating to actions to determine adverse claims; (2) To sell and conveysuch landsthe land; or (3) To transfer and assign any funds or other property it may possess tosuch otheranother public cemetery associationasmay at the time beserving the same community in the burial of the dead. None of these powers shall be exercised as long as any dead remain buried insuchthe cemetery. 306.29 [DISPOSAL OF LOTS BY OWNERS.]AnyAn owner of a cemetery lot may dispose of thesamelot by will to a relative who may be a survivor, or tosuchthe cemetery association or private cemetery, as the case may be, in trust,for the use and benefit of any person or persons designated in the will; but. However, nosuchlotshallmay be affected byanya testamentary devise unless thesame belot is specifically mentioned in the will, andby such deviselimited by it to one particular person.AnyAn owner of a cemetery lot may, while living, convey the lot to the cemetery association or the private cemetery in trust for the use and benefit ofanya person named in the trust conveyance. The conveyance may containsuchconditions, provisions, and covenants as the partiesmay thereinagree upon. No interment shall be made in anysuchlot, except by written consent of the cemetery association,or private cemetery, as the case may be, ofthe body of anya person who was not,at the time of death, the ownerthereof,of the lot or a relative of the owner by blood or marriage. Every conveyance or alienation or attempt at conveyance or alienation of any right, title, or interest in or tosuchthe lot,contrary to theforegoingconditions and reservations, shall beof this section is void. Everysuchcemetery association, or private cemetery, as the case may be, shall keep a record of all deeds, conveyances, judgments, decrees, or other documents affecting the title to lots insuchthe cemetery, copies of which, certified by some person,officer, or official thereunto duly authorized,. Certified copies of any of these documents shall be received in evidence by the courts.SuchThe cemetery association,or private cemetery,may, instead of deeding the fee title to this lot, grant only the exclusive right of intermentor sepulturein the lot. 306.31 [CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS MAY ESTABLISH PERMANENT FUND.]AnyA cemetery association formed under theprovisions oflawand havingthat has at least three members of a board of trustees or directors, not less than three in number, whichshall have established and shall be maintainingthat has established and maintains a cemetery ofnot less thanat least one-half acre in area, may, by a two-thirds vote ofsuchits trustees or directorsof the association, which vote may betaken atanya regular meeting of the board,provide for theestablishment ofestablish a permanent fund, the income whereofshall be devoted tofor the care, maintenance, and improvement ofsuchthe cemetery, which shall. The fund must be known as the permanent care and improvement fund ofsuchthe cemetery association. 306.32 [TRUSTEES OF FUND.] The trustees shallthereuponchoose by ballot and appoint by deed of the association a board ofnot less thanat least three, norand not more than five,trustees ofsuchthe fund. They shall be resident freeholders of this state during all the time they exercise the powers ofsuchthe trust.Upon failureofIf any of those appointed fails to qualify within 30 days after appointment, the one or more whoshallhave qualified shall appoint by deed other persons to be trustees in their places.On failure ofIf anyperson soof those appointed fails to qualify within 30 days, another shall be appointed inlikethe same manner; but. Every appointment to fill a vacancyshallmust be by unanimous vote of those acting;provided, that. However, instead of appointingsucha board, the trustees of the association may designate any trust company of the state to act assuchthe trustee duringtheir pleasurea time determined by the board. All instruments of appointment ofsuchtrusteesshallmust be recorded with the secretary. 306.33 [TRUSTEES; POWERS; TERM; ACCOUNTING.] Upon the appointment and qualification of the trustees ofsuchthe fund, or upon the designation of a trust company to act assuchtrustee, the title to the funds included in the trust,and all the rights, powers, authorities, franchises, and truststhereto appertaining shall at once vestpertaining to those funds vest in the board,or in the partthereofof the board qualifying within 30 days, or in thecorporation sodesignated trust company. The term of office of the trustees ofsuchthe fundshall beis for life. When a trust company has been appointed, a board of trustees of the fund,or anotherlikesimilar trust corporation,may be appointed in its place, and. On notice ofsuchappointment of the board or another corporation, the first corporationsoacting as trustee shallrender togive its successor an account of its trusteeship and deliver to it all money, papers, and property in its possession or control belonging orappertainingpertaining tosuchthe fund. 306.34 [BONDS.] Before entering upon duties, each person chosen as a trustee ofsuchthe fund shall give a bond to the associationina sum not less than $500 and at leastequal to one-third the amount of the fund at that time, or $500, whichever is more, conditionedforupon the faithful discharge of the trust.UponOn Julyfirst, in1 of each even-numbered year, every trustee shall give a new bond, in that amount and with those conditionsas aforesaid. Everysuchbondshallmust be approved by a judge of the judicial district in whichsuchthe cemetery or some partthereofof it issituatelocated, and filed with the treasurer of the association.Failure by anyA trustee who fails to renew a bond within 30 days after the timeherein specified shall be asufficient ground for removalprovided in this section may be removed on application ofany personan interested person. 306.35 [SURVIVING TRUSTEES; VACANCIESVACANCY IN BOARD OF TRUSTEES.] In case of the death, resignation, disability, or removal of one or more of the trustees ofsuchthe fund, the trustshallat oncevestvests in the remaining trustees, who shallforthwithpromptly fill the vacancies by appointment.EveryA newly appointed trustee, upon qualification,shall succeedsucceeds to an equal share inallthe rights and duties ofsuchthe board. 306.36 [NEW BOARD; ORGANIZATION.] In case of the death, removal, resignation, or disability of all the members ofsuchthe board, the trust, until the organization of a new board,shall vestvests in the district court of the county in whichsuchthe cemetery issituatelocated. The board may be reconstituted bysuchthe court, uponon application of any person interested andsuchon notice asitthe court may direct.The trustees so appointed,Upon qualifying,shall become vested with allthe appointed trustees have the rights and powers of the original board.EveryA vacancy in the board continuing for one year may be filled bysuchthe court. 306.37 [CARE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND.] Twenty percent of the proceeds of all sales of cemetery lots and ten percent of the proceeds of all sales of burial space in a mausoleum made after the vote of the board of trustees of the association to establishsaidthe care and improvement fundshallmust be paidovertosuch trusteeorthe trustees of the fund, on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, in each year. Untilsopaidover,the foregoingthese amountsshallmust be held in trust by the cemetery association for paymentthereofto thetrustee ortrustees ofsuchthe fund. Any other income or funds of the association,in excess of its liabilities,may be added tosuchthe fund by a two-thirds vote of the members of its board of trustees. The principal ofsuchthe fundshall not beis not subject to any minimum or maximum amount. The words "cemetery lots" as used in this sectionshall not be construed todo not include burial space in a mausoleum. The term "burial space" as usedhereinshall includein this section includes private rooms, crypts, niches, or other designated space in which the bodies or ashes of deceased persons are placed for permanent burial in a mausoleum. 306.38 [EXPENDITURE;EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [INVESTMENT AND INCOME.] Except asotherwiseprovided in subdivision 2, the principal ofsuchthe care and improvement fund shall remain intactand inviolate, and may be invested in thesamesecurities in which savings banks are by law permitted to invest, and not otherwise. The fund trusteesthereof, on January 1 and July 1, in each year, shall turn over to the association all income arising fromsuchthe fund, which shall. The income must be used solely for the care, maintenance, and improvement of the cemetery and the avenues leadingthereto; but in case any portion of such. If a part of the income remains unexpended and unappropriated for one year after beingsopaidoverto the association, itshallmust be returned to the trustees of the fund and become a part of the principal. Subd. 2. [INVESTMENTS BY CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS.]Every(a) A cemetery association governed bythe provisions ofsections 306.31 to 306.40,heretofore or hereafterorganized underthelaws of thisstate law, including a private cemeteryassociations, which shall maintainassociation that maintains a public cemetery ofnot less thanat least 20 acresin extentin or adjacent to any city of the first classofthis stateandwhichthat has provided for a permanent care and improvement fund administered, whether in one trust or more than one trust, by one or more trust companies acting as trustee or trustees ofsuch fund, pursuant to the provisions ofthe fund under section 306.32, when the aggregate principal ofsuchthe fund reaches $100,000 or more,may act as provided in paragraph (b). (b) The cemetery association may, by a resolution adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of its board of trustees atanyan authorized meeting of its board, authorize the trust company or trust companies acting assuchtrustee or trustees,in investing, reinvesting, exchanging, and managingsuchthe fund, to acquire every kind of investment,specificallyincluding, but not by way of limitation, bonds, debentures, and other corporate obligations, and corporate stocks,whichanythat an ordinarily prudent person of discretion and intelligence, who is a trustee of the property of others, would acquire assucha trustee. 306.39 [COMPENSATION.]EveryA trustee ofsuch fundsa care and improvement fund shall receive $5 for each day actually employed in the duties ofsuchthe trust, but not exceeding $100 in any one year.SuchThe fees shall be paid out of the general funds of the association untilsuchthe trust fund reaches $100,000, or $2,000 for each acre of the cemetery.Thereafter the sameAfter that time the fee shall be paid out of the income fund. A corporation acting as trustee may receive for its servicesassuchany yearly compensation agreed upon,not exceeding five percent of the income or $100 ofsaidthe income if the trust fund is less than $20,000. 306.40 [SECRETARY;SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT.] Whensucha care and improvement fund is in the care of a board of trustees, the secretary of the association shallact asbe its secretary and keep a full record of its proceedings. The board, on Novemberfirst,1 each year, shall make a full report of the condition of the fund to the trustees of the association,which. The reportshallmust be open to the inspection of all lot owners. 306.41 [ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT CARE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND, ESTABLISHMENT; PROCEDURE; WHERE DEPOSITED OR INVESTED.] (a) Theboard of supervisors of any town, or the governingbody of any incorporated city or statutory city, or the board oftrustees, or the directors, not less than three in number, ofany religious incorporation or of any association formed underthe provisions of law for the purpose of maintaining a cemeteryin the state of Minnesota, which shall have established andshall be maintaining a cemetery of not less than one-half anacre in area, a plat of which is on file in the office of thecounty recorder of the county in which such cemetery is located,entities provided in paragraph (b) may by a unanimous voteofsuch supervisors, members of governing body, trustees, ordirectors, which vote may betaken at any regular meetingofsuch board or governing body,orat aspecial meeting called forthethat purpose,mayprovide,in accordance with theprovisions ofsections 306.41 to 306.54 for the establishment of a permanent fund to be deposited or invested as provided in section 306.44,. The incomewhereof shallof the fund must be devoted to the care, maintenance, and improvement ofsuchthe cemetery, which shall. The fund must be known as the permanent care and improvement fund of the cemetery ofsuchthe municipality or incorporation.It is herein provided thatThe establishment ofany sucha permanent care and improvement fund shall not bedeemed invalid as violatingconsidered to violate any existing law against perpetuities orsuspendingsuspend the power of alienation; provided, that such. The fundshall never, in any case,authorized by this section must not be allowed to exceed $25,000 per acre of the cemetery to be cared for. (b) Any of the following entities may provide for the establishment of a fund if it has established and is maintaining a cemetery of at least one-half acre, a plat of which is on file in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the cemetery is located: (1) the board of supervisors of a town; (2) the governing body of a city or statutory city; or (3) the board of trustees, or the directors, not less than three in number, of a religious corporation or of an association formed under state law to maintain a cemetery in this state. 306.42 [POWERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS;USE OF INTEREST.] The board of directors ofany sucha cemeteryis herebygiven the power and authority to require andreferred to in section 306.41 may provide that anycertainpartor portionof the price paid for a lot insuchthe cemeteryshall be taken andmust be deposited as a part of the permanent care and improvement fund, and that the interest accruing from the amount set aside from the lotshallbeexpendedused by the board of directors ofsuchthe cemeteryin caringto care for andbeautifying suchbeautify the lot, except as provided in sections 306.41 to 306.54. 306.43 [USE OF GIFTS TO FUND; USE OF FUND.] The board of directorsis hereby authorized and empoweredto receive,referred to in section 306.41 may accept,and deposit any donation or gift of money made tosuchthe fundsocreatedandtomay provideand requirethat the interesttherefrom shallon the money be used in the care, maintenance, and beautifying ofsuch lot or lots in suchcemetery, or in the care and beautifying of suchthe cemetery,or for the care and beautifying of any particular lotor lots in such cemetery,or any particular lot and shall use thesamemoney and the interesttherefromon it for the purpose specified by the donor; provided, that. If funds are lacking for the general care ofsuchthe cemetery, in the discretion of the board of directors a one-fifth part of the income, received annually fromthat portionthe part of the permanent fund credited to any particular lot or lots, by sale or gift, may be used by the board for the general care of the cemetery. 306.44 [DEPOSIT ORINVESTMENT AND USE OF FUNDS.] Subdivision 1. [INVESTMENT.]From and after the vote toestablish such permanent care and improvement fund the(a) A cemetery board of directorsof any such cemeteryvoting to establish a fund under section 306.41 shall, quarterly,onthefirst days ofJanuary 1, April 1, July 1, and October, in1 of each year, deposit or invest all money belonging tosuchpermanentthe fund asfollowsprovided in this section.(1)(b) The money may be deposited in the county treasury of the county in whichsuchthe cemetery is located and the treasurer ofany suchthat countyis hereby authorized,empowered, and directed to receive the same and all suchandshall deposit it ashereinafterprovided in this section.(2)(c) The money may be invested in the same securities in which savings banks are by law permitted to invest. Any of the income unexpended and unappropriated for one year after becoming available for care, maintenance, or improvementshallmust be returned to the fund and become a part of the principal.(3)(d) The money may be deposited or invested as provided inboth (1)paragraphs (b) and(2), above,(c) and may be withdrawn from either and deposited in the other, and the county treasureris directed toshall return to the board anymoneysmoney deposited in the county treasury which the board, by resolution, withdraws. (e) When money is deposited in the county treasury, the board of directors shall also file with the county auditorofthe countyfor record and future reference, at the time of the depositof these funds, a statement of each particular amount so set aside from the sale of a lot or the amount received by a gift or donation of money,togetherwith the name of the owner ofsuchthe lot and the name of the donor of each particular gift and a description of the lot to which the income fromsuchthe particular amount as a part ofsuchthe permanent fund is applicable. (f) If the board of directors invests permanent care and improvement funds in the securities in which savings banks are by law permitted to invest, the board shall designate certain of its members to handlesuchthose funds. The designated personsso designatedshall give bond to the association, corporation, or municipality maintaining the cemetery ina sum not less thanan amount at least equal to the total amount of the fund at the time of postingsuchthe bond, conditionedforupon the faithful discharge of the trust. On July 1 of each even-numbered yearthereafterafter making the original bond, the person shall give a new bond in the amount and with the conditions provided above. Subd. 2. [USE.] The directorsare authorized tomay retain annually out of the money received notto exceedmore than $100 for upkeep, improvements, and expenses. 306.45 [COUNTY CEMETERY FUND; MANAGEMENT, INVESTMENT, INTEREST.]The aggregateAll fundssodeposited in accordance with section 306.44 in the treasury of any countyin the stateby the boards of directors of all the cemeteries insuchthe county,actingunderthe provisions ofsections 306.41 to 306.54, shallconstitute thecounty cemetery permanent care and improvementfund, calledcounty cemetery fund. Thefundsmoney in the fund shall be managed and invested by the board of countyauditorscommissioners ofsuchthe county.The funds, and all thereof,As soon as the money in the fund is received by the county treasurer,shallit must be deposited in a bankor banksdesignated as a depository of county funds by the board ofauditorscounty commissioners ofsuchthe county. The interest due on the fundshall becomebecomes due and payable, as far as possible, on or aboutthe first day ofFebruary,1 of each year. 306.46 [DEPOSIT OF AND INTEREST ON COUNTY FUND.] For the purpose ofsuchthe deposit required by section 306.45 and except as otherwise provided, the fundso createdshallmust be treated as other funds in the county treasury,except as otherwise provided,andshalldrawno less aat least the rate of interestthan ispaid on the funds of the county deposited in the depository; provided, that. The county boardof auditors of the countymay require all or part of the funds to be deposited on time certificates in the depository in the name of the county treasurer, payable to the treasurer or the treasurer's successors in office, and. The county treasurer shall secure onsuchthe time deposit the highest rate of interestwhichthat the depository will paythereonon it and not less than the current rate paid on time certificates bysuchthe depository, and for such principal and interest so depositedon time certificates, such. The county treasurershall beis liable for the principal and interest deposited on time certificates in the same wayand mannerand to the same extent that the treasurer is liable upon the treasurer's bond formoneysmoney deposited on behalf of the county. 306.47 [DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUND; BOND.] The county cemetery fundshallmust be deposited in a depository designated by the county boardof auditors, in the name of the county and at the highest rate of interestwhichthat the depository will paythereon, and theon the fund. The bond or security given to the county bysuchthe depositoryshallmust be taken and heldto beas security forsuchthe fund, but. The treasurer ofsuchthe county shall keep an accurate and separate accountthereofof the fund andshallannually draw fromsuchthe depository, annually,the interest accruing onsuchthe fundfor the purpose of distributionto distribute as hereinafter provided. 306.48 [INVESTMENT OFFUNDSCOUNTY CEMETERY FUND.]The board of county auditors, pursuant toIf required by a petition of at least two-thirds of the boards of directors of the cemeteries inany sucha county requestingsuchaction, the board of county commissioners shall, with the approval of the county attorney, invest all or a part of the county cemetery fund, or a part thereof,in the same kind of bonds and securities that the permanent school fund of the state may be invested inand for such purpose, and none other. The law as itshall existexists at the time any money is received into this fundshall controlcontrols the investmentthereof and such fundshall be invested only as the law provides at the time of thereceipt of the money intoof the fund,and no subsequent amendmentor change in the law shall authorizeof the law authorizes the investment of any fund differently or in any other class of securitiessave as provided in the law when themoney is received into the fund. The county boardof countyauditorsmay require the treasurer ofany suchthe county to withdraw all oranypart ofsuchthe fund fromsuchthe depository for investment, and. If the fund, or any partthereof, be soor part of it is invested, the bonds or other securitiesshall be andmust remain with the county treasurerand. The bond of the county treasurershall at all times beis security for the proper carethereofof the bonds or other securities and the payment of interest receivedthereonon them to the directors ofsuchthe cemeteries, and upon. On payment ofany suchthe bonds or other securities, the treasurer ofsuchthe countyupon such paymentshall depositthe samethem in the depository in which county funds are deposited, the treasurer ofsuch county shalland collect the interest upon the funds so loaned and paythe sameit to the treasurers ofsuchthe cemeteries, as provided in sections 306.41 to 306.54. 306.49 [ACCOUNTS KEPT BY AUDITOR.] The auditor of anysuchcountywhereinin which the board of directors of a cemeteryor cemeteriesis acting undertheprovisions ofsections 306.41 to 306.54 shall keep an account of the funds deposited in the county treasury, as herein provided,crediting. The auditor shall credit to the permanent fund of each cemetery all money deposited by its board of directors andpreserving,record the following information for historical reference and record,: (1) the amount of each gift orportionpart set aside from the sale of each lot, with; (2) the name of the donor of each gift and of the buyer of each lot,; and (3) the description of each particular lot, or what part of the cemetery the income from the permanent fund is applicable for care, as provided in sections 306.41 to 306.54. 306.50 [ANNUAL REPORT BY SECRETARY; DEPOSIT OF EXCESS INTEREST.] On or beforethe first day ofFebruary,1 of each year, the clerk or secretary of the board of directors of eachsuchcemetery referred to in section 306.49 shallmake andfile with the county auditor a report showing in detail the amount expended of the interest received from the county cemetery fund during the preceding calendar year. Allexcessofsuchthe interestover the sumnot necessary for the care and beautifying of the lots or cemetery, or that has not been expended, in any one year,shallmust be deposited in the treasury of the county andbeadded toand become a part ofthe permanent fund credited tosuchthe cemetery, no part of which shall ever be used. 306.51 [INTEREST ON COUNTY FUND, APPORTIONMENT.] On or beforethe first day ofMarch 1 of each year, the county auditor shall apportion the interest fromsuchthe county cemetery fund thatshall havehas been collected by the county treasurer during the year,to each cemeteryherein creditedwith a permanent fund in the proportionasthat the amount ofsuchthe cemetery's permanent fund, depositedin the county treasury,bears to the county cemetery fund; provided, that. If the legal existence ofanya religious incorporation oranyan association formed underthe provisions oflawfor the purpose ofmaintainingto maintain a cemetery hasterminatedended, the interest due fromsuchthe fund tosuchthe defunct cemetery association or incorporationshallmust be paid to the treasurer of the city or town in whichsuchthe cemetery is located, to beexpendedspent bysuchthe municipality for the care, maintenance, or improvement ofsuchthe cemetery. Funds deposited according tothe provisions ofsection 306.44 just before the close ofsuchthe year, on which no interest has been collected,shallmust not be considered as a part of the permanent fund for that apportionment. 306.52 [REPORT BY AUDITOR TO SECRETARY.] Immediately aftersuchthe apportionment required by section 306.51 the county auditor shall report to the secretary ofeach suchthe cemetery the apportionment of interest duesuchthe cemetery, together with. The auditor shall also give the secretary a statement of the totalamount offunds received by the county treasurer underthe terms ofsections 306.41 to 306.54 during the preceding year closing on Januaryfirst,1 of each year, and also a statement of the total amount ofsuchthe permanent care and improvement fund belonging tosuchthat cemetery. 306.53 [INTEREST PAID TO TREASURER OF BOARD.] On and afterthe first day ofMarch,1 of each year, if the board of eachsuchcemeteryshall havehas made its report and deposited the excess of interest,asprovided inrequired by section 306.50,and not otherwise,the county treasurer, under the warrant of the county auditor, shall pay to the treasurer of the board of directors of each cemetery acting undertheprovisions ofsections 306.41 to 306.54 its apportioned share of the interest fromsuchthe cemetery fund. 306.54 [AUDIT OF COUNTY FUND; COUNTIES EXCEPTED.] The first time in each year that the county board ofanysucha countyshall examine and auditgoverned by sections 306.41 to 306.54 examines and audits the accounts, books, and vouchers of the treasurer of the county, it shallmake anexamination ofexamine the county cemetery fund of the county. A statement of the condition of this fundshallmust be published in the official newspaper of the county,at the expense of the cemetery fund, which shall. The statement must show the total of allmoneysmoney received underthe provisionsofsections 306.41 to 306.54 during the preceding calendar yearand, a statement of the total amount then insuchthe county cemetery fund on the first day ofsuchthe calendar year,andthe amount and kind of securities in whichsuchthe fund is invested, and a statement of the amount of interest collected on the fund during that year; provided, that. Sections 306.41 to 306.54shalldo not apply toanya countyin this state havingthat has a population of 50,000 or more according to the last United States census. 306.55 [ASSESSMENTS LEVIEDON LOTSFOR LOT CARETHEREOF; ENFORCEMENT.] Whenanyassessments aredulylevied byanya cemetery association authorized to levythe sameassessments by its articles of incorporation, bylaws, or otherwise for the care, upkeep, and maintenance of any lot or lots insuchthe cemetery and remain unpaid for a period of five years,thenthe unused portion ofsuchthe lot or lotsshall thereupon revertreverts to andbecomebecomes theabsoluteproperty of the cemetery association in which the lot or lots aresituated; provided,that suchlocated. The reversionshall becomebecomes effectiveonlyupon entry of judgment in the district court of the county in which the cemetery issituatelocated, in proceedings institutedtherefor uponfor that purpose after petition by the association to the court and after a hearingthereonon the petition, uponsuchnotice to interested parties asmay beprescribed by the court. 306.56 [FUND FOR PERPETUAL CARE OFLOTS ORGRAVES SET ASIDE BY PROBATE COURT; MAXIMUM AMOUNT.] Any court having jurisdiction of the estate ofanya deceased person may, before its final distributionof suchestate,mayorder set aside from the estate the reasonable and uniformsum which has been fixed andamount determined by the governing board of the cemeterywherein the deceasedin which the person is interred, not to exceedthe sum of$100, for the perpetual care of the lot or grave of the deceased, and. The court may direct paymentthereofof the amount to the treasurer of the permanent care and improvement fund of the cemetery association or other governing board having control of the cemeterywhereinwhere the lot issituatedlocated. 306.57 [APPLICATION.] Section 306.56shalldoes not apply toanya cemetery association or other governing board inanya city of the first class, nor to such an association or boardhavingthat has included the cost of perpetual maintenance of gravesincludedin theestablishedprice of its cemetery lots, nor shall it. The section also does not applywherewhen payment for the perpetual care of the lot or grave has been made to the cemetery association, norwhere suchif the deceased person hasmadeprovision for suchprovided for care either while living or by last will and testament, dulythat has been admitted to probate. 306.58 [REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS.]Any cemetery association not having a capital stock,heretofore or hereafter organized under any law in this state,which has acquired a burial site and sold lots therein, and themanaging officers of which are all deceased or moved from thecounty in which the burial site is situated, or have for threeyears or more failed to act as such officers, may reorganize inthe manner prescribed in section 306.59.A cemetery association organized before or after March 1, 1986, that does not have a capital stock may reorganize in the manner prescribed in section 306.59 if the association has acquired a burial site and sold lots in it and if the managing officers of the association are all deceased, have moved from the county where the burial site is located, or have failed to act as association officers for at least three years. 306.59 [NOTICE FOR MEETING OF LOT OWNERS; NOTICE.] Any three lot owners insuchthe cemetery may issue a notice,signed by them,that a meeting will be held at a time and placeto be fixed by them, anddesignated in the notice, in the town or statutory city nearest the cemetery site, for the purpose of reorganizing the association.SuchThe noticeshallmust be published at least twice in a legal newspaper published in the city in which the meeting is held, and. The time of the meetingshallmust not be less than ten days after the second publicationthereof. 306.60 [MEETING, HOW CONDUCTED;AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS.] The meeting must be held at the time and place mentioned in the noticethe meeting so called shall be held. Any owner of one or more lots in the cemetery may be present,in person or by proxy,andshall beis entitled to one vote at that and all subsequent meetings of the association. The meeting may be called to order by any lot owner and shall be organized by choosing in the usual manner a chair and a secretary. The meetingshall thereuponmust then proceed to elect a president, secretary, treasurer, and three trustees. The officerssoelectedshall hold their offices until the next succeeding annual meeting of the association and until their successors are elected and have qualified. The voting atsuchthe meeting shall be byviva vocevoice vote, unless otherwise ordered by those present at the meeting. A majority shall elect. 306.61 [CERTIFICATE; RECORD; EFFECT.] Within five days after the meeting is held, the chair and the secretary of the meeting shall, within five days after themeeting is held,prepare a certificate, which shall setforththat recites the existence of the facts mentioned in section 306.58. Itshall furthermust also state that the meeting was held, giving the names of the chair and the secretary and the names of the lot owners present and voting;but,. If more than ten aresopresent and voting, the names of tenthereof shall beare sufficient, but insuchthat case the number of lot owners present and votingshallmust be stated. The certificateshallmust also give the names of the persons elected assuchtrustees and other officers atsuchthe meeting andshallmust be recorded at length in the office of the county recorderin andfor the county in whichsuchthe cemetery is located, and. The certificate or the recordthereof shall beof the certificate is prima facie evidence of all the facts statedtherein andin it that are required to besostated. 306.62 [POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS.]TheAs soon as the certificate is recorded under section 306.61, the officerssoelected atsuchthe meetingshall, assoon as the certificate is recorded, as provided in section306.61, have power tounder section 306.60 may convey and execute deeds for lots in the cemetery for cemetery purposes, andshallhave the same powers and duties andbeare subject to the same rights and liabilities asthey would be hadif they had been elected in the manner originally provided by the law under which the association was organized or pursuant totheits articles or bylawsthereof, and thereafter. After the election provided for in section 306.60 all meetingsshallmust be held and all affairs of the associationshall beconducted in the manner provided by law and under the original articles of incorporation of the association. 306.63 [SALE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE.] Any cemetery corporationwhich has been heretoforeincorporated underthe laws of thisstate law before April 19, 1911, may sell and convey, for other than burial or cemetery purposes, any real estate lawfully acquired by it, whichthat is not suitableor fitfor cemetery purposes,andwhichthat has not been platted forsuchthose purposes. 306.64 [REAL ESTATE, WHEN SOLD.] Any public cemetery corporationwhich has been heretoforeor may hereafter beincorporated underthe laws of thisstate,andlaw before or after April 23, 1913, that has acquired more than 100 acres of land,may sell and convey, for other than burial or cemetery purposes, any real estate in excess ofsuchthat 100 acres.Any suchThe saleshallmust not includeanyland in which any interments have been made. Anysuchsaleshallmust be approved by the unanimous vote of all the trustees ofsuchthe corporation. 306.65 [PLATS FILED, CITIES OF OVER 50,000.]In any case whereIf a cemetery corporation organized underthe laws of thisstateis, or may be hereafter, maintaining andconductinglaw maintains a cemetery of more than 80 acresinextent,inanya city in this statehavingwith a population of more than 50,000,suchthe corporation shall file in the office of the county recorder of the county in which its cemetery is located a plat showing the area and location ofsuchthe cemetery. 306.66 [SUBDIVISION OR REARRANGEMENT OF CEMETERIES.] The cemetery corporation mentioned in section 306.65 may from time to time subdivide or rearrange its cemetery, from timeto time,asmay benecessary in the conduct of the business, but no plat ofsuchthe subdivision or rearrangementshallmay interfere with the rights and privileges of theseverallot owners ofsuchthe cemetery without their consent,nor need sameand the plat need not be filed in the office of the county recorder. A plat of thesame shallsubdivision or rearrangement must be kept for public inspection atsuchthe cemeteryandthere shall be placed at the corners of each lot of suchsubdivision or rearrangement. Cement or other nondestructible markers at least three inchesor morein diameter and at least eight inchesor morein length, with one ofsuchthe markers showing the number of the lot, must be placed at the corners of each lot of the subdivision or rearrangement. 306.67 [APPLICATION.] Sections 306.65 and 306.66shalldo not apply to cities with charters adoptedpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article 4, section 36. 306.68 [REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.]AnyA cemetery associationnot having a capital stock, heretoforeorganized underany lawof thisstate, whichlaw before April 25, 1913, that does not have a capital stock and that has acquired a burial site and sold lotstherefrom, andfrom it may reorganize as provided in subdivision 2 if the management ofwhichthe association is confined to the original members of the association,either by the statutes then in force or by the certificate of organization, may reorganize in the manner prescribed insubdivision 2. Subd. 2. [CALL FOR MEETING.] Any two or more of the original members of the association, orin caseif allofthe original members are deceased,then any three or more of the lot owners in the burial site, mayissue acallfora meeting of the associationto. The meeting must be held at a time and place designated in the notice,in the city nearest to the cemetery site,for the purpose of reorganizing the association. The noticeshallmust be published for two successive weeks in a legal newspaper printed in the place in which the meeting is to be held, andshallmust give at least 30 days' notice ofsuchthe meeting. Subd. 3. [ARTICLES OF REASSOCIATION.] At the time and place mentioned in the notice those present shall organize and proceed to prepare and adopt, or authorize to be prepared and adopted, articles of reassociation, which articles ofreassociation shall conformconforming to the requirements ofthe general laws of thisstate law for the organization of public cemetery associations, and shall. The articles must name the first board of trustees andsuchother officers as the meetingmay determine; provided, that adetermines. A majority of the trustees and officersshallmust befirstnamed,andafterwardselected,from the members of the old association if there are sufficient survivors living in the county where the site is located or in adjoining counties. Subd. 4. [POWERS AND DUTIES.] The trustees and officerssonamed and elected shall, as soon assuchthe certificate of reassociation is adopted,and recorded with the county recorder in the county where the cemetery is located, haveallthe powersand perform all thedutiesand be subject to the samerights, and liabilitiesasprovided bythe general laws of thestate law pertaining to cemetery associations, and amendments thereof. 306.69 [CERTAIN CORPORATIONS MAY AMEND ARTICLES.] The board of trustees, board of administration, or other governing body ofanya religious corporation, whichthat has established and isnowmaintaining a cemetery of more than five acresin extentin any county of this statenow or hereafterhavingwith a population ofnot less thanat least 225,000norand not more than 350,000 may by resolution adopted by at least a two-thirds vote of its members at any authorized meeting of the board amend its certificates or articles of incorporationinany or all of the following particularsas follows: (1) by providing for the management and conduct of the affairs ofsuchthe cemetery by a board of associates and prescribing the number composingsuchthe board of associates, the title by which theyshall beare designated, the time and manner of their election, by whom theyshall beare elected, their term of office, their powers and duties, and for the division ofsuchthe board into classes, ifit is sodesired,with respect toconcerning the time for whichthey shallseverallythe trustees hold office; (2) by specifying whethersuchthe board of associatesshall beis elected by the owners of lots in the cemetery, either from among themselves,orfrom among the board of trustees,orboard of administration, or other governing body of the religious corporation,orby the board of associates from their own number,orfrom among the lot owners in the cemetery, or from the board of trustees or other governing body of the religious corporation; (3) by specifying the names and addresses of the first board of associates and their term of office; (4) by providing that any vacancy in the board of associates, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise,may be filled by the board of associates for the unexpired term; (5) by providing that the board of associates may elect its own officers and that the duties of the officers may be defined by the bylaws of the board; (6) by providing that the board of associates may adopt bylaws andpromulgaterules and regulationswith respect toconcerning the management and conduct of the cemetery; (7) by providing that the board of associates maycreate,provide, andestablish a permanent care and improvement fund, the incomewhereof shall befrom which is devoted to the care, maintenance, and improvement of the cemetery, to be known as apermanent care and improvement fund; (8) by providing that the board of associatesshall havehas thecare, custody, andcontrol of the permanent care and improvement fund and all other trust funds donated for the permanent care of particular burial plots,with authority in theboard of associatesand has authority to appoint trustees ofsuchthe funds from among their number, or todesignate andappoint assuchtrustee one or more trust companies organized under the laws of this state; or (9) by any other lawful provision defining and regulating the powers or business ofsuchthe board of associates, and the powers and duties of its officers, trustees, and lot ownersinsuch cemetery. 306.70 [CERTIFICATE OF AMENDED ARTICLES TO BE RECORDED.] The board of trustees or other governing body ofsuchthe religious corporation shallcause suchinclude the resolutiontobe embracedin a certificatedulyexecuted and acknowledged byitsthe corporation's president and secretary or other presiding and recording officers under the corporate seal of the corporation, which. The certificateshallmust be recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county in which thecemetery of such associationassociation's cemetery is located and in the office of the secretary of state. 306.71 [TO BE PRIVATE CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONRIGHT AND DUTIES AFTER AMENDMENT.]EveryA religious corporationwhich shall avail itself ofthe provisions ofamending its certificates or articles of incorporation under sections 306.69 to 306.72 andprovideproviding for the management and conduct of its cemetery,asthereinprovided in those sections,shall thereafter as to suchcemetery be deemed in lawis then considered to be a private cemetery associationand as such have allhaving the rights, exemptions,andprivileges,and be subject to all theduties, and liabilities,that are provided by lawin respect ofconcerning private cemetery associationsand, without regard to the fact thatsuchthe cemetery is established by a religious corporation. 306.72 [ASSOCIATION, HOW GOVERNED.]EveryA religious corporationwhich shall avail itself ofthe provisions ofamending its certificates or articles of incorporation under sections 306.69 to 306.72 andestablishestablishing a permanent care and improvement fundshallis, as tosuchthat fund,besubject, so far as not inconsistenttherewith,tothe provisions ofsections 306.76 to 306.85 to the extent that those sections are consistent with sections 306.69 to 306.72. 306.73 [AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.] The board of trustees ofanya cemetery association organized underthe laws of thisstate, whichlaw that has established and isnowmaintaining a public cemetery in this state,may, by resolutiondulyadopted by at least a two-thirds vote of its members at any authorized meeting of the board, amend its certificate or articles of incorporation in any or all of the following particulars: (1) by providing for a board of associates, the number composingsuchthe board, the time and manner of their election and by whom theyshall beare elected, their term of office, their powers and duties and for the division ofsuchthe board into classes, ifit is sodesired,with respect toconcerning the time for whichthey shall severallythe trustees hold office; (2) by specifying the names and addresses of the members of the first board of associates and their term of office; (3) by providing that the management of the affairs of the association may be vested in a board of not more than nine trustees, and thatsuchthe trustees may be divided into classesin respect toconcerning the time for whichthey shall severallythe trustees hold office, or, if it so stated,that only one trustee need be elected each year; (4) by providing the time and manner of election of the trustees and specifying whethersuchthe trusteesshallare to be elected by the owners of lots in the cemetery ofsuchthe association, either from among themselves or from among the board of associates,orby the existing trustees from among lot owners or from among a board of associates, or by the board of associates from their own number or from the retiring trustees; (5) by providing thatanya vacancy in the board of trustees, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, may be filled by the board of trustees for the unexpired term; (6) by specifying the names and addresses of the first board of trustees and the time for whichthey shall severallyholdeach member holds office; (7) by providing that the trustees may elect officers of the association and that the duties ofsuchthe officers may be defined by the bylaws; (8) by providing that the trustees may adopt bylaws andpromulgaterules and regulationswith respect toconcerning the cemetery of the association; (9) by providing that the duration of the associationshallbeis perpetual or for a fixed period of time; (10) by any other lawful provision defining and regulating the power or business ofsuchthe association and the powers and duties of its officers, trustees, associates, and lot owners. 306.74 [CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT.] The trustees shallcause suchinclude the resolutionto beembracedin a certificatedulyexecuted and acknowledged by its president and secretary or other presiding and recording officers, under the corporate seal of the corporation, which. The certificateshallmust be recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the cemetery of the association is located and in the office of the secretary of state. 306.75 [APPLICATION.] Sections 306.73 to 306.75shallalso apply to the cemetery associations mentioned in section 306.73 maintainingsuchcemeteries in cities existing under a charter framedpursuantaccording to the Minnesota Constitutionof the state ofMinnesota, article 4, section 36; but shall. However, those sections do not apply to private cemeteries nor to cemeteries established by religious corporations. 306.76 [PERMANENT CARE AND IMPROVEMENT FUND MAINTAINED BY CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS.] Every cemetery associationheretofore or hereafterorganized underthe laws of thisstate, which shall maintainlaw that maintains a public cemetery in or adjacent toanya cityofthis state havingwith a population of more than 50,000, shall provide for thecreation andestablishment of a permanent fund, the incomewhereof shallfrom which must be devoted to the care, maintenance, and improvement ofsuchthe cemetery, which. The fundshallmust be known as the permanent care and improvement fund ofsuchthe cemetery association. 306.761 [PERMANENT CARE AND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS; MINIMUMAMOUNTS; REPORTING; PENALTIES.] Subdivision 1. [NOTICE.]AnyA cemetery associationwhichoperatesoperating a cemetery larger than ten acres shall establish a permanent care and improvement fundand. All cemetery associations operating a cemetery larger than ten acresandhaving a permanent care and improvement fund shall annually fileannually, as part of the report required in subdivision 2, a notice with the county auditor of the county in which the cemetery issituatedlocated. The noticeshallmust include the names and addresses of each person or entity owning a five percent or greater interest in the cemetery, and the names and addresses of all officers if any change has taken place since the previous notice. The term "association" as used in this sectionshall includeincludes any person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation. Subd. 2. [REPORT.]AnyA cemetery associationwhichoperatesoperating a cemetery larger than ten acres and having a permanent care and improvement fund shall annually make afullandcomplete writtenannualreport to the county auditor of the county in which the cemetery issituatedlocated on the condition and state of the fund, including all deposits and withdrawals of principal amounts and all receipts and disbursements. The reportshallmust be filed on forms prescribed by the county auditor by March 31 for any cemetery association operating a cemetery larger than ten acres and operating on a calendar year basis and by 90 days after the end of the fiscal year for any cemetery association operating a cemetery larger than ten acres and operating on a fiscal year basis.There shall be paid to the county auditorA filing fee of $10 for each report must be paid to the county auditor. Subd. 3. [PENALTY.]AnyA person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation knowingly violatingthe provisionsofthis sectionshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor and for a second offenseshall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 4. [APPLICATION.] This sectionshalldoes not apply to cemeteries owned and operated by a municipality, church, religious corporation, or religious association. 306.77 [FUNDS, IN CAREAPPOINTMENT OF TRUST COMPANY.] The board of trustees ofany suchan association mentioned in section 306.76 shall, by a resolution adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds of its members,designate andappoint one or more trust companies organized underthe laws of thisstate law, or a board consisting of at least three individuals, to act astrustee ortrustees ofsuchthe permanent care and improvement fund.In caseIf more than one trust companyshall at any timebe so designated andis appointed, the board of trustees shall, from time to time, apportion allmoneysmoney available for the fund between these trust companies insuchthe proportionassuchthat the boardby vote may direct or determinedetermines.This designation andThe appointmentshallmust be evidenced by a written instrumentdulyexecuted by the proper officers of the association under its corporate seal. Each trust companyandindividual so designatedand the appointed individuals shall qualify assuchtrustee by filing a written acceptance ofsuchdesignation andthe appointment with the secretary of the association. All instruments ofdesignation andappointment,andany revocation ofthe sameappointment, and the written acceptancesshallmust be recorded at length by the secretary of the association in its corporate records. The appointment of anysuchtrustee may be revoked by the board of trustees of the association at any time by a vote of two-thirds of its members. No trustee ofsuchthe fundshall beis liable assucha trustee except for neglect or willful default in the discharge of duties. 306.773 [INVESTMENT OF FUND OF CEMETERY ASSOCIATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.] Every cemetery associationheretofore or hereafterorganized underthe laws of thisstatewhich has providedlaw that provides for a permanent care and improvement fund administered by one or more trust companies acting astrustee ortrustees ofsuchthe fund, pursuant to theprovisions ofunder section 306.77, may,adopt a resolution as provided in this subdivision. When the principal ofsuchthe fund remaining after lawful withdrawalstherefrom for purposesauthorized by law shall have reached an amount exceedingequals more than $100,000,by resolution adoptedthe association may adopt a resolution by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of its board of trustees at any authorized meeting of the board,authorizeauthorizing thetrust company ortrust companies acting assuch trustee ortrustees,in investing, reinvesting, exchanging, and managingsuchthe fund, to acquireeveryany kind of investment,specificallyincluding, but not by way of limitation, bonds, debentures, and other corporate obligations, and corporate stocks,which anythat an ordinarily prudent person of discretion and intelligence,who is a trustee of the property of others,would acquire assuchthe trustee. Subd. 2. [TRUST LIMITATIONS INAPPLICABLE.] Thetrustee ortrustees may invest the trust propertyin accordance withaccording to this section, notwithstanding any contrary limitation or condition contained in the trust instrument. 306.78 [PERCENTAGE OF SALE OF LOTSTO BEAND MAUSOLEUMS PAID INTO FUND; OTHER ADDITIONS TO FUND.] Eachsuchcemetery association creating a permanent care and improvement fund under section 306.77 shall takenot lessthanfor its cemetery fund at least 20 percentfor such fundof the proceeds of all saleshereafterof cemetery lots, whichshalland ten percent of the proceeds of all sales of all burial space in mausoleums sold on or after December 31, 1927. That percentage must be paidoveronthe first days ofJanuary 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year to thetrustee ortrustees ofsaidthe fund, andsuchthe paymentsshallthereafterthen become a part ofsuchthe permanent care and improvement fund. Any other income or funds not required bysuchthe association for other purposes may from time to time be added tosaidthe fund by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of thesaidthe board of trustees of the association.The words "cemetery lots" as used in this sectionshall not be construed to include burial space in a mausoleum.Each such cemetery association shall take not less than tenpercent of the proceeds of all sales of burial space hereaftermade in a mausoleum for such fund, which shall be paid over onthe first days of January, April, July, and October of each yearto the trustee or trustees of said fund, and such payments shallthereafter become a part of such permanent care and improvementfund.The term "burial space" as usedherein shall includein this section includes private rooms, crypts, niches, or other designated space in which the bodies or ashes of deceased persons are placed for permanent burial in a mausoleum. 306.79 [PRINCIPAL INVIOLATE; INVESTED IN CERTAIN SECURITIES.] The principal ofsucha permanent care and improvement fundshallcreated under section 306.76 must forever remain intactand inviolableand invested by thetrustee ortrustees only in the same class of securitiesonlyin which savings banks are authorized by the laws of this state to invest their funds,except that. However, the association may, by resolution adopted by vote of at least two-thirds of the members of its board of trustees at any authorized meeting of the board, authorize the withdrawal and use of not more than 50 percent of the principal ofsuch permanent care and improvementthe fundfor any or all of the following purposes: for the acquisition ofto acquire additional land for cemetery purposes for the erection of a chapel, greenhouse, or other buildings desirable or necessary for the operation ofsuchthe cemetery,orfor the building or improvement of roads and avenues insuchthe cemetery; provided, or for both of those purposes. However,thatthe fundshall at no timemust not be diminished to an amount less than $1,000 per acre for each acre of land in the cemetery. Upon presentation tosuch trustee orthe trustees of a certified copy of the adopted resolutionadopted, asaforesaid,such trustee orthe trustees shall at once complytherewithwith it andthereupon be forever thereafterare then releasedand dischargedfromany and allfurther liabilityandresponsibilityfor the part ofsuchthe fundssowithdrawn and delivered tosuchthe association. Thetrustee ortrustees ofsuchthe funds shall, at least semiannually turn over to the association the entire net incomearisingfromsuchthe fund, whichincomeshall be used by the association solely for the care, maintenance, and improvement of the cemetery and the avenues leadingthereto; but in caseto it. But if anyportionpart of the incomeshall not be expendedis not spent or appropriated by the association forthea period of one year after thesameincome has been received by it,it shallthe income must beturned backreturned to thetrustee ortrustees and invested byit orthem as a part of the principal of the fund. No trustee or board of trusteesshallmay receive as compensation for acting assuchtrustee anysumamount in each year in excess of five percent of the income derived from the fund in its hands. 306.80 [TRUST COMPANY TO MAKE ANNUAL REPORT.]AnyA trust company or board of trustees acting as trusteespursuant to the terms hereofunder sections 306.76, 306.77, 306.78, 306.79, and this section shall on the first day of each year make afull andcomplete written reportin writingto the association of the condition and state of the fund in its hands,which. The reportshallmust at all times be open to the inspection of all owners of lots insuchthe cemetery. 306.81 [SELECTION OFDISPOSITION OF PROPERTY TO SUCCESSORTOTRUSTEE.] Upon the revocation of the appointmentor, resignation, or removal of any sole trustee or individual appointedpursuant tothe authority hereby conferredunder section 306.77, the board of trustees ofsuchthe association shallforthwithpromptly appoint a successor; and thereupon the trustee so. The resigning or removed trustee shall then immediately turn over to the successor all propertyof every descriptionbelonging to orappertainingpertaining tosuchthe fund.Upon writtennotice to it byWhen the board of trustees of the association gives written notice of the resignation or removal of anysuchtrustee, or ofanyan application to the court for an accounting by,or removal of,anysuchtrustee,anya bank, trust company, safety deposit company, or other corporation, institution, or individualhaving in possession any of themoneyspossessing money, securities, papers, or other property belonging orappertainingpertaining tosuchthe fund, shallthereuponrefuse payment or delivery ofthe same,all oranypartthereof,of it to the trusteeor trusteesnamed in the notice, and. Upon its or their check or other authorization, except upon a check or other authorization for the transfer, surrender, or delivery of the same, or any part thereof, the bank, company, or other entity shall pay or deliver the money, securities, papers, or other property toathe successororsuccessors. 306.82 [DISTRICT COURT GIVENPOWER OF COURT TO REMOVEANYTRUSTEE ORTOCOMPEL ACCOUNTING.] The district court for the judicial district in which the trust estate issituated shall havelocated has the power, for good cause shown, upon the application of one or more trustees ofsuchthe association or of any other interested party, to remove any trusteeor trusteesofsuchthe fund, or to compel an accounting byanya trustee ofsuchthe fund, and shallhave. The district court also has all the powersnow orhereafterconferred by law upon district courts for the enforcement, execution, or regulation of express trusts. 306.83 [APPLICATION TO CERTAIN ASSOCIATIONS.] Every cemetery association mentioned in section 306.76,whichthat hasheretofore created andestablishedsucha permanent care and improvement fundpursuant tounder any law of this state before December 31, 1927,shall, with respect to suchfund, comply with and be bound by the terms ofis subject to sections 306.76 to 306.85. 306.84 [CERTAIN SECTIONS NOT APPLICABLE.] Sections 306.31 to 306.39shalldo not apply to, or beoperative upon,cemetery associations mentioned in section 306.76. 306.85 [APPLICATION.] Sections 306.76 to 306.85shallapply to cemetery associations mentioned in section 306.76 maintainingsuchthose cemeteries in cities existing under a charter framedpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota,article 4, section 36. The governing body ofanya corporate public cemetery association wishing to availsuch corporationitself of the benefits of sections 306.76 to 306.85 may do so by adoption of a resolution by a two-thirds vote of the governing board. Sections 306.76 to 306.85shalldo not apply to cemeteries established by religious corporations, nor to private cemetery associations. 306.851 [SECTIONS 306.76 TO 306.85 NOT APPLICABLE TOCERTAINPUBLIC CEMETERIES FOR THE POOR.]AnyA public cemetery association organized under the laws ofthe state ofMinnesota for the purpose of providing free burial for the poor and notwith view tofor purposes of profit,andwhich has been in existence for over 25 yearsprior to theenactment hereofbefore March 22, 1947,shall beis exempt fromthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1945,sections 306.76 to 306.85. 306.86 [CONVEYANCES OF CEMETERY LOTS AND LANDS TO HOLDING CORPORATIONS LEGALIZED; RECONVEYANCE TO CITIES OF FIRST CLASS FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES.]In all cases where any person has heretofore executedA deed or other instrument of conveyance ofanya right, title, or interest in any cemetery land or lot in a cemetery in this state executed before March 31, 1927, conveying the land or plot to a corporationempoweredauthorized to acquire, hold, and convey title to real estate, such conveyances are hereby legalizedis lawful andshall have the effect of transferring and conveyingto such corporationconveys all right, title, and interest of the grantortherein, and such corporation shall, by suchto the corporation. By the conveyance,acquirethe corporation acquires all right, title, and interestwhichthat the grantor had insuchthe land and property,subjectonlytotheany limitations, if any,contained insuchthe instrument of conveyance, and shall have. The corporation has the right to convey thesameproperty for cemetery purposes to any city of the first class in this state, including those organized and operating under a home rule charter adopted under theprovisionsof theMinnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article4, section 36, and the state laws relatingtheretoto it. 306.87 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [WORDS, TERMS, AND PHRASES.] Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the followingwords, terms, and phrases, for thepurposes of this chapter, shall be given the meanings subjoinedto themdefinitions apply to this chapter. Subd. 2. [ASSOCIATES.]The word "associates" shallmean"Associates" means the original incorporators and their successors. Subd. 3. [PUBLIC CEMETERIES.] All cemeteriesheretoforestarted or established as public cemeteries and all cemeteries hereafter started or established, except cemeteries established by religious corporations, arehereby declared to bepublic cemeteries within the provisions of this chapter. Subd. 4. [BOARD OF DIRECTORS.]The term"Board of directors," as used in sections 306.41 to 306.54,shall refer toand includemeans the board of supervisors ofanya town, the governing body ofanya city, the board of trustees or directors ofanya religious corporation or ofanya cemetery association described in section 306.41. 306.88 [ACQUISITION OF CEMETERY.] Subdivision 1. [CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION.]AnyA lodge, order, or association of a purely religious, charitable, or benevolent description,whichmay acquire the cemetery property of the cemetery association by gift or purchase and maintain and enlarge it if it: (1) does not operatewith view tofor purposes of profitand; (2) is exempt fromthe provisions ofchapter 64B under section 64B.38thereof, and which; (3) has been organized underthe laws of the state of Minnesota andstate law; (4) has been in existence for 20 years, and; (5) one ofwhoseits purposesas set forth inunder its charter is to provide free burial ground for its members and their families,; and (6) all ofwhoseits members are also members of a cemetery association by virtue of a specific provision in the charter ofsuch cemeterythe associationso specifically providing, whichand the provision has been in effect for 15 yearsprior tothebefore enactmenthereof, is hereby authorized to acquire, bygift or purchase, the cemetery lands and property of suchcemetery association and to maintain and enlarge the sameof this section.Any suchThe cemetery associationis herebyauthorized and empowered tomay convey toany suchthe lodge, order, or association any cemetery land or property.Any suchA lodge, order, or association thatpursuanthereto has acquired suchacquires cemeterylandsland under this section inanya countyhavingwith a population of 600,000 or more and maintains thesameland for cemetery purposesis herebymay alsoauthorized toacquire by gift or purchase the cemeterylandsland or any partthereofof it owned by a public or other cemetery associationwhichthat is adjacenttheretoto the land maintained for cemetery purposes or is separatedtherefromfrom it by a public highway or street.AnyA public or other cemetery association owningsuch lands is herebyauthorized tothe land may conveythe sameit or any partthereofof it toany suchthe previously described lodge, order , or association by deed,pursuant toin accordance with authorization by its board of directors or trustees. Sections 306.76 to 306.85shalldo not apply to the proceeds ofsuchthe sale.Upon theOn acquisitionthereof,suchthe lodge, order , or associationshall succeedsucceeds to all the rights to maintain and usesuchthe otherlandsland for cemetery purposes as were possessed by the public or other cemetery association from whichthey werethe land was acquired. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION.]Minnesota Statutes 1941, SectionSections 306.10 andsections306.76 to 306.85, as amended byLaws 1943, chapters 32 and 133, shalldo not apply to lodges, orders, or associations acquiring, maintaining, or enlarging cemeteries as authorizedhereunderby this section. Section 306.14shall applyapplies toanyland or property acquired or maintained byany suchthe lodge, order, or association for cemetery purposes. Sections 307.01 to 307.10, in so far as they relate to cemeteries owned or managed by religious corporations,shallalso apply toanycemeteries acquired, owned, and managed byany suchthe lodge, order, or association underthe withinauthorizationthis section. ARTICLE 6 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 451, is amended to read:UTILITY FRANCHISES, PERMITS, RIGHTS CHARTER CITIES OF THE FOURTH CLASS 451.04 [FRANCHISE FOR CITY HEATING PLANTSSYSTEM.] Subdivision 1. [RIGHT TO BUILD, RUN.]AnyA home rule charter city of the fourth classin this state is herebyauthorized and empowered:(1) To grant to anymay give a person,persons,company, or corporation,the rightof theto useofthe streets, alleys, and other public grounds of the cityfor the erection, operation,and maintenance of any heatingto construct, operate, and maintain a system to furnish heat tothe inhabitants of thecity, the same to be on suchcity residents. Subd. 2. [COUNCIL SETS TERMS, CONDITION.] The city council must decide what terms andsubject to suchconditionsas thegoverning body of the city shall determine, including thereinthe right toapply to the use of the right given under subdivision 1. Subd. 3. [CITY SALE OF STEAM, HOT WATER.] If the city owns and operates a plant that heats water or generates steam, the city may sell the steam or hot water to theperson, persons,company, or corporation,user of the right given under subdivision 1 at a profit to the city, any steam generated orwater heated by any plant owned and operated by the city, and to. Subd. 4. [ARRANGEMENTS FOR HEAT, CONTROL OF SYSTEM.] The city may make contracts and arrangements forthefurnishingofheat, using the city's steam or hot water, tothe inhabitants ofthe city thereby, and for the regulation andcity residents. The city may also make arrangements for the regulation and control of the heating system. Subd. 5. [MAY INSTALL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT.](2) To grant toanyThe city may give a person,persons,company, or corporation the rightof theto useofthe streets, alleys, and other public grounds of the cityfor the installationto install,without anyat no expense to the city,of pipes, conduits, andothernecessary and incidental equipmentnecessary andincidentaltothe construction, operation, and maintenance ofaconstruct, operate, and maintain the heating systemto furnishheat to the inhabitants of the city, the same to be on suchterms and subject to such conditions as the governing body of. The cityshall determine, including the right to make allcouncil must decide what terms and conditions apply to the use of the plant. Subd. 6. [HEAT FROM CITY STEAM, HOT WATER.] If the city owns and operates a plant that heats water or generates steam, the city may make the necessary and incidental contracts and arrangementsfor the furnishing ofto furnish, at a profit to the city, heatto the inhabitants of the city, at a profit tothe city,fromanythe steamgeneratedor hot waterheatedby any plant owned and operated by the city,including the righttoto the city's residents. Subd. 7. [CITY MAY BUY SYSTEM.] The city may acquire, own, operate, and enlarge the heating system afterthe same shallhave beenit is installed, and including the right to. Subd. 8. [CITY DEBT PAYABLE IN FUTURE HEAT.] The city may issue its certificates of indebtednessof the citypayable in heat to be sold by the city; any. Subd. 9. [CITY'S STEAM, HOT WATER TO SERVICE COMPANY.] If the cityin which there is now in operation, or in which theremay be hereafter in operationoperates a municipal electric lightandor water plant,or either,the city may agree withanya service companywhich the city may authorize tofurnishthat furnishes steam or hot water heat to itsinhabitants,residents to supply from the municipal plant to the service company,upon such terms as may be mutually agreed uponbetween the city and the company,the necessary steam or hot wateror both to be supplied tofor thepatrons of the company,and by suchcompany's customers. Subd. 10. [TERMS OF AGREEMENT.] The supply agreement between the city and the service company may include terms on the subjects in this subdivision. (a) The agreement may provide for joint approval of the plans,and joint supervision of the construction andascertainment andthe definite determination at the time of completion, of the cost of the company's plant, and by. (b) The agreement may: (1) fixand establishthe rates to be charged to the company'spatronscustomers for the heat supplied,; (2) fix the charges to be billed to and collected from theconsumercustomer either by the city or the service company,as agreed upon,; and (3) divide the revenue receivedtherefrom to be apportionedand dividedfrom the collections between the city and the service companyupon such reasonable and proper basis ofdivision as they may agree upon with appropriate provision. (c) The agreement may provide for the purchase of the company's plant by the city at cost, plus reasonable interestthereonon the cost,and theand for paymentthereforfor the plant from themoneys received and accumulatedmoney saved by the cityasfrom its share of thederivedrevenuescollections. Subd. 11. [CITY MAY BUY PRIVATE SYSTEM.](3) Any city ofthe fourth class in which there is already constructed, or inwhich there may be hereafter constructed any suchIf there is a heating system in the city that is not owned by the cityisauthorized to acquire, the city may buy theexistingheating systemby purchase at a pricefor notexceedingmore than its fair valueand on terms as may be agreed on between the city andthe owners of the system and, in order to provide the funds forthe purchase,. The city and the owner of the system must agree on the terms of the sale. Subd. 12. [PAY WITH BONDS.] The city councilor othergoverning body, by whatever name denominated, is herebyauthorized tomay issue and selltheas many bonds of the cityto such an amountasmay, in its judgment, beit judges are necessaryfor the purpose, the bonds to be in such form anddenomination, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding sixpercent per annum, payable semiannually, and to become due andpayable at such time or times,to buy the heating system from its owners. Subd. 13. [BOND FORMALITIES.] (a) The city council must decide: (1) the bonds' form and denomination; (2) the rate of interest on the bonds, not more than six percent per year, payable semiannually; and (3) the time, not more than 20 years from their date,allas the city council or other governing body shall determinewhen the bonds are due and payable. (b) If the city issues the bonds, the bondsshallmust be signed by the mayor,and countersigned by the clerk, if issuedby the city, and shall. (c) The bonds must be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. Subd. 14. [ADD TO OTHER POWERS.] The powers granted in this section are to be added to other powers granted by law. 451.05 [BONDS, OBLIGATIONS FOR HEAT NOT PART OFINDEBTEDNESSCITY DEBT.] Subdivision 1. [OBLIGATIONS.]The obligationsAn obligation incurred byanya home rule charter city of the fourth class inthemakingof such contracts andarrangementsshallto furnish heat to the city's residents under section 451.04 is notbe considered as apart ofits indebtednessthe city's debt underthe provisions ofitsgoverningcharter orofanyunder state lawof this state fixing the limit ofindebtedness for the citylimiting the city's debt.The powersconferred by sections 451.04 to 451.06 are additional to allother powers conferred by law, andSubd. 2. [BONDS.] The amount ofanybonds issuedthereunderunder section 451.04 and at any time outstandingshallare notbe included in determining thepart of the city's netindebtednessdebt underthe provisions ofits charter orofanyunder otherapplicablelaw. CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS 451.07 [CITIES MAY GRANT PERMITSUTILITY PERMIT AFTER FRANCHISE, LICENSE EXPIRE.] Subdivision 1. [TO CONTINUE EXISTING SERVICE.]When, inanyA city of the first classnow or hereafter existing in thisstate, the franchise of any public service corporation supplyinggas, or electric energy, or steam, for lighting, heating, orpower purposes has expired, and the home rule charter of thecity authorizes a limited number of temporary licenses of notmore than one year each to use the streets and other publicplaces for the purpose of supplying such service and all ofthese licenses have been given and have expired, and thecorporation thereafter continues to furnish such service and indoing so uses the streets and other public property of the city,the governing body of the city is hereby authorized andempowered, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the homerule charter of the city, by ordinance, to permit the publicservice corporation to use the streets and other public propertylocated in the city, and to prescribe, from time to time, butnot more often than once in each calendar year, reasonable rateswhich the public service corporation may charge for such servicewithin the city, and to determine the amount which the publicservice corporation shall pay the city for the use and occupancyof its streets or other public property which are located in andunder the control of the city and used by the corporation. Ifthe home rule charter of the city contains provisions fixing aminimum amount that the public service corporation shall pay thecity for the exercise of any franchise or privilege in, over,under, or upon any of the streets or public places in the city,when the public service corporation is not specifically relievedof such payment, the sum fixed by the governing body, pursuantto sections 451.07 and 451.08, for the use of the property andprivilege, shall not be less than the minimum fixed by thecharter to be paid in those cases wherein the grantee is notspecifically relieved from such paymentmay by ordinance give a permit to a public service corporation to use the streets and other public property in the city to continue to supply gas, electric energy, or steam for light, heat, or power. Subd. 2. [DESPITE CONTRARY CHARTER.] The permit may be issued even if issuing it is contrary to the city's charter. Subd. 3. [CONDITIONS: FRANCHISE, LICENSES EXPIRED.] The permit is subject to the terms and conditions in this subdivision. (a) The corporation must be supplying gas, electric energy, or steam for light, heat, or power, at the time the permit is issued. (b) The corporation's franchise for supplying the utility service must have expired. (c) The home rule charter of the city must allow for a limited number of licenses to use public property to supply utility service for not more than one year, and all the licenses must have been issued and must have expired. Subd. 4. [CITY MAY SET RATES.] The city may set the rates the corporation may charge for its service in the city. The rates must not be set more often than once in a calendar year. Subd. 5. [CHARGE FOR STREET USE.] The city may decide how much the corporation must pay to use the city's streets and other public property in the city. Subd. 6. [MINIMUM CHARGE; EXCEPTION.] The city must charge the corporation at least the minimum franchise fee, if any, required by the city charter when the corporation is not specifically relieved of the payment. Subd. 7. [BOUND BY AGREED RATES, CHARGES.] This section does not let the city change the rates or charges in this section if the city has fixed the rates or charges for a definite period in an agreement with the corporation. HOME RULE CHARTER CITIES 451.09 [STEAM HEATSYSTEMS; DISCONTINUANCE OR CONVERSIONDISCONTINUED; NOTICE; COST TO CONVERT.] Subdivision 1. [BY UTILITY BOARD, WITH COUNCIL APPROVAL.]Any steam heat system operated byA public utilities board or commission that operates a steam heat system inanya home rule charter city maybe discontinueddiscontinue the system in whole orinpartat the discretion of such board or commissionif the city council approves. Subd. 2. [MAY PAY TO CONVERT.]Funds may be expended atthe discretion of suchIf the council approves, the board or commissionto compensate persons to whommay spend money to pay those whose service is discontinuedfor the expense ofconvertingtosome otherconvert to another type of heat system.Prior to exercising any of the authority granted bythis section, the public utilities board or commission shallobtain the approval of the governing body of the city. Theauthority granted bySubd. 3. [SUPERSEDES OTHER LAW, CHARTER.] This sectionshall applyapplies notwithstandingany statute,a contrary city charter,or other lawto the contrary. Subd. 4. [EXCEPTIONS: AUSTIN, MARSHALL, VIRGINIA.]Thissubdivision shallSubdivisions 1 to 3 do not apply to the cities of Austin, Marshall, and Virginia. Subd.25. [TWO YEARS' NOTICE.] A public utilities board or commissionoperatingthat operates a steam heat system in a home rule charter cityshall informmust give the commissioner of energy and economic development two years' notice of itsplansintended date to discontinueoperation at least two yearsprior to the intended date of discontinuance of operationthe system. Sec. 2. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 451.06 and 451.08 are repealed. ARTICLE 7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 456, is amended to read:WATERWORKSWATER FROM FIRST CLASS OR CHARTER CITIES FIRST CLASS CITIES 456.29 [EXTENSION OFWATER MAINSINTO AND FURNISHING OFWATER TO CONTIGUOUS CITIES OR TOWNSBEYOND CITY.]AnyA city of the first class, which maintains amunicipally-owned and operatedthat owns and operates a water plant or department, whethersuchthe water plant is under the control of the council or a board of water commissioners,ishereby authorized tomay furnish water to, and extend its mainsinto, anya contiguous city or townwhose territory iscontiguous to such city,. The furnishing city may extend its mains andtoassess the cost of extendingthese mainsthem against the property abuttingonthe streetin whichwhere the mains are laid. 456.30 [COST OF EXTENSION; REQUESTS FOR EXTENSIONBY REQUEST ONLY; WHO AND HOW TO ASSESS.] Subdivision 1. [BY RESOLUTION; NAME STREETS.]When anysuchA home rule charter cityextendsof the first class must not extend its mainsand furnishesor furnish watertocontiguous cities or towns,underthe provisions of sectionssection 456.29 to456.30, and is operating under a home rulecharter adopted pursuant to the Constitution of the State ofMinnesota, Article 4, Section 36, the cost of such mains shallbe assessed and the assessment collected in the mannerprescribed by its charter; provided that no such mains shall beextended or ordered furnished to any sucha contiguous city or townexcept upon the adoption of a resolution requesting suchunless the council or board of the contiguous city or town requests the serviceby. The request must be in a resolution adopted by the council ortownboardof such city or town,which. The resolutionshall designatemust name the streets, alleys,orand other public placeswherein suchwhere the mains may be laid; and, provided that. Subd. 2. [ASSESS ABUTTING PROPERTY.] The total cost of constructingsuch mainsa main that is extended intoanythe contiguous city or townshallmust be assessed againsttheproperty abuttingonthe street where themains aremain is laid. Subd. 3. [USE CHARTER PROCEDURES.] The city must make and collect the assessments as the charter says. 456.31 [ISSUE OF WATERWORKSMAY SELL ALL BONDS AT ONCE IN SPITE OF ORDINANCE.]In all cases in which cities of the first class have beenauthorized by ordinance approved byIf the people ofsuch citiesa city of the first class have approved an ordinance to let the city issue bondsfor the purpose of extending, enlarging, andimproving the publicto extend, enlarge, and improve its city-owned and operated waterworksplants and waterworks systemsowned and operated by such cities, andsuchif the ordinanceauthorizing such bond issue provides thatallows only a specified portion ofsuch authorizedthe bondsshallto be issued in any one year,such cities are hereby authorized tothe city may issue all, orany partsome, ofsuchthe bonds remaining unissued at any time, notwithstandingany provision inthe ordinanceauthorizing such bond issue that only a specifiedportion of such bonds shall be issued in any one year. HOME RULE CHARTER CITIES 456.32 [EXTENDINGMAY PIPE WATERPIPESIN ROADS ANYWHERE BUT ANOTHER CITY.] Subdivision 1. [WHERE PIPES MAY GO.]AnyA home rule charter cityin the state,owning and operatingthat owns and operates a waterworks,may extend its waterworksand water pipesover, under, and along any road, street, alley, or publichighway in this state, whether within or without the corporatelimits of such city,and supply waterfor a reasonablecompensationtotheoccupants of property adjacent or accessible to theline so extended, whether within or without the corporatelimits of such city; provided,extension. The waterworks may be extended over, under, or along any road, street, alley, or public highway in or out of the city. The extension must not interfere with the safety or convenience of ordinary travel on the road, street, alley, or public highway. Subd. 2. [NOT IN ANOTHER CITY.] This sectionshalldoes notbe construed as grantinggive a home rule charter city any rightsto any city within the corporate limits ofin any other city; provided that such line shall be so extended as not tointerfere with the safety or convenience of ordinary travel overthese roads, streets, alleys, and public highways. Subd. 3. [MAY CHARGE REASONABLE FEE.] A home rule charter city may charge a reasonable fee for supplying water under this section. FIRST CLASS CITIES 456.33 [WATERRENTALS;AUTHORITY MAY MAKE RULES;APPLICATIONFOR PAYMENTS.]In all cities of the first class in this state owning amunicipal waterworks system, the board of water commissioners ofsuch city, or otherThe governing bodyor authority having thecontrol and managementofsucha waterworkssystem,owned by a city of the first class may adopt and enforcesuchrulesandregulations as to the timethat it considers advisable on whenwater rentals shall becomepayments for its water are due and payableas such body or authority may deem advisable. ARTICLE 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 560, is amended to read:PART OWNERS, ACTION TO OPERATE MINESMINERAL LAND; SUITS BY PART OWNERS TO MINE 560.01 [ ACTION FOR OPENING MINES, QUARRIES, BELONGING TOPLURALITY OFOWNERS IN DISTRICT COURT, BY OWNERS OF HALF THE LAND.] Subdivision 1. [IN COUNTY WHERE LAND IS.]Where veins,lodes, deposits of iron, iron ores, minerals or mineral ores ofany kind, stone, coal, clay, sand, gravel, or peat are known to,or do exist on or in lands which are shown by properly executeddeeds or leases having more than one year to run of record inthe county in which the lands are situated, to belong to aplurality of owners,The owner or owners ofana half interest or moreequal to one-half or greaterinthe lands, as shown bythe deeds or leases so recorded,mineral land that has more than one owner of record may bring an actionin the district court inthe county where the lands are situated,for permission toopen,operate, and develop these veins, lodes, or deposits of iron,iron ores, minerals, or mineral ores of any kind, stone, coal,clay, sand, gravel, or peat that are found in or on theselandsmine the land. The action must be brought in the district court in the county where the land is. Subd. 2. [MINERAL LAND DEFINED.] In this chapter, "mineral land" or "land" means real property on or in which veins, lodes, deposits of iron, iron ores, minerals or mineral ores of any kind, stone, coal, clay, sand, gravel, or peat are known to or do exist. Subd. 3. [OWNER OF RECORD DEFINED.] In this chapter, "owner" or "owner of record" of mineral land means one who has an interest in the land as shown by a properly executed deed or a lease having more than one year to run. The deed or lease must be of record in the county where the mineral land is. 560.02 [COMPLAINT DESCRIBES LAND;HEARINGCOURT DECIDES OWNERSHIP.] Subdivision 1. [ABSTRACT ATTACHED TO COMPLAINT.] The complaintshallin an action under this chapter must describe the mineral land to beaffected, and there shall bemined. An abstract of thelands theretoland must be attached, showingto the complaint. The abstract must show the titlethereofto the land as it appearsbyon the deedsorand leases recorded in the county where the land issituated. Subd. 2. [OWNERSHIP FROM RECORDS.]Upon the case beingbrought on for hearingWhen the action is heard, the courtshalldeterminemust decide who are the owners of thepropertyland described in the complaint, as appears by. The decision must be based on the properly executed deeds or leasesthereof of recordrecorded in the countyin which the samewhere the land issituated. 560.03 [ORDER;IF SUERS OWN HALF AND GET BOND, THEY MAY MINE.] Subdivision 1. [BY COURT ORDER.] If, upon the hearing, itappears thatthe complainantor complainants ownin an action under this chapter owns one-half or more of theproperty, asshown by the properly executed deeds or leases of record in thecountymineral land, the courtshallmust make an orderpermitting and authorizingallowing the complainantorcomplainants, upon the filing in the office of the courtadministrator of the court having jurisdiction of the action, ofsuch bond, with such sureties as may be ordered and approved bythe court, or a judge thereof, conditioned for the faithful,complete, and timely performance of all orders of the court madein the action or concerning the subject matter thereof, and forthe faithful, complete, and timely performance of all theprovisions of this chapter,to enterupon, open, develop, andoperate these lands for the purpose of producing therefrom andfrom the veins, lodes, and deposits therein situate,on and mine the land to produce from it theiron, iron ore, or othermineralsor, mineral oresof any kind, coal, clay, sand, gravel,andor peat, that mayexist thereon or thereinbe on or in the land. Subd. 2. [BOND REQUIRED; CONDITIONS.] The court order is effective only after the complainant files a bond with the court administrator. The bond must have the sureties that the court requires. The bond must be conditioned for the faithful, complete, and timely performance of court orders in, or on the subject of, the action, and for the timely performance of everything required by this chapter. 560.04 [ENTRY UPON LANDSMINING; ACCOUNTING;APPLICATION OFRECEIPTS; EXPENSESPROFITS; LIENS; LIABILITY.] Subdivision 1. [MAY MINE LAND.]The complainant orcomplainants may thereupon,Afterthe filing and approval ofthe bondprovided fordescribed in section 560.03 has been filed and approved, the complainant may enterupon these landson the mineral landand develop the same, mine it, and develop the producetherefrom andfrom thelodes, veins, and deposits theiron, iron ore, minerals, mineral ores of any kind, coal, sand,clay, gravel, and peat that exist thereon or thereinmining. Subd. 2. [DETAIL EXPENSES; OUTPUT; RECEIPTS.] The mining operator must keep a strict accountshall be kept, by the partyor parties operating these properties and workings,ofallthe expenses and output in tons ofopening and working any and allsuch mines, or iron or iron ores, minerals or mineral ores ofany kind, coal, or deposits of clay, sand, gravel, or peat; anda true and correct account of the output of these workings intonsthe mining and of the receipts from thesale ordisposal of the output. The mining operator must make a monthly statement ofsuchthe expenses and the outputshall be made by the partiesoperating these workings and propertiesandfiledfile the statement with the court administrator of the courtwherehandling the complainant's actionwas commenced or is pending. Theparties operating such properties shall be entitled to usesomining operator may use as much of the receipts from thesalesdisposal of the total output asmay beis necessaryfor the payment ofto pay the expensesand chargesofopeningand operating such property, and the surplusthe mining operation. Subd. 3. [ALL OWNERS GET PROFITS.] The balance of the receiptsover the amount so paid out for expenses and charges ofopening and operating such property shallmust bedivided prorataprorated among all the owners ofsuch propertythe mineral land according to their interests, and the amount to which anyparty is entitled shall be paid to that party by the partiesoperating such property upon demand at any time after the filingof any. An owner may demand payment after a monthly statement,as herein provided, which shows a surplus over the charges andexpenses aforesaid. No part of the expenses or charges, andnoshowing a surplus is filed. The mine operator must make the payment when it is demanded. Subd. 4. [OTHER OWNERS NOT LIABLE.] An expense or a claim for workor laborperformed in or aboutthe opening, operating,or improvement of such property shallthe mining operation cannot be a lienuponon or a charge against anyportionpart of thepropertyland or interesttherein not owned by theparties operating such property, and none of the owners of anypart of or interest in the propertyin the land not owned by the owners mining the land. An owner whoareis notoperating suchproperty shall beone of the owners mining the land is not liable forany of the charges or expenses of opening, operating,or improving such propertya charge or expense related to the mining operation on the land. 560.05 [MINERS MAY USE SURFACERIGHTSAS NECESSARY.] Subdivision 1. [INCLUDES OFFICE, HOUSING.] Thepartiesoperating these veins, lodes, and deposits, as herein provided,shall have the right tooperators mining the mineral land may use the surface of thegroundland for placing and sheltering machineryand coverings therefor, for roads, tramways, drains, water pipes, steam and electric plants, andallfor other appliances necessaryin the operation and developing of theproperties and workings, including buildings for officesto mine the land. The surface may also be used for office buildings, and for houses for workers,and shelter for animals, engaged andemployed in and by the workings, without charge fromcoownersinvolved in the mining operation. Subd. 2. [NO CHARGE FOR USE.] A nonoperating coowner must not charge an operating coowner for the use under subdivision 1 of the surface of the mineral land. 560.06 [RIGHTS OF NONOPERATINGNONMINING OWNERS HAVE ACCESS.] Subdivision 1. [TO VERIFY ACCOUNTS.]The ownersAn owner ofsaid propertymineral land who is notengaged in operatinginvolved in mining thesame shall haveland has access to thepropertyland and the workingsthereinof the mining operation at all reasonable timesfor the purpose of measuring up theto measure the workings andverifying therebyin so doing, to verify the accounts of the operatorsthereof, and shall have. Subd. 2. [TO TAKE DELIVERIES.] A nonmining owner also has access to the propertyfor the purpose of removing and takingaway theto remove property delivered tothemthe nonmining owner on the dump of the propertyas herein provided.Thisright must be so exercised as not toIn using the access for removal, a nonmining owner must not interfere with thepartiesoperatingmine operators, theproperty andland, the workings on or in thepropertyland,or of any ofthehoisting or workingapparatus, railroads, roads, tramways, or otherappliancesthereonon the land, orof the workers, servants of theoperators of the propertythose working for the operators on the land. 560.07 [ABANDONMENT OF WORK; RIGHTS OFIF MAJORITY DOES NOT ACT, MINORITYOWNERSMAY TAKE OVER.]In case the parties owning one-half or more of the propertyand land on which these veins, lodes, or deposits of iron, ironores, minerals, or mineral ores of any kind, or coal, clay,sand, gravel, or peat, are known to or do exist, fail or refuseto proceed under this chapter, or if, after commencing the workand operations hereunder, these parties abandon the work for oneyear, then the owners of less than a half interest of theproperty, lands and the title therein, as shown by properlyexecuted deeds recorded in the county in which the same issituate, may proceed to open and work the property in the samemanner and under the same restrictions as provided herein.An owner of less than a half interest in mineral land may mine the land under conditions in this section. (a)(1) The owner of a half or greater interest must fail or refuse to use the procedure in this chapter; or (2) after starting to mine the land under this chapter, the owner of the half or greater interest must abandon the work for at least one year. (b) The ownership of the interest must be shown by properly executed deeds recorded in the county where the land is. (c) The owner of the interest must start to open and work the land according to this chapter. 560.08 [NO LIENS, ATTACHMENTEXCEPT JUDGMENTS MAY ATTACH TO THE LAND.] No liens created bythe statutes of this state, whetherthose ofstatute for mechanics, material suppliers, or laborers, or for other supplies oranyother liens except those of judgment against owners of interests in thelands, shallland, may attach tothe landsmineral land on or in which mining operationsfor producing from the veins, lodes, or deposits ofiron, iron ores, minerals, or mineral ores of all kinds, coal,clay, sand, gravel, or peatare carried on underand inaccordance withthis chapter. 560.09 [ACTIONSACTION, PARTITION APPLY ONLY TO OUTPUT;PARTITION.]Actions for operation of property in all cases where landsare held by a plurality of owners, are opened, operated, anddeveloped for the purpose of obtaining therefrom the products ofthe veins, lodes, and deposits of iron, iron ores, minerals,mineral ores of any kind, coal, clay, sand, gravel, and peatunder the provisions of this chapter, shall be held to applyAn action under this chapter applies only to the output of the workings, andof the mineral land. A decree of partitionshallbe madeby thecourts to applycourt applies only to the division of the output of the workings ofthese lands, and theveins, lodes, and deposits aforesaid thereinthe land. ARTICLE 9 Section 1. [EFFECT OF CHANGES.] The legislature intends the changes in the language of the laws amended by this act to be exclusively changes in style. No change is intended to alter or shall be construed by a court or other authority to alter the meaning of a law. If a section is amended by this act and also by another act adopted in 1988 and the amendments cannot be edited together in the next publication of Minnesota Statutes, the amendment by this act shall be without effect. Approved April 6, 1988
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes