Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 394-H.F.No. 1113 An act relating to state departments and agencies; abolishing the Minnesota humane society as a state agency and authorizing its formation as a state federation of county and district societies; providing for the powers and duties of county and district societies and for the prevention of cruelty to animals; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 16B.51, subdivision 1; 43A.27, subdivision 2; 343.01; 343.06; 343.10; 343.11; 343.12; 343.22, subdivision 1; 343.29, subdivision 1; 346.37, subdivision 6; and 347.37; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.08. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 16B.51, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [SUPERVISION BY COMMISSIONER.] The commissioner shall supervise and control the making and distribution of all reports and other publications of all kinds issued by the state and state agencies when not otherwise prescribed by law. The commissioner shall also prescribe the manner and form of issuing reports required by sections 8.08; 16A.50; 35.03; 139.08, subdivision 5; 256.01; 268.12, subdivision 2; 299C.18;343.08;and 360.015, subdivision 17. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 43A.27, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [ELECTIVE ELIGIBILITY.] The following persons, if not otherwise covered by section 43A.24, may elect coverage for themselves or their dependents at their own expense: (a) A state employee, including persons on layoff from a civil service position as provided in collective bargaining agreements or a plan established pursuant to section 43A.18; (b) An employee of the board of regents of the University of Minnesota, including persons on layoff, as provided in collective bargaining agreements or by the board of regents; (c) An officer or employee of the state agricultural society, state horticultural society, Sibley house association, Minnesota humanities commission, Minnesota international center, Minnesota academy of science, science museum of Minnesota, Minnesota safety council,Minnesota humane society,state office of disabled American veterans, state office of the American Legion and its auxiliary, or state office of veterans of foreign wars and its auxiliary; (d) A civilian employee of the adjutant general who is paid from federal funds and who is not eligible for benefits from any federal civilian employee group life insurance or health benefits program; and (e) An officer or employee of the state capitol credit union or the highway credit union. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.01, is amended to read: 343.01 [PURPOSES; POWERS; COUNTY ORGANIZATION.] Subdivision 1. [FORMATION AUTHORIZED.]The Minnesotahumane society is hereby confirmed and continued, with allexisting powers,A state federation of county and district societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be created as a corporation under chapter 317 for the purposeofinculcating humane principles, the enforcement of law, and theprevention of cruelty, especially to animalsprovided in section 343.06. TheMinnesota humane societyfederation maymakereasonable rules governing the humane care, treatment,transportation, and in extreme cases the disposition by death orsale of animals as it deems expedient to accomplish itspurposes. It mayappoint representatives in any county where no active county or district society exists,for the purpose of receiving and accounting for funds from any source, and may also appoint agents at large to carry out the work of thesocietyfederation throughout the state.This societyThe federation and all county and district societies may appoint agents for the purpose of investigating or otherwise assisting lawfully empowered officials in the prosecution of persons charged with cruelty to animals. Appointed agents must have training and experience in activities relating to prevention of cruelty to animals or enforcement of laws relating to cruelty to animals.Branches of the society, consisting of not less thanten members, may be organized in any part of the state toprosecute the work of the society in their several localitiesunder rules established by it. ItThe federation may makerulesandbylaws as are necessary to implementthe provisions ofits authority under this chapter and under chapter 317. Subd. 2. [NAME OFSOCIETYFEDERATION.] It shall be unlawful for any organization, association, firm or corporation not authorized by this chapter to refer to itself as or in any way to use the names Minnesota federated humane societies, Minnesota society for the prevention of cruelty, the Minnesota humane society, or any combination of words or phrases using the above names which would imply that it represents, acts in behalf or is a branch ofsaid societythe federation. Subd. 3. [POWERS AND DUTIES.] Thesocietyfederation must be governed by a board of directorsconsisting of seven personsappointed by the governor. The governor, the commissioner ofeducation, and the attorney general, or their designees shallserve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the board. Themembership terms, compensation, removal, and filling ofvacancies of board members other than ex officio members shallbe as provided in section 15.0575; provided that the terms oftwo initial members shall expire in each of 1979, 1980, and1981, and the term of the seventh initial member shall expire in1982. The members of the board shall annually elect a chair andother officers as deemed necessary. Meetings must be called bythe chair or at least two other members. The board shallappoint an executive director who shall serve in theunclassified civil service at the board's pleasure. Theexecutive director may employ other staff who shall serve in theunclassified civil service. The commissioner of administrationupon request of the executive director shall supply the boardwith necessary office space and administrative services, and theboard shall reimburse the commissioner for the costdesignated in accordance with chapter 317. The powers, duties, and organization of the federation and other matters for the conduct of the business of the federation shall be as provided in chapter 317 and in the federation's articles of incorporation and bylaws. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.06, is amended to read: 343.06 [DUTIESPURPOSE.] It shall be thedutypurpose of theMinnesotastate federation of county and district humanesocietysocieties tosecureassist in the enforcement of the laws for the prevention of wrongs to animals; to assist in the organization of district and county societiesand the appointment of local and stateagents,and give them representation in the statesocietyfederation; to aid such societies and agents in the enforcement of the laws for the prevention of wrongs to animals which may now or hereafter exist, and to promote the growth of education and sentiment favorable to the protection of animals. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.10, is amended to read: 343.10 [COUNTY AND DISTRICT SOCIETIES.] A countysocietiessociety for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be formed in any county and a district society for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be formed in any group of two or more contiguous or noncontiguous counties or parts of counties by not less than seven incorporators, and the members,at a meeting called for that purpose, may elect not less thanthree of their number directors, who shall continue in officeuntil their successors have qualified. County and district societies shall be created as corporations under chapter 317 and as provided in the bylaws of the state federation. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.11, is amended to read: 343.11 [ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, APPROPRIATIONS.] Every county and district society for the prevention of cruelty to animals may acquire, by purchase, gift, grant, or devise, and hold, use, or convey, real estate and personal property, and lease, mortgage, sell, or use the same in any manner conducive to its interest, to the same extent as natural persons. The county board of any county, or the council of any city, in which such societies exist, may, in its discretion, appropriate for the maintenance and support of such societies in the transaction of the work for which they are organized, any sums of money not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed in any one year the sum of $4,800 or the sum of 50 cents per capita based upon the county's or city's population as of the most recent federal census, whichever is greater; provided, that no part of the appropriation shall be expended for the payment of the salary of any officer of the society. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.12, is amended to read: 343.12 [DUTIES OF PEACE OFFICERS.] Upon application of anyappointed agent at large or countyagent in the agent's county of appointmentagent appointed by the federation or a county or district society, it shall be the duty of, any sheriff or the agent's deputy or any police officer to investigate any alleged violation of the law relative to cruelty to animals, and to arrest any person found violating those laws. It shall also be the duty of those officers to take possession of any animals in their respective jurisdictions which have been cruelly treated, and deliver the same to the proper officers of the county or district for custody and care. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.22, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [REPORTING.] Any person who has reason to believe that a violation ofsection 343.21chapter 343 has taken place or is taking place may apply to any court having jurisdiction over actions alleging violation of that section for a warrant and for investigation. The court shall examine under oath the person so applying and any witnesses the applicant produces and the court shall take their affidavits in writing. The affidavits must set forth facts tending to establish the grounds for believing a violation ofsection 343.21chapter 343 has occurred or is occurring, or probable cause to believe that a violation exists. If the court is satisfied of the existence of the grounds of the application, or that there is probable cause to believe a violation exists, it shall issue a signed search warrant and order for investigation to a peace officer in the county. The order shall command the officer to proceed promptly to the location of the alleged violation, along with a doctor of veterinary medicine. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.29, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [DELIVERY TO SHELTER.] Anysheriff,constable, statutory city marshal, policepeace officer,or any agent of theMinnesota societyfederation orothercounty or district societies for the prevention of cruelty, may remove, shelter, and care for anyhorse or otheranimalfound exposed tothe weather and not properly blanketed, or any animal remainingmore than one hour without attention in cold or inclementweather,which is not properly sheltered from cold, hot, or inclement weather or any animal not properly fed and watered, or provided with suitable food and drink. When necessary, asheriff, constable, marshal, policepeace officer,or agent may deliver the animal to another person to be sheltered and cared for, and furnished with suitable food and drink. In all cases, the owner, if known, shall be immediately notified, andthe officer, orthe person having possession of the animal, shall have a lien thereon for its care and keeping, the reasonable value of the food and drink furnished, and the expenses of the notice. If the owner or custodian is unknown and cannot by reasonable effort be ascertained, or does not, within five days after notice, redeem the animal by paying the expensesincurred pursuant toauthorized by this subdivision, the animal may be treated as an estray. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 346.37, subdivision 6, is amended to read: Subd. 6. [REPORTS OF ABUSE, CRUELTY, OR NEGLECT.] A veterinarian must report known or suspected cases of abuse, cruelty, or neglect tothe state humane society or a localhumane societypeace officers and humane agents as provided in 343.12 and 343.29. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 347.37, is amended to read: 347.37 [INSPECTION; ENFORCEMENT.] The board of animal health shall cause to be inspected from time to time all dog kennels licensed hereunder and all records required by sections 347.31 to 347.40 to be kept by the licensees. Any duly authorized agent of the board, any sheriff, or sheriff's deputy, or police officer, orstatehumane agent appointed pursuant to section 343.01, is granted the power and the authority to enter upon the premises of any dog kennel at any time during the daylight hours for the purposes herein set forth, and for the purposes of inspecting the compliance with the provisions of sections 347.31 to 347.40 and the rules issued pursuant thereto, and for the purposes of enforcing sections 347.31 to 347.40. Sec. 12. [REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.] The commissioner of administration shall, by January 1, 1988, report to the legislature on the implementation of sections 1 to 11. The report must include the number of counties that have established or maintained county humane societies, the number and location of district societies, and a summary of any efforts to establish a state federation of county and district societies. Sec. 13. [DISSOLUTION AND TRANSFER OF ASSETS.] The commissioner of administration shall, on the effective date of sections 1 to 11, begin proceedings to dissolve the corporation known as the Minnesota humane society, confirmed and continued by Minnesota Statutes, section 343.01. Upon notice that a state federation of county and district societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals has registered its incorporation with the secretary of state, the commissioner shall transfer the assets of the dissolved corporation to the successor corporation as provided by chapter 317. The commissioner shall accept contributions or bequests made to the dissolved corporation that are received after its dissolution and determine whether the terms of the donation permit its transfer to the successor corporation. Donations that cannot be transferred to the successor shall be returned to the donor or the estate of the donor. Sec. 14. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 343.08, is repealed. Sec. 15. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 14 are effective the day following final enactment. Approved June 3, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes