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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2005 to 2020 Index (topics)


Air emission facility permits, restriction, Minn. Laws 2008 c 357 s 34

Alcoholic beverage licenses, Minn. Laws 2012 c 235 s 10

Alcoholic beverage licenses, Minn. Laws 2009 c 120 s 16

Alcoholic beverage licenses

Minnesota Book and Literary Arts Building, Minn. Laws 2006 c 210 s 8

Alcoholic beverages, licenses, 2200 Como Avenue, Minn. Laws 2005 c 25 s 8

Appropriations for

All Wars Memorial, Minn. Laws 2008 c 179 s 19

Grand Rounds Bridge, Minn. Laws 2008 c 179 s 17

Orchestra Hall (vetoed), Minn. Laws 2008 c 179 s 21

Automated property system, fee schedule, Minn. Laws 2014 c 190 s 2, 5, 11

Automated property system, Minn. Laws 2015 c 65 art 3 s 4, 5, 38

Baldwin Square, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 3 s 5

Baseball stadium, duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2006 c 257 s 16

Basketball arena, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 4 s 42, 43

Bomb squad employee, disability benefits, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 16 s 6


Housing bonds, annual volume cap, temporary increase, Minn. Laws 2008 c 366 art 5 s 38

Brian Coyle Community Center, Minn. Laws 2018 c 214 art 2 s 26

Brian Coyle Community Center, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 2 s 30

Brian Coyle Community Center, Minn. Laws 2015 1Sp c 5 art 3 s 19

Brian Coyle Community Center, Minn. Laws 2014 c 294 art 1 s 21

Bridges, capital improvement project, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 15

Businesses, liquor license, Minn. Laws 2018 c 202 s 3

Capital improvement projects

Orchestra Hall, Minn. Laws 2009 c 93 art 1 s 16

Shubert Performing Arts and Education Center (vetoed), Minn. Laws 2009 c 93 art 1 s 16

Cedar Lake Trail, Minn. Laws 2006 c 258 s 17

Cemeteries, Pioneer and Soldiers Cemetery, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 20

Central City Storm Tunnel, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 1 s 21

Civil unrest costs, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 9 s 5, 9, 10

Co-parenting education program, North Minneapolis, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 6 art 18 s 2

Community development agency employee, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 5 s 10

Convention center taxes, use for Vikings stadium, Minn. Laws 2012 c 299 art 3 s 1-6

Debt service aid, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 2 s 21

Disaster areas

Housing replacement districts, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 7 art 5 s 11

Property tax relief, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 7 art 5 s 12

Tax increment financing district, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 7 art 5 s 12

Downtown security collaborative, worksite system, Minn. Laws 2006 c 282 art 13 s 4

East Phillips Cultural and Community Center, contamination cleanup grant, Minn. Laws 2010 c 347 art 1 s 34

East Phillips neighborhood cultural and community center, Minn. Laws 2006 c 258 s 17

Emergency Operations Center and Fire Training Facility expansion, capital improvement project, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 1 s 15

Emergency Operations Center, Minn. Laws 2010 c 189 s 14

Employees, retirement

Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund, see MINNEAPOLIS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND (MERF)

Minneapolis Municipal Retirement Association, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 11 s 24

Engine braking ordinance, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 125

Flood hazard mitigation, Minn. Laws 2005 c 20 art 1 s 7

Food hall, liquor license, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 4 art 5 s 12

Granary Road storm water facilities (vetoed), Minn. Laws 2010 c 189 s 21

Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway, Minn. Laws 2006 c 258 s 17

Hennepin Center for the Arts, Minn. Laws 2014 c 294 art 1 s 21

Heritage Park, Minn. Laws 2005 c 20 art 1 s 23

High-voltage urban transmission line

Certificate of need, Minn. Laws 2010 c 361 art 5 s 19

Energy conservation report, Minn. Laws 2010 c 361 art 5 s 20

Grant for planning organization, Minn. Laws 2010 c 361 art 5 s 21

Homeless assistance tax increment district, Minn. Laws 2008 c 366 art 5 s 22

Homeless assistance

Tax increment financing districts, Minn. Laws 2006 c 259 art 10 s 14

Housing replacement districts, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 7 art 5 s 11

Housing replacement districts

Tax increment financing, Minn. Laws 2008 c 154 art 9 s 18, 19

Tax increment revenues from, use, Minn. Laws 2008 c 366 art 5 s 20

Lake of the Isles flooding mitigation, Minn. Laws 2006 c 258 s 17

Lake Street project, Minn. Laws 2005 c 152 art 2 s 21


Hennepin County, merger with, Minn. Laws 2007 c 121 s , 2007 c 146 art 6 s 3

Licenses, liquor licenses, Minn. Laws 2020 c 103 s 2

Liquor licenses, Norway House, Minn. Laws 2015 c 9 art 2 s 4

Liquor licenses, Minn. Laws 2014 c 240 s 15

Liquor licenses

Museum of Russian Art, Minn. Laws 2010 c 255 s 2

2124 Como, Minn. Laws 2010 c 255 s 8

University of St. Thomas, Minn. Laws 2010 c 255 s 9

Lodging taxes, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 6 art 6 s 5

Loring Lake, cattail removal, Minn. Laws 2014 c 290 s 60

Malt liquor, on-sale license, Minn. Laws 2013 c 42 s 14

Minneapolis American Indian Center, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2018 c 214 art 1 s 21

Minneapolis American Indian Center, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 20

Minneapolis Convention Center, food service, property tax exemption, Minn. Laws 2009 c 88 art 2 s 45

Minneapolis transportation interchange, Minn. Laws 2012 c 293 s 17

Mississippi riverfront revitalization, nonprofit corporation for, Minn. Laws 2008 c 314 s

Nicollet Mall, Minn. Laws 2014 c 294 art 1 s 21

Northside Achievement Zone, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 11 art 9 s 3

Northside Achievement Zone, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 5 art 9 s 2

Northside Achievement Zone, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 25 s 53

Northside Achievement Zone, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 20 s 21

Norway House, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 20

Officers and employees, campaign practices, reports, Minn. Laws 2005 c 11 s

Orchestra Hall, Minn. Laws 2014 c 294 art 2 s 13

Orchestra Hall, Minn. Laws 2010 c 189 s 21

Outdoor performance venue, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 1 s 21

Park and Recreation Board, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 3 s 3

Park and Recreation Board, employees, retirement, Minn. Laws 2015 c 68 art 11 s 4, 5

Park and Recreation Board, Fuji Ya property sale, Minn. Laws 2005 c 20 art 1 s 48

Park and Recreation Board

Hall's Island, restoration, Minn. Laws 2013 c 114 art 4 s 98

Scherer Brothers Lumber Yard, Minn. Laws 2013 c 114 art 4 s 98

Park and Recreation Board

Contamination cleanup grant, Minn. Laws 2010 c 347 art 1 s 34

Scherer Brothers Lumber Yard acquisition, Minn. Laws 2010 c 361 art 3 s 7

Park and Recreation Board

East Phillips Cultural and Community Center, Minn. Laws 2008 c 179 s 73

I-35W reconstruction, park land condemnation for, Minn. Laws 2008 c 257 s

Parkways, metropolitan transit use, Minn. Laws 2010 c 351 s 62

Peace officers

Hiring, Minn. Laws 2006 c 282 art 13 s 4

Minneapolis Police Relief Association, Minn. Laws 2006 c 271 art 9 s

Planetarium, bond sale, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 12 s 24

Planetarium, Minn. Laws 2009 c 93 art 1 s 26, 30

Planetarium, Minn. Laws 2005 c 20 art 1 s 23

Police department, reports given, scrap metal, automated property system standards, Minn. Laws 2013 c 126 s 16

Property taxes

Street levy assessments, inclusion in aggregate receipts, Minn. Laws 2008 c 154 art 2 s 33

Streets and street lighting, funding, Minn. Laws 2008 c 154 art 2 s 29

Residential energy conservation program, extension to commercial and industrial property, Minn. Laws 2010 c 361 art 5 s 13-16, 22

Restaurant, liquor license, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 4 art 5 s 13

Restaurant, liquor license, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 4 s 21

Restaurants, liquor license, Minn. Laws 2018 c 202 s 4, 5

Road construction, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 15

Saint Anthony Parkway bridge, Minn. Laws 2010 c 189 s 15

Sales and use taxes, city projects, funding, Minn. Laws 2009 c 88 art 4 s 11-13

School district redistricting commission members, appointment, by school board, Minn. Laws 2010 c 208 s

School district, see Special School District No. 1, Minneapolis under SCHOOL DISTRICTS

Sculpture garden drainage control, Minn. Laws 2014 c 294 art 1 s 17

Shubert Center, Minn. Laws 2005 c 20 art 1 s 23

Solar cities report, Minn. Laws 2009 c 110 s 35

Sports facilities coordination, study, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 4 s 39

Streetcars, financing, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 9 s 20

Subdivision of land, dedication of land for parks and open space, dedication fees, Minn. Laws 2013 c 85 art 5 s 43

Subdivision of land

Dedication of land for parks and open space, dedication fees, Minn. Laws 2008 c 331 s 11, 2008 c 366 art 17 s 5

Subdivision of land

Dedication of land for parks and open space, dedication fees, Minn. Laws 2006 c 269 s

Summer youth employment, Minn. Laws 2007 c 135 art 1 s 3

Summer youth employment, Minn. Laws 2006 c 282 art 11 s 2

Tax increment financing district, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 6 art 7 s 8

Tax increment financing districts, disaster areas, Minn. Laws 2011 1Sp c 7 art 5 s 12

Tax increment financing districts, homeless assistance tax increment district, Minn. Laws 2010 c 216 s 47

Tax increment financing districts, Minn. Laws 2008 c 154 art 9 s 18, 19, 2008 c 366 art 5 s 20, 22, 37

Tax increment financing districts

Homeless assistance, Minn. Laws 2006 c 259 art 10 s 14

Tax increment financing, streetcars, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 9 s 20

Taxes, value capture district, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 9 s 20

Teachers Retirement Fund employer contributions, Minn. Laws 2012 c 286 art 8 s 1-3

Teachers, retirement, see Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association under RETIREMENT PLANS

Tornadoes, 2011, tax abatements, reimbursement for, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 4 s 40

Twin Cities in Motion, alcoholic beverage license, Minn. Laws 2013 c 42 s 8

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis area neighborhood alliance, Minn. Laws 2007 c 144 art 1 s 11

Upper harbor terminal, capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2018 c 214 art 1 s 21

Value capture district, Minn. Laws 2013 c 143 art 9 s 20

Victory Memorial Drive Implementation and Steering Task Force, staff support, Minn. Laws 2006 c 218 s 5