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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2015 to 2020 Index (topics)


Achieve scholarship program, repeal, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 18, 47

Appropriations to

Agricultural educators loan forgiveness, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

American Indian scholarships, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Aviation degree loan forgiveness program, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Campus sexual assault reporting, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Campus sexual violence prevention and response coordinator, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Child care grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

College Possible, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Concurrent enrollment courses grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Dual training competency grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Education equity partnership, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Emergency assistance for postsecondary students, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2, 2019 c 64 art 2 s 41

Family medical education, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Get Ready!, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Interstate tuition reciprocity, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Intervention for college attendance program grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Large animal veterinarian loan forgiveness program, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Loan Repayment Assistance Program, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Midwest Higher Education Compact, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Minitex, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Minnesota Independence College and Community, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

MN Reconnect, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

MnLINK Gateway, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Public safety officer survivor benefits, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury research grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

State student grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

State work-study, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Statewide longitudinal education data system, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Student loan debt counseling, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Student-parent information, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Summer academic enrichment program, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Teacher candidate grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Teacher shortage loan forgiveness, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Tribal college grants, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

United Family Medicine residency program, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Appropriations to

Addiction medicine graduate fellowship program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Agricultural educators loan forgiveness, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Aviation degree loan forgiveness program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Campus sexual assault reporting, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Campus sexual violence prevention and response coordinator, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Child care grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

College Possible, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Concurrent enrollment courses grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Dual training competency grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Education equity partnership, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Emergency assistance for postsecondary students, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Get Ready!, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Indian scholarships, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Interstate tuition reciprocity, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Intervention for college attendance program grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Large animal veterinarian loan forgiveness program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Loan Repayment Assistance Program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Midwest Higher Education Compact, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Minitex, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Minnesota Life College, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (MnSCU), two-year public college program grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

MnLINK Gateway, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Public safety officer survivor benefits, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury research grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

State student grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

State work-study, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Statewide longitudinal education data system, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Student and employer connection information system, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Student-parent information, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Summer academic enrichment program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Teacher candidate grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Teacher shortage loan forgiveness, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Tribal college grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

United Family Medicine residency program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Appropriations to

Addiction medicine graduate fellowship, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 2

Equity in postsecondary education grants, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 2

State student grant, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 2

Student and employer connection system, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 2

Appropriations to

Fees, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 6

Generally, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 1 s 3

Argosy University closure, Minn. Laws 2019 c 34 s

Bond allocations, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 1 art 6 s 46

Campus sexual assaults, duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 4 s 2

Child care grants

Amounts, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 27

Eligibility, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 7

College savings plan, promotional costs, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 19

Compensation plans, ratification, Minn. Laws 2018 c 102 s 2

Contact information, publication in school materials, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 17

Contracts and agreements, Minnesota college savings plan, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 42

Contracts, E-Verify requirements, exemption, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 2

Counseling for student loan debtors, grants for, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 27

Counseling for student loan debtors, grants for, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 24

COVID-19, emergency powers, Minn. Laws 2020 c 71 art 2 s 13

Dual credit acceptance policies, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 20

Dual training competency grants program, Minn. Laws 2016 c 86 s 1, 2016 c 189 art 1 s 18, 19

Dual training competency grants, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 11

Educational data, obsolete law, repeal, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 1

Equity in education and job connection grants, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 31

Fees, interstate reciprocity agreements, Minn. Laws 2020 c 109 art 3 s 9

Funds and accounts

Aviation degree loan forgiveness program account, Minn. Laws 2018 c 207 s 1, 9

Large animal veterinarian loan forgiveness program account, Minn. Laws 2018 c 207 s 3, 7

Spinal cord and traumatic brain injury grant account, Minn. Laws 2018 c 207 s 4, 5

Teacher shortage loan forgiveness repayment account, Minn. Laws 2018 c 207 s 2, 6

Gifts to, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 7

Grants by, alternative teacher preparation programs, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 5 art 2 s 44

Grants by, see State student grants under STUDENT GRANTS

High school-to-college developmental transition program grants, repeal, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 47

Higher education attainment, goals for state, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 6, 25

Incentive gifts for promotion of office programs, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 4

Intervention for college attendance program grants, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 12

Investigations, student complaints, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 3 s 12, 27

Loans, duties, generally, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 11-16

MN Reconnect, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2, 2019 c 64 art 2 s 7

Occupational scholarship pilot program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 3 s 31

Occupational scholarship pilot program, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 20

Official name, Minn. Laws 2020 c 109 art 1 s 3

Registration, data, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 22, 23

Reports given

Concurrent enrollment evaluations, Minn. Laws 2020 c 109 art 1 s 1

Emergency powers, Minn. Laws 2020 c 71 art 2 s 13

Reports given

Argosy University closure, Minn. Laws 2019 c 34 s

College Possible, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Concurrent enrollment courses, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 1 s 2

Student loan debt counseling, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 18

Reports given

Concurrent enrollment courses, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 1 s 2

Developmental disability grants, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 2 s 8

Developmental education, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 2 s 5

Reports given

Equity in education and job connection grants, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 31

Occupational scholarship pilot program, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 26

Reports given

Counseling for student loan debtors, grants for, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 24

Dual training competency grants, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 11

Higher education attainment, goals for state, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 6, 25

National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships reports, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 3

Rulemaking authority, aviation degree loan forgiveness, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 2 s 12

SELF Loans, Minn. Laws 2020 c 109 art 1 s 10

SELF Loans, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 17

SELF loans, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 10

Spinal cord and traumatic brain injury research grants

Advisory council, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 14

Generally, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 13

Student aid and debt information, reporting, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 9

Student complaints, investigations, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 3 s 12, 27

Student loan debt counseling, Minn. Laws 2019 c 64 art 2 s 18

Student loan forgiveness programs, information, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 16, 17

Student loans, amounts, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 10

Summer academic enrichment program, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 3 s 7

Task forces, student members, Minn. Laws 2015 c 69 art 2 s 5

Teacher candidate grant program, Minn. Laws 2017 c 89 art 2 s 11, 28

Teacher shortage grant program, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2019 c 50 art 1 s 36

Teacher shortage grant program, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 5 art 2 s 44

Teacher shortage loan forgiveness program, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 1 s 13-15

Tribal Nations Education Committee, consultation with, Minn. Laws 2020 c 109 art 1 s 5