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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2007 to 2008 Index (topics)


Administrative simplification, Minn. Laws 2008 c 305 s

Billing, uniform billing forms, Minn. Laws 2008 c 305 s 1-5

City officers and employees, preventive health services, Minn. Laws 2007 c 59 s

Complex health care needs, care coordination pilot projects, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 15 s 19

Continuing care, see LONG-TERM CARE

Cost containment

Definitions, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 9 s 1

Evidence-based health care guidelines, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 15 s 1

Medical research grants, Minn. Laws 2007 c 133 art 3 s 1

Disease surveillance, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 19 s 4

Electronic claims and eligibility transactions, Minn. Laws 2008 c 305 s 6-8

Essential community providers, designation, renewal, fees, Minn. Laws 2007 c 50 s

Evidence-based health care guidelines, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 15 s 1

Federally qualified health centers, subsidies, Minn. Laws 2008 c 292 s

Federally qualified health centers, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 10 s 12, 2007 c 147 art 19 s 4

Health care directives, visitation provisions, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 9 s 22, 2007 c 147 art 9 s 23

Health care disparities, elimination, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 19 s 4

Health care facilities, see HEALTH CARE FACILITIES

Health care homes

Appropriations, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 5 s 3, 4

Generally, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 2 s 1-3

Incentive payments, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 4 s 5

Oversight, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 4 s 12

Health care professionals

Education loan forgiveness program, eligibility, Minn. Laws 2008 c 298 s 25

Health care providers, billing forms, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 9 s 6, 2007 c 147 art 9 s 7

Health care providers

Claims adjudication costs, reducing, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 4 s 13

Contact with motor vehicle accident victims, Minn. Laws 2008 c 214 s

Discounted payment amounts, repealed, Minn. Laws 2008 c 344 s 56

Volunteer health care providers, see same under this topic

Health care spending and savings, calculating, Minn. Laws 2008 c 363 art 17 s 1

Health care transformation task force, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 15 s 21

Health savings accounts, Minn. Laws 2007 c 44 s 5, 2007 c 44 s 6, 2007 c 57 art 3 s 11, 2007 c 57 art 3 s 12, 2007 c 134 art 2 s 9

HealthMatch, appropriations, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 19 s 3

Hennepin and Ramsey Counties

Primary care access initiative, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 5 s 3

Home health care, see HOME HEALTH CARE


Interpreter services for

Foreign language interpreter services, Minn. Laws 2008 c 363 art 17 s 2

Interpreter services, work group, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 12 s 13

Long-term care, see LONG-TERM CARE

Medical education and research

Funding formula, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 15 s 5-147:15:8, 2007 c 147 art 19 s 4

Medical research grants, Minn. Laws 2007 c 133 art 3 s 1


Fetal disposition, information about, policies, Minn. Laws 2008 c 326 art 1 s 4

Ombudsman for managed care, Minn. Laws 2008 c 364 s 13

Pandemic influenza preparedness, Minn. Laws 2007 c 54 art 1 s 10, 2007 c 147 art 19 s 4

Patients, see under HEALTH CARE FACILITIES

Prepaid limited health service organizations, Minn. Laws 2008 c 344 s 15

Radiation-producing equipment, fees, Minn. Laws 2007 c 85 s

Specialty care, definition, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 9 s 1

State employees electronic health records pilot project, Minn. Laws 2007 c 148 art 2 s 78

Statewide health improvement program, Minn. Laws 2008 c 358 art 1 s 1, 2008 c 358 art 5 s 4

Uniform billing forms, Minn. Laws 2008 c 305 s 1-5

Uniform health care identification card, Minn. Laws 2007 c 147 art 9 s 8, 2007 c 147 art 9 s 9

Volunteer health care providers

Medical liability insurance, Minn. Laws 2008 c 326 art 1 s 6, 46

Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps, Minn. Laws 2008 c 202 s