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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2005 to 2020 Index (topics)


Actuarial equivalents, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 3 s 5

Actuarial valuations, reporting deadlines, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 9 s 1

Actuarial valuations, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 10 s

Appeals process, Minn. Laws 2007 c 134 art 6 s

Appropriations to, Minn. Laws 2013 c 142 art 1 s 33

Appropriations, Minn. Laws 2009 c 101 art 1 s 24

Articles of incorporation, updated version, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 7 s 1

Assets, investment diversification, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 13 s 3

Average salary, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 19-22

Benefit accrual rate, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 4 s 15-18, 21, 22

Benefits, age and service requirements, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 63

Board of trustees, early retirement and optional annuity factors, duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 8 s 5

Buybacks, service credit, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 2 s 16

Bylaws, revision, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 20

Bylaws, revisions to apply new law, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 87

Bylaws, updated version, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 7 s 1

Clarifications, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 10 s 61-63, 81

Conforming changes, Minn. Laws 2018 c 211 art 19 s 4-9

Consolidation into Teachers Retirement Association, Minn. Laws 2014 c 296 art 6 s

Consolidation study, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 22

Coverage, errors, correction, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 2 s 17

Covered employees, inclusions and exclusions, Minn. Laws 2014 c 296 art 1 s 7

Deferred annuities, interest, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 65

Deferred annuity amount, Minn. Laws 2006 c 277 art 2 s 9

Early retirement annuity amount, Minn. Laws 2006 c 277 art 2 s 8

Early retirement, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 15

Employee contributions, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 3, 20

Employee contributions, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 57, 2010 c 359 art 2 s 16

Employees of association, transfer to TRA, Minn. Laws 2014 c 296 art 6 s 47

Employer contributions, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 4, 5, 20

Employer contributions

Amounts, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 58

Errors, corrections, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 2 s 11, 14, 17

Wrongful discharges, service credit, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 2 s 16

Interest and salary increase assumptions, Minn. Laws 2012 c 286 art 8 s 7


Authorized investments generally, Minn. Laws 2012 c 286 art 10 s 6

Reports about, Minn. Laws 2012 c 286 art 10 s 7

Investments, Minn. Laws 2006 c 271 art 8 s 2, 2006 c 271 art 8 s 3

Joint and survivor annuities, bounce-back, Minn. Laws 2006 c 271 art 3 s 38

Joint and survivor annuities, termination of survivor designation, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 7 s 7

Normal annuities, computation, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 14

Postretirement adjustments, Minn. Laws 2014 c 296 art 11 s 1, 2

Postretirement adjustments, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 10, 11, 24

Postretirement adjustments, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 60-62, 89

Prior service credit purchases, Minn. Laws 2005 1Sp c 8 art 2 s 3, 4

Reemployed annuitants, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 5, 12, 18

Refunds, interest, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 1 s 64, 66, 67

Reports given, consolidation, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 22

Retirees, return to work, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 3 s 10, 12

Revisor's corrections, Minn. Laws 2014 c 275 art 2 s 13

Salary, definition, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 10 s 1

Service credit purchases, interest rates, Minn. Laws 2015 c 68 art 3 s 12

Service credit, extended leaves of absence, repeals, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 5 s 37

Service credit, wrongful discharges, Minn. Laws 2010 c 359 art 2 s 16

State aid, amounts, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 8 s 1, 4

State aid, Minn. Laws 2013 c 111 art 13 s 7, 8, 23

Surviving spouse benefits, joint and survivor, requirement, Minn. Laws 2008 c 349 art 4 s 7

Theft or embezzlement from, reporting by employees, Minn. Laws 2013 c 35 s