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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Rules for Admission to the Bar

Rule 15.Adverse Determinations and Hearings

A.Adverse Determination.

When an adverse determination relating to an applicant's character, fitness, or eligibility is made by the Board, the director shall notify the applicant of the determination, the reasons for the determination, the right to request a hearing, the right to be represented by counsel, and the right to present witnesses and evidence.

B.Request for Hearing.

Within 20 days of notice of an adverse determination, the applicant may make a written request for a hearing. If the applicant does not timely request a hearing, the adverse determination becomes the final decision of the Board.

C.Scheduling of Hearing.

The Board shall schedule a hearing upon receipt of the applicant's request for a hearing. At least 45 days prior to the hearing, the Board shall notify the applicant of the time and place.


At the discretion of the Board president, the hearing may be held before the full Board, before a sub-committee of the Board appointed by the president, or before a hearing examiner appointed by the president. The Board may employ special counsel. The hearing shall be recorded and a transcript shall be provided to the applicant on request at a reasonable cost. The applicant has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant possesses good character and fitness to practice law and is eligible for admission.

E.Pre-Hearing Conference.

The Board president or designee shall conduct a pre-hearing conference at least 30 days prior to the hearing for the purpose of addressing procedural issues. Unless the president or designee orders otherwise, Board counsel and the applicant shall exchange exhibit lists; the names and addresses of witnesses; proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and final decisions; or stipulations at least 15 days before the hearing.


Upon written authorization of the Board president or designee, the applicant and Board counsel may subpoena evidence and witnesses for the hearing. The District Court of Ramsey County shall have jurisdiction over issuance of subpoenas.


A written request for a continuance of a scheduled hearing shall be considered and decided by the Board president or designee, who shall grant such request only upon a showing of good cause.

H.Final Decision.

Following the hearing, the Board shall notify the applicant in writing of its findings of fact, conclusions of law and final decision.

(Renumbered and amended effective September 1, 2004; amended effective July 1, 2007; amended effective September 1, 2011.)