as introduced - 91st Legislature, 2020 4th Special Session (2020 - 2020) Posted on 09/11/2020 10:45am
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 09/11/2020 |
A bill for an act
relating to public finance; providing for stimulus measures to counter the economic
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; authorizing spending to acquire and better
public land and buildings and for other improvements of a capital nature with
certain conditions; modifying prior appropriations; establishing new programs and
modifying existing programs; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds;
modifying provisions for property taxes, local government aids, individual and
corporate franchise taxes, sales and use taxes, lawful gambling taxes, and other
miscellaneous taxes and tax provisions; modifying the referendum equalization
levy; providing for certain property tax classification; providing local government
aid penalty forgiveness; modifying and providing for certain additions and
subtractions for the individual income and corporate franchise taxes; making the
student loan credit refundable; modifying sales and use tax exemptions; providing
provisions related to partnership audits; modifying lawful gambling taxes;
modifying the workforce and affordable homeownership development program;
making other minor policy, technical, and conforming changes; making transfers;
appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 16A.641, by
adding a subdivision; 16B.86; 16B.87; 41B.025, by adding a subdivision;
115A.0716; 123B.53, subdivisions 1, 4; 126C.63, subdivision 8; 126C.66,
subdivision 3; 126C.69, as amended; 126C.71; 134.45, subdivision 5; 137.61;
137.62, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 137.63; 137.64; 270C.445,
subdivision 6; 272.02, by adding a subdivision; 272.38, subdivision 1; 273.13,
subdivision 25; 289A.31, subdivision 1; 289A.37, subdivision 2; 289A.38,
subdivisions 8, 9, 10; 289A.42; 289A.60, subdivision 24; 290.0131, subdivision
10; 290.0132, by adding a subdivision; 290.0133, subdivision 12; 290.0682,
subdivision 2; 297A.70, subdivision 13; 297E.02, subdivision 6, as amended;
297E.021, subdivision 2; 297F.17, subdivision 6; 297G.16, subdivision 7; 349.15,
subdivision 1; 349.151, subdivision 4; 363A.36, by adding a subdivision; 363A.44,
subdivision 1; 462A.37, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 462A.38, as
amended; 469.319, subdivision 4; 473.4052, subdivision 4; Minnesota Statutes
2019 Supplement, sections 16A.968, subdivision 3; 126C.17, subdivision 6; 273.13,
subdivision 34; 289A.38, subdivision 7; 290.31, subdivision 1; 290.993; 297A.71,
subdivision 52; 462A.37, subdivisions 2, 5; Laws 2008, chapter 179, section 18,
subdivision 3, as amended; Laws 2014, chapter 294, article 1, section 7, subdivision
11, as amended; Laws 2015, First Special Session chapter 5, article 1, sections 10,
subdivision 7, as amended; 13; Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 8, article
1, sections 15, subdivisions 3, as amended, 4; 18, subdivision 3; 20, subdivision
21, as amended; Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 1, sections 2, subdivision 6; 7,
subdivision 1; 16, subdivision 19; 21, subdivisions 1, 18, 26, 29; Laws 2019, First
Special Session chapter 11, article 6, section 7, subdivision 2, as amended;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 16A; 116J; 174;
240A; 289A; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2018, sections 16A.633, subdivision
4; 126C.65, subdivision 2; 126C.68, subdivisions 1, 2, 4; Minnesota Statutes 2019
Supplement, section 126C.68, subdivision 3.
new text begin
The sums shown in the column under "Appropriations" are appropriated from the bond
proceeds fund, or another named fund, to the state agencies or officials indicated, to be
spent for public purposes. Appropriations of bond proceeds must be spent as authorized by
the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 5, clause (a), to acquire and better public
land and buildings and other public improvements of a capital nature, or as authorized by
the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 5, clauses (b) to (j), or article XIV. Unless
otherwise specified, money appropriated in this act:
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(1) may be used to pay state agency staff costs that are attributed directly to the capital
program or project in accordance with accounting policies adopted by the commissioner of
management and budget;
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(2) is available until the project is completed or abandoned subject to Minnesota Statutes,
section 16A.642;
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(3) for activities under Minnesota Statutes, sections 16B.307, 84.946, and 135A.046,
should not be used for projects that can be financed within a reasonable time frame under
Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.322 or 16C.144; and
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(4) is available for a grant to a political subdivision after the commissioner of management
and budget determines that an amount sufficient to complete the project as described in this
act has been committed to the project, as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.502.
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APPROPRIATIONS new text end |
Sec. 2. new text begin UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
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Total Appropriation
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$ new text end |
new text begin
85,381,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Board of Regents of the University of
Minnesota for the purposes specified in this
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
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Higher Education Asset Preservation
new text begin
48,495,000 new text end |
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To be spent in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, section 135A.046.
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new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
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Twin Cities - Institute of Child
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29,200,000 new text end |
new text begin
To predesign, design, renovate, expand,
furnish, and equip research, learning, and
outreach spaces in the Institute of Child
Development building on the Twin Cities
campus. This project includes the demolition
and replacement of the 1968 building addition.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
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Duluth - A.B. Anderson Hall
new text begin
4,400,000 new text end |
new text begin
To predesign, design, renovate, furnish, and
equip campus teaching and learning spaces,
including mechanical systems, in A.B.
Anderson Hall on the Duluth campus.
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new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
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Twin Cities - Fraser Hall Chemistry
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3,286,000 new text end |
new text begin
To predesign and design (1) the renovation of
Fraser Hall, and (2) an addition to Fraser Hall,
for an undergraduate chemistry teaching
laboratory facility on the Twin Cities campus.
This project includes design of the demolition
of obsolete portions of Fraser Hall.
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new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
University Share
new text begin
Except for the appropriations for HEAPR, the
appropriations in this section are intended to
cover approximately two-thirds of the cost of
each project. The remaining costs must be paid
from university sources.
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new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Unspent Appropriations
new text begin
Upon substantial completion of a project
authorized in this section and after written
notice to the commissioner of management
and budget, the Board of Regents must use
any money remaining in the appropriation for
that project for HEAPR under Minnesota
Statutes, section 135A.046. The Board of
Regents must report by February 1 of each
even-numbered year to the chairs of the house
of representatives and senate committees with
jurisdiction over capital investment and higher
education finance, and to the chairs of the
house of representatives Ways and Means
Committee and the senate Finance Committee,
on how the remaining money has been
allocated or spent.
new text end
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
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Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
92,010,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
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Higher Education Asset Preservation
new text begin
74,103,000 new text end |
new text begin
To be spent in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, section 135A.046.
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new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
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Anoka-Ramsey Community College
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16,282,000 new text end |
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To design, renovate, and equip the business
and nursing building at Anoka-Ramsey
Community College, Coon Rapids campus.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
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Minneapolis Community and Technical
new text begin
990,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design phases 1 and 2 of the Management
Education Center shared with Metropolitan
State University on the Minneapolis
Community and Technical College campus to
support baccalaureate programming
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new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
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Pine Technical and Community College
new text begin
635,000 new text end |
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To design the renovation of the main building
allied health space and an addition of the
technical trade and applied learning labs at
Pine Technical and Community College.
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new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
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Debt Service
new text begin
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), the
Board of Trustees shall pay the debt service
on one-third of the principal amount of state
bonds sold to finance projects authorized by
this section. After each sale of general
obligation bonds, the commissioner of
management and budget shall notify the board
of the amounts assessed for each year for the
life of the bonds.
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(b) The board need not pay debt service on
bonds sold to finance HEAPR. Where a
nonstate match is required, the debt service is
due on a principal amount equal to one-third
of the total project cost, less the match
committed before the bonds are sold.
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(c) The commissioner of management and
budget shall reduce the board's assessment
each year by one-third of the net income from
investment of general obligation bond
proceeds in proportion to the amount of
principal and interest otherwise required to be
paid by the board. The board shall pay its
resulting net assessment to the commissioner
of management and budget by December 1
each year. If the board fails to make a payment
when due, the commissioner of management
and budget shall reduce allotments for
appropriations from the general fund otherwise
available to the board and apply the amount
of the reduction to cover the missed debt
service payment. The commissioner of
management and budget shall credit the
payments received from the board to the bond
debt service account in the state bond fund
each December 1 before money is transferred
from the general fund under Minnesota
Statutes, section 16A.641, subdivision 10.
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new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
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Unspent Appropriations
new text begin
(a) Upon substantial completion of a project
authorized in this section and after written
notice to the commissioner of management
and budget, the board must use any money
remaining in the appropriation for that project
for HEAPR under Minnesota Statutes, section
135A.046. The Board of Trustees must report
by February 1 of each even-numbered year to
the chairs of the house of representatives and
senate committees with jurisdiction over
capital investment and higher education
finance and to the chairs of the house of
representatives Ways and Means Committee
and the senate Finance Committee, on how
the remaining money has been allocated or
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new text begin
(b) The unspent portion of an appropriation
for a project in this section that is complete is
available for HEAPR under this subdivision,
at the same campus as the project for which
the original appropriation was made and the
debt service requirement under this section is
reduced accordingly. Minnesota Statutes,
section 16A.642, applies from the date of the
original appropriation to the unspent amount
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Sec. 4. new text begin EDUCATION
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
2,951,000 new text end |
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To the commissioner of education for the
purposes specified in this section.
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new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
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Library Construction Grants
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2,951,000 new text end |
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For library construction grants under
Minnesota Statutes, section 134.45.
new text end
Sec. 5. new text begin MINNESOTA STATE ACADEMIES
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
6,830,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For capital asset preservation improvements
and betterments on both campuses of the
Minnesota State Academies, to be spent in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
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new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
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Safety Corridor
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5,830,000 new text end |
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To design, construct, furnish, and equip a
safety corridor on the Minnesota State
Academy for the Deaf campus, including but
not limited to abatement of asbestos and
hazardous materials, construction, and
renovations necessary to establish a central
point of access, a reception and visitor area,
and security monitoring with connections to
Smith, Quinn, and Noyes Halls. This
appropriation also includes money to
predesign, design, renovate, furnish, and equip
Smith and Quinn Halls, including but not
limited to abatement of asbestos and hazardous
materials, interior space, restrooms, offices,
classrooms, science labs, and technology labs.
new text end
Sec. 6. new text begin PERPICH CENTER FOR ARTS
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For capital asset preservation improvements
and betterments at the Perpich Center for Arts
Education, to be spent in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.307.
new text end
Sec. 7. new text begin NATURAL RESOURCES
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
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$ new text end |
new text begin
96,395,000 new text end |
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(a) To the commissioner of natural resources
for the purposes specified in this section.
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(b) The appropriations in this section are
subject to the requirements of the natural
resources capital improvement program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.12, unless
this section or the statutes referred to in this
section provide more specific standards,
criteria, or priorities for projects than
Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.12.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Natural Resources Asset Preservation
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25,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For the renovation of state-owned facilities
and recreational assets operated by the
commissioner of natural resources to be spent
in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
84.946. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes,
section 84.946, the commissioner may use this
appropriation to replace buildings if,
considering the embedded energy in the
building, that is the most energy-efficient and
carbon-reducing method of renovation.
new text end
new text begin
(b) $5,000,000 of this appropriation is for the
Soudan mine shaft rehabilitation. The Soudan
mine shaft rehabilitation project is exempt
from using the Designer Selection Board
process as defined in Minnesota Statutes,
section 16B.33, and is exempt from any
requirement for a minimum number of
proposals as set forth in Minnesota Statutes,
section 16C.33, subdivision 5, paragraph (c).
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
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Flood Hazard Mitigation
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15,000,000 new text end |
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(a) For the state share of flood hazard
mitigation grants for publicly owned capital
improvements to prevent or alleviate flood
damage under Minnesota Statutes, section
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(b) To the extent practical, levee projects shall
meet the state standard of three feet above the
100-year flood elevation.
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(c) Project priorities shall be determined by
the commissioner as appropriate, based on
need and consideration of available leveraging
of federal, state, and local funds.
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new text begin
(d) This appropriation may be used for projects
in the following municipalities: Afton, Austin,
Breckenridge, Browns Valley, Carver, Delano,
Faribault, Golden Valley, Halstad, Hawley,
Hendrum, Inver Grove Heights, Jordan,
Montevideo, Moorhead, Newfolden,
Nielsville, Owatonna, Round Lake Township
in Jackson County, Sioux Valley Township
in Jackson County, and Waseca.
new text end
new text begin
(e) This appropriation also may be used for
projects in the following watershed districts:
Bois de Sioux Watershed District, Buffalo-Red
River Watershed District, Cedar River
Watershed District; Southern Minnesota
Rivers Basin Area II, Lower Minnesota River
Watershed District, Middle Snake Tamarac
Rivers Watershed District, Prior Lake-Spring
Lake Watershed District, Red Lake Watershed
District, Roseau River Watershed District,
Shell Rock River Watershed District, Two
Rivers Watershed District, Upper Minnesota
River Watershed District, and Wild Rice River
Watershed District.
new text end
new text begin
(f) For any project listed in this subdivision
that the commissioner determines is not ready
to proceed, does not have the nonstate match
committed, or does not expend all the money
granted to it, the commissioner may allocate
that project's unexpended money to a priority
project on the commissioner's list.
new text end
new text begin
(g) To the extent practicable and consistent
with the project, recipients of appropriations
for flood control projects in this subdivision
shall create wetlands that are eligible for
wetland replacement credit to replace wetlands
drained or filled as the result of repair,
reconstruction, replacement, or rehabilitation
of an existing public road under Minnesota
Statutes, section 103G.222, subdivision 1,
paragraphs (l) and (m).
new text end
new text begin
(h) To the extent that the cost of a project
exceeds two percent of the median household
income in a municipality or township
multiplied by the number of households in the
municipality or township, this appropriation
is also for the local share of the project.
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new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
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Canisteo and Hill Annex Open-Pit Mine
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2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For predesign, design, and engineering of
projects to mitigate the threat to property,
public safety, and water quality from rising
water levels at the Canisteo and Hill Annex
mine complexes. The commissioner must give
priority to work that addresses the most
immediate risks to public safety. If the
predesign, design, and engineering for the
Canisteo and Hill Annex mine complexes is
complete, the commissioner may use any
remaining money from this appropriation to
construct mitigation measures at the Canisteo
or Hill Annex mine complex.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The commissioner, in cooperation with the
Department of Iron Range Resources and
Rehabilitation, Western Mesabi Mine Planning
Board, and Itasca County, shall provide a
status report on this project to the chairs and
ranking minority members of the legislative
committees with jurisdiction over capital
investment and environment and natural
resources finance by February 1, 2021,
February 15, 2021, April 15, 2021, July 1,
2021, and September 1, 2021. This report must
include but is not limited to recommendations
on lease ownership and costs, the findings of
the pit wall stability study, final engineering,
and design work, including cost estimates to
complete the outlet and recommendations on
ownership, operations, and maintenance of
the constructed outlet.
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new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
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Dam Renovation, Repair, Removal
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20,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For design, engineering, and construction
to repair, reconstruct, or remove publicly
owned dams and respond to dam safety
emergencies on publicly owned dams. Of this
appropriation, $18,000,000 is for the
reconstruction of the Lake Bronson Dam in
Lake Bronson State Park.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The commissioner shall determine project
priorities as appropriate under Minnesota
Statutes, sections 103G.511 and 103G.515. If
the commissioner determines that a project is
not ready to proceed, this appropriation may
be used for other projects on the
commissioner's priority list.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
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State Park and Recreation Area
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3,000,000 new text end |
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For the predesign, design, and construction of
accessibility improvements at William O'Brien
State Park.
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new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
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Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground
new text begin
5,800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For the predesign, design, and construction of
a campground and related infrastructure at
Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine
State Park.
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new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
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Shade Tree Program
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1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to cities, counties, townships, and
park and recreation boards in cities of the first
class, for the removal and the planting of shade
trees on public land to provide environmental
benefits; replace trees lost to forest pests,
disease, or storm; or to establish a more
diverse community forest better able to
withstand disease and forest pests. The
commissioner must give priority to grant
requests to remove and replace trees with
active infestations of emerald ash borer. For
purposes of this appropriation, "shade tree"
means a woody perennial grown primarily for
aesthetic or environmental purposes with
minimal to residual timber value. Any tree
planted with money under this subdivision
must be a climate-adapted species to
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
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Forests for the Future
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For the acquisition of lands for the forests for
the future program under Minnesota Statutes,
section 84.66.
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new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
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Blazing Star State Trail
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1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For engineering of all phases, and wetland and
public waters mitigation for the Blazing Star
Trail, under Minnesota Statutes, section
85.015, subdivision 19, between the
communities of Albert Lea and Hayward,
connecting both communities to Myre-Big
Island State Park.
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new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
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Camp Ripley; Veterans State Trail
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1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For construction of the Camp Ripley/Veterans
State Trail under Minnesota Statutes, section
85.015, subdivision 28.
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new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
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Heartland State Trail; Detroit Lakes
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For land acquisition, final engineering, and
design of the proposed Heartland State Trail
between its current terminus at Becker County
CSAH 10 and Trunk Highway 87 in Frazee,
and for the construction of a trail bridge over
Becker County CSAH 10.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
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Heartland State Trail; Itasca State
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For final engineering and design of the trail
segment of the Heartland State Trail located
within Itasca State Park and for the
construction of a trail tunnel under Trunk
Highway 71.
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new text begin Subd. 14. new text end
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Lake City; Hok-Si-La Park Water and
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587,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Lake City to design,
engineer, and construct a water and sewer
connection from the city's sewer distribution
and collection point to Hok-Si-La Park.
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new text begin Subd. 15. new text end
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Lake City; Ohuta Beach Breakwater
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1,058,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Lake City to design
and construct a breakwater at Ohuta Beach in
Lake City at Ohuta Park.
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new text begin Subd. 16. new text end
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Mankato; Riverbank Restoration
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7,200,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Mankato to:
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(1) stabilize the Minnesota River riverbank in
the Land of Memories Park to reduce erosion
and protect well 15;
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(2) stabilize the Minnesota River riverbank to
protect Mankato's riverfront, including the
Minnesota River Trail trailhead, and regional
Water Resource Recovery Facility; and
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(3) install in-channel stream stabilization
infrastructure in Indian Creek to reduce
erosion and improve water quality in the
Minnesota River-Mankato watershed.
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new text begin Subd. 17. new text end
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Otter Tail County; Perham to Pelican
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1,600,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Otter Tail County to construct
the McDonald Lake segment of the Perham
to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail, which goes
from the intersection of County State-Aid
Highway 41 and 440th Street to the
intersection of County State-Aid Highway 34
and County State-Aid Highway 35.
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new text begin Subd. 18. new text end
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Rochester; Cascade Park
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2,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Rochester to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip improvements of a capital nature,
including a pavilion, an amphitheater,
performance facilities, picnic shelters,
restroom facilities, play areas, park access,
and landscaping.
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new text begin Subd. 19. new text end
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Scott County; McMahon Lake Flood
new text begin
600,000 new text end |
new text begin
For the state share of a flood hazard mitigation
grant to Scott County for publicly owned
capital improvements to prevent or alleviate
flood damage on McMahon Lake under
Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.161.
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new text begin Subd. 20. new text end
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Silver Bay; Trailhead Center
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1,100,000 new text end |
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For a grant to the city of Silver Bay to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip a multimodal trailhead center for the
various hiking, bicycling, snowmobile, and
all-terrain vehicle trails that converge in the
area. The center includes separated trail access
for motorized and nonmotorized users and
open space for trail users, parking, a wayside
rest area, and a new trailhead center building
that includes lavatories and showers.
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new text begin Subd. 21. new text end
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St. Louis County; Voyageur Country
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950,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to St. Louis County for design,
right-of-way acquisition, and construction of
Phase I of the Voyageur Country ATV Trail
connections in the areas of Orr, Ash River,
Kabetogama Township, and International Falls
to the Voyageur Country ATV Trail system.
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new text begin Subd. 22. new text end
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Winona; Mississippi Riverfront Trail
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2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant under Minnesota Statutes, section
85.019, to the city of Winona to construct a
paved trail from Levee Park to Lions Park
along the Mississippi River in the city of
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new text begin Subd. 23. new text end
new text begin
Unspent Appropriations
new text begin
The unspent portion of an appropriation for a
project in this section that is complete, upon
written notice to the commissioner of
management and budget, is available for asset
preservation under Minnesota Statutes, section
84.946. Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.642,
applies from the date of the original
appropriation to the unspent amount
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Sec. 8. new text begin POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
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Total Appropriation
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$ new text end |
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27,146,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Pollution Control Agency for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Clay County
new text begin
7,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Clay County under the solid
waste capital assistance grant program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.54, in order
to acquire land, design, construct, renovate,
and equip a new resource recovery campus
consisting of a new solid waste transfer station
and problem materials management facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Dakota and Scott Counties
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a capital assistance grant under Minnesota
Statutes, sections 115A.54 to 115A.541, to
Dakota County or Scott County to acquire
land, design, and engineer a new regional
household hazardous waste collection and
recycling facility to be located at a site in
Dakota County or Scott County that best
supports access needs for the residents of
Dakota and Scott Counties. This is phase 1 of
the project.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Pope-Douglas; Solid Waste Facility
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Pope-Douglas Solid Waste
Management Joint Powers Board under the
solid waste capital assistance grant program
under Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.54.
This appropriation may be used to design,
construct, and equip a new organics
composting facility in Douglas County; and
to design, construct, and equip a new
environmental learning center in Alexandria
for problem materials recycling and disposal
of household hazardous waste. This
appropriation may also be used to acquire land
and for demolition costs associated with the
projects described in this section and is
intended to replace outdated public facilities
and infrastructure to serve the recycling and
composting needs of Douglas, Pope, Otter
Tail, Grant, Stevens, Stearns, Benton, and
Sherburne Counties. This is phase 1 of the
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
new text begin
7,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Ramsey County under the solid
waste capital assistance grant program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.54, in order
to design, construct, furnish, and equip the
expansion of and upgrades to the
Ramsey/Washington Recycling and Energy
facility, jointly owned by Ramsey and
Washington Counties, located on Red Rock
Road in Newport. The project includes
engineering and the acquisition and installation
of major equipment to process organics and
increase recycling of plastics, cardboard, and
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Brookston; Closed Landfill Cleanup
new text begin
1,330,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design and construct remedial systems and
acquire land at closed landfills throughout the
state in accordance with the closed landfill
program under Minnesota Statutes, sections
115B.39 to 115B.42. The agency must follow
the agency priorities, which includes a
construction project at the Brookston Area
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Coon Rapids
new text begin
316,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Coon Rapids under
the solid waste capital assistance grants
program in Minnesota Statutes, section
115A.54, for expanding and improving the
Coon Rapids Recycling Center, including
constructing, furnishing, and equipping a
building for polystyrene foam processing, a
cold storage building, a covered storage area,
and constructing driving lanes and parking
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Todd County; Solid Waste Facility
new text begin
4,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Todd County under the solid
waste capital assistance grants program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.54, to
design, construct, and equip a new solid waste
transfer station and household hazardous waste
new text end
Sec. 9. new text begin BOARD OF WATER AND SOIL
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
24,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Board of Water and Soil Resources for
the purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Local Government Roads Wetland
new text begin
15,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To acquire land or permanent easements and
to restore, create, enhance, and preserve
wetlands to replace those wetlands drained or
filled as a result of the repair, reconstruction,
replacement, or rehabilitation of existing
public roads as required by Minnesota
Statutes, section 103G.222, subdivision 1,
paragraphs (l) and (m). The board may vary
the priority order of Minnesota Statutes,
section 103G.222, subdivision 3, paragraph
(a), to implement an in-lieu fee agreement
approved by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers under section 404 of the Clean
Water Act. The purchase price paid for
acquisition of land or perpetual easement must
be a fair market value as determined by the
board. The board may enter into agreements
with the federal government, other state
agencies, political subdivisions, nonprofit
organizations, fee title owners, or other
qualified private entities to acquire wetland
replacement credits in accordance with
Minnesota Rules, chapter 8420.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Local Government Roads Wetland
new text begin
8,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the general fund to the board to
administer its statutory responsibilities and
acquire wetland banking credits to replace
those wetlands drained or filled as a result of
repairing, reconstructing, replacing, or
rehabilitating existing public roads as required
by Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.222,
subdivision 1. Notwithstanding Minnesota
Statutes, section 103G.222, subdivision 3, the
board may implement the wetland replacement
program when consistent with the watershed
approach of section 404 of the federal Clean
Water Act. The purchase price paid for
acquiring wetland credits must be determined
by the board. The board may enter into
agreements with the federal government, other
state agencies, political subdivisions, nonprofit
organizations, fee title owners, or other
qualified private entities to acquire wetland
replacement credits in accordance with
Minnesota Rules, chapter 8420. Of this
appropriation, up to $560,000 is available for
the development of the required elements of
an in-lieu fee wetland mitigation program in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
103G.2242, subdivision 3, and up to $440,000
is available for mitigation stewardship in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
103B.103, subdivision 3. This appropriation
is onetime.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Reserve
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To acquire conservation easements from
landowners to preserve, restore, create, and
enhance wetlands and associated uplands of
prairie and grasslands, and to restore and
enhance rivers and streams, riparian lands, and
associated uplands of prairie and grasslands,
in order to protect soil and water quality,
support fish and wildlife habitat, reduce flood
damage, and provide other public benefits.
The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section
103F.515, apply to this program. The board
shall give priority to leveraging federal money
by enrolling targeted new lands or enrolling
environmentally sensitive lands that have
expiring federal conservation agreements. The
board is authorized to enter into new
agreements and amend past agreements with
landowners as required by Minnesota Statutes,
section 103F.515, subdivision 5, to allow for
restoration. Up to five percent of this
appropriation may be used for restoration and
new text end
Sec. 10. new text begin AGRICULTURE
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
20,779,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration to
construct, renovate, and equip the Department
of Agriculture/Department of Health
Laboratory Building in St. Paul, including but
not limited to creating a dedicated biosafety
level 3 laboratory space, to meet safety,
energy, and operational efficiency needs.
$779,000 of this appropriation is from the
general fund for relocation expenses associated
with this project.
new text end
Sec. 11. new text begin MINNESOTA ZOOLOGICAL
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
13,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Minnesota Zoological Garden Board
for the purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
13,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For capital asset preservation improvements
and betterments to infrastructure and exhibits
at the Minnesota Zoo, to be spent in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
16B.307. Notwithstanding the specified uses
of money under Minnesota Statutes, section
16B.307, the board may use this appropriation
to replace buildings that are in poor condition,
outdated, and no longer support the work of
the Minnesota Zoo and to construct and
renovate trails, and roads on the Minnesota
Zoo site. Notwithstanding the specified uses
of money under Minnesota Statutes, section
16B.307, this appropriation may be used to
design, construct, furnish, and equip the
renovation of the monorail structure as an
elevated pedestrian trail.
new text end
Sec. 12. new text begin ADMINISTRATION
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
5,750,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Capital Asset Preservation and
new text begin
4,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
To be spent in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, section 16A.632.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Ford Building
new text begin
170,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design the abatement of hazardous
materials and demolition of the Ford Building
and associated infrastructure located on the
Capitol complex as the first phase of overall
site redevelopment. This appropriation may
also be used to design modifications necessary
to maintain access to the Capitol complex
tunnel system as well as to provide security,
irrigation, and landscaping for the site.
new text end
new text begin
Before beginning demolition, the
commissioner must develop an executable
design feature to be implemented in the
interior or exterior of the building constructed
on the site or incorporated into the site design.
The design feature must reflect portions of the
original exterior facade design, which might
include design elements of the main entry way,
or must incorporate a significant reuse of terra
cotta ornamentation if determined to be in
sufficient good condition for reuse.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Capitol Complex - Physical Security
new text begin
980,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, construct, and equip upgrades to
the physical security elements and systems for
one or more of the buildings listed in this
subdivision, their attached tunnel systems,
their surrounding grounds, and parking
facilities as identified in the 2017 Minnesota
State Capitol Complex Physical Security
Predesign completed by Miller Dunwiddie.
This appropriation includes money for work
associated with one or more of the following
buildings: Administration, Centennial,
Judicial, Ag/Health Lab, Minnesota History
Center, Capitol Complex Power Plant and
Shops, Stassen, State Office, and Veterans
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Capitol Complex Tunnel; ADA
new text begin
100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To predesign capital improvements to the
tunnel connecting the State Office Building
with the State Capitol, necessary to bring the
tunnel into compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA).
new text end
Sec. 13. new text begin AMATEUR SPORTS COMMISSION
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
5,937,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Minnesota Amateur Sports
Commission for the purposes specified in this
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
837,000 new text end |
new text begin
For asset preservation improvements and
betterments of a capital nature at the National
Sports Center in Blaine, to be spent in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
National Sports Center; Field
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For demolition of a maintenance facility and
to construct and equip a new maintenance
facility for the National Sports Center in
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Mighty Ducks
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to local government units under
Minnesota Statutes, section 240A.09,
paragraph (b), to improve indoor air quality
or eliminate R-22. This appropriation shall not
be used to acquire ice resurfacing or edging
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Construction and Renovation of Public
new text begin
100,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
240A.20, subdivision 2, clause (2), for design
of skate parks from designers with expertise
in the field of skate park design.
new text end
Sec. 14. new text begin MILITARY AFFAIRS
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
24,545,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the adjutant general for the purposes
specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Rosemount Readiness Center
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design the renovation of existing space at
the Rosemount Readiness Center, including
mechanical, electrical, building envelope,
energy efficiency, and life safety
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Fergus Falls Readiness Center
new text begin
2,100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design and renovate existing space at the
Fergus Falls Readiness Center, including
mechanical, electrical, building envelope,
energy efficiency, and life safety
improvements, and to construct an addition
on the existing property.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Moorhead Readiness Center
new text begin
5,345,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design and renovate existing space at the
Moorhead Readiness Center, including
mechanical, electrical, building envelope,
energy efficiency, and life safety
improvements, and to construct an addition
on the existing property.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Marshall Readiness Center
new text begin
3,100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design and renovate existing space at the
Marshall Readiness Center, including
mechanical, electrical, building envelope,
energy efficiency, and life safety
improvements, and to construct an addition
on the existing property.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Camp Ripley; Military Museum
new text begin
13,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To acquire land or interest in land, and to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip a facility outside the boundaries of
Camp Ripley in Morrison County for the
Minnesota Military Museum. This
appropriation includes money for a visitor's
center and gift shop; administrative offices;
work, storage, and exhibit space; landscaping;
parking; and other amenities and infrastructure
for the museum. The adjutant general may
enter into a lease or management agreement
for the museum, subject to Minnesota Statutes,
section 16A.695.
new text end
Sec. 15. new text begin PUBLIC SAFETY
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
50,355,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of public safety or other
named entity for the purposes specified in this
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
State Emergency Operations Center
new text begin
29,545,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration to
acquire a site, update the predesign, and to
design, construct, furnish, and equip a new
State Emergency Operations Center and
Homeland Security and Emergency
Management Office. This appropriation may
also be used to design and complete hazardous
materials abatement and demolition as needed
on the acquired site.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Southern Minnesota BCA Regional
new text begin
100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for
predesign of a new Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension regional office and laboratory
facility in the Mankato area.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Chisholm; Public Safety Facility
new text begin
1,910,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Chisholm to construct
a new public safety facility for fire protection
and law enforcement.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Crystal; Police Department Expansion
new text begin
4,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Crystal to design,
construct, furnish, and equip an expansion of
the city's police department facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Edina; South Metro Public Safety
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Edina to predesign,
design, construct, expand, renovate, furnish,
and equip a tactical training building at the
South Metro Public Safety Training Facility
to provide year-round flexible space for
different training scenarios.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Maple Grove; North Metro Range
new text begin
3,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Maple Grove to
design, construct, furnish, and equip an
expansion of the Maple Grove North Metro
Range regional public safety training facility.
The project includes facilities to provide law
enforcement officers training in de-escalation
and crisis intervention techniques.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Minneapolis; Emergency Operations
new text begin
800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Minneapolis for
predesign, design, engineering, and
construction of the expansion of the
Emergency Operations Center and Fire
Training Facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Virginia; Regional Public Safety Center
new text begin
9,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Virginia to acquire a
site, demolish existing structures and prepare
the site, and to predesign, design, construct,
furnish, and equip a regional public safety
center and training facility for the police and
fire departments, emergency medical services,
regional emergency services training,
emergency operations, and other regional
community needs.
new text end
Sec. 16. new text begin TRANSPORTATION
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
323,209,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of transportation for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Local Road Improvement Fund Grants
new text begin
75,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for eligible trunk
highway corridor improvement projects under
Minnesota Statutes, section 174.52,
subdivision 2, for construction and
reconstruction of local roads with statewide
or regional significance under Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.52, subdivision 4, or for
grants to counties to assist in paying the costs
of rural road safety capital improvement
projects on county state-aid highways under
Minnesota Statutes, section 174.52,
subdivision 4a. Of this appropriation, at least
$5,000,000 is for projects on town roads.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Anoka County; East River Road
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Anoka
County to complete the preliminary
engineering, environmental analysis, and final
design of interchange construction and
associated improvements to Anoka County
State-Aid Highway 1, known as East River
Road, at marked Trunk Highway 610 in the
city of Coon Rapids.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Anoka County; Marked U.S. Highway
new text begin
8,400,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Anoka
County for environmental analysis,
preliminary engineering, and final design for
the interchanges on marked U.S. Highway
10/169 at County State-Aid Highway 56
(Ramsey Boulevard) and County State-Aid
Highway 57 (Sunfish Lake Boulevard) and
the associated railroad grade separations,
frontage roads, backage roads, and connecting
local streets to support the U.S. Highway
10/169 improvements in the city of Ramsey.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Anoka County; Marked Trunk
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Anoka
County to complete preliminary engineering,
environmental analysis, and final design of a
grade separation and associated improvements
to Anoka County State-Aid Highway 12,
known as 109th Avenue, at marked Trunk
Highway 65 in the city of Blaine.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Dakota County; Diffley Road
new text begin
4,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for one or more
grants to Dakota County, the city of Eagan,
and Independent School District No. 196,
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan, to
reconstruct Diffley Road between Lexington
Avenue and Braddock Trail, and Daniel Drive
at Diffley Road.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Golden Valley; Douglas Drive and
new text begin
6,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Golden Valley to construct public safety
improvements at the intersection of Douglas
Drive and Highway 55, including a box culvert
underpass across Highway 55, a roundabout
and extended frontage road south of Highway
55, retaining wall construction, underground
utility relocation, sidewalk and trail
connections to existing facilities, Americans
with Disabilities Act-compliant facilities, and
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Maple Grove; Trunk Highway 610
new text begin
13,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Maple Grove or Hennepin County, or both,
in amounts determined by the commissioner
to acquire right-of-way, predesign, design,
engineer, and construct roadway connections
between marked Trunk Highway 610 and I-94,
and the extension to County Road 30 in
Hennepin County. The project includes
completion of the update of the environmental
impact statement with an environmental
assessment for the project.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Oak Park Heights; Realignment of 60th
new text begin
790,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Oak Park Heights to design, engineer,
construct, furnish, and equip a realignment of
60th Street, lying south of State Highway 36,
from Krueger Lane to a current service road
east of Norell Avenue and west of Nova Scotia
Avenue, including the installation of a
roundabout at the intersection with Norell
Avenue. This project includes off-street trails
and sidewalks, and public safety
improvements, utility relocations and
connections, trail connections, accessibility
features, and landscaping and storm water
management, all in conjunction with the
realignment of 60th Street.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
Ramsey County; I-35E and County
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Ramsey
County to complete the preliminary
engineering and environmental analysis for a
full access interchange on County Road J at
Interstate Highway 35E and associated
improvements on County Road J supporting
the interchange from Centerville Road to Otter
Lake Road in the cities of North Oaks and
Lino Lakes and White Bear Township.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
Richfield; 77th Street Underpass
new text begin
6,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Richfield for the extension of 77th Street
under marked Trunk Highway 77/Cedar
Avenue project in the city of Richfield. This
appropriation is added to the appropriation in
Laws 2015, First Special Session chapter 5,
article 1, section 10, subdivision 7, as amended
by Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter
8, article 2, section 32.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
Sartell; Local Roads
new text begin
5,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Sartell for improvements to Scout Drive to
connect Scout Drive to Dehler Drive, and 19th
Street South to Scout Drive. Improvements
include predesign, design, engineering,
acquisition of right-of-way, replacement or
repair of utilities, street reconstruction, and
other improvements or upgrades related to
street work.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
new text begin
Sibley County; Scenic Byway 6
new text begin
14,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Sibley
County to predesign, design, engineer, acquire
right-of-way for, and construct improvements
to Sibley County State-Aid Highway 6, known
as Scenic Byway 6, to raise the road to meet
the 50-year flood level, provide for a walking
and bicycling lane, and reconstruct the
intersection of Scenic Byway 6 and Sibley
County State-Aid Highway 5.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 14. new text end
new text begin
Scott County; Highway 13 and
new text begin
$5,269,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to Scott
County to acquire land, predesign, and design
local road improvements, including
accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians,
to support a programmed interchange at the
intersection of marked Trunk Highway 13 and
Dakota Avenue in Savage.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 15. new text end
new text begin
Sherburne County; Zimmerman
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to
Sherburne County for environmental analysis,
preliminary engineering, and final design of
the local road portions of the proposed
interchange project at marked U.S. Highway
169 and Sherburne County State-Aid Highway
4 in Zimmerman. Any money remaining upon
completion of the design process may be used
to acquire right-of-way needed for the local
road portions of the interchange project.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 16. new text end
new text begin
Zumbrota; Jefferson Drive
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Zumbrota to predesign, design, and
reconstruct a segment of Jefferson Drive and
the adjacent trail in the city of Zumbrota,
including a culvert extension, and replacement
of or improvements to side street connections,
pedestrian crossing facilities, storm sewer,
drainage, sanitary sewer, and water lines.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 17. new text end
new text begin
Local Bridge Replacement and
new text begin
30,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund to match federal money
and to replace or rehabilitate local deficient
bridges as provided in Minnesota Statutes,
section 174.50.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 18. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Third Street/Kellogg
new text begin
52,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of St. Paul to demolish and remove the
existing Third Street/Kellogg Boulevard
bridge over the BNSF railroad, Commercial
Street, and marked Interstate Highway 94, and
for acquisition of right-of-way, design,
construction engineering, and construction of
a replacement bridge that includes multimodal
elements for bicycles, pedestrians, vehicles,
and mass transit. This appropriation also may
be used for any roadway approach
reconstruction work identified within the
project limits, including right-of-way
acquisition, design, and construction
new text end
new text begin Subd. 19. new text end
new text begin
Safe Routes to School; Pedestrian and
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 20. new text end
new text begin
Rail Service Improvement
new text begin
4,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For rail service improvement grants under
Minnesota Statutes, section 222.50.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 21. new text end
new text begin
Port Development Assistance
new text begin
14,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, chapter
457A. Any improvements made with the
proceeds of these grants must be publicly
new text end
new text begin Subd. 22. new text end
new text begin
Passenger Rail
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For intercity passenger rail implementation
on Phase 1 corridors identified in the 2015
update to the state rail plan under Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.03, subdivision 1b. This
appropriation is only for projects that are
determined to be eligible for United States
Department of Transportation funding.
$1,500,000 of this appropriation is for a
project issued a Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI) by the Federal Railroad
Administration on a Tier 2 project level
environmental assessment.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,
a portion or phase of an intercity passenger
rail project may be accomplished with one or
more state appropriations, and an intercity
passenger rail project need not be completed
with any one appropriation. This appropriation
is available for program delivery and capital
improvements and betterments, including
preliminary engineering, design, final
engineering, environmental analysis and
mitigation, acquisition of land and
right-of-way, rail crossings and bridge
improvements, station improvements, and
railroad appurtenances.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Projects may include the Northern Lights
Express service between Minneapolis and St.
Paul and Duluth, a second daily Amtrak train
between Minneapolis and St. Paul and
Chicago, and extension of the Northstar
Commuter Rail service to St. Cloud.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 23. new text end
new text begin
Greater Minnesota Transit Capital
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For capital assistance for publicly owned
greater Minnesota transit systems to acquire
property, predesign, design, construct, furnish,
and equip transit capital facilities under
Minnesota Statutes, section 174.24,
subdivision 3c.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 24. new text end
new text begin
International Falls-Koochiching
new text begin
1,800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the International
Falls-Koochiching County Airport
Commission to provide for the nonfederal
share of a project at International Falls Airport
for land acquisition, predesign, design, and
reconstruction of the runway, taxiway, and
new text end
new text begin Subd. 25. new text end
new text begin
Rochester International Airport
new text begin
11,400,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) The following appropriations are for one
or more grants to the city of Rochester for
improvements to the Rochester International
Airport in phases. If any of these
appropriations for a specified phase is not
needed to complete that phase, the unexpended
and unencumbered amount may be applied to
another phase of the Rochester Airport project
for which an appropriation is made in this
subdivision. Each appropriation for a phase is
available when the commissioner of
management and budget determines that an
amount sufficient to complete that phase is
committed to the project.
new text end
new text begin
(b) $1,025,000 is appropriated for Phase 1, to
reconstruct the middle portion of runway 2/20
and to construct associated grading and
drainage improvements at the Rochester
International Airport.
new text end
new text begin
(c) $3,400,000 is appropriated for Phase 2, for
property acquisition; site mitigation; relocation
of 31st Ave. SW and County Road 30; utility
and navigational aid repositioning; grading
and drainage improvements; removal of
taxiways; reconstruction of the southern
portion of runway 2 and runway shoulders;
and installation of lighting and signage at the
Rochester International Airport.
new text end
new text begin
(d) $4,100,000 is appropriated for Phase 3, to
modify airport fencing; construct an extension
of runway 2, taxiways, and shoulders; site
preparation and grading; reconstruction of a
portion of runway 2, taxiways, and shoulders;
installation of lighting and signage at the
Rochester International Airport; and acquire
and install instrument approach improvements.
new text end
new text begin
(e) $625,000 is appropriated for Phase 4, to
construct improvements to taxiway B and
shoulders, to make grading and drainage
improvements, and to install lighting and
signage at the Rochester International Airport.
new text end
new text begin
(f) $1,025,000 is appropriated for Phase 5, to
demolish and reconstruct a portion of taxiway
B and shoulders; to reposition navigational
aids; for grading and drainage improvements;
and to install lighting and signage at the
Rochester International Airport.
new text end
new text begin
(g) $1,225,000 is appropriated for Phase 6, to
reconstruct taxiway and runway intersections;
to remove taxiways A6, E, F, G, and a portion
of runway 20; and to reconstruct taxiway D
at the Rochester International Airport.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 26. new text end
new text begin
Thief River Falls; Airport
new text begin
5,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Thief River Falls Regional
Airport Authority to predesign, design,
construct, furnish, and equip a new cargo
hangar building to include office space, a
parking area, and connection to roadway and
new text end
new text begin Subd. 27. new text end
new text begin
Rogers; Pedestrian and Bike Bridge
new text begin
2,200,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Rogers to acquire
property for and to design and construct a
pedestrian and bicycle bridge over marked
Interstate Highway 94 approximately one mile
northwest of the interchange at marked Trunk
Highway 101. This appropriation includes
money for construction of a bituminous trail
to connect to the existing trail system.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 28. new text end
new text begin
Shakopee; Highway 169 Pedestrian
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Shakopee to acquire
land or interests in land, predesign, design,
engineer, and construct a pedestrian and
bicycle overpass over marked Trunk Highway
169, and establish new trail segments, to
connect the Southbridge neighborhood and
Quarry Lake Park.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 29. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Valley Regional Rail
new text begin
10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Minnesota Valley Regional
Rail Authority to rehabilitate a portion of the
railroad track between Winthrop and Hanley
Falls. The grant under this subdivision may
also be used for any required environmental
analysis and remediation, predesign, design,
and rehabilitation or replacement of bridges
with new bridges or culverts between
Winthrop and Hanley Falls. A grant under this
subdivision is in addition to any grant, loan,
or loan guarantee for this project made by the
commissioner under Minnesota Statutes,
sections 222.46 to 222.62. This appropriation
is in addition to the appropriations under Laws
2006, chapter 258, section 16, subdivision 6;
Laws 2008, chapter 179, section 16,
subdivision 5; Laws 2009, chapter 93, article
1, section 11, subdivision 4; Laws 2010,
chapter 189, section 15, subdivision 5; Laws
2015, First Special Session chapter 5, article
1, section 10, subdivision 4; Laws 2017, First
Special Session chapter 8, article 1, section
15, subdivision 7; and Laws 2018, chapter
214, article 1, section 16, subdivision 4.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 30. new text end
new text begin
Northfield; Regional Transit Hub
new text begin
1,750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Northfield to acquire
real property; prepare the site, including any
environmental remediation; and predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip a regional
transit hub, including a pavilion, railroad quiet
zone safety improvements, and trail
new text end
new text begin Subd. 31. new text end
new text begin
Albert Lea; Highway 65 Flood
new text begin
800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Albert Lea for
preliminary design, final design, right-of-way
acquisition if needed, environmental
remediation, site preparation, including
demolition of existing buildings and structures
deemed undesirable for storm water drainage
ponds, soil excavation and disposal, lining of
pond, retaining walls, and storm sewer
drainage systems, and construction of storm
water drainage ponds and storm water
drainage systems for city storm water drainage
in connection with the marked U.S. Highway
65 flood mitigation project in Albert Lea. The
flood mitigation project is to raise the roadway
above flood levels.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 32. new text end
new text begin
Chisago County; U.S. Highway 8
new text begin
8,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For a grant to Chisago County to
predesign, design, engineer, and construct a
reconstruction of marked U.S. Highway 8
from Karmel Avenue in Chisago City to
Interstate 35 and pedestrian and bike trails
along and crossings of this portion of U.S.
Highway 8. This reconstruction may include
expanding segments of U.S. Highway 8 to
four lanes, constructing or reconstructing
frontage roads and backage roads, and
realigning local roads to consolidate, remove,
and relocate access onto and off of U.S.
Highway 8. This appropriation is for the
portion of the project that is eligible for use
of proceeds of general obligation bonds. This
appropriation is available until the project is
completed or abandoned.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Amounts planned by the Department of
Transportation for the resurfacing of U.S.
Highway 8, as reflected in MnDOT's Metro
District Ten-Year Capital Highway Investment
Study 2020-2029, shall instead be applied to
the reconstruction of U.S. Highway 8 to
supplement appropriations for that purpose
from any fund in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 33. new text end
new text begin
Henderson; Trunk Highway 93 to U.S.
new text begin
1,800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For projects eligible for general obligation
bond proceeds that are associated with the
reconstruction of marked Trunk Highway 93
from Henderson to marked U.S. Highway 169,
to raise the roadway elevation and prevent
closures due to river flooding.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 34. new text end
new text begin
Olmsted County; Trunk Highway 14
new text begin
6,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For general obligation bond eligible portions
of a project to predesign, design, engineer,
construct, furnish, and equip an interchange
at marked Trunk Highway 14 and County
Road 104, including a flyover at 7th Street
NW, in Olmstead County, and associated
infrastructure and road work to accommodate
the interchange.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 35. new text end
new text begin
Washington County; Interchange at
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to
Washington County for engineering and
property and easement acquisition, in
conjunction with an interchange at marked
Trunk Highway 36 and County State-Aid
Highway 15, known as Manning Avenue, in
Washington County.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 36. new text end
new text begin
Koochiching County; CSAH 24 Rail
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Koochiching County to acquire
land for and to predesign, design, engineer,
and construct a rail grade crossing separation
where County State-Aid Highway 24 crosses
Canadian National railroad tracks near the
cities of Ranier and International Falls.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 37. new text end
new text begin
Red Wing; Rail Grade Separation
new text begin
10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the state
transportation fund as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.50, for a grant to the city
of Red Wing for right-of-way acquisition,
environmental analysis, design, engineering,
removal of an existing structure, and
construction of a rail grade crossing separation
at Sturgeon Lake Road. This appropriation is
in addition to the appropriation for the same
purpose in Laws 2017, First Special Session
chapter 8, article 1, section 15, subdivision 4.
new text end
Sec. 17. new text begin METROPOLITAN COUNCIL
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
87,900,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Metropolitan Council for the purposes
specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Metropolitan Cities Inflow and
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to cities within the metropolitan
area, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section
473.121, subdivision 2, for capital
improvements in municipal wastewater
collection systems to reduce the amount of
inflow and infiltration to the Metropolitan
Council's metropolitan sanitary sewer disposal
system. Grants from this appropriation are for
up to 50 percent of the cost to mitigate inflow
and infiltration in the publicly owned
municipal wastewater collection systems. To
be eligible for a grant, a city must be identified
by the council as a contributor of excessive
inflow and infiltration in the metropolitan
disposal system or have a measured flow rate
within 20 percent of its allowable
council-determined inflow and infiltration
limits. The council must award grants based
on applications from cities that identify
eligible capital costs and include a timeline
for inflow and infiltration mitigation
construction, pursuant to guidelines
established by the council.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Metropolitan Regional Parks and Trails
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For the cost of improvements and betterments
of a capital nature and acquisition by the
council and local government units of regional
recreational open-space lands in accordance
with the council's policy plan as provided in
Minnesota Statutes, section 473.147. This
appropriation must not be used to purchase
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Bus Rapid Transit Lines
new text begin
55,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For design, engineering, right-of-way
acquisition, and construction of the B line bus
rapid transit line between Minneapolis and St.
Paul, and the D line bus rapid transit line
between Brooklyn Center and Bloomington.
To the extent money remains after the B line
and D line projects are completed, this
appropriation is also for preliminary design,
design, and engineering of the E line bus rapid
transit from Minneapolis to Southdale Transit
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Carver County; Lake Waconia
new text begin
2,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Carver County to design,
construct, and equip a waterfront pavilion with
restrooms and a concession building, and to
design, construct, and equip utility connections
at Lake Waconia Regional Park.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Dakota County; Veterans Memorial
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Dakota County to construct
improvements for the Veterans Memorial
Greenway, including memorials, a community
gathering space, and a new trail connection
between Lebanon Hills Regional Park and the
Mississippi River.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Minneapolis Park and Recreation
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For a grant to the Minneapolis Park and
Recreation Board to design and construct a
trail connection paralleling the Mississippi
River between 26th Avenue North and the
Minneapolis Grand Rounds at Ole Olson Park,
all within Above the Falls Regional Park. This
appropriation is intended to augment work
being completed by the city of Minneapolis
to reconstruct and create a multimodal corridor
beginning at Theodore Wirth Regional Park
and extending east to the Mississippi River
along 26th Avenue North.
new text end
new text begin
(b) All project lighting must follow the
International Dark Sky Community Program
guidelines, published June 2018, and follow
best practices for bird-safe lighting. The height
of any beacon light must comply with the
Minneapolis shoreland overlay district
ordinance governing height of structures. A
beacon light must be off from March 15 to
May 31 and August 15 to October 31 each
year, and off between the hours of 11 p.m. and
6 a.m. at all other times of the year. All
lighting must be shielded and use bird-safe
light colors.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Ramsey County; Battle Creek Winter
new text begin
1,800,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Ramsey County to design,
construct, furnish, and equip a maintenance
building for the Nordic ski competition and
winter recreation area, including related
earthwork and landscaping, and for a marker
commemorating the Olympic
accomplishments of Minnesotan Jessie
Diggins, in Battle Creek Regional Park.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Como Zoo
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Paul to improve
and replace outdated mechanical systems and
other building structural components to
achieve greater energy efficiency at Como
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Wakan Tipi
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Paul for the
Wakan Tipi Center project. The city may enter
into a lease or management agreement under
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This
appropriation is added to the appropriation for
the Nature Sanctuary Visitor Center in Laws
2018, chapter 214, article 1, section 17,
subdivision 6, and is for the same purposes.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
Three Rivers Park District; Mississippi
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Three Rivers Park District to
predesign, design, and engineer improvements
to the Mississippi Gateway Regional Park,
and to construct a canopy walkway and
playground development, pedestrian trail
connections, landscape restoration and
enhancements, and habitat restoration.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
White Bear Lake Communities; Lake
new text begin
3,600,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to complete design and construction
of a multiuse paved trail and route for
pedestrians, bicycles, and wheelchairs around
White Bear Lake in Ramsey and Washington
Counties, as follows:
new text end
new text begin
(1) $2,600,000 of this appropriation is for a
grant to the city of Dellwood in Washington
County to design, engineer, construct, and
equip trail improvements consistent with the
completed preliminary engineering along or
parallel with the shore of White Bear Lake
between the Mahtomedi city limits and the
western line of Washington County;
new text end
new text begin
(2) $500,000 of this appropriation is for a
grant to White Bear Township in Ramsey
County to design, engineer, construct, and
equip trail improvements along and parallel
with the shore of White Bear Lake between
the Washington County line and the city limits
of the city of White Bear Lake, Ramsey
County; and
new text end
new text begin
(3) $500,000 of this appropriation is for a
grant to the city of White Bear Lake in
Ramsey County to design, engineer, construct,
and equip trail improvements along or parallel
with the shore of White Bear Lake between
the eastern city limits of White Bear Lake and
Pacific Avenue.
new text end
Sec. 18. new text begin HUMAN SERVICES
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
27,409,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration, or
other named entity, for the purposes specified
in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
8,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For asset preservation improvements and
betterments of a capital nature at Department
of Human Services facilities statewide, to be
spent in accordance with Minnesota Statutes,
section 16B.307.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
St. Peter Regional Treatment Center
new text begin
1,794,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design the second phase of a multiphase
project to develop additional residential,
program, activity, and ancillary facilities for
the Minnesota sex offender program on the
lower campus of the St. Peter Regional
Treatment Center.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health
new text begin
1,750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For design, construction, and furnishing of a
large motor activity and ancillary space for
the Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health
Hospital. The appropriation also includes
money for design and construction of a small
maintenance shed, courtyard interiors, a
parking lot, playground equipment, and
landscaping activities.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Regional Behavioral Health Crisis
new text begin
10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of human services for
regional behavioral health crisis facilities
grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
St. Louis Park; Perspectives Family
new text begin
4,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of human services for a
grant to the city of St. Louis Park to construct,
furnish, and equip the expansion and
renovation of the existing Perspectives Family
Center facility in St. Louis Park subject to
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. The
expanded and renovated facility must be used
to promote the public welfare by providing
any or all of the following programs and
services: (1) supportive housing programs for
homeless women and their children; (2) mental
and chemical health programs; (3)
employment services; (4) academic, social
skills, and nutritional programs for homeless
and at-risk children; (5) an all-day therapeutic
early childhood development program for
homeless and at-risk children; and (6) a
culturally sensitive safe and nurturing
environment for at-risk children to meet with
their nonresidential parents.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
St. Louis County; Regional Behavioral
new text begin
1,365,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of human services for a
grant to St. Louis County for a regional
behavioral health crisis facility. This
appropriation is in addition to and for the same
purposes as the grant awarded to the county
under Minnesota Statutes, section 245G.011.
new text end
Sec. 19. new text begin VETERANS AFFAIRS
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
8,450,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
8,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For asset preservation improvements and
betterments of a capital nature at the veterans
homes in Minneapolis, Hastings, Fergus Falls,
Silver Bay, and Luverne, and the Little Falls
Cemetery, to be spent in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.307.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Fergus Falls Veterans Home
new text begin
100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, construct, and equip a new
greenhouse at the Minnesota Veterans Home
in Fergus Falls.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Martin County; Veterans Memorial
new text begin
350,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Martin County to design and
construct a memorial to those who have served
in the military of the United States of America
and those who have died in the line of duty.
new text end
Sec. 20. new text begin CORRECTIONS
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
44,498,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Asset Preservation
new text begin
25,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For asset preservation improvements and
betterments of a capital nature at Minnesota
correctional facilities statewide, to be spent in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Correctional Facility -
new text begin
1,877,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, construct, and equip a
communications system to accommodate a
new radio tower, a microwave system,
electrical and data connectivity, and an
environmentally controlled, secure structure
to house the communications equipment at the
Minnesota Correctional Facility - Willow
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Correctional Facility -
new text begin
954,000 new text end |
new text begin
To predesign and design the construction and
renovation of new and existing buildings at
the Minnesota Correctional Facility -
Faribault, in order to upgrade the minimum
security housing unit (Dakota Building) and
expand offender programming space.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Correctional Facility - St.
new text begin
800,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, renovate, construct, equip, and
install a new fire suppression system in Living
Units A, B, and C at the Minnesota
Correctional Facility - St. Cloud. This
installation includes but is not limited to cells,
common areas, and control areas and must
comply with all applicable codes.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Correctional Facility -
new text begin
2,600,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, renovate, construct, equip, and
install a fire suppression system in four living
units at the Minnesota Correctional Facility -
Stillwater. This installation includes but is not
limited to the cells, common areas, and control
areas in Buildings 3, 5, 9, and 12 and must
comply with all applicable codes.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Minnesota Correctional Facility - Togo
new text begin
2,600,000 new text end |
new text begin
To design, construct, and equip a new sewer
treatment system at the Minnesota
Correctional Facility - Togo. The system
includes but is not limited to settling ponds,
pumping stations, and other underground
infrastructure improvements associated with
the sewer system complying with all Pollution
Control Agency and code requirements. As
part of the project, the existing septic
system/drain field shall be decommissioned.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Arrowhead Regional Corrections Joint
new text begin
3,250,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Arrowhead Regional
Corrections Joint Powers Board to renovate,
remodel, and complete other capital
improvements to buildings that support
vocational, educational, and farm work
programming and experiences at the Northeast
Regional Corrections Center.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Carlton County; Regional Corrections
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Carlton County for predesign
and design of a corrections facility providing
emphasis on serving as a regional facility for
female offenders. This statewide
demonstration project shall address current
state requirements of parity in serving male
and female offenders under Minnesota
Statutes, section 241.70, subdivision 1, and
will use the Sequential Intercept Model to
improve service and system-level responses
for adults with mental and substance abuse
disorders in the criminal justice system.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
Martin County Justice Center
new text begin
2,167,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Martin County for site
preparation, predesign, and design of a new
county justice center to provide space for
functions related to the county justice system,
which may include the county jail, courtrooms,
court offices and related purposes, offices for
the sheriff and other law enforcement
personnel, county and state corrections, the
county attorney, dispatch, and emergency
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
Prairie Lake Youth JPB; School and
new text begin
2,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Prairie Lake Youth Joint
Powers Board to predesign, design, construct,
furnish, and equip an indoor recreation and
educational building adjoining the current
building for the Prairie Lakes Youth Program.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
Winona County Jail
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Winona County to acquire land
for a new county jail.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
new text begin
Unspent Appropriations
new text begin
The unspent portion of an appropriation for a
Department of Corrections project in this
section that is complete, upon written notice
to the commissioner of management and
budget, is available for asset preservation
under Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.307.
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.642, applies
from the date of the original appropriation to
the unspent amount transferred.
new text end
Sec. 21. new text begin EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
150,241,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of employment and
economic development, or other named entity,
for the purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Greater Minnesota Business
new text begin
10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Innovative Business Development Public
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Transportation Economic Development
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Workforce Center; Asset Preservation
new text begin
642,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of administration for
asset preservation improvements and
betterments of a capital nature at the South
Minneapolis CareerForce location to be spent
in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Alexandria; Runestone Community
new text begin
5,600,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Alexandria to design,
construct, furnish, and equip an expansion and
renovation of the Runestone Community
Center in Alexandria.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Annandale; Infrastructure
new text begin
4,090,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Annandale for
predesign, design, construction, and
replacement or renovation of street, storm
sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, and other
capital improvements that are made necessary
by, or are most economically completed if
performed at the same time as, road work on
marked Trunk Highways 24 and 55 in the city
of Annandale.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Becker; Business Park Public
new text begin
20,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Becker to acquire
land, predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip public infrastructure, including water,
sanitary sewer, storm sewer and drainage
systems, roads, and lighting for a business
park in the city of Becker. A portion of the
water infrastructure for the business park will
be installed in Becker Township.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Becker County; Museum
new text begin
1,850,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Becker County to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip a new
county museum facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
Champlin: Mississippi Point Park
new text begin
3,450,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Champlin to
predesign, design, acquire, install, construct,
furnish, and equip capital improvements in
Mississippi Point Park, including an
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
accessible boat docking system and picnic
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
Chatfield; Center for the Arts
new text begin
8,700,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Chatfield economic
development authority to predesign, design,
renovate, construct, furnish, and equip the
Chatfield Center for the Arts in the city of
Chatfield, which is generally described as the
renovation of the 1916 high school and the
installation of a linking structure and related
improvements to serve both the 1936
auditorium building and the 1916 school
building. The renovation includes interior,
exterior, and amenity improvements within
the high school building; improvements to the
electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems
throughout the property; and general
improvements to the buildings and land that
are known as the Chatfield Center for the Arts,
currently owned by the economic development
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
Crookston; Colborn Property
new text begin
895,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Crookston for
development of the southern end of the city
limits commonly known as the Colborn
Property. This appropriation includes money
for construction of roads and storm water
infrastructure, for site preparation, and for
other improvements of publicly owned
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
new text begin
Deephaven; Northome Avenue Bridge
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Deephaven to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip a bridge to carry Northome Avenue over
a pedestrian and bike trail in the city of
new text end
new text begin Subd. 14. new text end
new text begin
Duluth; Seawall and Surface
new text begin
13,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Duluth to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip seawall
and lakewalk infrastructure with related
surface improvements, including a boardwalk
and bike trails, public gathering spaces, and
loading areas, along the shore of Lake
Superior in the city of Duluth. This
appropriation may also be used for demolition
and removal of existing seawall and lakewalk
new text end
new text begin Subd. 15. new text end
new text begin
Duluth; Lake Superior Zoo
new text begin
204,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Duluth to predesign
and design the renovation or replacement of
the Main Building at the Lake Superior Zoo.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 16. new text end
new text begin
Ellsworth; City Hall and Public Works
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Ellsworth to prepare
the site, predesign, design, construct, furnish,
and equip a city hall with a multipurpose room
and a public works shop, to replace the city
hall and public works buildings destroyed by
fire in January 2019.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 17. new text end
new text begin
Eveleth; Buildings Renovation
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Eveleth to predesign,
design, construct, renovate, and equip capital
improvements and betterments to the city
hall/police station, the Carnegie library, the
fire/ambulance hall, the Hippodrome ice arena,
and the city auditorium. The improvements
include renovation or replacement of HVAC
systems, roof replacement, installation of
carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide
detection systems, exterior masonry
restoration, and renovation of public
new text end
new text begin Subd. 18. new text end
new text begin
Fergus Falls; Riverfront Corridor
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Fergus Falls for
construction of a downtown riverfront corridor
improvement project including an
amphitheater, river market, public arts space,
interactive water components, and related
publicly owned infrastructure and amenities.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 19. new text end
new text begin
Grand Rapids; IRA Civic Center
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Grand Rapids for the
design, construction, and equipping of capital
improvements to the IRA Civic Center. This
appropriation includes money for replacement
of the truss/roof structure, replacement of the
facility's existing ice-making system, and other
improvements and betterments of a capital
nature for health, safety, and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 20. new text end
new text begin
Hastings; City Hall
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Hastings for repairs,
construction, and other capital improvements
necessary for renovation of the historic City
Hall in Hastings. This appropriation includes
money for repairs of the dome and roofing,
HVAC improvements, repairs to the interior
walls and exterior masonry of the building,
site regrading, and project management.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 21. new text end
new text begin
Hennepin County; Avivo
new text begin
1,700,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Hennepin County for Phase 1
of the Avivo regional career and employment
center project in Minneapolis, subject to
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. Phase
1 includes geotechnical and environmental
investigation, demolition, and site work;
predesign and design of the renovation and
expansion of a building; and predesign and
design for the replacement of or improvements
to building systems on the Avivo campus,
including HVAC, mechanical, electrical, and
accessibility improvements.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 22. new text end
new text begin
Hibbing; Mine View "Window to the
new text begin
1,300,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Hibbing to construct
the mine view "Windows to the World"
facility on the Susquehanna mine dump.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 23. new text end
new text begin
Litchfield; Wellness Center
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For a grant to the city of Litchfield to
acquire land for and to predesign, design,
construct, furnish, and equip a community
wellness/recreation center that will include a
gymnasium and general fitness spaces, a
dedicated walking section, a community room,
and any locker rooms and mechanical
equipment needed for future additions to the
new text end
new text begin
(b) This appropriation is not available until
the commissioner of employment and
economic development has determined that
the school district and the city have entered
into an agreement that addresses the city's and
school district's relative contributions to the
project and the operations and use of the
facilities. The city may enter into a lease or
management agreement with the school
new text end
new text begin Subd. 24. new text end
new text begin
Minneapolis; Central City Storm
new text begin
8,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Minneapolis for
design and construction necessary to expand
the Central City Storm Tunnel in Minneapolis.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 25. new text end
new text begin
Minneapolis; Outdoor Performance
new text begin
12,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For a grant to the city of Minneapolis to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip a new outdoor music performance venue
on the Upper Harbor site along the Mississippi
River in North Minneapolis. The venue will
accommodate approximately 7,000 to 10,000
people in a combination of temporary seating
or standing room. A portion of the venue will
be designed to allow it to be enclosed for
smaller events on a year-round basis.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The city may operate the outdoor music
venue directly or enter into a lease or
management agreement with a for-profit or a
nonprofit operator, subject to Minnesota
Statutes, section 16A.695. The lease or
management agreement must provide for a
program of free use of the venue that will
benefit the adjacent North Minneapolis
community and that will be curated and
controlled by a North Minneapolis
community-based partner.
new text end
new text begin
(c) The city of Minneapolis contract with the
developer of the project or the lease or
management agreement, or both, must identify
community benefits from the development,
construction, management, operation, and
maintenance of the venue intended to benefit
the adjacent communities, including benefits
related to procurement, employment,
sustainability, and other commitments from
the operator of the venue.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 26. new text end
new text begin
New Ulm; German Park
new text begin
300,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of New Ulm to design,
acquire, install, furnish, and equip a capital
improvement permanent shade structure
system for the German Park amphitheater,
compliant with the Americans with Disabilities
new text end
new text begin Subd. 27. new text end
new text begin
Orono; Big Island Park
new text begin
300,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Orono to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip
improvements at Big Island Park, including a
picnic area, trails and trail gates, restrooms,
permanent seating, and interpretive panels.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 28. new text end
new text begin
Pipestone County; Dental Facility
new text begin
250,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Pipestone County to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip a dental
care facility in Pipestone County. This
appropriation is in addition to the
appropriation for the same purpose in Laws
2018, chapter 214, article 1, section 21,
subdivision 18. This project is not subject to
the requirements of Minnesota Statutes,
section 16B.325.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 29. new text end
new text begin
Plymouth; Plymouth Creek Center
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Plymouth to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip the renovation and expansion of the
Plymouth Creek Center.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 30. new text end
new text begin
Proctor; Salt Shed
new text begin
500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Proctor to predesign,
design, and construct a salt shed to replace the
condemned salt shed on the river front.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 31. new text end
new text begin
Roseville; Guidant John Rose OVAL
new text begin
3,900,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Roseville to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip the renovation of the Guidant John Rose
Minnesota OVAL. The project includes the
building, building systems, and facilities.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 32. new text end
new text begin
Steele County; Fairgrounds Electrical
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Steele County to construct
underground electrical infrastructure at the
Steele County Fairgrounds.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 33. new text end
new text begin
St. Cloud; Municipal Athletic
new text begin
10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Cloud to design,
construct, furnish, and equip improvements
to the municipal athletic complex to serve as
a regional sport facility. This appropriation
includes money to renovate and expand the
Municipal Athletic Facility, to demolish the
grandstand at Dick Putz field, and to design,
construct, furnish and equip a new grandstand
at Dick Putz Field. This appropriation may
not be used to acquire and install artificial turf
or to construct the west lobby.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 34. new text end
new text begin
St. Joseph; Jacob Wetterling
new text begin
1,050,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Joseph for Phase
1 of the St. Joseph Community Center project.
Phase 1 is to predesign and design a recreation
center as an addition to the former school
building purchased by the city to be
repurposed as a community center.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 35. new text end
new text begin
St. Louis County; Heritage and Arts
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to St. Louis County for asset
preservation of the St. Louis County Heritage
and Arts Center, also known as the Depot, in
Duluth. The project includes improvements
to the life-safety elements of the building and
to restore exterior building envelope integrity.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 36. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Humanities Center
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Paul for asset
preservation of the Minnesota Humanities
Center's main facility, including capital
improvements for building envelope,
foundation, and structural integrity; and for
mechanical systems upgrades, including
heating, ventilation, and cooling, subject to
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This
appropriation is added to the appropriation in
Laws 2018, chapter 214, article 1, section 21,
subdivision 25.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 37. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Playwrights' Center
new text begin
850,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Paul to predesign
and design the playwrights center facility in
St. Paul for use as a comprehensive play
development program and workshop facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 38. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Victoria Theater
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of St. Paul to acquire
property located at 825 University Avenue
West, and to predesign, design, construct,
furnish, and equip the renovation of the
historic Victoria Theater, to serve as a regional
multicultural community and event center.
This appropriation includes money for:
demolition work; improvements to or
replacement of the mechanical, electrical,
plumbing, heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning systems; repairs to the existing
roof and exterior enclosure; site
improvements; construction or renovation of
interior spaces; and other improvements of a
capital nature. The city of St. Paul may enter
into a lease or management agreement with a
nonprofit organization for this facility under
Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 39. new text end
new text begin
St. Paul; Hmong Cultural Plaza,
new text begin
300,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For a grant to city of St. Paul for
construction of Phase II of the Saint Paul -
Changsha China Friendship Garden, at the
Hmong Cultural Plaza, in Phalen Regional
new text end
new text begin
(b) In implementing the project, the city, or
any entity with which the city contracts for
implementation of the project, must hire and
retain for the life of the project residents of
the adjacent communities in living wage jobs,
improve environmental conditions of the
project site, use clean and efficient energy
sources, and work with Hmong cultural leaders
and artists to ensure that traditional Hmong
landscaping and building practices are used
to help tell the story of the Minnesota Hmong
new text end
new text begin Subd. 40. new text end
new text begin
Wadena; Access Road
new text begin
1,300,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Wadena to acquire a
permanent easement for and to predesign,
design, engineer, and construct an access road
just northeast of 11th Street Northwest in
Wadena, going from marked Trunk Highway
10 to the new hospital complex.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 41. new text end
new text begin
Western Lake Superior Sanitary
new text begin
6,750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Sanitary Board of the
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District to
design and construct engine generators as part
of the combined heat and power system to
capture and process heat and generate
electricity for use at the Western Lake
Superior Sanitary District wastewater
treatment facilities.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 42. new text end
new text begin
Willernie; Public Infrastructure
new text begin
160,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Willernie to replace
the roof of the city hall, and, if any money is
remaining, for capital improvements in
conjunction with the Washington County road
12 project, including replacing and extending
the sidewalk, replacement of a water main,
and moving or removing a retaining wall.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 43. new text end
new text begin
Wright County; Dental Care Facility
new text begin
1,400,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Wright County to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip a dental
care facility. The dental care facility will be
constructed in a building constructed for this
purpose by the county on the Wright County
Government Center campus in the city of
Buffalo. The county may enter into an
agreement under Minnesota Statutes, section
16A.695, for operation of the dental clinic.
new text end
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
254,410,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Public Facilities Authority for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
State Match for Federal Grants to State
new text begin
25,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To match federal capitalization grants for the
clean water revolving fund under Minnesota
Statutes, section 446A.07, and the drinking
water revolving fund under Minnesota
Statutes, section 446A.081. This appropriation
must be used for qualified capital projects.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Water Infrastructure Funding Program
new text begin
55,494,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) For grants to eligible municipalities under
the water infrastructure funding program under
Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.072.
new text end
new text begin
(b) $33,296,000 is for wastewater projects
listed on the Pollution Control Agency's
project priority list in the fundable range under
the clean water revolving fund program.
new text end
new text begin
(c) $22,198,000 is for drinking water projects
listed on the commissioner of health's project
priority list in the fundable range under the
drinking water revolving fund program.
new text end
new text begin
(d) After all eligible projects under paragraph
(b) or (c) have been funded in a fiscal year,
the Public Facilities Authority may transfer
any remaining, uncommitted money to eligible
projects under a program defined in paragraph
(b) or (c) based on that program's project
priority list.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Point Source Implementation Grants
new text begin
44,553,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to eligible municipalities under the
point source implementation grants program
under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.073.
This appropriation must be used for qualified
capital projects.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Albertville; Wastewater Treatment
new text begin
2,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Albertville to design
and construct wastewater infrastructure
improvements related to nonnative species
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Arden Hills; Water Main
new text begin
500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Arden Hills to install
a water main extending along Lexington
Avenue, from County Road E to marked
Interstate Highway 694.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Aurora; East Range Joint Powers
new text begin
5,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Aurora, Hoyt Lakes,
or Biwabik, or the Town of White for the East
Mesabi Joint Water System, to acquire land
or a permanent interest in land, design,
engineer, construct, furnish, and equip a
comprehensive municipally owned cooperative
joint drinking water system in the political
subdivisions that are part of the East Range
Joint Powers Board.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Austin; Wastewater Treatment Plant
new text begin
7,450,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Austin to design and
engineer improvements for upgrades to the
city's wastewater treatment facility.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Bemidji; Water Treatment Plant
new text begin
10,194,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Bemidji to predesign,
design, construct, furnish, and equip upgrades
to the city's water treatment plant including
the addition of a filtration system to remove
perfluoroalkyl substances from the city's
drinking water.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
Buhl; Water Infrastructure
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Buhl to predesign,
design, and construct wastewater, clean water,
and storm sewer infrastructure in the city of
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
Deer River; Water and Wastewater
new text begin
4,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Deer River to design,
engineer, and construct improvements and
additions to the city's wastewater collection
and treatment system, including construction
of a stabilization pond, and replacement and
expansion of storm sewer lines, sanitary sewer
lines, and water lines in the city of Deer River.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
East Itasca Joint Sewer Board;
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Nashwauk for
preliminary and final engineering of a regional
wastewater treatment system located in the
city of Nashwauk to serve the communities
represented by the East Itasca Joint Sewer
Board and other communities.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
new text begin
Floodwood; Stabilization Ponds
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Floodwood for
predesign, design, engineering, and
construction and expansion of stabilization
new text end
new text begin Subd. 14. new text end
new text begin
Foley; Wastewater Infrastructure
new text begin
3,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Foley to predesign,
design, construct, and equip wastewater
infrastructure improvements, which may also
include acquisition of real property needed for
the wastewater infrastructure improvements.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 15. new text end
new text begin
Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water
new text begin
5,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Lincoln-Pipestone Rural
Water System to predesign and design water
source development in its service area,
including new wells, a water softening
treatment plant (lime softening plant), and new
water distribution pipes.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 16. new text end
new text begin
Mahnomen; Water Infrastructure
new text begin
650,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant under Minnesota Statutes, section
446A.07, to the city of Mahnomen for
improvements to the city's water infrastructure.
This grant is not subject to the project priority
list set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section
446A.07, subdivision 4.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 17. new text end
new text begin
Mahnomen; Drinking Water
new text begin
1,250,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant under Minnesota Statutes, section
446A.081, to the city of Mahnomen for the
city's drinking water infrastructure. This grant
is not subject to the project priority list set
forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.081,
subdivision 5.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 18. new text end
new text begin
Melrose; Wastewater Treatment
new text begin
3,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Melrose to design,
construct, and equip improvements to the
municipal wastewater treatment facility to
expand the capacity of the facility and replace
facility infrastructure and components that
have reached the end of their useful life. This
appropriation includes money for a new
preliminary treatment system with new
screening and pumping and for a new clarifier.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 19. new text end
new text begin
Mendota; Water Infrastructure
new text begin
650,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Mendota to
predesign, design, engineer, and construct the
extension of the water main throughout the
city of Mendota to allow residents to connect
with the Saint Paul Regional Water Services
new text end
new text begin Subd. 20. new text end
new text begin
Newport; Inflow and Infiltration
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Newport to design
and construct capital improvements to the
publicly owned portions of the city's
wastewater infrastructure to reduce or
eliminate inflow and infiltration.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 21. new text end
new text begin
Oronoco; Regional Wastewater System
new text begin
24,027,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Of this amount, $1,350,000 is for a grant
to the city of Oronoco to acquire land and
easements, design, and engineer a wastewater
collection, conveyance, and treatment system
and associated water distribution
improvements to serve the city of Oronoco
and the region including the Oronoco Estates
Manufactured Home Community. Any amount
remaining after completion of design,
engineering, and acquisition may be applied
to the purposes described in subdivision 2.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Of this amount, $22,677,000 is for a grant
to the city of Oronoco to construct and provide
construction-related engineering for a
wastewater collection, conveyance, and
treatment system and associated water
distribution improvements to serve the city of
Oronoco and the region including the Oronoco
Estates Manufactured Home Community.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 22. new text end
new text begin
Randolph; Wastewater Infrastructure
new text begin
13,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Randolph to acquire
land, predesign, environmental review, design,
construct, install, furnish, and equip a
wastewater collection system and treatment
system, including wastewater stabilization
ponds and spray irrigation fields, in and within
one and one-half miles of the city of Randolph.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 23. new text end
new text begin
Red Rock Rural Water System
new text begin
5,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the Red Rock Rural Water
System to design, construct, furnish, and equip
a new water treatment plant, a new water
tower, and installation of approximately 110
miles of ten-inch through two-inch water main,
and other improvements to infrastructure
required for an expansion of the Red Rock
Rural Water System, to be built and located
in Murray and Cottonwood Counties.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 24. new text end
new text begin
Rice Lake; Sewer, Water, and Utilities
new text begin
1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Rice Lake to acquire
land, predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip an extension of clean water, sanitary
sewer, storm sewer, and utilities to a
commercial and industrial park on North Rice
Lake Road in Rice Lake.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 25. new text end
new text begin
Royalton; Clean Water and Storm
new text begin
900,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Royalton to design,
engineer, and construct publicly owned
infrastructure in conjunction with
reconstruction of marked U.S. Highway 10 in
Royalton. This appropriation includes money
for replacement of and upgrades to the water
main and other municipal clean drinking water
infrastructure and the storm sewer drainage
new text end
new text begin Subd. 26. new text end
new text begin
South Haven; Wells
new text begin
1,700,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of South Haven to
acquire land, predesign, design, construct,
furnish, and equip two new wells in Wright
new text end
new text begin Subd. 27. new text end
new text begin
South St. Paul; Concord Street Public
new text begin
2,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of South St. Paul to
predesign, design, construct, and install
sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer
improvements, including removal of replaced
infrastructure as necessary, in the Concord
Street corridor in conjunction with the
reconstruction and renovation of the street.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 28. new text end
new text begin
Spring Park; City Utilities
new text begin
1,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Spring Park for
improvements to the city's water and sewer
system in the northwest area of the city on
West Arm Drive.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 29. new text end
new text begin
Two Harbors; Wastewater Treatment
new text begin
10,750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Two Harbors to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip improvements to the wastewater
treatment facility in the city of Two Harbors,
including a new activated sludge biological
treatment system and mercury removal
improvements, new aeration basins, final
clarifiers, biosolids treatment units, mercury
filter backwash supply tank, operations and
controls building, and associated electrical and
controls equipment.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 30. new text end
new text begin
Twin Lakes Township; Water
new text begin
7,500,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to Twin Lakes Township for the
design and construction of a water distribution
system, support facilities, and related water
improvements, including a water main
extension from the city of Carlton, along
marked Trunk Highway 210 in Carlton
new text end
new text begin Subd. 31. new text end
new text begin
Vernon Center; Water Infrastructure
new text begin
7,984,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Vernon Center to
predesign, design, construct, furnish, and
equip water infrastructure improvements,
including refurbishing a water tower, and
replacement of wastewater collection, water
distribution systems, storm sewer system
improvements, and related local road
new text end
new text begin Subd. 32. new text end
new text begin
Waldorf; Water Infrastructure
new text begin
858,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of Waldorf to complete
the construction of water, wastewater, street,
and storm sewer improvements.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 33. new text end
new text begin
West St. Paul; Lift Stations
new text begin
2,200,000 new text end |
new text begin
For a grant to the city of West St. Paul for
upgrades to lift stations 1 and 2.
new text end
Sec. 23. new text begin MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
16,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
for transfer to the housing development fund
to finance the costs of rehabilitation to
preserve public housing under Minnesota
Statutes, section 462A.202, subdivision 3a.
For purposes of this section, "public housing"
means housing for low-income persons and
households financed by the federal
government and publicly owned. Priority may
be given to proposals that maximize nonstate
resources to finance the capital costs and
requests that prioritize health, safety, and
energy improvements. The priority in
Minnesota Statutes, section 462A.202,
subdivision 3a, for projects to increase the
supply of affordable housing and the
restrictions of Minnesota Statutes, section
462A.202, subdivision 7, do not apply to this
new text end
Sec. 24. new text begin MINNESOTA HISTORICAL
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
3,100,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the Minnesota Historical Society for the
purposes specified in this section.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Historic Sites Asset Preservation
new text begin
2,350,000 new text end |
new text begin
For capital improvements and betterments at
state historic sites, buildings, landscaping at
historic buildings, exhibits, markers, and
monuments, to be spent in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.307. The
society shall determine project priorities as
appropriate based on need.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
County and Local Preservation Grants
new text begin
750,000 new text end |
new text begin
For grants to county and local jurisdictions as
matching money for historic preservation
projects of a capital nature, as provided in
Minnesota Statutes, section 138.0525.
new text end
Sec. 25. new text begin BOND SALE EXPENSES
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
Total Appropriation
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
1,363,000 new text end |
new text begin
To the commissioner of management and
budget for the purposes specified in this
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Bond Proceeds Fund
new text begin
1,363,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds fund for bond sale
expenses under Minnesota Statutes, section
16A.641, subdivision 8.
new text end
new text begin
To provide the money appropriated in this act from
the bond proceeds fund, the commissioner of management and budget shall sell and issue
bonds of the state in an amount up to $1,120,671,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and
with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.631 to 16A.675, and by the
Minnesota Constitution, article XI, sections 4 to 7.
new text end
new text begin
To provide the money appropriated in this act from the
bond proceeds account in the state transportation fund, the commissioner of management
and budget shall sell and issue bonds of the state in an amount up to $242,959,000 in the
manner, upon the terms, and with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections
16A.631 to 16A.675, and by the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, sections 4 to 7.
new text end
new text begin
(a) The amounts of the general obligation bond proceeds appropriations and trunk
highway bond proceeds appropriations listed in the cancellation report submitted to the
legislature in January 2020, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.642, are canceled
on the effective date of this section. The corresponding bond sale authorizations are reduced
by the same amounts. If an appropriation in this section is canceled more than once, the
cancellation must be given effect only once.
new text end
new text begin
(b) The unobligated amount remaining from the appropriation in Laws 2018, chapter
214, article 1, section 21, subdivision 27, is canceled. The bond sale authorization in Laws
2018, chapter 214, article 1, section 26, subdivision 1, is reduced by the same amount.
new text end
new text begin
The commissioner of management and budget shall schedule the sale of state general
obligation bonds so that, during the biennium ending June 30, 2021, no more than
$1,139,311,000 will need to be transferred from the general fund to the state bond fund to
pay principal and interest due and to become due on outstanding state general obligation
bonds. During the biennium, before each sale of state general obligation bonds, the
commissioner of management and budget shall calculate the amount of debt service payments
needed on bonds previously issued and shall estimate the amount of debt service payments
that will be needed on the bonds scheduled to be sold. The commissioner shall adjust the
amount of bonds scheduled to be sold so as to remain within the limit set by this section.
The amount needed to make the debt service payments is appropriated from the general
fund as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641.
new text end
new text begin
This article is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
new text begin
The sums shown in the column under "Appropriations" are appropriated from the bond
proceeds account in the trunk highway fund to the state agencies or officials indicated, to
be spent for public purposes. Appropriations of bond proceeds must be spent as authorized
by the Minnesota Constitution, articles XI and XIV. Unless otherwise specified, money
appropriated in this article for a capital program or project may be used to pay state agency
staff costs that are attributed directly to the capital program or project in accordance with
accounting policies adopted by the commissioner of management and budget.
new text end
new text begin
SUMMARY new text end |
new text begin
Department of Transportation new text end |
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
300,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
Department of Management and Budget new text end |
new text begin
300,000 new text end |
new text begin
TOTAL new text end |
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
300,300,000 new text end |
new text begin
APPROPRIATIONS new text end |
Sec. 2. new text begin DEPARTMENT OF
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin
State Road Construction
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
84,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) From the bond proceeds account in the
trunk highway fund for the environmental
analysis, predesign, design, engineering,
construction, reconstruction, and improvement
of trunk highways, including design-build
contracts, internal department costs associated
with delivering the construction program,
consultant usage to support these activities,
and the cost of payments to landowners for
lands acquired for highway rights-of-way. The
amount under this subdivision must be
allocated to maintain regional balance
throughout the state. The commissioner may
use up to 17 percent of this amount for
program delivery.
new text end
new text begin
(b) This appropriation is primarily for keeping
projects in the State Transportation
Improvement Program on schedule due to
reduced revenues from the COVID-19
pandemic. If the appropriation is not needed
for keeping projects on schedule, it is available
for other trunk highway construction,
reconstruction and improvement projects
identified through the Capital Highway
Investment Plan.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Projects to construct, reconstruct, or
improve trunk highways from this
appropriation will follow eligible investment
priorities identified in the State Highway
Investment Plan, and may include pavements,
bridges, culverts, flood mitigation, traveler
safety, greater Minnesota mobility and Twin
Cities mobility, freight, bicycle and pedestrian
infrastructure, regional and community
investment priorities, interchange construction
or reconstruction, and lane additions, in
addition to the associated installation of safety
barriers, lighting, signage, noise mitigation
measures, and retaining walls.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
new text begin
Railroad Grade Separations
new text begin
110,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the trunk
highway fund to construct rail safety projects
at highway-railroad grade crossings in
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
new text begin
Project Development
new text begin
25,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the trunk
highway fund for environmental analysis,
predesign, design and engineering and
right-of-way acquisition for regional and
community investment priority projects on the
trunk highway system identified in the State
Highway Investment Plan to prepare the
projects for construction and application for
federal grants or other funding opportunities.
In consultation with the commissioner of
Minnesota Management and Budget, the
commissioner of transportation is authorized
to use funds from this appropriation on
existing bond-eligible trunk highway projects
within the State Transportation Improvement
new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text end
new text begin
Flood Mitigation
new text begin
23,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the trunk
highway fund for reconstruction of trunk
highways that experience frequent flooding
in Sibley County and Le Sueur County, to
modify the elevation of the roadways and
reduce closures due to river flooding, for
portions of the projects that are eligible for
trunk highway bond proceeds.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text end
new text begin
Facilities Capital Program
new text begin
58,000,000 new text end |
new text begin
From the bond proceeds account in the trunk
highway fund for the transportation facilities
capital improvement program under Minnesota
Statutes, section 174.13.
new text end
Sec. 3. new text begin BOND SALE EXPENSES
new text begin
$ new text end |
new text begin
300,000 new text end |
new text begin
This appropriation is to the commissioner of
management and budget for bond sale
expenses under Minnesota Statutes, sections
16A.641, subdivision 8, and 167.50,
subdivision 4.
new text end
Sec. 4. new text begin BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION.
new text begin
To provide the money appropriated in this article from the bond proceeds account in the
trunk highway fund, the commissioner of management and budget shall sell and issue bonds
of the state in an amount up to $300,300,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and with the
effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 167.50 to 167.52, and by the Minnesota
Constitution, article XIV, section 11, at the times and in the amounts requested by the
commissioner of transportation. The proceeds of the bonds, except accrued interest and any
premium received from the sale of the bonds, must be deposited in the bond proceeds account
in the trunk highway fund.
new text end
new text begin
(a) A transportation facilities capital program
is established to prioritize among eligible projects that:
new text end
new text begin
(1) support the programmatic mission of the department;
new text end
new text begin
(2) extend the useful life of existing buildings; or
new text end
new text begin
(3) renovate or construct facilities to meet the department's current and future operational
new text end
new text begin
(b) Projects under the transportation facilities capital program are funded by proceeds
from the sale of trunk highway bonds or from other funds appropriated for the purposes of
this section.
new text end
new text begin
(c) A transportation facilities capital account is established in the trunk highway fund.
The account consists of all money appropriated from the trunk highway fund for the purposes
of this section and any other money donated, allotted, transferred, or otherwise pr