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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 86

Bill Name: SF3275

4E Relating to state government; appropriating money from constitutionally
dedicated funds; modifying certain statutory provisions and laws for
environment, natural resources, outdoor heritage and energy; modifying fees,
accounts, disposition of certain receipts and audit requirements; providing for
certain registration, training and licensing exemptions; modifying outdoor
recreation and recreational vehicle provisions; modifying the water law;
regulating public utilities; modifying and establishing programs; requiring
studies and reports; modifying and requiring the transfer of appropriations;
appropriating money


Appropriating money
from constitutionally dedicated funds for outdoor heritage purposes; specifying
funding requirements for prairies, forests, wetlands, habitat and
administration; providing for availability of appropriation, accomplishment
plans, project requirements, payment conditions and capital equipment
expenditures, purchase of recycled and recyclable materials, accessibility, land
acquisition restrictions, real property interest reporting and successor
organizations; requiring certain restoration evaluations; modifying certain
provisions regulating the Lessard outdoor heritage council and funds; requiring
a land management recommendations report to the legislature; repealing certain
definitions relating to natural resources


Modifying membership requirements and the expiration date of the
metropolitan area water supply advisory committee; adjusting certain 2009 clean
water fund appropriations; appropriating money to the pollution control agency,
department of natural resources and the board of soil and water


Specifying certain general fund
reimbursement requirements for legislative auditor costs in examining financial
activities of legacy funds; modifying logo and signage requirements; modifying
legislative guide requirements; providing for funds carryover; authorizing
acquisition of certain property by the Minneapolis park and recreation board;
providing use of carryforward money for audit costs; repealing the 25-year
strategic plan for expenditures


Modifying various environment and natural resources provisions;
modifying certain administrative accounts; modifying electronic transaction
provisions; authorizing joint applications for residential use for a utility
license on state lands, modifying fees; providing for certain registration
exemptions; modifying all-terrain vehicle definitions; exempting Indian tribal
government (native American) owned off-highway motorcycles, off-road vehicles,
snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and watercraft (boats) from motor
vehicle registration and licensing requirements; modifying all-terrain vehicle
operation restrictions; requiring the drainage of water from watercraft before
transportation on public roads; modifying state trails and canoe and boating
routes; modifying fees and disposition of certain receipts; modifying disabled
veterans free state park permit eligibility requirements; modifying certain
competitive bidding exemptions; modifying horse trail pass provisions; modifying
rowing team members flotation device requirements; modifying leases and permits
for hunting of wild game on forest land; providing a watershed management
policy; appointing a subsurface sewage treatment systems implementation and
enforcement task force; specifying certain environmental impact statement
requirements; modifying environmental review provisions; modifying beaver dam
provisions; modifying the Water Law; modifying nongame wildlife checkoffs;
requiring a school trust lands study; establishing the Coon Rapids Dam
commission; providing for solid waste facility financial assurance mechanisms;
providing a subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance adoption delay;
requiring a natural resources long-range budget analysis; requiring a report on
wind energy systems on state-owned lands; appropriating money for peace officer
training, state water trails, the Moose Trail and the ecological classification
program; providing a parks and trails appropriation, lottery-in-lieu revenue;
establishing the Cannon River refuse management pilot project


Modifying a legislative energy commission provision relating to
assessments; modifying renewable development account transfer requirements;
establishing a program to provide rebates for solar photovoltaic modules;
appropriating money; modifying the definition of green economy; regulating
utility rates charged to low-income customers; providing for inverted block
rates; allowing for advance determination of prudence determination by public
utilities commission (PUC) for certain environmental projects of a public
utility; exempting supportive housing from the separate metering requirement for
electric service; authorizing energy forward pricing mechanisms; authorizing
wind and solar business entity participation in energy related projects
involving Hennepin county; authorizing the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul to
expand certain residential energy conservation programs to include commercial
and industrial property; expanding small energy efficiency grant program to
include commercial buildings; requiring a certificate of need for certain urban
transmission lines; specifying certain neighborhood energy reduction report
requirements; clarifying a certain appropriation to the commissioner of
commerce; appropriating money for a grant to Minneapolis for certain
high-voltage transmission line report requirements