1st Engrossment - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 A bill for an act 1.2 relating to health occupations; establishing guest 1.3 licenses for dentists and dental hygienists; 1.4 establishing guest registration for dental assistants; 1.5 amending Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 150A.06, by 1.6 adding a subdivision. 1.7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 150A.06, is 1.9 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 1.10 Subd. 2c. [GUEST LICENSE OR REGISTRATION.] (a) The board 1.11 shall grant a guest license to practice as a dentist or dental 1.12 hygienist or a guest registration to practice as a dental 1.13 assistant if the following conditions are met: 1.14 (1) the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant is 1.15 currently licensed or registered in good standing in North 1.16 Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin; 1.17 (2) the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant is 1.18 currently engaged in the practice of that person's respective 1.19 profession in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin; 1.20 (3) the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant is 1.21 seeking to practice in a public health setting in Minnesota that 1.22 (i) is approved by the board; (ii) was established by a 1.23 nonprofit organization that is tax exempt under chapter 1.24 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and (iii) 1.25 provides dental care to patients who have difficulty accessing 1.26 dental care; 2.1 (4) the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant 2.2 agrees to treat indigent patients who meet the eligibility 2.3 criteria established by the clinic; and 2.4 (5) the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant has 2.5 applied to the board for a guest license or registration, 2.6 providing evidence of being currently licensed or registered in 2.7 good standing in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin, 2.8 and has paid a nonrefundable license fee to the board of $50. 2.9 (b) A dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant 2.10 practicing under a guest license or registration may only 2.11 practice at a single, specific location in Minnesota. A guest 2.12 license or registration must be renewed annually with the board 2.13 and an annual renewal fee of $50 must be paid to the board. If 2.14 the clinic in Minnesota at which a dentist, dental hygienist, or 2.15 dental assistant seeks to practice permanently ceases operation, 2.16 the guest license or registration issued under this subdivision 2.17 is automatically revoked. 2.18 [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This section is effective the day 2.19 following final enactment.