Conference Committee Report - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
1.1 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON H.F. NO. 3200 1.2 A bill for an act 1.3 relating to health occupations; establishing guest 1.4 licenses for dentists and dental hygienists; 1.5 establishing guest registration for dental assistants; 1.6 appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2000, 1.7 section 150A.06, by adding a subdivision. 1.8 April 16, 2002 1.9 The Honorable Steve Sviggum 1.10 Speaker of the House of Representatives 1.12 The Honorable Don Samuelson 1.13 President of the Senate 1.15 We, the undersigned conferees for H.F. No. 3200, report 1.16 that we have agreed upon the items in dispute and recommend as 1.17 follows: 1.18 1.19 That the Senate recede from its amendments. 2.1 We request adoption of this report and repassage of the 2.2 bill. 2.5 House Conferees: 2.8 ......................... ......................... 2.9 Kevin Goodno Tim Wilkin 2.12 ......................... 2.13 Paul Marquart 2.18 Senate Conferees: 2.21 ......................... ......................... 2.22 Sheila M. Kiscaden Dallas C. Sams 2.25 ......................... 2.26 Jim Vickerman