4th Engrossment - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 05/16/2017 09:08am
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; expanding the crime of female genital mutilation; updating
requirements for education and outreach; expanding the definition of egregious
harm; expanding child in need of protection or services to include a victim of
female genital mutilation; providing for definition of maltreatment for reporting
maltreatment of minors; prescribing penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2016,
sections 144.3872; 260.012; 260C.007, subdivisions 6, 14; 609.2245, subdivision
1, by adding subdivisions; 626.556, subdivisions 2, 3.
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 144.3872, is amended to read:
The commissioner of health shall carry out appropriate education, prevention, and
outreach activities in communities that traditionally practice female circumcision, excision,
or infibulation to inform people in those communities about the health risks and emotional
trauma inflicted by those practices and to inform them and the medical community of the
criminal penalties new text begin and potential loss of custody of a child new text end contained in section 609.2245.
The commissioner shall work with culturally appropriate groups to obtain private funds to
help finance these prevention and outreach activities.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 260.012, is amended to read:
(a) Once a child alleged to be in need of protection or services is under the court's
jurisdiction, the court shall ensure that reasonable efforts, including culturally appropriate
services, by the social services agency are made to prevent placement or to eliminate the
need for removal and to reunite the child with the child's family at the earliest possible time,
and the court must ensure that the responsible social services agency makes reasonable
efforts to finalize an alternative permanent plan for the child as provided in paragraph (e).
In determining reasonable efforts to be made with respect to a child and in making those
reasonable efforts, the child's best interests, health, and safety must be of paramount concern.
Reasonable efforts to prevent placement and for rehabilitation and reunification are always
required except upon a determination by the court that a petition has been filed stating a
prima facie case that:
(1) the parent has subjected a child to egregious harm as defined in section 260C.007,
subdivision 14;
(2) the parental rights of the parent to another child have been terminated involuntarily;
(3) the child is an abandoned infant under section 260C.301, subdivision 2, paragraph
(a), clause (2);
(4) the parent's custodial rights to another child have been involuntarily transferred to a
relative under Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260C.201, subdivision 11, paragraph (d),
clause (1), section 260C.515, subdivision 4, or a similar law of another jurisdiction;
(5) the parent has committed sexual abuse as defined in section 626.556, subdivision 2,
against the child or another child of the parent;
(6) the parent has committed an offense that requires registration as a predatory offender
under section 243.166, subdivision 1b, paragraph (a) or (b); or
(7) the provision of services or further services for the purpose of reunification is futile
and therefore unreasonable under the circumstances.
(b) When the court makes one of the prima facie determinations under paragraph (a),
either permanency pleadings under section 260C.505, or a termination of parental rights
petition under sections 260C.141 and 260C.301 must be filed. A permanency hearing under
sections 260C.503 to 260C.521 must be held within 30 days of this determination.
(c) In the case of an Indian child, in proceedings under sections 260B.178, 260C.178,
260C.201, 260C.202, 260C.204, 260C.301, or 260C.503 to 260C.521, the juvenile court
must make findings and conclusions consistent with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978,
United States Code, title 25, section 1901 et seq., as to the provision of active efforts. In
cases governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, United States Code, title 25, section
1901, the responsible social services agency must provide active efforts as required under
United States Code, title 25, section 1911(d).
(d) "Reasonable efforts to prevent placement" means:
(1) the agency has made reasonable efforts to prevent the placement of the child in foster
care by working with the family to develop and implement a safety plan; or
(2) given the particular circumstances of the child and family at the time of the child's
removal, there are no services or efforts available which could allow the child to safely
remain in the home.
(e) "Reasonable efforts to finalize a permanent plan for the child" means due diligence
by the responsible social services agency to:
(1) reunify the child with the parent or guardian from whom the child was removed;
(2) assess a noncustodial parent's ability to provide day-to-day care for the child and,
where appropriate, provide services necessary to enable the noncustodial parent to safely
provide the care, as required by section 260C.219;
(3) conduct a relative search to identify and provide notice to adult relatives as required
under section 260C.221;
(4) place siblings removed from their home in the same home for foster care or adoption,
or transfer permanent legal and physical custody to a relative. Visitation between siblings
who are not in the same foster care, adoption, or custodial placement or facility shall be
consistent with section 260C.212, subdivision 2; and
(5) when the child cannot return to the parent or guardian from whom the child was
removed, to plan for and finalize a safe and legally permanent alternative home for the child,
and considers permanent alternative homes for the child inside or outside of the state,
preferably through adoption or transfer of permanent legal and physical custody of the child.
(f) Reasonable efforts are made upon the exercise of due diligence by the responsible
social services agency to use culturally appropriate and available services to meet the needs
of the child and the child's family. Services may include those provided by the responsible
social services agency and other culturally appropriate services available in the community.
At each stage of the proceedings where the court is required to review the appropriateness
of the responsible social services agency's reasonable efforts as described in paragraphs (a),
(d), and (e), the social services agency has the burden of demonstrating that:
(1) it has made reasonable efforts to prevent placement of the child in foster care;
(2) it has made reasonable efforts to eliminate the need for removal of the child from
the child's home and to reunify the child with the child's family at the earliest possible time;
(3) it has made reasonable efforts to finalize an alternative permanent home for the child,
and considers permanent alternative homes for the child inside or outside of the state; or
(4) reasonable efforts to prevent placement and to reunify the child with the parent or
guardian are not required. The agency may meet this burden by stating facts in a sworn
petition filed under section 260C.141, by filing an affidavit summarizing the agency's
reasonable efforts or facts the agency believes demonstrate there is no need for reasonable
efforts to reunify the parent and child, or through testimony or a certified report required
under juvenile court rules.
(g) Once the court determines that reasonable efforts for reunification are not required
because the court has made one of the prima facie determinations under paragraph (a), the
court may only require reasonable efforts for reunification after a hearing according to
section 260C.163, where the court finds there is not clear and convincing evidence of the
facts upon which the court based its prima facie determination. In this case when there is
clear and convincing evidence that the child is in need of protection or services, the court
may find the child in need of protection or services and order any of the dispositions available
under section 260C.201, subdivision 1. Reunification of a child with a parent is not required
if the parent has been convicted of:
(1) a violation of, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit a violation of, sections 609.185
to 609.20; 609.222, subdivision 2; or 609.223 in regard to another child of the parent;
(2) a violation of section 609.222, subdivision 2; deleted text begin ordeleted text end 609.223deleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ; or 609.2245, subdivision
1, clause (2),new text end in regard to the child;
(3) a violation of, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit a violation of, United States
Code, title 18, section 1111(a) or 1112(a), in regard to another child of the parent;
(4) committing sexual abuse as defined in section 626.556, subdivision 2, against the
child or another child of the parent; or
(5) an offense that requires registration as a predatory offender under section 243.166,
subdivision 1b, paragraph (a) or (b).
(h) The juvenile court, in proceedings under sections 260B.178, 260C.178, 260C.201,
260C.202, 260C.204, 260C.301, or 260C.503 to 260C.521, shall make findings and
conclusions as to the provision of reasonable efforts. When determining whether reasonable
efforts have been made, the court shall consider whether services to the child and family
(1) relevant to the safety and protection of the child;
(2) adequate to meet the needs of the child and family;
(3) culturally appropriate;
(4) available and accessible;
(5) consistent and timely; and
(6) realistic under the circumstances.
In the alternative, the court may determine that provision of services or further services
for the purpose of rehabilitation is futile and therefore unreasonable under the circumstances
or that reasonable efforts are not required as provided in paragraph (a).
(i) This section does not prevent out-of-home placement for treatment of a child with a
mental disability when it is determined to be medically necessary as a result of the child's
diagnostic assessment or individual treatment plan indicates that appropriate and necessary
treatment cannot be effectively provided outside of a residential or inpatient treatment
program and the level or intensity of supervision and treatment cannot be effectively and
safely provided in the child's home or community and it is determined that a residential
treatment setting is the least restrictive setting that is appropriate to the needs of the child.
(j) If continuation of reasonable efforts to prevent placement or reunify the child with
the parent or guardian from whom the child was removed is determined by the court to be
inconsistent with the permanent plan for the child or upon the court making one of the prima
facie determinations under paragraph (a), reasonable efforts must be made to place the child
in a timely manner in a safe and permanent home and to complete whatever steps are
necessary to legally finalize the permanent placement of the child.
(k) Reasonable efforts to place a child for adoption or in another permanent placement
may be made concurrently with reasonable efforts to prevent placement or to reunify the
child with the parent or guardian from whom the child was removed. When the responsible
social services agency decides to concurrently make reasonable efforts for both reunification
and permanent placement away from the parent under paragraph (a), the agency shall disclose
its decision and both plans for concurrent reasonable efforts to all parties and the court.
When the agency discloses its decision to proceed on both plans for reunification and
permanent placement away from the parent, the court's review of the agency's reasonable
efforts shall include the agency's efforts under both plans.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 260C.007, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
"Child in need of protection or
services" means a child who is in need of protection or services because the child:
(1) is abandoned or without parent, guardian, or custodian;
(2)(i) has been a victim of physical or sexual abuse as defined in section 626.556,
subdivision 2, (ii) resides with or has resided with a victim of child abuse as defined in
subdivision 5 or domestic child abuse as defined in subdivision 13, (iii) resides with or
would reside with a perpetrator of domestic child abuse as defined in subdivision 13 or child
abuse as defined in subdivision 5 or 13, or (iv) is a victim of emotional maltreatment as
defined in subdivision 15;
(3) is without necessary food, clothing, shelter, education, or other required care for the
child's physical or mental health or morals because the child's parent, guardian, or custodian
is unable or unwilling to provide that care;
(4) is without the special care made necessary by a physical, mental, or emotional
condition because the child's parent, guardian, or custodian is unable or unwilling to provide
that care;
(5) is medically neglected, which includes, but is not limited to, the withholding of
medically indicated treatment from a disabled infant with a life-threatening condition. The
term "withholding of medically indicated treatment" means the failure to respond to the
infant's life-threatening conditions by providing treatment, including appropriate nutrition,
hydration, and medication which, in the treating physician's or physicians' reasonable medical
judgment, will be most likely to be effective in ameliorating or correcting all conditions,
except that the term does not include the failure to provide treatment other than appropriate
nutrition, hydration, or medication to an infant when, in the treating physician's or physicians'
reasonable medical judgment:
(i) the infant is chronically and irreversibly comatose;
(ii) the provision of the treatment would merely prolong dying, not be effective in
ameliorating or correcting all of the infant's life-threatening conditions, or otherwise be
futile in terms of the survival of the infant; or
(iii) the provision of the treatment would be virtually futile in terms of the survival of
the infant and the treatment itself under the circumstances would be inhumane;
(6) is one whose parent, guardian, or other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved
of the child's care and custody, including a child who entered foster care under a voluntary
placement agreement between the parent and the responsible social services agency under
section 260C.227;
(7) has been placed for adoption or care in violation of law;
(8) is without proper parental care because of the emotional, mental, or physical disability,
or state of immaturity of the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian;
(9) is one whose behavior, condition, or environment is such as to be injurious or
dangerous to the child or others. An injurious or dangerous environment may include, but
is not limited to, the exposure of a child to criminal activity in the child's home;
(10) is experiencing growth delays, which may be referred to as failure to thrive, that
have been diagnosed by a physician and are due to parental neglect;
(11) is a sexually exploited youth;
(12) has committed a delinquent act or a juvenile petty offense before becoming ten
years old;
(13) is a runaway;
(14) is a habitual truant;
(15) has been found incompetent to proceed or has been found not guilty by reason of
mental illness or mental deficiency in connection with a delinquency proceeding, a
certification under section 260B.125, an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, or a
proceeding involving a juvenile petty offense; deleted text begin or
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(16) has a parent whose parental rights to one or more other children were involuntarily
terminated or whose custodial rights to another child have been involuntarily transferred to
a relative and there is a case plan prepared by the responsible social services agency
documenting a compelling reason why filing the termination of parental rights petition under
section 260C.503, subdivision 2, is not in the best interests of the childdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; or
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(17) is a victim of female genital mutilation in violation of section 609.2245, subdivision
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 260C.007, subdivision 14, is amended to read:
"Egregious harm" means the infliction of bodily harm to a
child or neglect of a child which demonstrates a grossly inadequate ability to provide
minimally adequate parental care. new text begin Except as stated in clause (11),new text end the egregious harm need
not have occurred in the state or in the county where a termination of parental rights action
is otherwise properly venued. Egregious harm includes, but is not limited to:
(1) conduct towards a child that constitutes a violation of sections 609.185 to 609.2114,
609.222, subdivision 2, 609.223, or any other similar law of any other state;
(2) the infliction of "substantial bodily harm" to a child, as defined in section 609.02,
subdivision 7a;
(3) conduct towards a child that constitutes felony malicious punishment of a child under
section 609.377;
(4) conduct towards a child that constitutes felony unreasonable restraint of a child under
section 609.255, subdivision 3;
(5) conduct towards a child that constitutes felony neglect or endangerment of a child
under section 609.378;
(6) conduct towards a child that constitutes assault under section 609.221, 609.222, or
(7) conduct towards a child that constitutes solicitation, inducement, or promotion of,
or receiving profit derived from prostitution under section 609.322;
(8) conduct towards a child that constitutes murder or voluntary manslaughter as defined
by United States Code, title 18, section 1111(a) or 1112(a);
(9) conduct towards a child that constitutes aiding or abetting, attempting, conspiring,
or soliciting to commit a murder or voluntary manslaughter that constitutes a violation of
United States Code, title 18, section 1111(a) or 1112(a); deleted text begin or
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(10) conduct toward a child that constitutes criminal sexual conduct under sections
609.342 to 609.345deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; or
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(11) conduct towards a child that constitutes a violation of section 609.2245, subdivision
1, which occurred while the child was a resident of the United States and on or after the
effective date of this act.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.2245, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Except as otherwise permitted in subdivision 2,new text begin the following
individuals are guilty of a felony and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 4:
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new text begin (1)new text end whoever knowingly new text begin (i) new text end circumcises, excises, or infibulates, in whole or in part, the
labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of anothernew text begin , or (ii) performs any other harmful procedure
to the female genitalia of a minor for nonmedical purposes, including but not limited to
pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, and cauterization,new text end is guilty of a felony. Consent to the
procedure by a minor on whom it is performed or by the minor's parent is not a defense to
a violation of this subdivisiondeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; and
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(2) the parent, guardian, or other person legally responsible or charged with the care or
custody of a minor who knowingly allows the circumcision, excision, or infibulation, in
whole or in part, of the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of the female minor, or any
other harmful procedure to the female genitalia for nonmedical purposes, including but not
limited to pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, and cauterization of the female minor's
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This section is effective the day following final enactment and
applies to crimes committed on or after that date.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.2245, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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A violation of, or attempt to violate subdivision 1, clause
(2), is a condition that endangers a child's health or welfare and justifies taking the child
into custody pursuant to section 260C.175, subdivision 1.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.2245, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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A person who violates subdivision 1 may be sentenced as follows:
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(1) if the act results in narrowing of the vaginal orifice with creation of a covering seal
by cutting and appositioning the labia minora, labia majora, or both, imprisonment for not
more than 20 years or payment of a fine of not more than $30,000, or both;
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(2) if the act results in partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora,
imprisonment of not more than ten years or payment of a fine of not more than $20,000, or
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(3) if the act results in partial or total removal of the clitoris, prepuce, or both,
imprisonment of not more than five years or a payment of a fine of not more than $10,000,
or both; or
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(4) if the act constitutes a harmful procedure to the female genitalia not described in
clauses (1) to (3), including but not limited to pricking, piercing, incising, scraping, and
cauterization, imprisonment of not more than five years or a payment of a fine of not more
than $10,000, or both.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment and
applies to violations committed on or after that date.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 626.556, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
As used in this section, the following terms have the meanings
given them unless the specific content indicates otherwise:
(a) "Accidental" means a sudden, not reasonably foreseeable, and unexpected occurrence
or event which:
(1) is not likely to occur and could not have been prevented by exercise of due care; and
(2) if occurring while a child is receiving services from a facility, happens when the
facility and the employee or person providing services in the facility are in compliance with
the laws and rules relevant to the occurrence or event.
(b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of human services.
(c) "Facility" means:
(1) a licensed or unlicensed day care facility, residential facility, agency, hospital,
sanitarium, or other facility or institution required to be licensed under sections 144.50 to
144.58, 241.021, or 245A.01 to 245A.16, or chapter 245D;
(2) a school as defined in section 120A.05, subdivisions 9, 11, and 13; and chapter 124E;
(3) a nonlicensed personal care provider organization as defined in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 19a.
(d) "Family assessment" means a comprehensive assessment of child safety, risk of
subsequent child maltreatment, and family strengths and needs that is applied to a child
maltreatment report that does not allege sexual abuse or substantial child endangerment.
Family assessment does not include a determination as to whether child maltreatment
occurred but does determine the need for services to address the safety of family members
and the risk of subsequent maltreatment.
(e) "Investigation" means fact gathering related to the current safety of a child and the
risk of subsequent maltreatment that determines whether child maltreatment occurred and
whether child protective services are needed. An investigation must be used when reports
involve sexual abuse or substantial child endangerment, and for reports of maltreatment in
facilities required to be licensed under chapter 245A or 245D; under sections 144.50 to
144.58 and 241.021; in a school as defined in section 120A.05, subdivisions 9, 11, and 13,
and chapter 124E; or in a nonlicensed personal care provider association as defined in section
256B.0625, subdivision 19a.
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(f) For purposes of this subdivision, "maltreatment" means any of the following acts or
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(1) mental injury as defined in paragraph (g);
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(2) neglect as defined in paragraph (h);
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(3) physical abuse as defined in paragraph (l);
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(4) sexual abuse as defined in paragraph (o);
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(5) substantial child endangerment as defined in paragraph (p); and
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(6) threatened injury as defined in paragraph (q).
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deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end "Mental injury" means an injury to the psychological capacity or emotional
stability of a child as evidenced by an observable or substantial impairment in the child's
ability to function within a normal range of performance and behavior with due regard to
the child's culture.
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end "Neglect" means the commission or omission of any of the acts specified under
clauses (1) to (9), other than by accidental means:
(1) failure by a person responsible for a child's care to supply a child with necessary
food, clothing, shelter, health, medical, or other care required for the child's physical or
mental health when reasonably able to do so;
(2) failure to protect a child from conditions or actions that seriously endanger the child's
physical or mental health when reasonably able to do so, including a growth delay, which
may be referred to as a failure to thrive, that has been diagnosed by a physician and is due
to parental neglect;
(3) failure to provide for necessary supervision or child care arrangements appropriate
for a child after considering factors as the child's age, mental ability, physical condition,
length of absence, or environment, when the child is unable to care for the child's own basic
needs or safety, or the basic needs or safety of another child in their care;
(4) failure to ensure that the child is educated as defined in sections 120A.22 and
260C.163, subdivision 11, which does not include a parent's refusal to provide the parent's
child with sympathomimetic medications, consistent with section 125A.091, subdivision
(5) nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that a child is neglected solely
because the child's parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the child's care in good
faith selects and depends upon spiritual means or prayer for treatment or care of disease or
remedial care of the child in lieu of medical care; except that a parent, guardian, or caretaker,
or a person mandated to report pursuant to subdivision 3, has a duty to report if a lack of
medical care may cause serious danger to the child's health. This section does not impose
upon persons, not otherwise legally responsible for providing a child with necessary food,
clothing, shelter, education, or medical care, a duty to provide that care;
(6) prenatal exposure to a controlled substance, as defined in section 253B.02, subdivision
2, used by the mother for a nonmedical purpose, as evidenced by withdrawal symptoms in
the child at birth, results of a toxicology test performed on the mother at delivery or the
child at birth, medical effects or developmental delays during the child's first year of life
that medically indicate prenatal exposure to a controlled substance, or the presence of a
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder;
(7) "medical neglect" as defined in section 260C.007, subdivision 6, clause (5);
(8) chronic and severe use of alcohol or a controlled substance by a parent or person
responsible for the care of the child that adversely affects the child's basic needs and safety;
(9) emotional harm from a pattern of behavior which contributes to impaired emotional
functioning of the child which may be demonstrated by a substantial and observable effect
in the child's behavior, emotional response, or cognition that is not within the normal range
for the child's age and stage of development, with due regard to the child's culture.
deleted text begin (h)deleted text end new text begin (i)new text end "Nonmaltreatment mistake" means:
(1) at the time of the incident, the individual was performing duties identified in the
center's child care program plan required under Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0045;
(2) the individual has not been determined responsible for a similar incident that resulted
in a finding of maltreatment for at least seven years;
(3) the individual has not been determined to have committed a similar nonmaltreatment
mistake under this paragraph for at least four years;
(4) any injury to a child resulting from the incident, if treated, is treated only with
remedies that are available over the counter, whether ordered by a medical professional or
not; and
(5) except for the period when the incident occurred, the facility and the individual
providing services were both in compliance with all licensing requirements relevant to the
This definition only applies to child care centers licensed under Minnesota Rules, chapter
9503. If clauses (1) to (5) apply, rather than making a determination of substantiated
maltreatment by the individual, the commissioner of human services shall determine that a
nonmaltreatment mistake was made by the individual.
deleted text begin (i)deleted text end new text begin (j)new text end "Operator" means an operator or agency as defined in section 245A.02.
deleted text begin (j)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end "Person responsible for the child's care" means (1) an individual functioning
within the family unit and having responsibilities for the care of the child such as a parent,
guardian, or other person having similar care responsibilities, or (2) an individual functioning
outside the family unit and having responsibilities for the care of the child such as a teacher,
school administrator, other school employees or agents, or other lawful custodian of a child
having either full-time or short-term care responsibilities including, but not limited to, day
care, babysitting whether paid or unpaid, counseling, teaching, and coaching.
deleted text begin (k)deleted text end new text begin (l)new text end "Physical abuse" means any physical injury, mental injury, or threatened injury,
inflicted by a person responsible for the child's care on a child other than by accidental
means, or any physical or mental injury that cannot reasonably be explained by the child's
history of injuries, or any aversive or deprivation procedures, or regulated interventions,
that have not been authorized under section 125A.0942 or 245.825.
Abuse does not include reasonable and moderate physical discipline of a child
administered by a parent or legal guardian which does not result in an injury. Abuse does
not include the use of reasonable force by a teacher, principal, or school employee as allowed
by section 121A.582. Actions which are not reasonable and moderate include, but are not
limited to, any of the following:
(1) throwing, kicking, burning, biting, or cutting a child;
(2) striking a child with a closed fist;
(3) shaking a child under age three;
(4) striking or other actions which result in any nonaccidental injury to a child under 18
months of age;
(5) unreasonable interference with a child's breathing;
(6) threatening a child with a weapon, as defined in section 609.02, subdivision 6;
(7) striking a child under age one on the face or head;
(8) striking a child who is at least age one but under age four on the face or head, which
results in an injury;
(9) purposely giving a child poison, alcohol, or dangerous, harmful, or controlled
substances which were not prescribed for the child by a practitioner, in order to control or
punish the child; or other substances that substantially affect the child's behavior, motor
coordination, or judgment or that results in sickness or internal injury, or subjects the child
to medical procedures that would be unnecessary if the child were not exposed to the
(10) unreasonable physical confinement or restraint not permitted under section 609.379,
including but not limited to tying, caging, or chaining; or
(11) in a school facility or school zone, an act by a person responsible for the child's
care that is a violation under section 121A.58.
deleted text begin (l)deleted text end new text begin (m)new text end "Practice of social services," for the purposes of subdivision 3, includes but is
not limited to employee assistance counseling and the provision of guardian ad litem and
parenting time expeditor services.
deleted text begin (m)deleted text end new text begin (n)new text end "Report" means any communication received by the local welfare agency, police
department, county sheriff, or agency responsible for child protection pursuant to this section
that describes neglect or physical or sexual abuse of a child and contains sufficient content
to identify the child and any person believed to be responsible for the neglect or abuse, if
deleted text begin (n)deleted text end new text begin (o)new text end "Sexual abuse" means the subjection of a child by a person responsible for the
child's care, by a person who has a significant relationship to the child, as defined in section
609.341, or by a person in a position of authority, as defined in section 609.341, subdivision
10, to any act which constitutes a violation of section 609.342 (criminal sexual conduct in
the first degree), 609.343 (criminal sexual conduct in the second degree), 609.344 (criminal
sexual conduct in the third degree), 609.345 (criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree),
or 609.3451 (criminal sexual conduct in the fifth degree). Sexual abuse also includes any
act which involves a minor which constitutes a violation of prostitution offenses under
sections 609.321 to 609.324 or 617.246. Effective May 29, 2017, sexual abuse includes all
reports of known or suspected child sex trafficking involving a child who is identified as a
victim of sex trafficking. Sexual abuse includes child sex trafficking as defined in section
609.321, subdivisions 7a and 7b. Sexual abuse includes threatened sexual abuse which
includes the status of a parent or household member who has committed a violation which
requires registration as an offender under section 243.166, subdivision 1b, paragraph (a) or
(b), or required registration under section 243.166, subdivision 1b, paragraph (a) or (b).
deleted text begin (o)deleted text end new text begin (p)new text end "Substantial child endangerment" means a person responsible for a child's care,
by act or omission, commits or attempts to commit an act against a child under their care
that constitutes any of the following:
(1) egregious harm as defined in section 260C.007, subdivision 14;
(2) abandonment under section 260C.301, subdivision 2;
(3) neglect as defined in paragraph deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end , clause (2), that substantially endangers the
child's physical or mental health, including a growth delay, which may be referred to as
failure to thrive, that has been diagnosed by a physician and is due to parental neglect;
(4) murder in the first, second, or third degree under section 609.185, 609.19, or 609.195;
(5) manslaughter in the first or second degree under section 609.20 or 609.205;
(6) assault in the first, second, or third degree under section 609.221, 609.222, or 609.223;
(7) solicitation, inducement, and promotion of prostitution under section 609.322;
(8) criminal sexual conduct under sections 609.342 to 609.3451;
(9) solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct under section 609.352;
(10) malicious punishment or neglect or endangerment of a child under section 609.377
or 609.378;
(11) use of a minor in sexual performance under section 617.246; or
(12) parental behavior, status, or condition which mandates that the county attorney file
a termination of parental rights petition under section 260C.503, subdivision 2.
deleted text begin (p)deleted text end new text begin (q)new text end "Threatened injury" means a statement, overt act, condition, or status that
represents a substantial risk of physical or sexual abuse or mental injury. Threatened injury
includes, but is not limited to, exposing a child to a person responsible for the child's care,
as defined in paragraph deleted text begin (j)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end , clause (1), who has:
(1) subjected a child to, or failed to protect a child from, an overt act or condition that
constitutes egregious harm, as defined in section 260C.007, subdivision 14, or a similar law
of another jurisdiction;
(2) been found to be palpably unfit under section 260C.301, subdivision 1, paragraph
(b), clause (4), or a similar law of another jurisdiction;
(3) committed an act that has resulted in an involuntary termination of parental rights
under section 260C.301, or a similar law of another jurisdiction; or
(4) committed an act that has resulted in the involuntary transfer of permanent legal and
physical custody of a child to a relative under Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 260C.201,
subdivision 11, paragraph (d), clause (1), section 260C.515, subdivision 4, or a similar law
of another jurisdiction.
A child is the subject of a report of threatened injury when the responsible social services
agency receives birth match data under paragraph deleted text begin (q)deleted text end new text begin (r)new text end from the Department of Human
deleted text begin (q)deleted text end new text begin (r)new text end Upon receiving data under section 144.225, subdivision 2b, contained in a birth
record or recognition of parentage identifying a child who is subject to threatened injury
under paragraph deleted text begin (p)deleted text end new text begin (q)new text end , the Department of Human Services shall send the data to the
responsible social services agency. The data is known as "birth match" data. Unless the
responsible social services agency has already begun an investigation or assessment of the
report due to the birth of the child or execution of the recognition of parentage and the
parent's previous history with child protection, the agency shall accept the birth match data
as a report under this section. The agency may use either a family assessment or investigation
to determine whether the child is safe. All of the provisions of this section apply. If the child
is determined to be safe, the agency shall consult with the county attorney to determine the
appropriateness of filing a petition alleging the child is in need of protection or services
under section 260C.007, subdivision 6, clause (16), in order to deliver needed services. If
the child is determined not to be safe, the agency and the county attorney shall take
appropriate action as required under section 260C.503, subdivision 2.
deleted text begin (r)deleted text end new text begin (s)new text end Persons who conduct assessments or investigations under this section shall take
into account accepted child-rearing practices of the culture in which a child participates and
accepted teacher discipline practices, which are not injurious to the child's health, welfare,
and safety.
new text begin
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 626.556, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
(a) A person
who knows or has reason to believe a child deleted text begin is being neglected or physically or sexually
abused, as defined in subdivision 2deleted text end new text begin is a victim of maltreatment as defined in subdivision 2,
paragraph (f)new text end , or has been deleted text begin neglected or physically or sexually abuseddeleted text end new text begin a victim of maltreatment
as defined in subdivision 2, paragraph (f), new text end within the preceding three years, shall immediately
report the information to the local welfare agency, agency responsible for assessing or
investigating the report, police department, county sheriff, tribal social services agency, or
tribal police department if the person is:
(1) a professional or professional's delegate who is engaged in the practice of the healing
arts, social services, hospital administration, psychological or psychiatric treatment, child
care, education, correctional supervision, probation and correctional services, or law
enforcement; or
(2) employed as a member of the clergy and received the information while engaged in
ministerial duties, provided that a member of the clergy is not required by this subdivision
to report information that is otherwise privileged under section 595.02, subdivision 1,
paragraph (c).
(b) Any person may voluntarily report to the local welfare agency, agency responsible
for assessing or investigating the report, police department, county sheriff, tribal social
services agency, or tribal police department if the person knows, has reason to believe, or
suspects a child is being or has been neglected or subjected to physical or sexual abuse.
(c) A person mandated to report physical or sexual child abuse or neglect occurring
within a licensed facility shall report the information to the agency responsible for licensing
the facility under sections 144.50 to 144.58; 241.021; 245A.01 to 245A.16; or chapter 245D;
or a nonlicensed personal care provider organization as defined in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 19. A health or corrections agency receiving a report may request the local
welfare agency to provide assistance pursuant to subdivisions 10, 10a, and 10b. A board or
other entity whose licensees perform work within a school facility, upon receiving a
complaint of alleged maltreatment, shall provide information about the circumstances of
the alleged maltreatment to the commissioner of education. Section 13.03, subdivision 4,
applies to data received by the commissioner of education from a licensing entity.
(d) Notification requirements under subdivision 10 apply to all reports received under
this section.
(e) For purposes of this section, "immediately" means as soon as possible but in no event
longer than 24 hours.