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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 85

Bill Name: SF3683

4E Relating to state government


Establishing a
livestock investment grant program, specifying eligibility and process;
requiring the commissioner of agriculture pesticide disposal; prohibiting
pesticide collection limitations; requiring annual disposal site designation and
advertising and periodic residential disposal opportunities with recordkeeping,
requiring universal county execution; modifying pesticide application violations
to include applications at sites not requested, ordered, permitted or
contracted; requiring commissioner allocation from the pesticide regulatory
account for collection and disposal; modifying the authority of the commissioner
of agriculture for revocation and suspension actions of previously issued
registration, permit, license or certifications under certain conditions for
pesticide and fertilizer use; modifying agricultural chemical incident
provisions by changing certain application requirements for payment of
corrective action costs to an eligible person; modifying certain food handler
provisions, authorizing the waiving of certain fees and expedited food handler
plan review by the commissioner of agriculture in certain declared disaster
areas; modifying vending machine fee requirements and defining vending machine;
modifying certain egg sales and handling provisions; modifying certain embargo
and condemnation provisions to include animals and livestock and defining
animals; changing certain food sanitary provisions relating to employment of a
diseased person and modifying certain water, plumbing and sewage system
prohibitions, increasing the somatic cell count limit for goat milk; prohibiting
commissioner deficiency payments to entities no longer producing ethanol on a
commercial scale; modifying certain membership requirements for the NextGen
energy board and modifying board expiration date (sunset provision); extending
the expiration date of the agriculture education leadership council; making
technical corrections for bovine tuberculosis prevention; establishing
requirements for practicing animal chiropractic care, authorizing licensed
chiropractors to engage in the practice of animal chiropractic diagnosis and
treatment, defining scope of practice, providing for the use of the title of
animal chiropractor, providing for provisional practice during promulgation of
rules, establishing certain educational criteria for licensure in animal
chiropractic diagnosis and treatment, establishing continuing education hours,
specifying separate treatment room and equipment use requirements for certain
facilities; recognizing the program for the assessment of veterinary education
equivalence (PAVE) certification, allowing faculty licensure for university of
Minnesota college of veterinary medicine specialty practitioners board certified
by the European board of veterinary specialization; modifying the temporary
faculty veterinary medical center clinician license and cease and desist orders
service, permitting dispensing of human drugs and over the counter drugs for
extra label use, specifying conditions; removing the percentage requirement from
the ethanol blender definition and from the gasoline blended with ethanol
blending standard, establishing a gasoline ethanol blending standard for
standard combustion engines, establishing a gasoline ethanol blending standard
for alternative fuel vehicles; modifying the definition of biodiesel fuel and
increasing the minimum content of biodiesel fuel in diesel fuel, specifying
biodiesel content goals, establishing a panel composed of the commissioners of
agriculture, commerce and pollution control agency (PCA) and specifying duties,
clarifying minimum content exceptions and adding off-road logging equipment and
machinery and aircraft vehicles and equipment as exceptions, sunset, requiring
the commissioner of agriculture to issue a report annually by a certain date to
the legislature regarding the implementation of biodiesel minimum content
requirements; requiring expansion of renewable-fuel options to consumers, making
conforming amendments; "President Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bill to Preserve
Agricultural, Forest, Wildlife and Open Space Land", requiring the board of
county commissioners to consider natural heritage data in adopting or amending
comprehensive plans, requiring certain counties to consider open space and
environment protection goals, requiring great Minnesota counties adopting or
updating a comprehensive plan to consider adopting goals and objectives for the
preservation of agricultural, forest, wildlife and open space lands and
minimizing development in certain sensitive shoreland areas; specifying certain
goals and objectives to be considered and certain development goals and
objectives; prohibiting the cancellation of the unencumbered balance of a
certain prior appropriation for agricultural marketing and development;
prohibiting the cancellation of the unencumbered balance of a certain prior
appropriation for bioenergy and value added agricultural products; extending an
appropriation to the agricultural fertilizer research and education council for
agricultural fertilizer research and education program grants; creating the
agricultural and open space preservation task force, requiring a report to the
legislature by a certain date, sunset provision; requiring the commissioners of
finance, commerce and the PCA to develop and submit to the legislature a
proposal for eliminating redundant fuel inspections and dedicating petroleum
inspection fee revenue to the weights and measures division of the department of
commerce and requiring the commissioners of agriculture and commerce to consider
and provide recommendations to maximize the performance of biodiesel in cold
weather; requiring the commissioners of agriculture, commerce and pollution
control agency (PCA) to consult with stakeholders to develop and present
recommendation to the NextGen energy board and legislature for biobased diesel
alternatives use; requiring the state agricultural society to obtain a certain
percentage of the primary license fee for expansion of the recreational camping
area license for the family motor coach association event; requiring the DNR
commissioner to form a work group with the commissioners of agriculture and
health for viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) presence response plan
developmentl specifying testing and legislative report requirements; modifying a
NextGen commissioner of agriculture appropriation; authorizing the commissioner
of agriculture to use up to a certain amount of an appropriation for dairy
development and planning for livestock operations assistance in bovine
tuberculosis modified accredited zones as federally designated


Authorizing the commissioner of public safety to issue special
veteran single motorcycle plates to registered motorcycle owners, regulating
plate size and permitting plate transfer, appropriating money in the world war
II memorial donation match account after state construction costs payment to the
commissioner of veterans affairs for veterans and families services and
programs; exempting qualified reservist owned businesses from civil court
proceedings during active military service; permitting active service personnel
promotion by brevet upon injury or death; prohibiting employer discrimination
against families of service members; transferring the functions of the veterans
homes board of directors to the commissioner of veterans affairs; creating the
veterans health care advisory council to provide the department of veterans
affairs with advice and recommendations on providing veterans with quality long
term care, specifying membership and duties, sunset provision; modifying and
clarifying certain provisions relating to state veterans cemeteries, modifying
certain eligibility and burial fees requirements; specifying certain duties of
the commissioner of veterans affairs relating to plot allowance claims;
prohibiting cemetery staff hiring without legislative approval; modifying the
Minnesota GI bill program by changing the cost of attendance and the definition
of veteran, extending eligible institution to certain graduates schools;
requiring completion and submission of the free federal application for federal
student aid (FAFSA), clarifying the part-time student load standard and
specifying a minimum award per term for undergraduate and graduate students;
transferring administrative rules responsibility from the veterans homes board
of directors to the commissioner of veterans affairs and authorizing
enforcement, amendatory and repeal rulemaking; authorizing the governor to make
the initial appointments to the veterans health care advisory council and
requiring the ombudsman for residents and family members of residents at the
Minneapolis Veterans' Home to attend meetings; transferring veterans cemetery
trust account funds to the permanent development and maintenance account in the
special revenue fund; transferring money in the veterans cemetery account to the
permanent development and maintenance account; requiring the commissioner of
veterans affairs to evaluate the status of and need for additional veterans
cemeteries in the state; requiring the commissioner of veterans affairs to seek
input for partnering in delivery of veterans services; requiring a legislative
report from the department of veterans affairs strategic planning group by a
certain date on recommendations for the Minneapolis veterans home; requiring the
commissioner to continue to plan and develop federal funding and other resources
for construction projects on the project priority listing; prescribing
membership, duties and administration for the county veterans services working
group; requiring a study of veterans employment in state government by executive
branch appointing authorities and requiring a legislative report; appropriating
money to the commissioner of veterans affairs for armed forces World War II
commemorative medallions; specifying instructions to the revisor of statutes for
the veterans homes board of directors transfer; repealing the state Persian Gulf
war ribbon and the veterans cemetery permanent trust account and allocation of
plots and repealing the veterans homes board of directors and associated powers
and duties
(Ch. 297, 2008)