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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 85

Bill Name: SF3631

2E Providing for the financing of prekindergarten through grade 12 and early
childhood and family education programs and services


Modifying annual reporting requirements of district anticipated
expenditures and passage rates for GRAD purposes by school superintendents;
authorizing the commissioner of education to enter into interstate agreements
with adjoining states to establish an enrollment options program, specifying
agreement specifications, conditions, and pupil accounting (pupil unit);
requiring the commissioner of education to establish procedures relating to the
application process, funds payment or collection and data collection; providing
for an exclusion from procedure requirements for certain smaller enrollment
transfers; providing a tuition exemption for enrollment transfers under terms
of agreement; modifying general education revenue calculation for 2010 and later
to reflect alternative teacher compensation revenue program changes; modifying
transition revenue for 2010 and later to include tuition reciprocity, adjusting
transition revenue for independent school district #356, Lancaster; providing a
transition for tuition reciprocity revenue and specifying a formula; allowing
payments made through the enrollment reciprocity program to be included in
allowable payments to third parties; modifying the formula for determining basic
alternative teacher compensation aid for school districts, intermediate school
districts and charter schools, limitations; limiting calculation of the
alternative teacher compensation levy and aid in the general education program;
modifying the referendum revenue ballot language in cases of renewal of
referendum authority; increasing school districts and intermediate school
districts allowable lease levy authority; authorizing intermediate school
district boards to borrow money in anticipation of the receipt of federal and
state aids and membership fees and tuition payments from member school
districts, specifying borrowing limitations; requiring enabling resolutions and
certain notification requirements; specifying certain aid reduction for
repayment limitations and certain repayment conditions for school districts and
intermediate school districts; clarifying provisions relating to abatement
adjustment aid and excess tax increments; adjusting certain prior appropriations
for general education aid, for independent school district #239,
Rushford-Peterson flood costs and for disaster relief facilities grants to other
districts affected by the floods; creating a formula for 2010 to provide school
district flood enrollment and transportation aid to independent school district
#239, Rushford-Peterson and appropriating money for flood enrollment impact aid;
limiting participation in the alternative teacher pay program to new school
districts and charter schools; providing eligibility for sparsity adjustment aid
to independent school district #356, Lancaster and appropriating money;
repealing certain provisions relating to the permanent school fund, alternative
teacher compensation levy, school district advance final payment, basic
alternative teacher compensation aid and flood aid for independent school
district #238, Mabel-Canton and independent school districts #294,


Designating ice hockey as the
official sport of the state; establishing a state virtual education program for
teachers and student instruction and learning enhancement and improvement;
establishing state measures for academic success, requiring a growth based value
added indicator of student achievement for statewide and local assessments;
defining certain terms; modifying certain statewide testing and reporting system
provisions and educational accountability and public reporting requirements,
requiring the commissioner to aggregate certain student performance data;
requiring the commissioner to maintain a system for student academic achievement
and growth and specifying certain system component requirements; modifying
educational assessment system requirements, modifying certain duties of the
commissioner relating to establishing a new state growth norm applicable to
students in a particular grade for a particular year; specifying certain
application requirements for the state growth norm to students in grades 4
through 8; specifying certain student performance reporting requirements;
requiring the commissioner to establish criteria for identifying school and
school districts demonstrating exceptional growth and on best practices learned
from schools; modifying school performance report cards content and reporting
requirements; modifying growth based value added assessment program
requirements; providing teacher licensure via portfolio; modifying the basic
alternative teacher compensation aid formulas for a school district,
intermediate school district or charter school with an approved plan;
establishing formulas for district alternative teacher compensation levy and
aid; requiring teacher institutes to assist teachers in providing advanced
training during summer months to licensed mathematics and science teachers;
authorizing cooperative agreements for certain regional pupil transportation
services in Hennepin county; clarifying pupil notification regarding payment and
intent to enroll procedures under the postsecondary enrollment options act
(PSEO); clarifying the procedure for a student to enroll in supplemental online
learning, specifying certain online provider reporting requirements; modifying
online learning program (online learning option act) learning parameters;
extending the online learning advisory council sunset; modifying appropriations
for the statewide testing and reporting system, the educational planning and
assessment system (EPAS) program, and the college level examination program
(CLEP) and the preadvanced placement, advance placement, international
baccalaureate and concurrent enroll programs; extending the special education
task force sunset, modifying duties and membership, appropriating money;
requiring the commissioner to convene groups for implementing a student growth
based value added system, specifying certain growth based value added system
model conformity requirements; creating an advisory task force on improving
students academic achievement to review plans submitted to the commissioner of
education and submit a proposal for improving student academic achievement to
the legislature, sunset provision; appropriating money to the department of
education for the Minnesota virtual education program, for mathematics and
science teacher centers and institutes and for certain best practices grants to
the humanities commission, historical society, to A Chance to Grow/New Visions
for the Minnesota learning resource center program, and to the Principals
leadership institute


appropriations for payment of debt service equalization aid; modifying district
general obligation bonding authority for certain capital facilities to include
modifying buildings and equipment for security, increasing bond payoff time;
increasing education levy authority for ice arenas; authorizing certain
permanent fund transfers in independent school districts #411, Balaton, #2580,
East Central, #671, Hills-Beaver Creek, #750, Rocori and #706, Virginia;
allowing eligibility in the alternative facilities revenue program by
independent school district #623, Roseville under certain conditions


Increasing the K-12 school milk reimbursement for kindergarten
students to schools; increasing a prior appropriation for traditional school
breakfast aid and kindergarten milk


Requiring the
commissioner to create an American Indian education committee to advise the
commissioner in the administration of certain educational duties of American
Indian people; adjusting a prior appropriation; appropriating money for the
outdoor education working group, for administration of the online learning
program, the state advisory board on early learning, for administration of the
school performance report card, and for the academic achievement plan; directing
the commissioner of natural resources (DNR) to coordinate a working group with
the commissioner of education to report on the teaching of outdoor education in
grades 7 through 12


Increasing reimbursements
for early education developmental screening aid; modifying the formula for
calculating state total adult basic education aid; clarifying replacement aid
eligibility requirements for independent school district #2899,
Plainview-Elgin-Millville; adjusting a prior appropriation for health and
developmental screening aid; establishing a state advisory board on early
learning to make recommendations on the most efficient and effective to leverage
state and federal funding streams for early childhood and child care programs,


Modifying appropriations for referendum tax
base replacement aid, enrollment options transportation, abatement revenue,
consolidation transition, nonpublic pupil education aid and nonpublic pupil


Modifying appropriations for charter
school building lease aid, charter school startup cost aid, integration aid,
interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation grants and tribal
contract school aid


Modifying appropriations for aid to
children with disabilities and travel aid for homebased services


Modifying appropriations health and safety revenue, debt service
equalization, deferred maintenance aid and school technology and capital aid


Modifying appropriations for school lunch,
traditional school breakfast, kindergarten milk and summer food service
replacement aid


Modifying appropriations
for early childhood family education (ECFE) aid, school readiness, health and
developmental screening aid, community education aid, adults with disabilities
program aid and adult basic education aid