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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 81

Bill Name: SF3216

E Relating to education, modifying, expanding and repealing certain provisions
of the K-12 education code ARTICLE 1- EDUCATION CODE; COMPULSORY
ATTENDANCEDefining charter school and public school and clarifying parental
responsibility for the education of a child for compulsory attendance purposes;
applying truancy laws to students required by school boards to attend summer
school; repealing the requirement for school boards to include a certain number
of additional days of student instruction per school year ARTICLE 2 CURRICULUM
AND ASSESSMENT Eliminating the stated purpose of violence prevention curriculum
and the authority of the department of children, families and learning to
provide assistance at neutral sites to nonpublic schools participating in the
programs; repealing the instruction and curriculum advisory committee, the
authority of schools to establish building teams to develop and implement
education effectiveness plans, the requirement for school districts to evaluate
constituency satisfaction for inclusion in the annual report and the endowed
BEHAVIOREliminating certain content requirements for school zone dangerous
weapon incidents reports and the requirement for the commissioner of children,
families and learning to develop an alternative reporting format and reducing
the frequency requirement for the reports; eliminating certain specific school
American flag display requirements; clarifying certain school children
immunization requirements, requiring immunization statements to include the day
of receipt of each additional immunization and eliminating certain requirements
suspension authority of the commissioner of health; requiring school districts
to adopt a process for addressing chemical abuse problem reports and eliminating
certain specific requirements of school chemical abuse preassessment and school
and community advisory teams; modifying the requirement to wear industrial
quality eye protective devices; clarifying a certain provision providing for
school safety patrols, eliminating the option for patrol members to wear
fluorescent reflective vests; eliminating the requirement for the commissioner
to encourage and assist school districts to cooperatively establish alternative
educational services for pupils dismissed from school for dangerous, disruptive
or violent behavior; eliminating certain school board hazing policy
requirements; repealing the requirements for school boards to submit copies of
harassment or violence policies to the commissioner and to provide flags and
staffs for each district school building and the purpose statement for early
childhood health and developmental screening ARTICLE 4 - TEACHERS AND OTHER
EDUCATORSEliminating certain mandates relating to the register of licensed
persons kept by the board of teaching; eliminating athletic coaches from the
definition of supervisory personnel; eliminating certain teacher hiring
restrictions relating to relatives, the prohibition on requiring teachers to
reside within the employing school district and the requirement for teachers to
pay for requested copies of evaluations and files; enumerating certain teacher
contract negotiation requirements; requiring the scheduling of teacher duty free
lunch periods by negotiated agreement; modifying a certain provision providing
for the termination of coaches; eliminating the limit on the number of eligible
teachers allowed to be employed as teacher residents; changing the term practice
teachers to student teachers; eliminating the requirement for the board to
consult with the teacher mentoring task force on approval or disapproval of
teacher mentorship program applications; changing the designated state official
from the commissioner of children, families and learning to the executive
secretary of the board of teaching under the interstate agreement on
qualifications of educational personnel and requiring records of contracts under
the agreement to be kept on file in the office of the board of teaching instead
of the office of the commissioner of children, families and learning; specifying
certain renumbering and cross reference change instructions to the revisor of
statutes; repealing certain rulemaking authority of the commissioner, a certain
provision allowing the licensing of general teachers as teachers of English as a
second language (ESL) courses, certain qualification requirements for assessment
professionals, the license and degree exemption for head varsity coaches, a
certain requirement for school boards and exclusive representatives of teachers
to jointly develop a probationary teacher peer review process, certain
provisions providing for general control of schools, short term limited and
summer school contracts and sabbatical leave for teachers, teacher or staff
exchange programs, teacher centers and the administrators academy and
prohibiting the payment of wages to teachers delinquent in making certain
reports and the purpose for research on program effectiveness ARTICLE 5 SCHOOL
DISTRICTS; FORMS FOR ORGANIZING Modifying the program focus for area learning
centers; repealing the requirements for the centers to serve as resource centers
to provide certain hours of instruction, the purpose statement relating to the
establishment of education districts and certain school district cooperation and
combination provisions ARTICLE 6 SCHOOL DISTRICT POWERS AND DUTIESClarifying the
general authority of school district boards and eliminating the separate
requirement for school boards to provide free textbooks to pupils; eliminating
certain school site decision making team membership and agreement content
requirements, requiring school districts to provide certain notice to parents
relating to the teams and eliminating certain duties of the commissioner of
children, families and learning; eliminating the authority of school boards to
enter into agreements with post-secondary institutions for secondary or
post-secondary nonsectarian courses and certain duties of superintendents;
clarifying certain duties and authority of school principals; clarifying the
authority of school boards to charge part time student fees; requiring senate
confirmation of members appointed to the nonpublic education council;
eliminating certain inventory requirements for instructional materials loaned to
nonpublic schools and certain school board authority over extracurricular
activities and to designate school bus driver day; modifying school building
fire safety inspection requirements; modifying certain school bus safety
training requirements for students, eliminating certain competency demonstration
requirements and a certain provision encouraging districts to use the model
policy; repealing certain school board powers relating to the removal of
unauthorized vehicles, the acceptance of gifts, library facilities, summer
school classes, services for Indians, school lunches, payment of medical
insurance premiums for early retirees, education site achievement contracts,
imprest cash funds and agricultural education, certain authority and duties of
school principals, the policy relating to aid to nonpublic students, certain
provisions imposing certain penalties for school district employee or county
auditor failure to perform certain duties, providing for cocurricular
activities, the use of school buildings, advertising on school buses and
requiring school boards to visit schools and certain transportation provisions
ARTICLE 7 EDUCATION PROGRAMSClarifying and modifying the requirement for school
boards to provide kindergarten instruction; modifying the enrollment options
(open enrollment) program application process and certain credit requirements;
eliminating the counseling services and advanced student notice requirements
under the post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO) program; changing charter
school purposes to expected outcomes and eliminating certain mandates for
department of children, families and learning review and comment on performance
evaluations and dissemination of certain information; modifying certain
provisions relating to the school breakfast and milk programs; modifying the
mandatory components of the family connections program, requiring the
negotiation of certain issues relating to career teachers and commissioner of
children, families and learning approval of school district plans and
applications for family connections aid; modifying certain stated options of the
Minnesota school to work student organization foundation; modifying the purpose
of the youth entrepreneurship education program and of the Minnesota youth works
act and certain youth works grant provisions and training and education
requirements; modifying certain provisions relating to the education and
employment transitions system and the comprehensive youth apprenticeship program
and clarifying certain provisions relating to service learning programs;
expanding the authorized sites for the provision of limited English proficiency
(LEP) programs to nonpublic students, location to be a school district decision;
eliminating the specified program options under American Indian language and
culture education programs; eliminating the office of desegregation integration
in the department and transferring related duties to the commissioner;
eliminating the requirement for state multicultural education advisory committee
participation in cross cultural initiatives grants criteria determination and
award; eliminating the stated purpose of the Minnesota academic excellence
foundation and modifying certain program requirements; specifying certain
renumbering and cross reference change instructions to the revisor of statutes;
repealing certain school board authority relating to secondary school programs,
certain enrollment options, flexible learning year, service and work based
learning, limited English proficiency and parental involvement programs
provisions, the length of school year requirement for charter schools, certain
powers and duties of the school to work student organization, a certain youth
works grant priority requirement, certain responsibilities of the governor s
workforce development council under the education and employment transitions
system, the purposes of the first grade preparedness, school breakfast and
graduation incentives programs and metropolitan magnet school grants, the policy
statement under the American Indian education act, a certain exception to Indian
education grant requirements, the authority of charter schools to participate in
the school enrichment partnership program and the Minnesota local partnership
act ARTICLE 8 EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGYEliminating certain references to
computerized under the state information system and certain provisions relating
to telecommunication access grants to school districts; repealing the state
goals for technological advances in education, the requirements for the
department of children, families and learning to maintain a current annual data
acquisition calendar and to develop and operate a computerized data system, the
authority of the department to provide by delegation of powers and duties for
implementation and technical support of a computerized information reporting
system and the grant program for regional clearinghouses for improving education
technology ARTICLE 9 EDUCATION FUNDING Clarifying the pupil unit count for
school districts relating to certain adult students; eliminating certain
alternative referendum date provisions; modifying the state policy on education
funding ARTICLE 10 STATE ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATION Eliminating the authority
of the commissioner of children, families and learning to appoint deputy
commissioners and clarifying the general authority of the commissioner;
eliminating certain recommendations and audit reporting requirements of the
commissioner; modifying the authority of the commissioner to reduce aid to
school districts for violations of law ARTICLE 11 PERPICH CENTER FOR ARTS
EDUCATION Modifying certain powers and duties of the board of the Perpich center
for arts education ARTICLE 12 REPEAL OF RULESRepealing certain rules(mk, ja)