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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 82

Bill Name: SF3177

E Modifying certain provisions relating to certain programs under the
jurisdiction of the public facilities authority; transferring the requirement
for annual preparation and submission to the federal environmental protection
agency (EPA) of an intended use plan for the water pollution control revolving
fund from the pollution control agency to the authority, requiring the PCA to
provide the authority with a prioritized list of wastewater and storm water
projects for funding consideration; specifying certain eligibility requirements
for placement on the intended use plan and requiring the authority to offer
local government units seeking placement on the plan an opportunity to review
and comment on the plan before adoption, authorizing amendment of the plan for
additional projects upon determination of the availability of funds; modifying
certain provisions under the wastewater infrastructure funding program; stating
the purpose of the program; requiring the authority to establish a wastewater
infrastructure fund for grants and loans purposes; modifying project funding
eligibility and program administration requirements; specifying types and
amounts of assistance, requiring supplemental assistance for certain
significantly increased construction and installation costs and a match of
certain federal funds received to reduce the amount of the loan from the water
pollution control revolving fund exceeding a certain percentage of the market
value of the properties; authorizing the deferral of special assessments levied
to repay the loans; modifying loan repayment requirements; removing an exception
to the limit on supplemental assistance; changing the date for the biennial
report by the authority to the legislature on funding needs; modifying certain
local system replacement fund requirements; requiring applications for projects
in unsewered areas to include a certification from the county of project
location of consistency with adopted comprehensive land use and local water
plans; increasing the bonding authority of the public facilities authority;
repealing certain supplemental assistance and planning grant provisions (mk, ja)