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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 85

Bill Name: SF2492

3E Relating to state government; legislative citizen commission on Minnesota
resources (LCCMR) funding recommendations; appropriating money to the Minnesota
environment and natural resources trust and great lakes protection account for
metro conservation corridors (MeCC) phase IV, Vermillion River corridor
acquisition and restoration in Dakota county, Minnesota habitat conservation
partnership phase V, Avon hills landscape preservation in Stearns county,
Minnesota River valley green corridor land protection, scientific and natural
area acquisition, state land acquisition consolidation, state park and trail and
metropolitan regional park system lands acquisition, local initiative grants,
regional parks and natural areas, conservation partners, environmental
partnerships matching grant program, county trail system design, prairie
ecosystem restoration, best practices for native prairie management, impacts of
climate change and carbon dioxide on prairie and forest production, biofuel
production and wildlife conservation in working prairies, to the Minnesota
environment and natural resources trust for the board of regents of the
university of Minnesota, commissioner of natural resources (DNR) and the board
of soil and water resources (BOWSR) for the future of energy and Minnesota water
resources, accelerating plans for integrated control of the common carp,
pesticides and degradates in public drinking water testing, riparian buffers in
the whitewater river watershed assessment, intra lake zoning to protect
sensitive lakeshore areas, the native shoreland buffer incentives program,
southeast Minnesota stream restoration projects, south central Minnesota
groundwater monitoring and county geologic atlases, lake Superior research,
national wetlands inventory updating, soil survey, precipitation intensities for
runoff estimating and infrastructure designs updating, Minnesota breeding bird
atlas, restorable wetlands inventory, wildlife disease data surveillance and
analysis, conservation easement stewardship, conservation easement stewardship,
oversight and maintenance, conservation easement stewardship and enforcement
program, waters of Minnesota documentary on watersheds, global warming and
reducing carbon footprint on Minnesota schools and emerging issues account;
specifying environment and natural resources trust fund data availability
requirements, specifying project requirements upon appropriation acceptance,
payment conditions and capital equipment expenditures, recycled and recyclable
materials purchase, energy conservation and sustainable building guidelines,
Americans with disabilities act (ADA) access requirements, providing for
continued availability and carry forward of certain appropriations, requiring
repayment to the fund under certain conditions of net income from sales;
requiring the LCCMR to consider requesting proposals for biological control or
other innovative control methods of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species;
allowing the LCCMR to recommend income relinquishment under certain conditions

(Ch. 367, 2008)