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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2295

E Modifying and updating certain provisions relating to state + agencies;
reducing the number of deputy and assistant commissioners and the +upper limit
on salaries in state agencies, permitting salaries set under +collective
bargaining agreements, restricting increases; requiring a certain +reduction in
the salary of the director of the higher education services office +(HESO);
imposing spending limits on state agencies for travel outside the +state,
prohibiting contracting or paying for meeting space outside state +facilities,
for food or for meeting nonstate employee facilitators or note +takers;
requiring the commissioner of finance to reduce appropriations to +executive
branch agencies and constitutional officers for fiscal years 2004 and+ 2005,
prohibiting elimination of positions in the classified service; +repealing the
authority of state agencies to add positions in the unclassified +service (ra,