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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 84

Bill Name: SF1978

Relating to gambling


Providing for operation of lottery
gaming machines and the conduct of lottery and nonlottery games at a gaming
facility (casino) to provide an opportunity for increased economic development
and self sufficiency to tribal governments not benefiting from Indian gaming
facilities and to provide for the generation of revenues to the state


Defining certain terms relating to the gaming facility,
gaming machines, lottery games and tribal entities and redefining lottery
procurement contract; authorizing and providing for the director of the state
lottery to contract with a tribal entity for the location of gaming machines and
other lottery games at a site located in the metropolitan area or a contiguous
county, requiring joint selection of the site by the director and the tribal
entity and consent by the city of location, specifying certain contract criteria
and tribal entity responsibilities and a duration limit, authorizing periodic
renewal, contract not to legally affect the validity of existing tribal state
gaming compacts; authorizing the director to authorize the operation of gaming
machines and the conduct of other lottery games at a temporary facility pending
completion of a permanent facility; granting the director certain contract
enforcement authority; requiring payments to the commissioner of human services
for problem and compulsive gambling treatment or programs; regulating the
operation of the gaming machines placed at the facility, requiring operation and
control by the director, authorizing the director to authorize the tribal entity
to manage the day to day operation of the machines and the conduct of other
lottery games, costs to be borne by the lottery; prescribing certain gaming
machine specifications, providing for examination of the machines and regulating
the award of prizes; prohibiting participation by minors; requiring the tribal
entity to post the toll free telephone number for the problem and compulsive
gambling program and to establish a proactive plan relating to problem and
compulsive gambling; prohibiting local licensing and fees; providing for lottery
collection of certain data and classifying the data received; providing for a
budget for the facility; authorizing the director to adopt game procedures;
limiting the amount of gross revenue allowed to be credited to the lottery
operations account and excluding amounts paid to outside vendors for certain
services from operating expenses


Requiring and providing for the tribal entity owning and operating
the gaming facility to obtain a gaming facility license from the commissioner of
public safety, specifying application and background investigation requirements
and imposing a onetime fee; providing for commissioner license refusal,
suspension or revocation under certain conditions and granting the commissioner
certain other enforcement authority; requiring the tribal entity to report
changes in management or ownership to the commissioner; requiring commissioner
periodic license review; specifying certain tribal entity audit requirements,
authorizing commissioner additional audits or investigations, granting the
commissioner access to certain records; requiring the host community to issue an
on-sale intoxicating liquor license to the tribal entity for the gaming
facility; providing for the detention of persons suspected of certain
violations; requiring tribal entity reimbursement of commissioner costs;
requiring the tribal entity to obtain a gaming management license from the
commissioner, specifying certain application and background investigation
requirements, license to be nontransferable, requiring periodic renewal;
authorizing certain license actions by the commissioner; specifying certain
employee and vendor license requirements and providing for commissioner issuance
of the licenses; regulating the operation of nonlottery casino games at the
facility, requiring a plan of operation and providing for the award of prizes;
specifying certain employment restrictions, imposing a civil penalty for


Imposing a gaming transaction
fee on nonlottery casino games at the gaming facility and providing for the
forwarding of certain percentages of adjusted gross gaming machine and
transaction fee revenues to the commissioner of revenue in lieu of the sales
tax; establishing a gaming facility proceeds fund for deposit of receipts,
appropriating a certain percentage to the community assets account, remaining
percentage to be transferred to the general fund


Making conforming amendments to certain statutory provisions
regulating gambling devices; prohibiting civil actions for the recovery of money
lost; excluding gaming machine plays from the definition of bets and authorizing
the manufacture, possession, sale or operation of gaming machines and the
operation of games at the facility for gambling crimes determination purposes;
severability, savings clause