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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF1042

E Relating to human services; requiring the commissioners of health + and human
services to biennially report to the legislature on the status of the+ full
range of long term care services for the elderly, specifying certain +report
content requirements; making certain technical corrections in certain+ human
services licensing and MinnesotaCare provisions; modifying and +clarifying a
certain provision providing for the assignment of medical assistance +(MA)
benefits to medical support and third party payments; authorizing the
commissioner to suspend or terminate vendor participation in medical +care
programs without providing advance notice and the opportunity for +hearing upon
vendor exclusion from participation in medicare, specifying certain +subsequent
notice requirements; moving a certain improperly placed provision +relating to
medical assistance reimbursement for mental health services; removing+ a certain
provision relating to the assignment of benefits under general +assistance
medical care (GAMC) and the effect on benefits paid under automobile +accident
and private health care coverage; requiring petitions alleging a +child to be in
need of protection or services to state the efforts of the +responsible social
services agency to finalize a plan for permanent placement; repealing+ the
senior drug discount program, a certain reporting requirement of the
commissioners of health and human services on long term care for the +elderly, a
certain requirement for the commissioner of human services to monitor+ and
analyze the distribution of older adult services and another annual +reporting
requirement of the commissioner on the cost of increasing the income +standard,
provider rates under medical assistance based on inflation and +certain rules
regulating certain services for older adults (ra, ja)