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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF0990

E Relating to agriculture; eliminating the exemption for puffed + wild rice
from certain wild rice labeling requirements and making the exemption+ for ready
to eat wild rice specific to wild rice consumed or packaged on the +retail
premises; authorizing the commissioner of agriculture to embargo +geographic
areas of the state to limit food or consumer commodities in danger of
adulteration within the areas during governor declared emergencies +upon a
finding of probable cause, specifying certain notice requirements; +providing
for permanent updating of certain food rules relating to pesticide +chemicals,
additives, special dietary use, packaging and labeling, drugs, +fishery
products, meat and poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy +manufacturing
plant standards and containers to federal law; modifying certain +procedures and
requirements for organic food, providing for uniformity with federal +law,
modifying certain duties of the commissioner, expanding the content requirements
for the biennial status report, requiring the +commissioner to appoint an
organic advisory task force to advise on organic +agriculture improvement,
authorizing the commissioner to receive funds from state+ and federal sources to
expand, improve and develop production and +marketing of organic products and to
facilitate the registration of state organic +production and handling
operations; clarifying the definition of diary product +relating to federal
regulations; changing the term dairy plant field service +representative to
qualified dairy sanitarian relating to corrective actions for +adulterated dairy
products violations; updating to federal law certain provisions+ providing for
commissioner adoption of grade A milk and milk for manufacturing +rules;
reducing the allowable number of hours for storage of grade A or +manufacturing
grade raw milk; extending the expiration date of a certain provision +under the
board of animal health authorizing temporary emergency restrictions +on the
movement of people, livestock, machinery and personal property during disastrous
animal disease outbreaks; increasing in stages the ethanol production goal under
the ethanol development program; extending the +expiration date of the Minnesota
agriculture education leadership council; +exempting turtles taken for nonprofit
turtle racing from turtle sellers and +angling license requirements under
certain conditions; exempting pastures +from pollution control agency animal
feedlot permit rules, defining +pastures; expanding the exception to the
provision prohibiting the PCA from +requiring expenditures over certain amounts
on feedlot upgrades to facilities +determined to be concentrated animal feeding
operations under a certain federal regulation; modifying certain gasoline
ethanol content requirements; +expanding certain exemptions to the restrictions
on the acquisition of title to agriculture land to certain noncitizens (aliens)
under certain +conditions; repealing certain requirements for anaplasmosis
testing of certain +cattle, certain organic food growth, composition and
certification +requirements and certain milk definitions (mk, ja)