E Modifying certain provisions governing the Minnesota insurance + guaranty
association; excluding insurance warranties or service contracts from+ the scope
of the association; expanding the definition of person to +governmental entities
and modifying the definition of affiliate; prohibiting consideration +of the
association as an insolvent insurer relating to court jurisdiction; +modifying
certain provisions relating to the payment of covered claims, +imposing an
aggregate payment limit and authorizing recovery of claim handling +expenses;
eliminating the deadline for submission of annual financial reports +to the
commissioner of commerce; exempting the collection and use of +insurance or
credit scores used by licensed insurance agents exclusively for +underwriting or
rating purposes from certain disclosure authorization requirements, +requiring
disclosure to the policyholders; repealing a certain requirement for +member
insurers to separately disclose to insureds the amount of the premium+ charged
to recoup association assessments (je, ja)