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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 82

Bill Name: SF0295

E Relating to the organization, operation and financing of state government,
appropriating money from the Minnesota future resources and environment and
natural resources trust funds and from oil overcharge money in the special
revenue fund for environment and natural resources purposes; appropriating money
to the legislative commission on Minnesota resources (LCMR) for administrative
expenses, to the commissioner of natural resources (DNR) for contract
administration activities, for private forest and prairie lands stewardship
plans development, for state fish hatchery rehabilitation acceleration, for
Canada goose hunting and management enhancement, for Eurasian water milfoil and
purple loosestrife biological control continuation, for fish and wildlife
habitat corridors restoration, for public lands waterfowl projects engineering
support, for metro greenways, for scientific and natural areas and Eagle Creek
buffer strip acquisition, for Mississippi and Minnesota river valleys habitat
projects implementation, for the neighborhood wilds program, for metropolitan
regional parks acquisition, rehabilitation and development, for local outdoor
recreation and regional and local trail grants, for outdoor recreation
facilities accessibility development, for public water access, fishing pier and
shorefishing sites acquisition and development, for Washington county Grey Cloud
island preservation, for a gateway trail bridge over state highway 96, for state
trail projects, for Mesabi trail facility design, for the Itasca county regional
trailhead and conservation buildings, for recreational shooting ranges
development and rehabilitation, for state park and recreation area acquisition,
for projects allowed under the federal land and water conservation fund act
(LAWCON), for metropolitan area alternative storm water conveyance systems, for
Mississippi headwaters river watch watershed monitoring program acceleration,
for quarries and gravel pits hydraulic impacts evaluation, for Koochiching
county GIS management, for county biological survey continuation, for dairy
farms environmental practices regulation, for a certain inner city collaborative
community environmental education and youth outreach program, for project green
start at the children's museum, for a raptor propagation program at Stillwater
high school, for a Hennepin regional parks coordinated farm education program
and for the residential environmental education program for youth, to the
university of Minnesota for landscape arboretum land acquisition, for
development of green infrastructure design strategies in Washington, Ramsey and
Dakota counties, for contaminated aquifers denitrification strategies
assessment, for watersheds fecal pollution sources determination, for timber
harvesting and forest management guidelines evaluation, for biodegradable starch
based plastic production and marketing and for the uncommon ground educational
television series, to the Minnesota historical society for design and upgrade of
trails at the forest history center in Grand Rapids, to the board of water and
soil resources (BOWSR) for local water plans implementation acceleration and for
outmoded soil surveys updating continuation, to the commissioner of agriculture
for agricultural land preservation and for school integrated pest management
practices implementation, to the commissioner of administration for an agreement
with the university of Minnesota to evaluate the use of biodiesel fuel in diesel
powered generators, to the science museum of Minnesota for outdoor nonpoint
source pollution education exhibits and for upland habitats restoration programs
and to the Minnesota zoo for interpretive environmental educational displays
development; specifying certain data availability, project, match, recycled
materials purchase, energy conservation and accessibility requirements, certain
payment conditions and certain land acquisition restrictions; designating the
DNR as the state agency to apply for, accept, receive and disburse federal land
and water conservation fund act funds, providing for the local share, creating a
state land and water conservation account in the Minnesota future resources fund
to be used for state land acquisition and development for the state outdoor
recreation system; extending the availability of certain prior environmental and
natural resources projects appropriations; repealing the provision designating
the governor as the state agency to accept and disburse federal land and water
fund act funds and the natural resources federal reimbursement account (je, ja)