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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 82

Bill Name: HF3203

hf3203 FOURTH ENGROSSMENT Omnibus public safety bill modifying vehicle
registration, titling, driver's licenses, traffic regulations, and motor carrier
fuel tax provisions; and making technical and clarifying changes. ARTICLE 1
PUBLIC SAFETY MISCELLANY Section 1: "Motor vehicle" definition modified. Sec. 2:
"Fleet" definition modified. Sec. 3: Vehicles owned by honorary consul no longer
exempt from taxes. Sec. 4-7: Language updated. Sec. 8: "Proud to be a veteran"
license plates created. Sec. 9: "Registration year" defined and dealer license
categories established. Dealer license provisions modified. Sec. 10: Tax payment
by installments regulations modified. Sec. 11: Application forms no longer
furnished. Sec. 12: Commissioner allowed to adopt rules. Sec. 13-15: Related
terms definitions modified. Sec. 16: Written certification of requirements
required. Sec. 17-18: Language updated. Sec. 19: Purchase receipt provisions
modified. Sec. 20-21: Conforming language inserted. Sec. 22: Motorcycle with new
engine titling provisions modified. Sec. 23-31: Language updated. Sec. 32:
Bicycle registration format defined. Sec. 33: Three-year bicycle registration
fee procedures modified. Sec. 34: Transfer report requirements modified. Sec.
35: Change of address notification regulations clarified. Sec. 36-41: Conforming
changes relating to vehicle license plates. Sec. 42: Affirmative defense
provided relating to unchanging traffic control signal. Sec. 43: Technical
statutory reference added. Sec. 44: Required stop regulations expanded. Sec. 45:
Inspection required regulations modified. Sec. 46: Rear display of single plate
required. Sec. 47: Small trailer regulations provided. Sec. 48: Plate
registration stickers regulations modified. Sec. 49: Motorcycle and bicycle
driving rules clarified. Sec. 50: Technical. Sec. 51: Backup snowplow driver
exemption clarified. Sec. 52-54: Conforming changes. Sec. 55: Application form
procedure clarified. Sec. 56: Application contents provided. Sec. 57-59:
Conforming changes; license contents and application regulations clarified. Sec.
60: Commercial driver's license disqualification requirements modified. Sec. 61:
Intent provided. Sec. 62: Exemption from matching requirement provided. Sec. 63:
Bus service spending authorized. Sec. 64: Repealer. ARTICLE 2 MOTOR CARRIER FUEL
TAXSection 1: Legislative findings and policy proviuded. Sec. 2: Related terms
defined. Sec. 3: Fuel tax compact detailed. Sec. 4: Compliance with Minnesota
laws provided. Sec. 5: Taxing authority established. Sec. 6: Motor carrier fuel
license required. Sec. 7: Fuel license fee deposit indicated. Sec. 8: Fuel decal
fee required. Sec. 9: Motor carrier fuel tax returns required. Sec. 10: Credit
or refund provisions detailed. Sec. 11: Motor carrier record requirements
provided. Sec. 12: Auditing and reporting regulations provided. Sec. 13: Motor
carrier temporary fuel permit established. Sec. 14: Action to avoid or evade
fuel tax penalties established. Sec. 15: Enforcement powers provided. Sec. 16:
Delinquent filing or payment penalties provided. Sec. 17: Fund transfer to pay
delinquent fee provided. Sec. 18: Exemptions provided. Sec. 19: Rule adoption
provided. Sec. 20: Technical. Sec. 21: Technical. Sec. 22: Technical. Sec. 23:
definition modified. Sec. 2: Regulations for vehicles transporting unfinished
forest products clarified. Sec. 3: State trooper inspection procedures expanded.
Sec. 4: Technical. Sec. 5: Technical. Sec. 6: Technical. Sec. 7: "First haul"
definition modified. Sec. 8: Trunk highway fund fees clarified. Sec. 9: Northern
zone load restriction study required. Sec. 10: Effective date.AE