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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 81

Bill Name: HF2390

hf2390LAWS 1999 - CHAPTER 223THIRD ENGROSSMENTOmnibus economic development
appropriations bill.ARTICLE 1 - APPROPRIATIONSSection 1: Economic development
appropriations summary provided. Sec. 2: Trade and economic development
appropriated money for business and community development, Minnesota trade
office, tourism, administration, and information and analysis. Sec. 3: Minnesota
Technology, Inc. appropriation provided. Sec. 4: Economic security appropriated
money for rehabilitation services, state services for the blind, workforce
preparation, and workforce exchange. Sec. 5: Housing finance agency appropriated
money for the challenge program, rental assistance for mentally ill, family
homeless prevention, mortgage foreclosure prevention, rental assistance for
family stabilization, housing trust fund, affordable rental investment fund,
urban Indian housing program, tribal Indian housing program, rural and urban
homesteading, capacity building grants, community rehabilitation program,
housing rehabilitation and accessibility, home ownership assistance fund,
employer matching grants school stability project, innovative and inclusionary
housing program; and cancellations provided. Sec. 6: Commerce department
appropriated money for financial examinations, registration and insurance,
enforcement and licensing, petroleum tank release cleanup board, and
administrative services. Sec. 7-10: State boards of accountancy; architecture,
engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, and interior design; barber
examiners; and boxing appropriations provided. Sec. 11: Labor and industry
department appropriated money for workers' compensation, workplace services, and
general support. Sec. 12: Bureau of mediation services appropriated money for
mediation services, labor management cooperation grants, and the office of
dispute resolution. Sec. 13: Workers' compensation court of appeals
appropriation provided. Sec. 14: Labor interpretive center appropriation
provided. Sec. 15: Public utilities commission appropriation provided. Sec. 16:
Department of public service appropriated money for telecommunications, weights
and measures, information and operations management, and energy. Sec. 17:
Minnesota historical society appropriated money for education and outreach,
preservation and access, information program delivery, and fiscal agent
projects. Sec. 18: Minnesota municipal board appropriation provided. Sec. 19-21:
Councils on Black Minnesotans, Chicano-Latino affairs, and Asian-Pacific
Minnesotans appropriations provided. Sec. 22: Indian affairs council
appropriation provided. Sec. 23: Office of strategic and long-range planning
appropriation provided. Sec. 24: Military affairs department appropriation
provided. Sec. 25: Department of administration appropriation provided.ARTICLE 2
- MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 1: Certain department of commerce fees eliminated. Sec.
2-3: Currency exchange license application fees modified. Sec. 4-11: Various
insurance fees modified. Sec. 12-14: Membership camping operator fees modified.
Sec. 15: Real estate appraiser prohibited practices provided criminal penalties.
Sec. 16: Department of trade and economic development prohibited from operating
as a travel agency. Sec. 17: Electronic-commerce-ready cities and counties
certified. Sec. 18: Challenge grant program loan maximum increased. Sec. 19:
Rural policy and development center board membership increased to include a
member to represent the general public. Sec. 20: Rural policy and development
center duties modified. Sec. 21: Rural policy and development fund
appropriations use authorized. Sec. 22: Rural policy and development center
board member compensation specified. Sec. 23: Minnesota minerals 21st century
fund created and disbursement requriements specified. Sec. 24: Iron range
resources and rehabilitation board (IRRRB) matching contributions provided to
facilities located in tax relief areas receiving loans from the Minnesota
minerals 21st century fund. Sec. 25: Office of tourism authorized to market and
distribute promotional and advertising programs. Sec. 26-27: Microenterprise
entrepreneurial assistance loan provisions clarified. Sec. 28: Commissioners
powers and duties specified relating to the world trade center. Sec. 29:
Minnesota job skills partnership board compensation provided. Sec. 30-31:
Minnesota job skills partnership grant and loan provisions modified. Sec. 32:
Commissioner of labor and industry authorized to apply for and spend funds. Sec.
33: Workers' compensation self-insurance application fee increases provided.
Sec. 34: Qualified wind energy conversion facility definition expanded for the
purpose of the renewable energy production incentive program. Sec. 35: Renewable
energy production incentive payments expanded to include publicly owned
hydropower facilities. Sec. 36: Adults with mental illness employment support
services and programs provider reimbursements authorized. Sec. 37: Youthbuild
Tech pilot program established. Sec. 38: Workforce centers required to provide
outreach services to residents with English as a second language. Sec. 39: Plant
closing and dislocated workers cost limitations clarified. Sec. 40: Employment
support services for persons with mental illness grant programs provisions
clarified. Sec. 41: Statewide reimbursement system for employment support
services provided. Sec. 42: Iron range resources and rehabilitation board
(IRRRB) membership increased, appointment provided, and majority approval
required for expenditures and projects. Sec. 43: Commissioner of iron range
resources and rehabilitation (IRRRB) authorized to establish and participate in
the management of nonprofit corporations associated with projects funded by the
board. Sec. 44: Northeast Minnesota economic development fund project approval
provisions clarified. Sec. 45: Taconite area environmental protection fund
project approval provisions clarified. Sec. 46: Residential contractor licensing
fee increased. Sec. 47: Board of county commissioners multijurisdictional
program administration provisions modified. Sec. 48: Wastewater infrastructure
program funding provisions modified. Sec. 49: Housing finance agency housing
development fund provisions clarified. Sec. 50: Housing finance agency operating
costs report required. Sec. 51: School stability project established under the
family homeless prevention and assistance program. Sec. 52: Housing finance
agency fee limit provision eliminated related to local housing organizations
administering the rental assistance program. Sec. 53: Full cycle home ownership
lending services eligibility provided. Sec. 54: Innovative and inclusionary
housing program created and application criteria provided. Sec. 55: Full cycle
home ownership services expenditures by the housing finance agency authorized.
Sec. 56: Economic development and housing challenge program created and
administered by the housing finance agency. Sec. 57: Metropolitan livable
communities fund expanded to include the inclusionary housing account. Sec. 58:
Inclusionary housing account established, incentives provided, and grants
authorized. Sec. 59: Architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape
architect, and geoscience professional licensure and renewal fee modified;
certified interior designer fee modified; and certain application fees
eliminated. Sec. 60: Previous Labor Interpretive Center renovation project
balance to be paid for with nonstate funds. Sec. 61: Previous Judy Garland
Children's Museum appropriation availability extended. Sec. 62: Grant county
community infrastructure grant exempted from maximum grant limitations. Sec. 63:
Housing finance agency report to legislature on HIV AIDS required. Sec. 64:
Board of electricity report to the legislature required. Sec. 65: Board of
electricity handling and inspection fee increases prohibited. Sec. 66: World
trade center association membership transfer requested. Sec. 67: World trade
center rights and obligations transferred to Minnesota trade office. Sec. 68:
Previous world trade center corporation grant unobligated balance transferred to
the world trade center account. Sec. 69: World trade conference center positions
and employees transferred to department of trade and economic development. Sec.
70: Regulation of health coverage financial risk-bearing entities studied. Sec.
71: Direct reduction iron processing facilities appropriation transferred to the
the Minnesota minerals 21st century fund. Sec. 72: Upper Red Lake business loan
program created. Sec. 73: Pipestone Indian School state interest conveyance
authorized. Sec. 74: Pass through grant evaluation process provided. Sec. 75:
Low-income energy task force created and low-income energy assistance report
required. Sec. 76: State's trade, tourism, and economic development activities
comprehensive marketing plan developed. Sec. 77: Business regulations reviewed
and report required. Sec. 78: Governor's airport community stabilization funding
task force created. Sec. 79: Public utilities commission right-of-way cost
allocation . Sec. 80: Repealer. Sec. 81: Effective dates.ARTICLE 3 - WORKFORCE
DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Sec. 1: Minnesota job skills partnership board of
directors membership increased. Sec. 2: Minnesota job skills partnership board
of directors required to include two representatives from organized labor in its
membership. Sec. 3: Workforce investment fund name changed to workforce
development fund and special assessment provisions modified. Sec. 4:
Comprehensive workforce development analysis required. Sec. 5: Dislocated worker
program function transferred to the department of trade and economic
development. Sec. 6: Workforce investment fund money transferred to the
workforce development fund. Sec. 7: Minnesota workforce development fund
appropriated money. Sec. 8: Effective date.cthhlb