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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: HF0775

hf775SECOND ENGROSSMENTRadioactive waste management provisions modified, dry
cask storage at+ Prairie Island authorized, commission approval required for
additional +storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel, and renewable energy source
funding required.Section 1: "Radioactive waste management facility" definition
+modified.Sec. 2: Funding for renewable resource development provided.Sec. 3:
Dry cask storage at Prairie Island authorized.Sec. 4: Cost recovery provisions
clarified.Sec. 5: Sustainable energy projects encouraged.Sec. 6: Biomass
energy mandate modified.Sec. 7: Megawatt compliance process modified.Sec 8:
Agricultural biomass requirements modified.Sec. 9: Status review required.Sec.
10: Responsibilities provided.Sec. 11: Repealer.Sec. 12: Effective date.AE