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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 2190

Status in the House for the 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996)


Health insurance small employer market provisions modified, reinsurance association compensation established, MinnesotaCare eligibility expanded, integrated service network provisions modified, and money appropriated.

Authors (3)


House Actions Senate Actions
First reading, referred to Health and Human Services
pg. 6209 Intro
Committee report, pass Consent Cal
pg. 6473
Second reading
pg. 6481
Third reading, passed 131-1
pg. 6569
Received from House
pg. 5619
Introduction and first reading
pg. 5620
Referred to Health Care
pg. 5620
Comm report: To pass as amended
pg. 6261
Second reading HPP:
pg. 6408
General Orders: To pass as amended
pg. 6994
Calendar: Third reading Passed 064-000
pg. 7073
Returned from Senate with amendment
pg. 8251
House not concur, CC of 3 requested
pg. 8252
House conferees Cooper, Worke, Osthoff
pg. 8320
House not concur, conference committee of 3 requested
pg. 7236
House conferees Cooper; Worke; Osthoff
pg. 7236
Senate accedes, CC of 3 be appointed
pg. 7237
Senate conferees Berglin; Piper; Kiscaden
pg. 7239
Senate accedes
pg. 8338
Senate conferees Berglin, Piper, Kiscaden
pg. 8338
Conference comm rpt delete everything
pg. 9291
H adopted CC report and repassed bill 70-62
pg. 9298
S adopted HCC report and repassed bill Vetoed by Governor April 4, 199 (Chapter 434)
House adopted HCC report and repassed bill
pg. 8090
Conference committee report
pg. 8090
Senate adopted CC report and repassed bill
pg. 8098
Third reading 036-025 Presentment date 04 01 96 Governor's action Veto 04 04 96
pg. 8098