as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/26/2024 08:47am
A bill for an act
relating to local government; providing that the state shall indemnify Ramsey
County and Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority for excess liability
resulting from rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot in the city of St.
Paul; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 383A.
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(a) Provided that Ramsey County and the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority,
together or separately, procure and maintain insurance to cover a total amount of no less
than $50,000,000 in liability arising from rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot
in the city of St. Paul, the state shall, after applying all applicable insurance proceeds paid
on behalf of Ramsey County and the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, indemnify
Ramsey County and the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority for any excess liability
arising from rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot in the city of St. Paul up to the
amount of the damages limitation established under United States Code, title 49, section
28103(a)(2), as indexed under Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, Public Law
114-94, section 11415.
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(b) Insurance procured by Ramsey County and the Ramsey County Regional Railroad
Authority under paragraph (a) does not constitute a waiver of the liability limits under
sections 466.04 and 466.06.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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