1st Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/03/2024 10:52am
A bill for an act
relating to contracts; defining indefinite subscription agreement and related terms;
regulating certain contracts subject to automatic renewal clauses or continuous
service; requiring seller notice to consumers; providing for consumer rights in
connection with the termination of certain contracts; amending Minnesota Statutes
2022, sections 325G.24; 325G.25, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law
in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 325G; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, section
325G.25, subdivision 1a.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 325G.24, is amended to read:
new text begin (a) new text end Any person who has elected to become a
member of a club may new text begin unilaterally new text end cancel such membershipnew text begin , in the person's exclusive
discretion,new text end by giving deleted text begin writtendeleted text end notice of cancellation new text begin at new text end any time before midnight of the third
business day following the date on which membership was attained. deleted text begin Notice of cancellation
may be given personally or by mail.
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new text begin (b) new text end If given by mail, the notice is effective upon deposit in a mailbox, properly addressed
and postage prepaid. deleted text begin Notice of cancellation need not take a particular form and is sufficient
if it indicates, by any form of written expression, the intention of the member not to be
bound by the contract.
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new text begin (c) new text end Cancellationnew text begin under this subdivisionnew text end shall be without liability on the part of the member
and the member shall be entitled to a refund, within ten days after notice of cancellation is
given, of the entire consideration paid for the contract. deleted text begin Rights of cancellation may not be
waived or otherwise surrendered.
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(a) Any person who has elected to
become a member of a club may unilaterally terminate such membership, in the person's
exclusive discretion, by giving notice of termination at any time.
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(b) If given by mail, the notice is effective upon deposit in a mailbox, properly addressed,
and postage prepaid.
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(c) A club must not impose a termination fee or any other liability on the member for
termination under this subdivision.
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(d) Termination under this subdivision will be effective at the end of the membership
term in which the member provides the notice of termination. If membership is at-will
without a defined membership term, then termination under this subdivision will be effective
immediately, unless the member indicates a future effective date of termination, in which
event the date indicated by the member will be the effective date of termination.
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(e) If a member provides notice of termination at any time before midnight of the third
business day following the date on which membership was attained, the club must treat the
notice as a notice of cancellation under subdivision 1, unless the member specifically
provides for a future termination effective date.
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(a) A club must accept a notice of cancellation or notice
of termination that has been given:
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(1) verbally, including but not limited to personally or over the phone to customer or
account service members;
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(2) in writing, including but not limited to via mail, email, or an online message through
the club's website directed to customer or account service members;
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(3) through a termination election as described in section 325G.60; or
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(4) in any other manner or medium by which the member initially accepted membership
to the club and that is no more burdensome to the member than was the initial acceptance.
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(b) The process to cancel must be stated clearly and be easily accessible and completed
with ease.
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A right of cancellation or right of termination under this section
may not be waived or otherwise surrendered.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 325G.25, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
A copy of every contract shall be delivered to the
member at the time the contract is signed. Every contract must be in writing, must be signed
by the member, must designate the date on which the member signed the contract and must
state, clearly and conspicuously in boldface type of a minimum size of 14 points, the
"If you wish to cancel this contract, you may cancelnew text begin in-person, over the phone,new text end by
delivering or mailing a written notice to the clubnew text begin , via email or an online message through
the club's website, through the "termination election" provided on the club's website (if
applicable) and as described in Minnesota Statutes, section 325G.60, or in any other manner
or medium by which you initially accepted membership to the clubnew text end . The notice mustnew text begin be
provided to the clubnew text end deleted text begin say that you do not wish to be bound by the contract and must be
delivered or maileddeleted text end before midnight of the third business day after you sign this contract.
deleted text begin The notice must be delivered or mailed to: (Insert name and mailing address of club).deleted text end If
you cancel, the club will return, within ten days of the date on which you give notice of
cancellation, any payments you have made."
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"You may unilaterally terminate this contract in your exclusive discretion at any time.
If you terminate, your membership will terminate at the end of the membership term in
which you provided the club with notice of termination. If your membership is at-will
without a defined membership term, then your membership will terminate immediately,
unless you indicate a future effective date of termination. If you wish to terminate this
contract, you may terminate in-person, over the phone, by delivering or mailing a written
notice to the club, via email or an online message through the club's website, through the
"termination election" provided on the club's website (if applicable) and as described in
Minnesota Statutes, section 325G.60, or in any other manner or medium by which you
initially accepted membership to the club. The club may not impose a termination fee or
any other liability on you for termination."
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"If you wish to provide notice of cancellation or notice of termination to the club:
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In-person or by mail, the applicable address is: [Insert name and mailing address of
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Over the phone, the applicable phone number is: [Insert phone number of club];
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Via email, the applicable email address is: [Insert email address of club];
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On the club's website, the applicable website address is: [Insert address, if applicable]."
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For purposes of sections 325G.56 to 325G.62, the terms defined
in this section have the meanings given them.
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"Automatic renewal" means a plan or arrangement in
which a subscription or purchasing agreement is automatically renewed at the end of a
definite term for a subsequent term.
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"Clear and conspicuous" means in larger type than
the surrounding text, or in contrasting type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same
size, or set off from the surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other marks, in a
manner that calls attention to the language. In the case of an audio disclosure, "clear and
conspicuous" means in a volume and cadence sufficient to be readily audible and
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"Consumer" means any individual who seeks or acquires, by
purchase or lease, any goods, services, money, or credit for personal, family, or household
purposes. Consumer includes, but is not limited to, a member as defined in section 325G.23,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
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"Continuous service" means a plan or arrangement in
which a subscription or purchasing agreement continues until the consumer terminates the
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"Indefinite subscription agreement" means
a subscription or purchasing agreement:
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(1) between a seller and a consumer in the state; and
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(2) subject to automatic renewal or continuous service.
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Indefinite subscription agreements include but are not limited to contracts, as defined in
section 325G.23, subject to automatic renewal or continuous service.
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"Offer terms" means the following disclosures:
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(1) that the indefinite subscription agreement will continue until the consumer terminates
the agreement;
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(2) the description of the cancellation policy that applies to the indefinite subscription
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(3) the recurring charges that will be charged to the consumer's credit or debit card or
payment account with a third party as part of the plan or arrangement and that the amount
of the charge may change, if that is the case, and the amount to which the charge will change,
if known;
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(4) the length of the automatic renewal term or that the service is continuous, unless the
length of the term is definite and chosen by the consumer; and
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(5) the minimum purchase obligation, if any.
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"Seller" means a seller, lessor, licensor, or professional who advertises,
solicits, or engages in consumer transactions, or a manufacturer, distributor, or licensor who
advertises and sells, leases, or licenses goods or services to be resold, leased, or sublicensed
by other persons in consumer transactions. Seller includes, but is not limited to, a club as
defined in section 325G.23, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
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A seller making an offer for an indefinite subscription
agreement must, before the consumer accepts the offer, present the offer terms in a clear
and conspicuous manner to the consumer and in visual proximity, or in the case of an offer
conveyed by voice, in temporal proximity, to the offer's proposal.
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A seller making an offer for an
indefinite subscription agreement must, in a timely manner after the consumer accepts the
offer, provide the consumer with confirmation of the consumer's acceptance of the offer,
in a manner that is capable of being retained by the consumer, that includes the following:
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(1) the offer terms;
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(2) if the offer includes a free trial, information on how to cancel the free trial before
the consumer pays or becomes obligated to pay for any goods or services in connection
with the free trial; and
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(3) options for termination of the indefinite subscription agreement, which options must
be easy to use, cost-effective, and timely for all consumers:
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(i) if a seller makes offers for an indefinite subscription agreement through an online
website, a termination election as set forth in section 325G.60; and
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(ii) if a consumer enters into the indefinite subscription agreement through any means
other than a toll-free telephone number, an electronic mail address, or a postal address, then
an option substantially similar to, as easy to use, and as accessible as the initial means of
consumer acceptance of the agreement.
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A communication of the required information through electronic mail is sufficient to meet
the requirements of this subdivision.
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Upon a material change in the terms of the indefinite
subscription agreement, the seller must provide to the consumer in a timely manner, and in
any case prior to the implementation of the material change, a clear and conspicuous notice
of the material change and provide information regarding how to terminate the agreement
in a manner that is capable of being retained by the consumer. A material change in the
terms of an indefinite subscription agreement in violation of this subdivision is void and
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A seller making an offer for an indefinite subscription agreement
that includes a free trial lasting more than 30 days must, no fewer than five days and no
more than 30 days before the end of any such free trial, notify the consumer of the consumer's
option to cancel the free trial before the end of the trial period to avoid an obligation to pay
for the goods or services.
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(a) If an indefinite subscription
agreement is subject to continuous service, the seller must give the consumer written notice
of the continuous service at least once per calendar year via mail or electronic mail.
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(b) The notice required under this subdivision must include the terms of the service and
how to terminate or manage the service.
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For purposes of this section, "agreement" means
an indefinite subscription agreement, as defined in section 325G.56, and a contract, as
defined in section 325G.23.
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A seller must not charge the consumer's credit
or debit card or the consumer's account with a third party in connection with an agreement
before the agreement has been duly authorized by the seller and consumer and made effective.
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An agreement must not require the consumer to permit
the seller to match any offer the consumer has received. A provision in an agreement that
violates this subdivision is void and unenforceable.
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(a) A seller that has received a notice
of cancellation or notice of termination of an agreement from a consumer cannot:
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(1) make any misrepresentation or undertake any unfair or abusive tactic to delay,
unreasonably delay, or avoid the cancellation or termination of the agreement; or
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(2) make or provide additional benefits, contract modifications, gifts, or similar offers
to the consumer until the seller has obtained permission from the consumer, granted by the
consumer after notice of cancellation or termination was given to the seller, for the seller
to engage in any such activity.
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(b) A seller can only seek a consumer's permission under this paragraph once per
cancellation or termination attempt. A consumer's grant of permission under this paragraph
is limited to the immediate cancellation or termination attempt and does not apply to
subsequent attempts.
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This section does not prohibit a seller from:
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(1) asking the consumer the reasons for cancellation or termination, provided that a
consumer is not required to answer as a condition of cancellation or termination;
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(2) informing the consumer that there may be consequences of cancelling or terminating
the subscription; or
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(3) verifying the identity of the consumer.
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A consumer
may terminate an indefinite subscription agreement subject to automatic renewal at any
time by following the procedure set forth in the confirmation described in section 325G.57,
subdivision 2. A termination under this subdivision is effective at the end of the term in
which notice of termination is provided by the consumer, unless the consumer specifies a
termination date occurring at the end of a subsequent term, in which event the termination
is effective as of the date specified by the consumer, if the option is available.
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(a) A consumer
may terminate an indefinite subscription agreement subject to continuous service at any
time by following the procedure set forth in the confirmation described in section 325G.57,
subdivision 2. A termination under this subdivision must take effect no later than 31 days
from the date of a verified consumer's notice of termination unless the consumer specifies
a future termination date, in which event the termination is effective as of such date.
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(b) This subdivision does not require a seller to provide an option to set a future
termination date.
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If the seller fails to provide
either the confirmation required under section 325G.57, subdivision 2, or a notice required
by section 325G.57, subdivision 5, the consumer may terminate the indefinite subscription
agreement by any reasonable means at any time, including but not limited to by mail,
electronic mail, telephone, an online option, a termination election under section 325G.60,
or the means by which the consumer entered into the agreement, at no cost to the consumer.
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For purposes of this section, "agreement" means
an indefinite subscription agreement, as defined in section 325G.56, and a contract, as
defined in section 325G.23.
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(a) If a seller has a website with profile or
subscription management capabilities, then such website must include a termination election
on the website. The termination election must be clear and conspicuous on the website and
must use plain language to convey that any consumer may use the termination election to
terminate the agreement at any time. The termination election must only require a consumer
to input information that is necessary to process the termination. The termination election
must include a checkbox, submission button, or similarly common and simple mechanism
for the member to indicate a desire to terminate the agreement.
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(b) For purposes of this section, "termination election" means a simple and easily
accessible means for a consumer to quickly provide notice of termination, and that does not
include undue complexity, confusion, or misrepresentation by the seller.
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Any good, including but not limited to any ware, merchandise, or product, is an
unconditional gift to the consumer if a seller sends the good under an indefinite subscription
agreement without first obtaining the consumer's affirmative consent to the agreement in
accordance with section 325G.57. The consumer may use or dispose of the good in any
manner without any obligation to the seller, including but not limited to any obligation
relating to shipping of the good.
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Sections 325G.56 to 325G.61 do not apply to:
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(1) contracts governed by another state or federal statute or regulation specifically
intended to regulate automatic renewal or continuous service;
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(2) any licensee as defined in section 60A.985, subdivision 8, and any affiliate of such
a licensee as defined in section 60D.15, subdivision 2;
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(3) an individual or business licensed by the Department of Labor and Industry as a
technology system contractor or power limited technician as defined in section 326B.31;
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(4) any service provided by a business or its affiliate where either the business or its
affiliate is licensed or regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, the Federal
Communications Commission, or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; or
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(5) any person or entity registered or licensed with the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or under the Minnesota Securities
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 325G.25, subdivision 1a,
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is repealed.
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This act is effective August 1, 2025, and applies to contracts entered into, modified, or
renewed on or after that date.
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Repealed Minnesota Statutes: S3920-1
In lieu of the notice of cancellation required by subdivision 1, the seller may provide notice in a manner which conforms to applicable federal law or regulation or section 325G.08 so long as the notice provides the information required by subdivision 1.