1st Engrossment - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 06/17/2024 04:13pm
A bill for an act
relating to corrections; appropriating money for a higher education liaison at the
Department of Corrections; requiring informational outreach about the federal
Fresh Start program; requiring a report.
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(a) $....... in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner
of the Department of Corrections to support a higher education liaison position to coordinate
between the Minnesota Department of Corrections and the Minnesota Office of Higher
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(b) The commissioner of the Department of Corrections shall provide outreach in each
correctional facility in Minnesota to apprise incarcerated persons about the federal Fresh
Start program and encourage eligible persons to enroll in the program. The commissioner
shall work with a student loan debt counseling grantee under Minnesota Statutes, section
136A.1788, to assist Fresh Start applicants to enroll in an income-driven repayment plan
when the borrower is in repayment status.
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(c) The commissioner shall report by January 15, 2025, to the legislative committees
with jurisdiction over corrections and higher education. The report must include a summary
of the outreach efforts in each correctional facility in Minnesota to enroll eligible incarcerated
persons in the federal Fresh Start program, the efforts to assist Fresh Start applicants in
enrolling in income-driven repayment plans, the number of incarcerated persons served by
the student loan debt counseling grantee referenced under paragraph (b), and the number
of incarcerated persons who contacted the United States Department of Education about
enrolling in the federal Fresh Start program in the previous year.
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