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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

SF 1890

as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to the environment; repealing obsolete air 
  1.3             quality and wastewater treatment rules; amending 
  1.4             Minnesota Rules, parts 7009.0080; 7035.2835, subpart 
  1.5             3; 7050.0185, subpart 8; 7050.0210, subpart 17; and 
  1.6             7077.0100; repealing Minnesota Rules, parts 7011.0400; 
  1.7             7011.0405; 7011.0410; 7077.0500; 7077.0505; 7077.0510; 
  1.8             7077.0515; 7077.0520; 7077.0525; 7077.0530; 7077.0535; 
  1.9             7077.0540; 7077.0545; 7077.0550; 7077.0555; 7077.0560; 
  1.10            7077.0600; 7077.0605; 7077.0610; 7077.0615; 7077.0620; 
  1.11            7077.0625; 7077.0630; 7077.0635; 7077.0640; 7077.0645; 
  1.12            7077.0650; 7077.0655; and 7077.0660. 
  1.14     Section 1.  Minnesota Rules, part 7009.0080, is amended to 
  1.15  read: 
  1.17     The following table contains the state ambient air quality 
  1.18  standards.  
  1.19   Pollutant/   Primary        Secondary
  1.20   Air          Standard       Standard       Remarks
  1.21   Contaminant
  1.23   Hydrogen     0.05 ppm by                   1/2 hour average not
  1.24   Sulfide      volume (70.0                  to be exceeded over
  1.25                micrograms per                2 times per year
  1.26                cubic meter)
  1.28                0.03 ppm by                   1/2 hour average not
  1.29                volume (42.0                  to be exceeded over
  1.30                micrograms per                2 times in any 5
  1.31                cubic meter)                  consecutive days
  1.33   Ozone        0.12 ppm by    0.12 ppm by    the standard is
  1.34                volume (235    volume (235    attained when the
  1.35                micrograms     micrograms     expected number of
  1.36                per cubic      per cubic      days per calendar
  1.37                meter)         meter)         year with maximum
  1.38                                              hourly average
  1.39                                              concentrations
  2.1                                               above the standard
  2.2                                               is equal to or less
  2.3                                               than one, as
  2.4                                               determined by Code
  2.5                                               of Federal
  2.6                                               Regulations,
  2.7                                               title 40, part 50,
  2.8                                               appendix H,
  2.9                                               Interpretation
  2.10                                              of the National
  2.11                                              Ambient Air Quality
  2.12                                              Standards for Ozone
  2.13                                              (1981)
  2.15   Carbon       9 ppm by       9 ppm by       maximum 8 hour
  2.16   Monoxide     volume (10     volume (10     concentration not
  2.17                milligrams     milligrams     to be exceeded more
  2.18                per cubic      per cubic      than once per year
  2.19                meter)         meter)
  2.21                30 ppm by      30 ppm by      maximum 1 hour
  2.22                volume (35     volume (35     concentration not to
  2.23                milligrams     milligrams     to be exceeded more
  2.24                per cubic      per cubic      than once per year
  2.25                meter)         meter)
  2.27   Hydro        0.24 ppm by    0.24 ppm by    maximum 3 hour
  2.28   carbons      volume (160    volume (160    concentration (6:00
  2.29                micrograms     micrograms     to 9:00 a.m.) not
  2.30                per cubic      per cubic      to be exceeded
  2.31                meter)         meter)         more than once per
  2.32                                              year, corrected for
  2.33                                              methane
  2.35   Sulfur       80             60             maximum annual
  2.36   Dioxides     micrograms     micrograms     arithmetic mean
  2.37                per cubic      per cubic
  2.38                meter (0.03    meter (0.02
  2.39                ppm by         ppm by
  2.40                volume)        volume)
  2.42                365            365            maximum 24 hour
  2.43                micrograms     micrograms     concentration not
  2.44                per cubic      per cubic      to be exceeded more
  2.45                meter (0.14    meter (0.14    than once per year
  2.46                ppm by         ppm by
  2.47                volume)        volume)
  2.49                               915            maximum 3 hour
  2.50                               micrograms     concentration not
  2.51                               per cubic      to be exceeded more
  2.52                               meter (0.35    than once per year
  2.53                               ppm by         in Air Quality
  2.54                               volume)        Control Regions
  2.55                                              127, 129, 130, and
  2.56                                              132 as set forth in
  2.57                                              Code of Federal
  2.58                                              Regulations, title
  2.59                                              40, part 81,
  2.60                                              Designations of Air
  2.61                                              Quality Control
  2.62                                              Regions (1981)
  2.64                               1300           maximum 3 hour
  2.65                               micrograms     concentration not to
  2.66                               per cubic      be exceeded more than
  2.67                               meter (0.5     once per year
  2.68                               ppm by         in Air Quality Control
  2.69                               volume)        Regions 128, 131, and
  2.70                                              133 as set forth in
  2.71                                              Code of Federal
  3.1                                               Regulations, title
  3.2                                               40, part 81,
  3.3                                               Designation of Air
  3.4                                               Quality Control
  3.5                                               Regions (1981)
  3.7                 1300                          maximum 3 hour
  3.8                 micrograms                    concentration not to
  3.9                 per cubic                     be exceeded more than
  3.10                meter (0.5                    once per year
  3.11                ppm by
  3.12                volume)
  3.14                1300                          maximum 1 hour
  3.15                micrograms                    concentration not to
  3.16                per cubic                     be exceeded more than
  3.17                meter (0.5                    once per year
  3.18                ppm by
  3.19                volume)
  3.21   Particulate  75             60             maximum annual
  3.22   Matter       micrograms     micrograms     geometric mean
  3.23                per cubic      per cubic
  3.24                meter          meter
  3.26                260            150            maximum 24 hour
  3.27                micrograms     micrograms     concentration not
  3.28                per cubic      per cubic      to be exceeded more
  3.29                meter          meter          than once per year
  3.31   Nitrogen     0.05 ppm       0.05 ppm       maximum annual
  3.32   Dioxides     by volume      by volume      arithmetic mean
  3.33                (100           (100
  3.34                micrograms     micrograms
  3.35                per cubic      per cubic
  3.36                meter)         meter)
  3.38   Lead         1.5            same as        maximum arithmetic
  3.39                micrograms     primary        mean averaged over
  3.40                per cubic      standard       a calendar quarter
  3.41                meter
  3.43   PM10         150            same as        maximum 24-hour
  3.44                micrograms     primary        average concentration;
  3.45                per cubic      standard       the standard is
  3.46                meter                         attained when the
  3.47                                              expected number of
  3.48                                              days per calendar
  3.49                                              year exceeding the
  3.50                                              value of the standard
  3.51                                              is equal to or less
  3.52                                              than one
  3.54                50             same as        annual arithmetic
  3.55                micrograms     primary        mean; the standard
  3.56                per cubic      standard       is attained when
  3.57                meter                         the expected annual
  3.58                                              arithmetic mean
  3.59                                              concentration is less
  3.60                                              than or equal to the
  3.61                                              value of the standard
  3.62     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Rules, part 7035.2835, subpart 3, is 
  3.63  amended to read: 
  3.64     Subp. 3.  Operation requirements for a yard waste compost 
  3.65  facility. 
  3.66     A.  Odors emitted from the facility must not exceed the 
  4.1   limits specified in parts 7011.0100 to 7011.0115, 7011.0300 
  4.2   to 7011.0410 7011.0330, 7011.1500 to 7011.1515, 7011.1600 to 
  4.3   7011.1625, 7011.2200 to 7011.2220, 7011.2300, and 7023.0100 to 
  4.4   7023.0120. 
  4.5      B.  Composted yard waste offered for use must be produced 
  4.6   by a process that encompasses turning of the yard waste on a 
  4.7   periodic basis to aerate the yard waste, maintain temperatures, 
  4.8   and reduce pathogens.  The composted yard waste must contain no 
  4.9   sharp objects greater than one inch in diameter. 
  4.10     C.  By-products, including residuals and recyclables, must 
  4.11  be stored in a manner that prevents vector problems and 
  4.12  aesthetic degradation.  Materials that are not composted must be 
  4.13  stored and removed at least weekly. 
  4.14     D.  Surface water drainage must be controlled to prevent 
  4.15  leachate runoff.  Surface water drainage must be diverted from 
  4.16  the compost and storage areas. 
  4.17     E.  The annual report required under part 7035.2585 must be 
  4.18  submitted to the commissioner and must include the type and 
  4.19  quantity, by weight or volume, of yard waste received at the 
  4.20  compost facility; the quantity, by weight or volume, of compost 
  4.21  produced; the quantity, by weight or volume, of compost removed 
  4.22  from the facility; and a description of the end-product 
  4.23  distribution and disposal system. 
  4.24     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Rules, part 7050.0185, subpart 8, is 
  4.25  amended to read:  
  4.26     Subp. 8.  Determination of reasonable control measures for 
  4.27  significant discharges.  The person proposing a new or expanded 
  4.28  significant discharge of sewage, industrial waste, or other 
  4.29  wastes shall submit to the commissioner information pertinent to 
  4.30  those factors specified in subpart 4 for determining whether and 
  4.31  what additional control measures are reasonable. 
  4.32     The commissioner shall provide notice and an opportunity 
  4.33  for a public hearing in accordance with the permit requirements 
  4.34  in chapter 7001 and parts 7023.9000 to 7023.9050 before 
  4.35  establishing reasonable control requirements for a new or 
  4.36  expanded significant discharge. 
  5.1      Sec. 4.  Minnesota Rules, part 7050.0210, subpart 17, is 
  5.2   amended to read: 
  5.3      Subp. 17.  Compliance with permit conditions.  No person 
  5.4   who is in compliance with the terms and conditions of its permit 
  5.5   issued under chapter 7001 and parts 7023.9000 to 7023.9050 shall 
  5.6   be deemed in violation of any water quality standard in this 
  5.7   rule for which a corresponding effluent limitation is 
  5.8   established in the permit.  However, exceedances of the water 
  5.9   quality standards in a receiving water shall constitute grounds 
  5.10  for modification of a permit(s) for any discharger(s) to the 
  5.11  receiving water who is (are) causing or contributing to the 
  5.12  exceedances.  Chapter 7001 and parts 7023.9000 to 7023.9050 
  5.13  shall govern the modification of any such permit. 
  5.14     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Rules, part 7077.0100, is amended to 
  5.15  read: 
  5.16     7077.0100 PURPOSE. 
  5.17     This chapter provides for the Minnesota Pollution Control 
  5.18  Agency's administration of financial assistance programs for the 
  5.19  construction of municipal wastewater treatment systems.  The 
  5.20  programs in this chapter are: 
  5.21     A.  the financial assistance program, consisting of: 
  5.22     (1) the wastewater infrastructure fund, Minnesota Statutes, 
  5.23  section 446A.071; 
  5.24     (2) the state revolving fund, Minnesota Statutes, section 
  5.25  446A.07; 
  5.26     (3) the state independent grants program for grants awarded 
  5.27  on or after July 1, 1990, under Minnesota Statutes, section 
  5.28  116.18, subdivision 3a; 
  5.29     B.  the combined sewer overflow program for grants awarded 
  5.30  on or after July 1, 1990, under Minnesota Statutes, section 
  5.31  116.162; 
  5.32     C.  the corrective action grants program for grants awarded 
  5.33  on or after July 1, 1990, according to Minnesota Statutes, 
  5.34  section 116.181; 
  5.35     D.  the capital cost component grants program for grants 
  5.36  awarded on or after July 1, 1990, under Minnesota Statutes, 
  6.1   section 116.18, subdivision 3b; and 
  6.2      E.  the individual sewage treatment systems grants program 
  6.3   for grants awarded on or after July 1, 1990, under Minnesota 
  6.4   Statutes, section 116.18, subdivision 3c. 
  6.5      Parts 7077.0111 to 7077.0292 apply to the financial 
  6.6   assistance program. 
  6.7      Parts 7077.0300 to 7077.0330 apply to the combined sewer 
  6.8   overflow program. 
  6.9      Parts 7077.0500 to 7077.0560 apply to the corrective action 
  6.10  grants program. 
  6.11     Parts 7077.0600 to 7077.0660 apply to the capital cost 
  6.12  component grants program. 
  6.13     Parts 7077.0700 to 7077.0765 apply to the individual sewage 
  6.14  treatment systems grants program. 
  6.15     Sec. 6.  [REPEALER.] 
  6.16     Minnesota Rules, parts 7011.0400; 7011.0405; 7011.0410; 
  6.17  7077.0500; 7077.0505; 7077.0510; 7077.0515; 7077.0520; 
  6.18  7077.0525; 7077.0530; 7077.0535; 7077.0540; 7077.0545; 
  6.19  7077.0550; 7077.0555; 7077.0560; 7077.0600; 7077.0605; 
  6.20  7077.0610; 7077.0615; 7077.0620; 7077.0625; 7077.0630; 
  6.21  7077.0635; 7077.0640; 7077.0645; 7077.0650; 7077.0655; and 
  6.22  7077.0660, are repealed.