2nd Engrossment - 84th Legislature (2005 - 2006) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am
A bill for an act
relating to child safety; prohibiting the sale and
commercial use of certain cribs; providing
enforcement; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
Statutes, chapters 245A; 325F.
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commissioner shall maintain a link from the licensing division
Web site to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
Web site that addresses crib safety information.
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(a) Effective January 1, 2006, all licensed child care
providers must maintain the following documentation for every
crib used by or that is accessible to any child in care:
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(1) the crib's brand name; and
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(2) the crib's model number.
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(b) Any crib for which the license holder does not have the
documentation required under paragraph (a) must not be used by
or be accessible to children in care.
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Annually, from the date printed on the license, all license
holders shall check all their cribs' brand names and model
numbers against the United States Consumer Product Safety
Commission Web site listing of unsafe cribs.
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(b) The license holder shall maintain written documentation
to be reviewed on site for each crib showing that the review
required in paragraph (a) has been completed, and which of the
following conditions applies:
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(1) the crib was not identified as unsafe on the United
States Consumer Product Safety Commission Web site;
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(2) the crib was identified as unsafe on the United States
Consumer Product Safety Commission Web site, but the license
holder has taken the action directed by the United States
Consumer Product Safety Commission to make the crib safe; or
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(3) the crib was identified as unsafe on the United States
Consumer Product Safety Commission Web site, and the license
holder has removed the crib so that it is no longer used by or
accessible to children in care.
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(c) Documentation of the review completed under this
subdivision shall be maintained by the license holder on site
and made available to parents of children in care and the
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(a) On at
least a monthly basis, the license holder shall perform safety
inspections of every crib used by or that is accessible to any
child in care, and must document the following:
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(1) no corner posts extend more than 1/16 of an inch;
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(2) no spaces between side slats exceed 2.375 inches;
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(3) no mattress supports can be easily dislodged from any
point of the crib;
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(4) no cutout designs are present on end panels;
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(5) no heights of the rail and end panel are less than 26
inches when measured from the top of the rail or panel in the
highest position to the top of the mattress support in its
lowest position;
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(6) no heights of the rail and end panel are less than nine
inches when measured from the top of the rail or panel in its
lowest position to the top of the mattress support in its
highest position;
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(7) no screws, bolts, or hardware are loose or not secured,
and there is no use of woodscrews in components that are
designed to be assembled and disassembled by the crib owner;
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(8) no sharp edges, points, or rough surfaces are present;
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(9) no wood surfaces are rough, splintered, split, or
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(10) there are no tears in mesh of fabric sides in
non-full-size cribs;
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(11) no mattress pads in non-full-size mesh or fabric cribs
exceed one inch; and
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(12) no gaps between the mattress and any sides of the crib
are present.
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(b) Upon discovery of any unsafe condition identified by
the license holder during the safety inspection required under
paragraph (a), the license holder shall: (i) immediately remove
the crib from use; and (ii) as soon as practicable, but not more
than two business days after the inspection, ensure that the
crib is not accessible to children in care until necessary
repairs are completed or the crib is destroyed.
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(c) Documentation of the inspections and actions taken with
unsafe cribs required in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be
maintained on site by the license holder and made available to
parents of children in care and the commissioner.
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During routine
licensing inspections, and when investigating complaints
regarding alleged violations of this section, the commissioner
shall review the provider's documentation required under
subdivisions 3 and 4.
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(a) "Commercial user" means
any person who deals in cribs or who otherwise by one's
occupation holds oneself out as having knowledge or skill
peculiar to cribs, or any person who is in the business of
remanufacturing, retrofitting, selling, leasing, subletting, or
otherwise placing cribs in the stream of commerce.
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(b) "Infant" means any person less than 35 inches tall and
less than three years of age.
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(c) "Crib" means a bed or containment designed to
accommodate an infant.
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(d) "Full-size crib" means a full-size crib as defined in
the Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, section 1508.3,
regarding the requirements for full-size cribs.
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(e) "Non-full-size crib" means a non-full-size crib as
defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, section
1509.2, regarding the requirements for non-full-size cribs.
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(f) "Place in the stream of commerce" means to sell, offer
for sale, give away, offer to give away, or allow to use.
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(a) No commercial user
may sell, contract to sell or resell, lease, sublet, or
otherwise place any unsafe crib in the stream of commerce on or
after January 1, 2006.
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(b) On or after January 1, 2006, no person operating a
hotel, motel, or lodging establishment shall provide any unsafe
crib to any guest, either with or without charge, for use during
the guest's stay. For the purposes of this paragraph, "hotel,"
"motel," and "lodging establishment" have the meanings given
them in section 157.15.
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(c) A crib is presumed to be unsafe for purposes of this
section if it does not conform to the standards endorsed or
established by the United States Consumer Product Safety
Commission, including but not limited to the Code of Federal
Regulations, title 16, and ASTM International, as follows:
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(1) Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, part 1508, and
any regulations adopted to amend or supplement the regulations;
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(2) Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, part 1509, and
any regulations adopted to amend or supplement the regulations;
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(3) Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, part 1303, and
any regulations adopted to amend or supplement the regulations;
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(4) the following standards and specifications of ASTM
International for corner posts of baby cribs and structural
integrity of baby cribs:
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(i) ASTM F 966 (corner post standard);
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(ii) ASTM F 1169 (structural integrity of full-size baby
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(iii) ASTM F 1822 (non-full-size cribs).
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(d) A crib is exempt from the provisions of this section if
it is not intended for use by an infant; and at the time of
selling, contracting to resell, leasing, subletting or otherwise
placing the crib in the stream of commerce, the commercial user
attaches a written notice to the crib declaring that it is not
intended to be used for an infant and is unsafe for use by an
infant. A commercial user who complies with this paragraph is
not liable for use of the crib contrary to the notice provided.
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(a) An unsafe crib, as determined
under subdivision 2, may be retrofitted if the retrofit has been
approved by the United States Consumer Product Safety
Commission. A retrofitted crib may be sold if it is accompanied
at the time of sale by a notice stating that it is safe to use
for a child under three years of age. The commercial user is
responsible for ensuring that the notice is present with the
retrofitted crib at the time of sale. The notice must include:
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(1) a description of the original problem that made the
crib unsafe;
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(2) a description of the retrofit that explains how the
original problem was eliminated and declares that the crib is
now safe to use for a child under three years of age; and
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(3) the name and address of the commercial user who
accomplished the retrofit certifying that the work was done
along with the name and model number of the crib.
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(b) A retrofit is exempt from this section if:
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(1) the retrofit is for a crib that requires assembly by
the consumer, the approved retrofit is provided with the product
by the commercial user, and the retrofit is accompanied at the
time of sale by instructions explaining how to apply the
retrofit; or
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(2) the seller of a previously unsold product accomplishes
the retrofit prior to sale.
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A commercial user does not violate
this section if the crib placed in the stream of commerce by the
commercial user was not included on the consumer product safety
commission's list during the entire 14-day period before this
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Sections 1 and 2 are effective January 1, 2006.
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