as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 03/11/2024 04:53pm
A bill for an act
relating to natural resources; appropriating money from the parks and trails fund;
extending availability of certain grants; amending Laws 2023, chapter 40, article
3, sections 2, subdivision 1; 3; 4.
Laws 2023, chapter 40, article 3, section 2, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Subdivision 1.Total Appropriation
$ |
72,155,000 |
$ |
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70,615,000 new text end |
The amounts that may be spent for each
purpose are specified in the following sections.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Laws 2023, chapter 40, article 3, section 3, is amended to read:
$ |
43,580,000 |
$ |
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42,627,000 new text end |
(a) $28,572,000 the first year and deleted text begin $25,524,000deleted text end new text begin
$27,988,000new text end the second year are for state
parks, recreation areas, and trails to:
(1) connect people to the outdoors;
(2) acquire land and create opportunities;
(3) maintain existing holdings; and
(4) improve cooperation by coordinating with
partners to implement the 25-year long-range
parks and trails legacy plan.
(b) The commissioner may spend money
appropriated under paragraph (a) on I Can!
programs, including but not limited to
programs designed to provide underserved
youth and youth who identify as lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and queer the
opportunity to experience the outdoors with
similar peers.
(c) $14,286,000 the first year and deleted text begin $12,762,000deleted text end new text begin
$13,994,000new text end the second year are for grants for
parks and trails of regional significance
outside the seven-county metropolitan area
under Minnesota Statutes, section 85.535. The
grants awarded under this paragraph must be
based on the lists of recommended projects
submitted to the legislative committees under
Minnesota Statutes, section 85.536,
subdivision 10, from the Greater Minnesota
Regional Parks and Trails Commission
established under Minnesota Statutes, section
85.536. Grants funded under this paragraph
must support parks and trails of regional or
statewide significance that meet the applicable
definitions and criteria for regional parks and
trails contained in the Greater Minnesota
Regional Parks and Trails Strategic Plan
adopted by the Greater Minnesota Regional
Parks and Trails Commission on April 22,
2015. Grant recipients identified under this
paragraph must submit a grant application to
the commissioner of natural resources. Up to
2.5 percent of the appropriation may be used
by the commissioner for the actual cost of
issuing and monitoring the grants for the
commission. Of the amount appropriated,
$475,000 the first year and $475,000 the
second year are for the Greater Minnesota
Regional Parks and Trails Commission to
carry out its duties under Minnesota Statutes,
section 85.536, including the continued
development of a statewide system plan for
regional parks and trails outside the
seven-county metropolitan area.
(d) By January 15, 2024, the Greater
Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails
Commission must submit a list of projects that
contains the commission's recommendations
for funding from the parks and trails fund for
fiscal year 2025 to the chairs and ranking
minority members of the legislative
committees and divisions with jurisdiction
over environment and natural resources and
the parks and trails fund.
(e) By January 15, 2024, the Greater
Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails
Commission must submit a report that contains
the commission's criteria for funding from the
parks and trails fund, including the criteria
used to determine if a park or trail is of
regional significance, to the chairs and ranking
minority members of the legislative
committees and divisions with jurisdiction
over environment and natural resources and
the parks and trails fund.
(f) $722,000 the first year and $645,000 the
second year are for coordination and projects
between the department, the Metropolitan
Council, and the Greater Minnesota Regional
Parks and Trails Commission; enhanced
web-based information for park and trail users;
and support of activities of the Parks and
Trails Legacy Advisory Committee.
(g) The commissioner must contract for
services with Conservation Corps Minnesota
for restoration, maintenance, and other
activities under this section for at least
$850,000 the first year and $850,000 the
second year.
(h) Grant recipients of an appropriation under
this section must give consideration to
contracting with Conservation Corps
Minnesota for restoration, maintenance, and
other activities.
(i) In addition to the requirements under
paragraph (g), the commissioner should work
to provide other opportunities that encourage
a diversity of students to pursue careers in
environment and natural resources when
implementing appropriations in this section.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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Laws 2023, chapter 40, article 3, section 4, is amended to read:
$ |
28,572,000 |
$ |
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27,988,000 new text end |
(a) $28,572,000 the first year and deleted text begin $25,524,000deleted text end new text begin
$27,988,000new text end the second year are for
distribution according to Minnesota Statutes,
section 85.53, subdivision 3.
(b) Money appropriated under this section and
distributed to implementing agencies must be
used only to fund the list of projects approved
by the elected representatives of each of the
metropolitan parks implementing agencies.
Projects funded by the money appropriated
under this section must be substantially
consistent with the project descriptions and
dollar amounts approved by each elected body.
Any money remaining after completing the
listed projects may be spent by the
implementing agencies on projects to support
parks and trails.
(c) Grant agreements entered into by the
Metropolitan Council and recipients of money
appropriated under this section must ensure
that the money is used to supplement and not
substitute for traditional sources of funding.
(d) The implementing agencies receiving
appropriations under this section must give
consideration to contracting with Conservation
Corps Minnesota for restoration, maintenance,
and other activities.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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The availability of the grant to
the city of Winona for the Bluffs Traverse Trail project from the parks and trails fund
appropriation under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 1, article 3, section 3, paragraph
(b), is extended to June 30, 2026.
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The availability of the grant
to the city of Austin for the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center project from the parks and trails
fund appropriation under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 1, article 3, section 3,
paragraph (b), is extended to June 30, 2027.
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The availability of the grant to
Lincoln County for the Hole in the Mountain Park project from the parks and trails fund
appropriation under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 1, article 3, section 3, paragraph
(b), is extended to June 30, 2027.
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The availability of the grant
to the city of Redwood Falls for the Alexander Ramsey Park project from the parks and
trails fund appropriation under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 1, article 3, section
3, paragraph (b), is extended to June 30, 2027.
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