as introduced - 91st Legislature (2019 - 2020) Posted on 05/05/2020 02:38pm
A bill for an act
relating to education; establishing the innovation research zone program;
appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
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The innovation research zone program is established to improve student and school outcomes
by creating new and different models of education. Consistent with the world's best workforce
requirements under section 120B.11, innovation research zone partnerships encourage
school districts and charter schools to research and implement innovative education
programming models designed to ensure that each student is prepared for the world of the
21st century.
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(b) One or more school districts or charter schools may join together to form an innovation
research zone partnership. The partnership may include schools, such as postsecondary
institutions and other nonschool partners, including other units of government, nonprofit
organizations, and for-profit organizations. An innovation research zone plan must be
collaboratively developed in concert with the school's instructional staff.
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(c) An innovation research zone partnership must research and implement innovative
programs and models that are based on proposed hypotheses. An innovation research zone
plan may include an emerging practice not yet supported by peer-reviewed research.
Examples of innovation research zone research and programs include but are not limited
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(1) models of curriculum, instruction, and formative assessment designed to close the
achievement gap, including new models for ages three to grade three, English as a second
language, early identification and prevention of mental health issues, and other issues;
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(2) personalized learning, allowing each student to excel at the student's own pace and
according to the student's interests, aspirations, and unique needs;
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(3) the use of competency outcomes, rather than seat time or course hours, and course
completion designed for each student to fulfill standards, credits, and other graduation
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(4) multidisciplinary, real-world, inquiry-based, and student-directed models designed
to make learning more engaging and relevant, including documenting and validating learning
that takes place beyond the school day and school walls and awarding credit when state
academic standards are met and validated by the school;
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(5) new partnerships between Minnesota secondary schools and other partners located
anywhere in the world, including postsecondary institutions, employers, or career training
institutions enabling students to complete industry certifications, postsecondary education
credits, and other credentials;
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(6) new methods of collaborative leadership models, including the expansion of schools
where teachers have larger professional roles;
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(7) new methods of enhancing parental and community involvement in learning;
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(8) new models of professional development for educators, including embedded
professional development;
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(9) new models in other education programming such as whole child instruction,
social-emotional skill development, technology-based or blended learning, parental and
community involvement, professional development and mentoring, and models that increase
the return on investment;
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(10) new models of evaluation, assessment, and accountability using multiple indicators
including models that demonstrate alternative ways to validate student's academic attainment
that have predictive validity to the state tests, but also include other variables such as problem
solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, respecting others, global understanding,
postgraduation student performance, and other information;
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(11) improving teacher and principal mentoring and evaluation;
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(12) granting a high school diploma to a student who meets the graduation requirements
under section 120B.02, subdivision 2, who demonstrates preparation for postsecondary
education or a career consistent with the world's best workforce goals under section 120B.11,
and who meets the following requirements:
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(i) completes four years of high school; and
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(ii) completes at least one year of postsecondary education at a two- or four-year college
or university through concurrent enrollment, advanced placement, or international
baccalaureate courses; or
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(iii) completes the requirements for a career certification up to the apprenticeship program
level if one is required for that certification;
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(13) use of the provisions in section 124D.52, subdivision 9, governing standard adult
high school diploma requirements; section 124D.085 governing experiential and applied
learning opportunities; and section 126C.05, subdivision 15, paragraph (b), item (i),
governing the use of independent study;
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(14) use of the provisions of the learning year statute in section 124D.128 for a student
in grade 10, 11, or 12 to participate in career and technical programs after school, on
weekends, and during school breaks, including summers, and be included in the general
education revenue computation. The classes must generate both high school and
postsecondary credit and lead to either a career certification, technical college degree, or
an apprenticeship program. A student participating in this learning year may attend school
year round, and the student's continual learning plan must provide for the student to meet
the high school graduation standards designed for them no later than the end of the fall
semester of grade 12;
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(15) methods to initiate prevention models to reduce student needs for special education
and to reduce teacher time devoted to the required special education documentation; or
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(16) other innovations as determined by the local boards.
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(d) An innovation research zone plan submitted to the commissioner must describe:
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(1) how the plan will improve student and school outcomes consistent with the world's
best workforce goals under section 120B.11;
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(2) the role of each partner in the innovation research zone;
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(3) the research methodologies used for each proposed action in the plan;
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(4) the exemptions from statutes and rules in subdivision 2 that the innovation research
zone partnership will use;
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(5) a description of how teachers and other educational staff from the affected school
sites will be included in the planning and implementation process;
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(6) a detailed description of expected outcomes and graduation standards;
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(7) a timeline for implementing the plan and assessing the outcomes; and
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(8) how results of the plan will be disseminated.
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(e) Upon unanimous approval of the initial innovation research zone partners and approval
by the commissioner, the innovation research zone partnership may extend membership to
other partners. A new partner's membership is effective 30 days after the innovation research
zone partnership notifies the commissioner of the proposed change in membership, unless
the commissioner disapproves the new partner's membership.
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(f) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a school district or charter school
participating in an innovation research zone partnership under this section continues to
receive all revenue and maintains its taxation authority in the same manner as it would
without participation in the partnership. The innovation research zone school district and
charter school partners remain organized and governed by their respective school boards
with general powers under chapter 123B or 124E and remain subject to any employee
agreements under chapters 122A and 179A. Public district and charter school employees
participating in an innovation research zone partnership remain employees of their respective
school district or charter school.
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(g) An innovation research zone partnership may submit its plan at any time to the
commissioner in the form and manner specified by the commissioner. The commissioner
must approve or reject the plan after receiving the recommendation of the innovation research
zone advisory panel under subdivision 3. An initial innovation research zone plan that has
been rejected by the commissioner may be resubmitted after the innovation research zone
partnership has modified the plan to meet the recommendations of the commissioner.
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(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the
contrary, an innovation research zone partner with an approved plan is exempt from any
law or rule from which a district-created, site-governed school under section 123B.045 is
exempt and any other statute or rule from which the commissioner has exempted another
district or charter school, as identified in the list published on the Department of Education's
website under subdivision 4, paragraph (b). A district or charter school with an innovation
research zone plan is exempt from the following:
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(1) online learning program approval under section 124D.095, subdivision 7, if the
school district or charter school offers a course or program online combined with direct
access to a teacher for a portion of that course or program;
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(2) restriction on when extended learning time revenue under section 126C.10, subdivision
2a, may be used for a student who meets the criteria of section 124D.68, subdivision 2;
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(3) any required hours of instruction in any class or subject area for a student who is
meeting all competencies consistent with the graduation standards described in the innovation
research zone plan;
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(4) the provisions of section 120B.021, subdivision 1a, relating to a rigorous course of
study waiver, for which the board of the district or charter school may delegate the
responsibility to the principal or site leadership team; and
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(5) the provisions of Minnesota Rules, part 3500.1000, relating to experimental and
flexible school year programs.
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(b) Notwithstanding any law or rule to the contrary, a school district or charter school
may use general fund money to accomplish the provisions of its innovation research zone
plan consistent with this section as approved by the commissioner.
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(c) The exemptions under this subdivision must not be construed as exempting an
innovation research zone partner from the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, the
required academic standards under section 120B.021, and the graduation requirements under
sections 120B.02 and 120B.024.
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(a) The commissioner must establish
and convene an innovation research zone advisory panel to review all innovation research
zone plans submitted for approval.
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(b) The panel must be composed of nine members. One member must be appointed by
each of the following organizations: Educators for Excellence, Education Minnesota,
Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals, Minnesota Elementary Principals
Association, Minnesota Association of School Administrators, Minnesota School Boards
Association, Minnesota Association of Charter Schools, and the Office of Higher Education.
In addition, the commissioner must appoint one member with expertise in evaluation and
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(a) Based on the recommendations of the innovation
research zone advisory panel, the commissioner must approve, not approve, or request added
information from the applicant. If an applicant includes an exemption in the plan, under
subdivision 2, the commissioner must grant that exemption if the plan is approved. The
commissioner may approve up to six innovation research zone plans in the seven-county
metropolitan area and up to six plans in greater Minnesota. If an innovation research zone
partnership fails to implement its innovation research zone plan as described in its application
and according to the stated timeline, upon recommendation of the innovation research zone
advisory panel, the commissioner must alert the partnership members and provide them the
opportunity to remediate. If implementation continues to fail, the commissioner must suspend
or terminate the innovation research zone partnership.
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(b) The commissioner must annually publish a list of the exemptions the commissioner
has granted to a school district or charter school on the department's website. The first list
must be published by July 1, 2020.
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innovation research zone partnership must submit project data to the commissioner in the
form and manner provided for in the approved application. At least once every two years,
the commissioner must analyze each innovation research zone's progress in meeting the
objectives of the innovation research zone partnership's plan. The commissioner must
summarize and categorize innovation research zone plans and submit a report to the
legislative committees having jurisdiction over kindergarten through grade 12 education
by February 1 of each odd-numbered year in accordance with section 3.195.
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An innovation research
zone partnership with an approved plan under Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 5,
article 2, section 52, may submit an amendment to the plan, consistent with the provisions
of this section and is not required to go through the approval process in subdivision 3.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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The sum indicated in this section is
appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education in the fiscal year
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For innovation research zone partnerships:
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The commissioner must provide planning and implementation grants to innovation research
zone partnerships.
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