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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 407

as introduced - 80th Legislature (1997 - 1998) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to natural resources; increasing snowmobile 
  1.3             registration fees; increasing unrefunded gasoline tax 
  1.4             revenues attributable to snowmobiles; providing an 
  1.5             appropriation for snowmobile grants-in-aid; 
  1.6             appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, 
  1.7             sections 84.82, subdivision 3; and 296.16, subdivision 
  1.8             1. 
  1.10     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 84.82, 
  1.11  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
  1.12     Subd. 3.  [FEES FOR REGISTRATION.] (a) The fee for 
  1.13  registration of each snowmobile, other than those used for an 
  1.14  agricultural purpose, as defined in section 84.92, subdivision 
  1.15  1c, or those registered by a dealer or manufacturer pursuant to 
  1.16  clause (b) or (c) shall be as follows:  $30 $45 for three years 
  1.17  and $4 for a duplicate or transfer. 
  1.18     (b) The total registration fee for all snowmobiles owned by 
  1.19  a dealer and operated for demonstration or testing purposes 
  1.20  shall be $50 per year. 
  1.21     (c) The total registration fee for all snowmobiles owned by 
  1.22  a manufacturer and operated for research, testing, 
  1.23  experimentation, or demonstration purposes shall be $150 per 
  1.24  year.  Dealer and manufacturer registrations are not 
  1.25  transferable. 
  1.26     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 296.16, 
  1.27  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  2.1      Subdivision 1.  [INTENT; GASOLINE USE.] All gasoline 
  2.2   received in this state and all gasoline produced in or brought 
  2.3   into this state except aviation gasoline and marine gasoline 
  2.4   shall be determined to be intended for use in motor vehicles in 
  2.5   this state. 
  2.6      Approximately 1-1/2 percent of all gasoline received in 
  2.7   this state and 1-1/2 percent of all gasoline produced or brought 
  2.8   into this state, except gasoline used for aviation purposes, is 
  2.9   being used as fuel for the operation of motorboats on the waters 
  2.10  of this state and of the total revenue derived from the 
  2.11  imposition of the gasoline fuel tax for uses other than for 
  2.12  aviation purposes, 1-1/2 percent of such revenues is the amount 
  2.13  of tax on fuel used in motorboats operated on the waters of this 
  2.14  state.  
  2.15     Approximately three-fourths of one percent of all gasoline 
  2.16  received in and produced or brought into this state, except 
  2.17  gasoline used for aviation purposes, is being used as fuel for 
  2.18  the operation of snowmobiles in this state, and of the total 
  2.19  revenue derived from the imposition of the gasoline fuel tax for 
  2.20  uses other than for aviation purposes, three-fourths of one 
  2.21  percent of such revenues is the amount of tax on fuel used in 
  2.22  snowmobiles operated in this state. 
  2.23     Approximately 0.15 of one percent of all gasoline received 
  2.24  in or produced or brought into this state, except gasoline used 
  2.25  for aviation purposes, is being used for the operation of 
  2.26  all-terrain vehicles in this state, and of the total revenue 
  2.27  derived from the imposition of the gasoline fuel tax, 0.15 of 
  2.28  one percent is the amount of tax on fuel used in all-terrain 
  2.29  vehicles operated in this state. 
  2.30     Approximately 0.046 of one percent of all gasoline received 
  2.31  or produced in or brought into this state, except gasoline used 
  2.32  for aviation purposes, is being used for the operation of 
  2.33  off-highway motorcycles in this state, and of the total revenue 
  2.34  derived from the imposition of the gasoline fuel tax for uses 
  2.35  other than for aviation purposes, 0.046 of one percent is the 
  2.36  amount of tax on fuel used in off-highway motorcycles operated 
  3.1   in this state. 
  3.2      Approximately .164 of one percent of all gasoline received 
  3.3   or produced in or brought into this state, except gasoline used 
  3.4   for aviation purposes, is being used for the off-road operation 
  3.5   of off-road vehicles, as defined in section 84.797, in this 
  3.6   state, and of the total revenue derived from the imposition of 
  3.7   the gasoline fuel tax for uses other than aviation purposes, 
  3.8   .164 of one percent is the amount of tax on fuel used for 
  3.9   off-road operation of off-road vehicles in this state. 
  3.10     Sec. 3.  [APPROPRIATIONS.] 
  3.11     (a) $....... is appropriated in fiscal year 1998, and 
  3.12  $....... is appropriated in fiscal year 1999 from the snowmobile 
  3.13  trails and enforcement account in the natural resources fund to 
  3.14  the commissioner of natural resources for snowmobile 
  3.15  grants-in-aid. 
  3.16     (b) $1,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 
  3.17  commissioner of natural resources for snowmobile grants-in-aid 
  3.18  for fiscal year 1997, to be available until June 30, 1997. 
  3.19     (c) $1,000,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 1998, and 
  3.20  $1,000,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 1999 from the general 
  3.21  fund to the commissioner of natural resources for snowmobile 
  3.22  grants-in-aid. 
  3.23     Sec. 4.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  3.24     Section 3, paragraph (b), is effective the day following 
  3.25  final enactment.