Conference Committee Report - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 05/04/2018 09:23am
A bill for an act
relating to environment; establishing findings and authorizing listing of wild-rice
waters; nullifying and restricting the application of certain water quality standards;
requiring a report; appropriating money; amending Laws 2015, First Special Session
chapter 4, article 4, section 136, as amended.
May 3, 2018
The Honorable Kurt L. Daudt
Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Honorable Michelle L. Fischbach
President of the Senate
We, the undersigned conferees for H. F. No. 3280 report that we have agreed upon the
items in dispute and recommend as follows:
That the House concur in the Senate amendments.
We request the adoption of this report and repassage of the bill. |
House Conferees:
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Dale Lueck |
Dan Fabian |
Jason Metsa |
Senate Conferees:
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Justin Eichorn |
Bill Ingebrigtsen |
David J. Tomassoni |