1st Engrossment - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 03/29/2016 12:32pm
A bill for an act
relating to natural resources; appropriating money from environment and natural
resources trust fund; modifying provisions for Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources; adding requirements for use of trust fund money; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2014, sections 116P.05, subdivision 1; 116P.08, subdivision 4;
Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, sections 116P.05, subdivision 2; 116P.08,
subdivision 5; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116P.
Section 1. new text begin APPROPRIATIONS.new text end
new text begin
The sums shown in the columns marked "Appropriations" are appropriated to the
agencies and for the purposes specified in this act. The appropriations are from the
environment and natural resources trust fund, or another named fund, and are available for
the fiscal years indicated for each purpose. The figures "2016" and "2017" used in this act
mean that the appropriations listed under them are available for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2016, or June 30, 2017, respectively. "The first year" is fiscal year 2016. "The second
year" is fiscal year 2017. "The biennium" is fiscal years 2016 and 2017.
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APPROPRIATIONS new text end |
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Available for the Year new text end |
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Ending June 30 new text end |
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2016 new text end |
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2017 new text end |
Sec. 2. new text begin MINNESOTA RESOURCES
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end
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Total Appropriation
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$ new text end |
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$ new text end |
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46,337,000 new text end |
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Appropriations by Fund new text end |
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2016 new text end |
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2017 new text end |
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Environment and natural resources trust fund new text end |
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-0- new text end |
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46,337,000 new text end |
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The amounts that may be spent for each
purpose are specified in the following
subdivisions. Appropriations are available
for two years beginning July 1, 2016, unless
otherwise stated in the appropriation. Any
unencumbered balance remaining in the
first year does not cancel and is available
for the second year or until the end of the
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new text begin Subd. 2. new text end
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"Trust fund" means the Minnesota
environment and natural resources trust fund
established under Minnesota Constitution,
article XI, section 14.
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new text begin Subd. 3. new text end
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Foundational Natural Resource Data
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11,158,000 new text end |
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(a) Data-Driven Pollinator Conservation Strategies new text end |
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$520,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to improve understanding of the
relationships and interactions between native
bee pollinators and rare and declining plant
species and to determine optimal placement
and species plantings for pollinator habitat
in order to develop guidelines for planning,
designing, and planting pollinator habitat.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(b) Native Bee Surveys in Minnesota Prairie and Forest Habitats new text end |
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$600,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to continue to assess the current status and
distribution of native bee pollinators in
Minnesota by expanding surveys into the
prairie-forest border region and facilitating
interagency collaboration and public
outreach on pollinators. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(c) Prairie Butterfly Conservation, Research, and Breeding - Phase II new text end |
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$750,000 the second year is from the trust
fund. Of this amount, $421,000 is to the
Minnesota Zoological Garden and $329,000
is to the commissioner of natural resources in
collaboration with the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service to continue efforts to prevent
the extinction of imperiled native Minnesota
butterfly species through breeding, research,
field surveys, and potential reintroduction.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(d) Statewide Monitoring Network for Changing Habitats in Minnesota new text end |
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$500,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources to develop a consolidated statewide
network of permanent habitat monitoring
sites in prairies, forests, and wetlands to
help guide and prioritize habitat protection
and management decisions in response to
environmental change. The design and
testing methodologies of monitoring plots
must address the status of pollinators and
pollination. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(e) Completing National Wetland Inventory Update for Minnesota new text end |
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$1,500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to complete the update and enhancement
of wetland inventory maps for counties in
central and northwestern Minnesota. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(f) Assessment Tool for Understanding Vegetation Growth Impacts on Groundwater Recharge new text end |
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$212,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to develop a
statewide assessment tool to help understand
the relationship between vegetation growth
and impacts on groundwater recharge
under changing land use and climate. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(g) Sentinel Lakes Monitoring and Data Synthesis – Phase III new text end |
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$401,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for the third and final phase of a monitoring
and multidisciplinary research effort on
25 sentinel lakes in Minnesota, which will
integrate and synthesize previously collected
data to enhance understanding of how
lakes respond to large-scale environmental
stressors and provide for improved ability
to predict and respond to lake changes
for water and fisheries management. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(h) State Spring Inventory for Resource Management and Protection - Phase II new text end |
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$370,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to continue a systematic inventory of springs
statewide to provide fundamental data
needed to maintain spring flows and protect
groundwater-dependent resources. Increased
outreach to the public and other entities must
be conducted to assist in the identification,
documentation, and publication of spring
locations. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(i) Enhancing Understanding of Minnesota River Aquatic Ecosystem new text end |
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$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to accelerate collection of baseline data to
enhance understanding of the Minnesota
River ecosystem, measure future impacts
of changing climate and landscapes on
the aquatic ecosystem, and guide future
management efforts. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(j) Improving Brook Trout Stream Habitat Through Beaver Management new text end |
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$225,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Trustees of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
system for Bemidji State University to
quantify how beaver activity influences
habitat quality in streams for brook trout in
northeastern Minnesota in order to improve
current and future management practices.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(k) Evaluate Temperature, Streamflow, and Hydrogeology Impact on Brook Trout Habitat new text end |
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$115,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota for the Minnesota
Geological Survey to evaluate links between
southeastern Minnesota stream temperatures,
trout habitat, and bedrock hydrogeology to
improve trout stream management. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(l) Restoration of Elk to Northeastern Minnesota new text end |
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$300,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota in cooperation with
the Fond du Lac Band and Rocky Mountain
Elk Foundation to determine the habitat
suitability and levels of public support for
restoring elk to northeastern Minnesota.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(m) Game and Nongame Bird Pesticide Exposure new text end |
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$349,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to evaluate the potential risk
to game and nongame birds from exposure
to neonicotinoid-treated agricultural seeds.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(n) Evaluating Insecticide Exposure Risk for Grassland Wildlife on Public Lands new text end |
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$250,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to evaluate exposure risks of grassland
wildlife to soybean aphid insecticides, to
guide grassland management in farmland
regions of Minnesota for the protection of
birds, beneficial insects, and other grassland
wildlife. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(o) Development of Innovative Cost-Saving Methodology for Forest Inventory new text end |
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$1,000,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources to develop and pilot a new and more
cost-effective methodology for an enhanced
stand-based forest inventory, with the goal
of extending the methodology statewide.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(p) Evaluation of Tree Retention Guidelines Pertaining to Wildlife new text end |
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$232,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota for the Natural
Resources Research Institute in Duluth to
assess the effectiveness of the Minnesota
Forest Resources Council tree retention
guidelines in sustaining Minnesota's wildlife
populations, by quantifying and evaluating
the impacts on birds, small mammals, and
amphibian diversity. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(q) Determine Impacts on Wildlife From Emerald Ash Borer Infection of Black Ash Forests new text end |
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$334,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota for the Natural
Resources Research Institute in Duluth
to assess impacts of emerald ash borer
and adaptive management on wildlife
diversity in black ash forests and to develop
recommendations to mitigate wildlife
impacts. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(r) Aggregate Mapping new text end |
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$1,500,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources to map the extent and quality of
aggregate resources in counties that have not
previously been mapped. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(s) Pineland Sands Lands and Water Study new text end |
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$1,500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to study the impact of changes in land use
from forest land to irrigated agriculture in the
Pineland Sands aquifer along the Crow Wing
River. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2021, and is not subject to Minnesota
Statutes, sections 116P.05, subdivision 2,
paragraph (b), and 116P.09, subdivision 4.
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Water Resources
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8,349,000 new text end |
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(a) Tracking and Preventing Harmful Algal Blooms new text end |
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$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Science Museum of Minnesota
for the St. Croix Watershed Research Station
to identify species composition and timing of
harmful algal blooms, understand the causes
of bloom development in individual lakes,
and determine how nutrients and climate
interact to increase harmful algae outbreaks.
This work must be done in cooperation
with the University of Minnesota and the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(b) Assessing the Increasing Harmful Algal Blooms in Minnesota Lakes new text end |
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$270,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota for the Saint Anthony Falls
Laboratory to investigate lake processes
and meteorological conditions triggering
algal blooms and toxin production, develop
models for tracking blooms, and provide
outreach on the prediction, detection, and
impacts of mitigation of algal bloom events.
This work must be done in cooperation with
the St. Croix Watershed Research Station
of the Science Museum of Minnesota and
the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(c) Restoring Native Mussels in Streams and Lakes new text end |
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$600,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources in cooperation with the Minnesota
Zoological Garden for a statewide mussel
program to rear, restore, and re-establish
native mussel species in streams and rivers.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(d) Assessing Techniques for Eliminating Contaminants to Protect Native Fish and Mussels new text end |
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$287,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with the
University of St. Thomas to evaluate the
use of ultraviolet treatment of wastewater
to remove certain commonly detected
wastewater contaminants, in order to reduce
the contaminants' toxicity to native fish and
mussels. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(e) Assessing Neonicotinoid Insecticide Effects on Aquatic and Soil Communities new text end |
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$400,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to identify neonicotinoid
insecticide breakdown components produced
in water and plant leaves and assess their
toxicity to soil and aquatic species and related
biotic communities. This appropriation is
available until June 30, 2019, by which time
the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(f) Bacterial Assessment of Groundwater Supplies Used for Drinking Water new text end |
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$299,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to characterize and
analyze bacterial communities in Minnesota
groundwater used as drinking water supplies
and link the microbiological data to other
water quality indicators for drinking water
supply safety. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(g) Understanding Bedrock Fracture Flow to Improve Groundwater Quality new text end |
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$183,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota for the Minnesota
Geological Survey to use new techniques of
borehole testing and rock fracture mapping in
the Twin Cities metropolitan area to achieve
a better understanding of groundwater
flow through fractured bedrock, in order to
improve groundwater management. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(h) Protection of State's Confined Drinking Water Aquifers - Phase II new text end |
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$433,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with the United
States Geological Survey to continue to test
methods of defining properties of confined
drinking water aquifers, in order to improve
water management. This appropriation is
not subject to Minnesota Statutes, section
116P.10. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(i) Techniques for Water Storage Estimates in Central Minnesota new text end |
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$250,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to improve water
storage estimates in groundwater, soil
moisture, streams, lakes, and wetlands
through integration of satellite monitoring
and ground-based measurements in central
Minnesota. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(j) Assessment of Surface Water Quality with Satellite Sensors new text end |
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$345,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota for a statewide assessment of
water quality using new satellite sensors
for high frequency measurement of major
water quality indicators in lakes and rivers.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(k) Development of Innovative Sensor Technologies for Water Monitoring new text end |
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$509,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of
the University of Minnesota to develop
inexpensive and efficient sensitive sensors
and wireless sensor networks for continuous
monitoring of contaminants in lakes and
rivers in Minnesota. This appropriation
is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section
116P.10. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(l) Wastewater Treatment Process Improvements new text end |
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$398,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to characterize and quantify
the nutrient-removing microorganisms used
for municipal wastewater treatment, in order
to improve the process used to reduce total
nitrogen discharge. This appropriation is
available until June 30, 2019, by which time
the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(m) Membrane-Based Process for Decentralized Drinking Water Production new text end |
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$191,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to develop a low-energy use,
membrane-based treatment technology
to produce drinking water locally from
surface waters by removing heavy metals
and contaminants of emerging concern,
including pesticides and pharmaceuticals.
This appropriation is subject to Minnesota
Statutes, section 116P.10. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(n) Analyzing Alternatives for Municipal Wastewater Treatment new text end |
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$180,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency to analyze
alternatives for improved treatment of
sulfate and salty parameters at municipal
wastewater plants to inform the development
and implementation of wild rice, sulfate,
and other water quality standards. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(o) Understanding Impacts of Salt Usage on Minnesota Lakes, Rivers, and Groundwater new text end |
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$497,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of
the University of Minnesota to quantify
the current water-softening salt loads in
Minnesota lakes, rivers, and groundwater,
assess alternative water-softening materials
and methods, and quantify the transport of
de-icing and water-softening salt through the
soil. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(p) Microbes for Salt and Metal Removal new text end |
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$596,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to continue to
research the potential of recently discovered
microbes from Soudan Iron Mine in
northern Minnesota for removing salts and
metals from groundwater and surface water
resources. This appropriation is subject to
Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(q) Engineered Biofilter for Sulfate and Metal Removal from Mine Waters new text end |
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$440,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of
the University of Minnesota to develop
an efficient, low-cost, biomass-derived
adsorbent material for use in bioactive filters
able to remove sulfate and metals from
mining-impacted waters. This appropriation
is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section
116P.10. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
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(r) Developing Biosponge Technology for Removal of Nitrates from Minnesota Waters new text end |
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$198,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to adapt and test
an inexpensive biosponge technology for
its effectiveness at removing nitrates from
drinking water. This appropriation is subject
to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(s) Morrison County Performance Drainage and Hydrology Management new text end |
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$209,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the Morrison Soil
and Water Conservation District to conduct
an assessment of drainage infrastructure,
in order to develop hydrology restoration
priorities and a countywide performance
drainage ordinance to address land
use-change impacts to the hydrogeology.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(t) Agricultural and Urban Runoff Water Quality Treatment Analysis - Phase II new text end |
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$110,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil
Resources for an agreement with the Blue
Earth County Drainage Authority to continue
monitoring a model demonstration for
storage and treatment options in drainage
systems designed to improve agricultural and
urban water quality by reducing soil erosion,
peak water flows, and nutrient loading. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2021, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(u) Surface Water Bacterial Treatment System Pilot Project new text end |
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$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with Vadnais Lake Area
Water Management Organization to reduce
bacteria and nutrient loads to Vadnais
Lake, a drinking water supply reservoir,
through implementation and evaluation
of a subsurface constructed wetland as a
best management practice for potential
statewide use. The Vadnais Lake Area Water
Management Organization must consider
contracting with the University of Minnesota
Department of Civil, Environmental,
and Geo-Engineering to evaluate the
effectiveness of the pilot treatment system
so that it maximizes benefits and can be
replicated elsewhere. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2021, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(v) Assessing Effectiveness of Wetland Restorations for Improved Water Quality new text end |
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$420,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to quantify the environmental
benefits of sediment removal and native
plant communities in wetland restorations by
measuring resulting reductions in nitrogen
and phosphorus delivery to groundwater and
surface water. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(w) Assessing Climate Change Effects on Release of Mercury and Sulfur into Aquatic Ecosystems new text end |
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$300,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to determine the
effects of increased temperatures on the
release of mercury and sulfur from Minnesota
peatlands in order to help predict impacts
on aquatic ecosystems and fish health. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(x) Integrated Targeted Watershed Planning Tools with Citizen Involvement new text end |
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$169,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Trustees of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
system for the Water Resources Center
at Minnesota State University, Mankato,
to use geographic information system
(GIS) prioritization and modeling tools
to develop pollution reduction strategies
in five priority subwatersheds in the Le
Sueur River watershed and to promote
implementation of the reduction strategies
through citizen involvement and outreach.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(y) Roseau Lake Watershed Targeted Water Quality Improvement new text end |
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$65,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources to develop targeted water quality
improvements for the Roseau Lake watershed
by coordinating with partner agencies to
identify the top priority field scale best
management and conservation practices to
implement in the region.
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Environmental Education
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2,812,000 new text end |
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(a) Minnesota Conservation Apprentice Academy new text end |
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$433,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil
Resources in cooperation with Conservation
Corps Minnesota and Iowa for the final
phase of a program to train and mentor future
conservation professionals by providing
apprenticeship service opportunities with
local soil and water conservation districts in
Minnesota. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(b) School Forests Outdoor Classrooms new text end |
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$440,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with Conservation Corps
Minnesota and Iowa to renovate and restore
60 school forests. This appropriation is
available until June 30, 2019, by which time
the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
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(c) Youth-Led Sustainability Projects in 50 Minnesota Communities - Phase III new text end |
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$400,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with Prairie
Woods Environmental Learning Center to
expand the Youth Energy Summit (YES!)
program statewide to complete more than
200 new youth-led climate change mitigation
and adaptation projects in over 50 Minnesota
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(d) New Prairie Sportsman Statewide Broadcast Video Project new text end |
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$300,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with Pioneer
Public Television to provide outreach on
outdoor recreation, conservation, and natural
resource issues, including water quality,
wildlife habitat, and invasive species,
through a series of interrelated public
forums, educational and training videos, and
statewide broadcast television programs.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
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(e) Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Education for Southwest Minnesota High Schools new text end |
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$147,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Minnesota Zoological Garden
to engage high school students in critical
prairie wildlife and habitat conservation
projects by using the zoo's unique animal
collections and state-of-the-art technology to
deliver hands-on learning in 12 southwestern
Minnesota high schools.
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(f) Standards-Based Dakota Indian Land Stewardship Education new text end |
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$197,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with Dakota Wicohan
to enhance the capacity of approximately
1,250 students to be stewards of the land in
Minnesota by learning about Dakota Indian
values and environmental principles through
a standards-based experiential multimedia
curriculum. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
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(g) Wolf Management Education in the Classroom - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$240,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the International
Wolf Center to expand the Wolves at Our
Door classroom education program to
assist students in understanding wolves and
associated management issues.
new text end
new text begin
(h) Master Water Steward Program Expansion new text end |
new text begin
$116,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the Freshwater Society
to train community volunteers as master
water stewards who will work with
neighborhoods to install water management
projects that preserve and restore water
quality. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(i) Promoting Water Quality Stewardship through Student Mentoring and River Monitoring new text end |
new text begin
$39,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with Southwest Minnesota
State University to partner with area schools
to deliver inquiry-based, hands-on learning
and mentoring on water quality stewardship
between university agriculture students and
high school and middle school students.
new text end
new text begin
(j) Wildlife Science Center new text end |
new text begin
$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the Wildlife Science
Center to provide environmental education
programs using ambassador wild animals.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 6. new text end
new text begin
Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive
new text begin
-0- new text end |
new text begin
5,860,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center - Phase III new text end |
new text begin
$3,750,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota for the Invasive
Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center to conduct
research to prevent, minimize, and mitigate
the threats and impacts posed by terrestrial
invasive plants, pathogens, and pests to
the state's prairies, forests, wetlands, and
agricultural resources. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2023, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Developing Membrane Filtration System to Treat Lake Superior Ballast Water new text end |
new text begin
$151,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to develop a filtration system
utilizing bioactive membrane technologies
for use in treating Lake Superior ballast
water to remove at least 90 percent of
suspended pathogens, invasive species, and
contaminants. This appropriation is subject
to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Advancing Microbial Invasive Species Monitoring from Ballast Discharge new text end |
new text begin
$368,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of
the University of Minnesota to identify
bacteria in ship ballast water and St. Louis
River estuary sediments, assess the risks
posed by invasive bacteria, and evaluate
treatment techniques for effectiveness at
removing the bacteria from ballast water.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(d) Biological Control of White Nose Syndrome in Bats - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$452,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to continue research
to identify, develop, and optimize biocontrol
agents for white nose syndrome in bats by
evaluating the biocontrol effectiveness of
microbes collected at additional hibernacula
throughout the state and conducting baseline
characterization of the total bat microbiomes.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(e) Elimination of Target Invasive Plant Species - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$750,000 the second year is from the trust
fund. Of this amount, $511,000 is to the
commissioner of agriculture and $239,000
is to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to train volunteers and
professionals to find, control, and monitor
targeted newly emergent invasive plant
species. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(f) Dutch Elm Disease Resistance - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$200,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to continue to identify and
evaluate native Minnesota elms that are
resistant to Dutch elm disease and begin
propagating disease-resistant specimens
for field trial testing. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(g) Invasive Carp Management Research in Lake Nokomis Subwatershed new text end |
new text begin
$189,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with the
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to
apply current invasive carp management
research to the entire Lake Nokomis
subwatershed and provide demonstration
guidance for large-scale carp management.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2020, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 7. new text end
new text begin
Air Quality, Climate Change, and
new text begin -0- new text end |
new text begin
2,290,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Community Solar Garden Installation new text end |
new text begin
$490,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with Rural Renewable
Energy Alliance to install a 200-kilowatt
community solar garden to provide for
electrical distribution in Cass, Beltrami,
Hubbard, and Itasca Counties, to assist
households in the Minnesota low-income
housing energy assistance program in
meeting electrical energy needs and serve as
a model for low-income energy assistance
elsewhere in the state. This appropriation is
not subject to Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin
(b) Waste Heat Recovery with Efficient Thermoelectric Energy Generators new text end |
new text begin
$400,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of
the University of Minnesota to develop
thermoelectric energy generators using
advanced, high-performance materials able
to more efficiently capture waste heat and
transform the heat into electricity. This
appropriation is subject to Minnesota
Statutes, section 116P.10. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Hydrogen Fuel from Wind-Produced Renewable Ammonia new text end |
new text begin
$400,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to develop a technical solution
for converting wind-produced ammonia to
hydrogen through catalytic decomposition,
for use in reducing emissions from diesel
engines and powering fuel cell vehicles.
This appropriation is subject to Minnesota
Statutes, section 116P.10. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(d) Utilization of Dairy Farm Wastewater for Sustainable Production new text end |
new text begin
$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota for the West Central Research
and Outreach Center in Morris to develop and
evaluate an integrated system that recycles
and uses nutrients in dairy wastewater
from feedlots and milk processing, thereby
reducing nutrients from agricultural runoff,
and to provide outreach on adoption of new
technologies. This appropriation is subject
to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(e) Solar Energy Utilization for Minnesota Swine Farms - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota for the West Central Research
and Outreach Center in Morris to continue to
develop and evaluate the utilization of solar
photovoltaic systems at swine facilities to
improve energy and economic performance,
reduce fossil fuel usage and emissions, and
optimize water usage. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 8. new text end
new text begin
Methods to Protect, Restore, and
new text begin -0- new text end |
new text begin
8,929,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Bee Pollinator Habitat Enhancement - Phase II new text end |
new text begin
$387,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to continue assessment of the
potential to supplement traditional turf grass
by providing critical floral plant resources
to enhance bee pollinator habitat. Plant
materials and seeds must follow the Board of
Water and Soil Resources' native vegetation
establishment and enhancement guidelines.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Measuring Pollen and Seed Dispersal for Prairie Fragment Connectivity new text end |
new text begin
$556,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Regents of the
University of Minnesota to determine
habitat connectivity between prairie
fragments by measuring plant movement
by dispersal of pollen and seeds to improve
prairie restoration implementation. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Establishment of Permanent Habitat Strips Within Row Crops new text end |
new text begin
$179,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Science Museum of Minnesota
for the St. Croix Watershed Research Station
to research the viability of establishing
prairie forbs and alfalfa as permanent cover
strips in the bare soil between selected rows
of corn and soybeans as potential pollinator,
monarch, and gamebird habitat. Monitoring
of the native plant strips must evaluate the
effects of pesticides from adjacent crops on
pollinators, including determining whether
there is a reduction of pollinators that results
in reduced setting of seeds on the native
plants. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2019, by which time the project must
be completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(d) Evaluate Prescribed Burning Techniques to Improve Habitat Management for Brushland Species new text end |
new text begin
$267,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Board of Regents of the University
of Minnesota to compare the effects on
brushland habitat of conducting prescribed
burning in spring, summer, and fall to
provide improved management guidelines
for wildlife habitat. This appropriation is
available until June 30, 2020, by which time
the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(e) Controlling Reed Canary Grass to Regenerate Floodplain Forest new text end |
new text begin
$218,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the Minnesota state
office of the National Audubon Society to
determine the most effective regeneration
methods for restoration of floodplain forests
in southeast Minnesota impacted by invasive
reed canary grass. This appropriation is
available until June 30, 2019, by which time
the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(f) Forest Management for Mississippi River Drinking Water Protection new text end |
new text begin
$300,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the Crow Wing Soil
and Water Conservation District to pilot a
water protection approach for the watershed
through development of forest stewardship
plans and targeted riparian forest restoration
projects. Any expenditures from this
appropriation spent on forest management
plans or restoration must be for lands with
a long-term contract commitment for forest
conservation, and the restoration must follow
the Board of Water and Soil Resources' native
vegetation establishment and enhancement
guidelines. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
new text end
new text begin
(g) Upland, Wetland, and Shoreline Restoration in Greater Metropolitan Area new text end |
new text begin
$509,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with Great River
Greening to restore approximately 150 acres
of forest, prairie, woodland, and wetland
and 0.15 miles of shoreline throughout
the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area,
using volunteers, and to conduct restoration
evaluation on previously restored parcels. A
list of proposed restorations and evaluations
must be provided as part of the required work
plan. Plant and seed materials must follow
the Board of Water and Soil Resources' native
vegetation establishment and enhancement
guidelines. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
new text end
new text begin
(h) Bluffland Restoration and Monitoring in Winona new text end |
new text begin
$99,000 the second year is from the trust fund
to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities system
for Winona State University to inventory,
restore, and monitor the 40-acre Garvin
Heights Natural Area in Winona and provide
related public outreach and education. Plant
and seed materials must follow the Board of
Water and Soil Resources' native vegetation
establishment and enhancement guidelines.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(i) Champlin Mill Pond Shoreland Restoration new text end |
new text begin
$2,000,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with the city
of Champlin to restore the Champlin Mill
Pond shoreline and adjacent habitat. Plant
and seed materials must follow the Board of
Water and Soil Resources' native vegetation
establishment and enhancement guidelines.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(j) Reinvest In Minnesota (RIM) new text end |
new text begin
$2,214,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil
Resources to acquire permanent conservation
easements and restore wetlands and
associated upland habitat under Minnesota
Statutes, section 103F.515.
new text end
new text begin
(k) Pollinator Highway Demonstration Projects new text end |
new text begin
$2,200,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of transportation
to restore and enhance wildlife habitat along
the state's interstates as follows: Interstate
Highway 35, one north and one south of the
metropolitan area; Interstate Highway 90;
and two locations along Interstate Highway
94. This appropriation is available until
June 30, 2022, and must include a five-year
restoration process.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 9. new text end
new text begin
Land Acquisition, Habitat, and
new text begin -0- new text end |
new text begin
6,565,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Scientific and Natural Area Restoration new text end |
new text begin
$1,386,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
to restore and improve approximately 750
acres of scientific and natural areas. A list
of proposed restorations must be provided
as part of the required work plan. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Conservation Easements in Avon Hills - Phase III new text end |
new text begin
$1,300,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with Saint John's
University in cooperation with Minnesota
Land Trust to secure permanent conservation
easements on approximately 500 acres
of high-quality habitat in Stearns County,
prepare conservation management plans, and
provide public outreach. A list of proposed
easement acquisitions must be provided as
part of the required work plan. An entity
that acquires a conservation easement with
appropriations from the trust fund must have
a long-term stewardship plan for the easement
and a fund established for monitoring and
enforcing the agreement. Funding for the
long-term monitoring and enforcement
fund must come from nonstate sources for
easements acquired with this appropriation.
The state may enforce requirements in the
conservation easements on land acquired
with this appropriation and the conservation
easement document must state this authority
and explicitly include requirements for
water quality and quantity protection. This
appropriation is available until June 30,
2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(c) Lincoln Pipestone Rural Water System Acquisition for Wellhead Protection new text end |
new text begin
$1,500,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to the commissioner of natural
resources for an agreement with Lincoln
Pipestone Rural Water to acquire and
restore lands designated under an approved
wellhead protection plan. Lands acquired
with this appropriation must be from willing
sellers and be identified by the Department
of Health as targeted vulnerable lands for
wellhead protection. Lands must be restored
to permanent vegetative cover, but may be
used for recreation and renewable energy if
adequate protection of the drinking water
aquifer is provided. A list of proposed
acquisitions must be provided as part of the
required work plan. Plant and seed materials
must follow the Board of Water and Soil
Resources' native vegetation establishment
and enhancement guidelines. Income
derived from the lands acquired with funds
appropriated under this paragraph is exempt
from Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10,
if used for additional wellhead protection as
provided under this paragraph until adequate
wellhead protection has been achieved,
as determined by the commissioner of
health. Any income earned after that must
be returned to the environment and natural
resources trust fund. This appropriation
is available until June 30, 2019, by which
time the project must be completed and final
products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(d) Mesabi Trail Segment from Highway 135 to Town of Embarrass new text end |
new text begin
$1,200,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the St. Louis and Lake
Counties Regional Railroad Authority for
engineering and construction of segments of
the Mesabi Trail, totaling approximately six
miles between Highway 135 and the town of
Embarrass. This appropriation is available
until June 30, 2019, by which time the
project must be completed and final products
new text end
new text begin
(e) Tower Historic Harbor Trail Connections new text end |
new text begin
$679,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the city of Tower to
construct recreational trails along the harbor
in Tower and to connect to the Mesabi Trail.
This appropriation is available until June
30, 2019, by which time the project must be
completed and final products delivered.
new text end
new text begin
(f) Otter Tail River Recreational Trail Acquisition new text end |
new text begin
$500,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the commissioner of natural resources
for an agreement with the city of Fergus Falls
to acquire approximately 16 acres along the
Otter Tail River for a recreational trail and
park. This appropriation is contingent on at
least an equal match of nonstate money. Prior
to the acquisition, a phase 1 environmental
assessment must be completed and the city
must not accept any liability for previous
contamination of lands acquired with this
new text end
new text begin Subd. 10. new text end
new text begin
Emerging Issues Account
new text begin
-0- new text end |
new text begin
164,000 new text end |
new text begin
$164,000 the second year is from the
trust fund to an emerging issues account
authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section
116P.08, subdivision 4, paragraph (d).
new text end
new text begin Subd. 11. new text end
new text begin
new text begin
-0- new text end |
new text begin
210,000 new text end |
new text begin
(a) Contract Agreement Reimbursement new text end |
new text begin
$135,000 the second year is from
the trust fund to the commissioner of
natural resources, at the direction of
the Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources, for expenses incurred
for contract agreement reimbursement for
the agreements specified in this section. The
commissioner shall provide documentation
to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources on the expenditure of
these funds.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Grants Management System new text end |
new text begin
$75,000 the second year is from the trust
fund to the Legislative-Citizen Commission
on Minnesota Resources for upgrading and
modernizing a project records management
new text end
new text begin Subd. 12. new text end
new text begin
Availability of Appropriations
new text begin
Money appropriated in this section may
not be spent on activities unless they are
directly related to and necessary for a specific
appropriation and are specified in the work
plan approved by the Legislative-Citizen
Commission on Minnesota Resources.
Money appropriated in this section must
not be spent on indirect costs or other
institutional overhead charges that are
not directly related to and necessary for a
specific appropriation. Costs that are directly
related to and necessary for an appropriation,
including financial services, human
resources, information services, rent, and
utilities, are eligible only if the costs can be
clearly justified and individually documented
specific to the appropriation's purpose and
would not be generated by the recipient
but for the receipt of the appropriation. No
broad allocations for costs in either dollars or
percentages are allowed. Unless otherwise
provided, the amounts in this section are
available until June 30, 2018, when projects
must be completed and final products
delivered. For acquisition of real property,
the appropriations in this section are available
for an additional fiscal year if a binding
contract for acquisition of the real property is
entered into before the expiration date of the
appropriation. If a project receives a federal
grant, the time period of the appropriation is
extended to equal the federal grant period.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 13. new text end
new text begin
Data Availability Requirements
new text begin
Data collected by the projects funded under
this section must conform to guidelines
and standards adopted by MN.IT Services.
Spatial data also must conform to additional
guidelines and standards designed to support
data coordination and distribution that have
been published by the Minnesota Geospatial
Information Office. Descriptions of spatial
data must be prepared as specified in
the state's geographic metadata guideline
and must be submitted to the Minnesota
Geospatial Information Office. All data must
be accessible and free to the public unless
made private under the Data Practices Act,
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13. To the extent
practicable, summary data and results of
projects funded under this section should
be readily accessible on the Internet and
identified as having received funding from
the environment and natural resources trust
new text end
new text begin Subd. 14. new text end
new text begin
Project Requirements
new text begin
(a) As a condition of accepting an
appropriation under this section, an agency
or entity receiving an appropriation or a
party to an agreement from an appropriation
must comply with paragraphs (b) to (l)
and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116P, and
must submit a work plan and semiannual
progress reports in the form determined
by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources for any project funded
in whole or in part with funds from the
appropriation. Modifications to the approved
work plan and budget expenditures must
be made through the amendment process
established by the Legislative-Citizen
Commission on Minnesota Resources.
new text end
new text begin
(b) A recipient of money appropriated in
this section that conducts a restoration using
funds appropriated in this section must use
native plant species according to the Board of
Water and Soil Resources' native vegetation
establishment and enhancement guidelines
and include an appropriate diversity of
native species selected to provide habitat for
pollinators throughout the growing season as
required under Minnesota Statutes, section
new text end
new text begin
(c) For all restorations conducted with money
appropriated under this section, a recipient
must prepare an ecological restoration
and management plan that, to the degree
practicable, is consistent with the highest
quality conservation and ecological goals for
the restoration site. Consideration should
be given to soil, geology, topography, and
other relevant factors that would provide
the best chance for long-term success and
durability of the restoration project. The
plan must include the proposed timetable
for implementing the restoration, including
site preparation, establishment of diverse
plant species, maintenance, and additional
enhancement to establish the restoration;
identify long-term maintenance and
management needs of the restoration and
how the maintenance, management, and
enhancement will be financed; and take
advantage of the best available science and
include innovative techniques to achieve the
best restoration.
new text end
new text begin
(d) An entity receiving an appropriation in
this section for restoration activities must
provide an initial restoration evaluation
at the completion of the appropriation
and an evaluation three years beyond the
completion of the expenditure. Restorations
must be evaluated relative to the stated
goals and standards in the restoration plan,
current science, and, when applicable, the
Board of Water and Soil Resources' native
vegetation establishment and enhancement
guidelines. The evaluation must determine
whether the restorations are meeting planned
goals, identify any problems with the
implementation of the restorations, and,
if necessary, give recommendations on
improving restorations. The evaluation must
be focused on improving future restorations.
new text end
new text begin
(e) All restoration and enhancement projects
funded with money appropriated in this
section must be on land permanently
protected by a conservation easement or
public ownership.
new text end
new text begin
(f) A recipient of money from an
appropriation under this section must
give consideration to contracting with
Conservation Corps Minnesota for contract
restoration and enhancement services.
new text end
new text begin
(g) All conservation easements acquired with
money appropriated under this section must:
new text end
new text begin
(1) be permanent;
new text end
new text begin
(2) specify the parties to an easement in the
new text end
new text begin
(3) specify all of the provisions of an
agreement that are permanent;
new text end
new text begin
(4) be sent to the Legislative-Citizen
Commission on Minnesota Resources in an
electronic format at least ten business days
prior to closing;
new text end
new text begin
(5) include a long-term monitoring and
enforcement plan and funding for monitoring
and enforcing the easement agreement; and
new text end
new text begin
(6) include requirements in the easement
document to address specific groundwater
and surface water quality protection activities
such as keeping water on the landscape,
reducing nutrient and contaminant loading,
protecting groundwater, and not permitting
artificial hydrological modifications.
new text end
new text begin
(h) For any acquisition of lands or interest
in lands, a recipient of money appropriated
under this section must not agree to pay
more than 100 percent of the appraised value
for a parcel of land using this money to
complete the purchase, in part or in whole,
except that up to ten percent above the
appraised value may be allowed to complete
the purchase, in part or in whole, using this
money if permission is received in advance
of the purchase from the Legislative-Citizen
Commission on Minnesota Resources.
new text end
new text begin
(i) For any acquisition of land or interest in
land, a recipient of money appropriated under
this section must give priority to high-quality
natural resources or conservation lands that
provide natural buffers to water resources.
new text end
new text begin
(j) For new lands acquired with money
appropriated under this section, a recipient
must prepare an ecological restoration
and management plan in compliance with
paragraph (c), including sufficient funding
for implementation unless the work plan
addresses why a portion of the money is
not necessary to achieve a high-quality
new text end
new text begin
(k) To ensure public accountability for
the use of public funds, within 60 days
of the transaction, a recipient of money
appropriated under this section must provide
to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources documentation of the
selection process used to identify parcels
acquired and provide documentation of all
related transaction costs, including but not
limited to appraisals, legal fees, recording
fees, commissions, other similar costs,
and donations. This information must be
provided for all parties involved in the
transaction. The recipient must also report
to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources any difference between
the acquisition amount paid to the seller and
the state-certified or state-reviewed appraisal,
if a state-certified or state-reviewed appraisal
was conducted.
new text end
new text begin
(l) A recipient of an appropriation from
the trust fund under this section must
acknowledge financial support from
the Minnesota environment and natural
resources trust fund in project publications,
signage, and other public communications
and outreach related to work completed
using the appropriation. Acknowledgment
may occur, as appropriate, through use of
the trust fund logo or inclusion of language
attributing support from the trust fund. Each
direct recipient of money appropriated in
this section, as well as each recipient of a
grant awarded pursuant to this section, must
satisfy all reporting and other requirements
incumbent upon constitutionally dedicated
funding recipients as provided in Minnesota
Statutes, section 3.303, subdivision 10, and
chapter 116P.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 15. new text end
new text begin
Payment Conditions and Capital
new text begin
(a) All agreements, grants, or contracts
referred to in this section must be
administered on a reimbursement basis
unless otherwise provided in this section.
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section
16A.41, expenditures made on or after
July 1, 2016, or the date the work plan is
approved, whichever is later, are eligible for
reimbursement unless otherwise provided
in this section. Periodic payment must be
made upon receiving documentation that
the deliverable items articulated in the
approved work plan have been achieved,
including partial achievements as evidenced
by approved progress reports. Reasonable
amounts may be advanced to projects to
accommodate cash flow needs or match
federal money. The advances must be
approved as part of the work plan. No
expenditures for capital equipment are
allowed unless expressly authorized in the
project work plan.
new text end
new text begin
(b) Single-source contracts as specified in the
approved work plan are allowed.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 16. new text end
new text begin
Purchase of Recycled and Recyclable
new text begin
A political subdivision, public or private
corporation, or other entity that receives an
appropriation under this section must use the
appropriation in compliance with Minnesota
Statutes, section 16C.0725, regarding
purchase of recycled, repairable, and durable
materials; and Minnesota Statutes, section
16C.073, regarding purchase and use of
paper stock and printing.
new text end
new text begin Subd. 17. new text end
new text begin
Energy Conservation and
new text begin
A recipient to whom an appropriation is made
under this section for a capital improvement
project must ensure that the project complies
with the applicable energy conservation and
sustainable building guidelines and standards
contained in law, including Minnesota
Statutes, sections 16B.325, 216C.19, and
216C.20, and rules adopted under those
sections. The recipient may use the energy
planning, advocacy, and State Energy Office
units of the Department of Commerce to
obtain information and technical assistance
on energy conservation and alternative
energy development relating to the planning
and construction of the capital improvement
new text end
new text begin Subd. 18. new text end
new text begin
new text begin
Structural and nonstructural facilities must
meet the design standards in the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility
new text end
new text begin Subd. 19. new text end
new text begin
Carryforward; Extension
new text begin
The availability of the appropriations for the
following projects are extended to June 30,
new text end
new text begin
(a) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 3, paragraph (c), County
Geologic Atlases - Part B;
new text end
new text begin
(b) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 4, paragraph (d), Metropolitan
Conservation Corridors (MeCC) - Phase
VII, $400,000 for the agreement with the
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Trust, Inc. only;
new text end
new text begin
(c) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 4, paragraph (i), Conservation
Grazing to Improve Wildlife Habitat on
Wildlife Management Areas;
new text end
new text begin
(d) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 5, paragraph (b), Assessment of
Natural Copper-Nickel Bedrocks on Water
new text end
new text begin
(e) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 5, paragraph (f), Evaluation of
Lake Superior Water Quality Health;
new text end
new text begin
(f) Laws 2013, chapter 52, section 2,
subdivision 6, paragraph (c), Improving
Emerald Ash Borer Detection Efficacy for
new text end
new text begin
(g) Laws 2014, chapter 226, section 2,
subdivision 3, paragraph (l), Rainwater
Reuse and Valuation Investigation;
new text end
new text begin
(h) Laws 2014, chapter 226, section
2, subdivision 10, paragraph (c),
Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) for upgrade
and modernization of a project records
management system; and
new text end
new text begin
(i) Laws 2014, chapter 226, section 2,
subdivision 8, paragraph (b), Innovative
Groundwater-Enhanced Geothermal Heat
Pump Study.
new text end
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 116P.05, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) A Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota
Resources of 17 members is created in the legislative branch, consisting of the chairs
of the house of representatives and senate committees on environment and natural
resources finance or designees appointed for the terms of the chairs, four members of the
senate appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and
Administration, and four members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker.
At least two members from the senate and two members from the house of
representatives must be from the minority caucus. Members are entitled to reimbursement
for per diem expenses plus travel expenses incurred in the services of the commission.
Seven citizens are members of the commission, five appointed by the governor, one
appointed by the Senate Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and
Administration, and one appointed by the speaker of the house. The citizen members
are selected and recommended to the appointing authorities according to subdivision
1a and must:
(1) have experience or expertise in the science, policy, or practice of the protection,
conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife,
and other natural resources;
(2) have strong knowledge in the state's environment and natural resource issues
around the state; and
(3) have demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative environment.
(b) Members shall develop procedures to elect a chair that rotates between legislative
and citizen membersnew text begin each meetingnew text end . new text begin A citizen member, a senate member, and a house of
representatives member shall serve as chairs. The citizen members, senate members, and
house of representatives members must select their respective chairs. new text end The chair shall
preside and convene meetings as often as necessary to conduct duties prescribed by this
(c) Appointed legislative members shall serve on the commission for two-year
terms, beginning in January of each odd-numbered year and continuing through the end
of December of the next even-numbered year. Appointed citizen members shall serve
four-year terms, beginning in January of the first year and continuing through the end
of December of the final year. Citizen and legislative members continue to serve until
their successors are appointed.
(d) A citizen member may be removed by an appointing authority for cause.
Vacancies occurring on the commission shall not affect the authority of the remaining
members of the commission to carry out their duties, and vacancies shall be filled for the
remainder of the term in the same manner under paragraph (a).
deleted text begin
(e) Citizen members shall be initially appointed according to the following schedule
of terms:
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(1) two members appointed by the governor for a term ending the first Monday in
January 2010;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(2) one member appointed by the senate Subcommittee on Committees of the
Committee on Rules and Administration for a term ending the first Monday in January
2010 and one member appointed by the speaker of the house for a term ending the first
Monday in January 2010;
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(3) two members appointed by the governor for a term ending the first Monday in
January 2009; and
deleted text end
deleted text begin
(4) one member appointed by the governor for a term ending the first Monday in
January 2008.
deleted text end
deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end Citizen members are entitled to per diem and reimbursement for expenses
incurred in the services of the commission, as provided in section 15.059, subdivision 3.
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The governor's appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the senate.
Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, section 116P.05, subdivision 2, is
amended to read:
(a) The commission shall recommend an annual or biennial
legislative bill for appropriations from the environment and natural resources trust
fund and shall adopt a strategic plan as provided in section 116P.08. Approval of the
recommended legislative bill requires an affirmative vote of at least 12 members of the
commission.new text begin When selecting projects or programs for recommendation to the legislature,
the commission must give priority to large-scale, on-the-ground projects and programs
that provide tangible results.
new text end
(b) It is a condition of acceptance of the appropriations made from the Minnesota
environment and natural resources trust fund, and oil overcharge money under section
4.071, subdivision 2, that the agency or entity receiving the appropriation must
submit a work plan and semiannual progress reports in the form determined by the
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, and comply with applicable
reporting requirements under section 116P.16. None of the money provided may be
spent unless the commission has approved the pertinent work plan. Modifications to
the approved work plan and budget expenditures shall be made through the amendment
process established by the commission. The commission shall ensure that the expenditures
and outcomes described in the work plan for appropriations funded by the environment
and natural resources trust fund are met.
(c) The peer review procedures created under section 116P.08 must also be used to
review, comment, and report to the commission on research proposals applying for an
appropriation from the oil overcharge money under section 4.071, subdivision 2.
(d) The commission may adopt operating procedures to fulfill its duties under this
(e) As part of the operating procedures, the commission shall:
(1) ensure that members' expectations are to participate in all meetings related to
funding decision recommendations;
(2) recommend adequate funding for increased citizen outreach and communications
for trust fund expenditure planning;
(3) allow administrative expenses as part of individual project expenditures based
on need;
(4) provide for project outcome evaluation;
(5) keep the grant application, administration, and review process as simple as
possible; and
(6) define and emphasize the leveraging of additional sources of money that project
proposers should consider when making trust fund proposals.
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 116P.08, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) Funding may be provided only for
those projects that meet the categories established in subdivision 1.
(b) The commission must recommend an annual or biennial legislative bill to
make appropriations from the trust fund for the purposes provided in subdivision 1. The
recommendations must be submitted to the governor for inclusion in the biennial budget
and supplemental budget submitted to the legislature.
(c) The commission may recommend regional block grants for a portion of trust
fund expenditures to partner with existing regional organizations that have strong citizen
involvement, to address unique local needs and capacity, and to leverage all available
funding sources for projects.
(d) The commission may recommend the establishment of an emerging issues
account in its legislative bill for funding new text begin projects or programs addressing new text end emerging issuesnew text begin
requiring urgencynew text end , which come up unexpectedly, but which still adhere to the commission's
strategic plan, to be approved by the governor after initiation and recommendation by the
commission. new text begin Projects or programs funded from the emerging issues account must not be
projects or programs being considered by the commission for its next legislative bill,
unless the project or program receives funding from the emerging issues account sufficient
to complete the project or program or otherwise provide measurable outcomes without
the need for additional funding.
new text end
(e) Money in the trust fund may not be spent except under an appropriation by law.
Minnesota Statutes 2015 Supplement, section 116P.08, subdivision 5, is
amended to read:
(a) Meetings of the commission, committees or
subcommittees of the commission, technical advisory committees, and peer reviewers
must be open to the publicnew text begin and are subject to chapter 13Dnew text end . The commission shall attempt
to meet throughout various regions of the state during each biennium. For purposes of
this subdivision, a meeting occurs when a quorum is present and action is taken regarding
a matter within the jurisdiction of the commission, a committee or subcommittee of the
commission, a technical advisory committee, or peer reviewers.
(b) For legislative members of the commission, enforcement of this subdivision is
governed by section 3.055, subdivision 2. For nonlegislative members of the commission,
enforcement of this subdivision is governed by section 13D.06, subdivisions 1 and 2.
new text begin
A recipient of money from the trust fund must not accept a monetary donation
or payment from an owner of land that is acquired in fee in whole or in part with
an appropriation from the trust fund that exceeds the documented expenses that are
directly related to and necessary for activities specified in the work plan approved by the
commission, unless expressly approved by the commission in the work plan. This section
does not apply to:
new text end
new text begin
(1) donations that are not connected with the acquisition transaction; or
new text end
new text begin
(2) bargain sales, as defined by Code of Federal Regulations, title 26, section
1.1011-2, provided that the purchase price reimbursed by the state does not exceed the
purchase price paid by the recipient.
new text end
new text begin
A recipient of money appropriated from the trust fund for easement monitoring and
enforcement may spend the money only on activities included in an easement monitoring
and enforcement plan contained within the work plan. Money received for monitoring
and enforcement, including earnings on the money received, must be kept in a monitoring
and enforcement fund held by the recipient and dedicated to monitoring and enforcing
conservation easements in Minnesota. A recipient of an appropriation for easement
monitoring and enforcement must, within 120 days after the close of the recipient's
fiscal year, provide an annual financial report to the commission or the commission's
successor on the easement monitoring and enforcement fund as specified in the work plan.
Money appropriated from the trust fund for monitoring and enforcement of easements and
earnings on the money appropriated revert to the state if:
new text end
new text begin
(1) the easement transfers to the state;
new text end
new text begin
(2) the recipient fails to file an annual financial report and then fails to cure the
default within 30 days of notification of the default by the state; or
new text end
new text begin
(3) the recipient fails to comply with the terms of the monitoring and enforcement
plan contained within the work plan and fails to cure the default within 90 days of
notification of the default by the state.
new text end