as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 01/19/2023 03:50pm
A bill for an act
relating to capital investment; establishing grant program to replace lead drinking
water service lines; establishing grant program for mapping lead service lines;
requiring report; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 446A.
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The authority must establish a program to replace lead
drinking water service lines in the state by 2033 and must provide grants to entities for this
purpose. The program must be structured to maximize use of federal funds available for the
purposes described in subdivision 3.
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The following are eligible recipients of grants under this
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(1) community public water suppliers of a community water system as defined in Code
of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 141.2, as amended;
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(2) municipalities;
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(3) suppliers of other residential drinking water systems; and
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(4) any applicant eligible for loans and grants under the federal Safe Drinking Water
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An eligible recipient may use a grant provided under this program
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(1) removing and replacing lead drinking water service lines;
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(2) repaying debt incurred for the purposes described in clauses (1), (3), and (4);
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(3) providing information to residents on the benefits of removing lead service lines; or
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(4) performing necessary construction activities required for and associated with removing
and replacing lead service lines.
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At least 70 percent
of the money made available under the grant program must be used for removing privately
owned portions of lead drinking water service lines or installing privately owned portions
of drinking water service lines.
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In prioritizing the expenditure of grant money received under
this section, the authority must give priority to applications that use the money as part of a
plan to remove all lead service lines within a municipality or residential drinking water
system. A plan should include:
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(1) a description of how the recipient will maximize the number of property owners with
privately owned portions of lead lines that will participate in the removal and replacement,
including lower-income residents and those from other disadvantaged communities;
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(2) a description of how the recipient will coordinate the removal of the publicly owned
and privately owned portions of the lead lines to maximize efficient use of money; and
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(3) a description of how the recipient will minimize the number of lead service lines
that are only partially removed.
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Applicants who serve 75,000 customers or more must submit
a workforce plan as part of their application. The workforce plan must include a description
of how the applicant will maximize the use of registered apprentices, along with populations
under-represented in the construction industry in the lead removal and replacement work.
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By August 1 each year, the authority must report to the chairs and
ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over
environment and natural resources policy and finance on the operation of the program during
the previous fiscal year.
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Laborers and mechanics performing work on a project funded
by a grant under this section, including removing and replacing lead drinking water service
lines and installing replacement drinking water service lines, must be paid the prevailing
wage rate for the work as defined in section 177.42, subdivision 6. The project is subject
to the requirements and enforcement provisions of sections 177.30 and 177.41 to 177.45.
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$....... in fiscal year 2024 through fiscal year
2033 is appropriated from the general fund to the authority to provide grants according to
this section. This subdivision expires June 30, 2033.
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It is the goal of the state of Minnesota to remove all lead service lines in public drinking
water systems by 2032.
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The commissioner of health must establish a grant
program to provide financial assistance to municipalities for producing an inventory of
publicly and privately owned lead service lines within their jurisdiction.
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A municipality may use grant money under this section for:
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(1) surveying households to determine the material of their water service line;
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(2) creating publicly available databases or visualizations of lead service lines; and
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(3) complying with the lead service line inventory requirements of the federal
Environmental Protection Agency's lead and copper rule.
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The base for this program for the biennium in fiscal years
2024 and 2025 is $........
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This section is effective July 1, 2023.
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