1.2relating to the military; designating June 29 as General John Vessey Day;proposing 1.3coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 10. 1.4BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA:
1.5 Section 1. [10.596] GENERAL JOHN VESSEY DAY. 1.6The day of June 29 is designated as General John Vessey Day. General John Vessey 1.7was a four star general in the United States Army and served as the tenth Chairman
of the 1.8Joint Chiefs of Staff. As a dedicated servant to the United States of America, General
John 1.9Vessey dedicated his life to military service, volunteering for the Minnesota Army
National 1.10Guard in 1939 and then going on to serve our country in World War II and the Vietnam
1.11War, and also by holding military posts in Germany, Korea, and as a special emissary
to 1.12Vietnam.