as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 03/30/2011 01:07pm
A bill for an act
relating to state lands; authorizing public and private sales of certain tax-forfeited
lands bordering public waters.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
Pine County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general for not less
than the appraised value of the land. The attorney general may make necessary changes
to the legal descriptions to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The conveyances of land
described in paragraph (c), clauses (5), (10), and (11), must contain an easement of 66
feet in width on each side of the centerline of the streams, to the state of Minnesota, to
provide riparian protection and angler access. The parcels of land described in paragraph
(c), clauses (8) and (9), shall be combined and sold as a single parcel.
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(c) The lands to be sold are located in Pine County and are described as:
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(1) Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Fractional, Section 5, Township 41
North, Range 19 West (property ID number 01.0022.000);
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(2) Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 4, Township 44 North,
Range 21 West (property ID number 05.0040.000);
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(3) Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 40 North,
Range 22 West (property ID number 06.0201.000);
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(4) East Half of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter, Section 21, Township 44
North, Range 18 West (property ID number 07.0275.000);
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(5) North Half of the Northeast Quarter, Section 15, Township 41 North, Range 18
West (property ID number 09.0123.000);
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(6) West Half of the Southeast Quarter, Section 19, Township 42 North, Range 18
West (property ID number 11.0118.002);
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(7) part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter described as follows:
Start from the northwest corner; thence 440 feet South to point of beginning; thence 1,320
feet East; thence 550 feet South; thence 1,320 feet West; thence 550 feet North to the
point of beginning, Section 2, Township 42 North, Range 21 West (property ID number
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(8) Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, less the North 1 rod, Section 28,
Township 42 North, Range 21 West (property ID number 12.0428.000);
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(9) North 1 rod of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 28,
Township 42 North, Range 21 West (property ID number 12.0429.000);
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(10) South Half of the Southwest Quarter, Section 7, Township 43 North, Range 18
West (property ID number 14.0055.000);
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(11) North Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 18 West (property ID number 14.0248.001);
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(12) Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 34, Township 45 North,
Range 18 West (property ID number 16.0395.000);
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(13) that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter described as follows:
Start from the southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence
1,320 feet North to a point; thence 165 feet East to a point; thence 1,320 feet South to a
point; thence 165 feet West to the point of beginning, Section 20, Township 45 North,
Range 18 West (property ID number 16.0212.000);
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(14) part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter described as follows:
Start from the southwest corner; thence East 165 feet to beginning; thence North 1,320
feet; thence East 165 feet; thence South 1,320 feet; thence West 165 feet to the point
of beginning, Section 20, Township 45 North, Range 18 West (property ID number
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(15) West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 13,
Township 40 North, Range 21 West (property ID number 18.0098.000);
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(16) part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter described as follows:
Start from the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence
South 1,100 feet to beginning; thence West 1,320 feet; thence South 220 feet; thence East
1,320 feet; thence 220 feet North to the point of beginning, Section 3, Township 44 North,
Range 19 West (property ID number 22.0058.000);
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(17) part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter described as follows:
Start from the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence
South 889 feet to beginning; thence West 1,320 feet; thence South 220 feet; thence East
1,320 feet; thence North 220 feet to the point of beginning, Section 3, Township 44 North,
Range 19 West (property ID number 22.0068.000);
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(18) part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter described as follows:
Start from the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence
West 1,320 feet; thence South 220 feet; thence East 1,320 feet; thence North 220 feet
to the point of beginning, Section 3, Township 44 North, Range 19 West (property ID
number 22.0066.000);
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(19) Government Lot 2, Section 35, Township 43 North, Range 21 West (property
ID number 27.0523.000);
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(20) East Half of the Southwest Quarter, Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 21
West (property ID number 27.0447.000);
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(21) South Half of the Southeast Quarter, Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 21
West (property ID number 27.0453.000);
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(22) Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, less the South Half of the South
Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 31, Township 43 North,
Range 21 West (property ID number 27.0457.000);
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(23) Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 13, Township 42 North,
Range 19 West (property ID number 30.0132.000);
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(24) West Half of the Northeast Quarter, Section 24, Township 42 North, Range 19
West (property ID number 30.0229.000);
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(25) Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 24, Township 42 North,
Range 19 West (property ID number 30.0236.000);
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(26) West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter, Section 29, Township 42 North, Range 19 West (property ID number
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(27) East Half of the Southeast Quarter, Section 30, Township 42 North, Range 19
West (property ID number 30.0295.000); and
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(28) Government Lot 1, Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 19 West (property
ID number 33.0849.001).
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would be
best served if the lands were to return to private ownership.
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(a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Pine County may sell
by public or private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in
paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
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(b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general for not less
than the appraised value of the land. The attorney general may make necessary changes to
the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The conveyance of land must
contain a deed restriction on development and vegetation removal that is 75 feet in width
along the shoreline, excluding a 15-foot access strip.
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(c) The land to be sold in Pine County is described as: That part of Government
Lot 3 lying West of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner
of Government Lot 5, said corner being the center of Section 21; thence bearing North
89 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds West on the quarter section line a distance of 712.04
feet to the point of beginning of the line to be herein described; thence bearing North 22
degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 285 feet, more or less, to the shore of
Sturgeon Lake and there terminating, all in Section 21, Township 45 North, Range 19
West (property ID number 33.0669.000).
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(d) The county has determined that the county's land management interests would be
best served if the lands were to return to private ownership.
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