as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/06/2023 11:00am
A bill for an act
relating to higher education; appropriating money for the addiction medicine
graduate medical education fellowship program at Hennepin County Medical
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(a) $270,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $270,000 in fiscal year 2025 are appropriated from
the general fund to the commissioner of the Office of Higher Education for transfer to
Hennepin County Medical Center to support up to three physicians per year enrolled in an
addiction medicine fellowship program.
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(b) Each year, in order to receive funds under this section, Hennepin County Medical
Center must certify to the commissioner the number of physicians actually enrolled in an
addiction medicine fellowship for that year. If the number is less than three, the commissioner
shall transfer to Hennepin County Medical Center $90,000 for each physician enrolled in
an addiction medicine fellowship.
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(c) The appropriation under this section shall be used:
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(1) to train fellows in:
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(i) diagnostic interviewing;
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(ii) motivational interviewing;
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(iii) addiction counseling;
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(iv) recognition and care of common acute withdrawal syndromes and complications;
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(v) pharmacotherapies of addictive disorders;
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(vi) epidemiology and pathophysiology of addiction;
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(vii) identification and treatment of addictive disorders in special populations;
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(viii) secondary interventions;
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(ix) the use of screening and diagnostic instruments;
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(x) inpatient care; and
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(xi) working within a multidisciplinary team; and
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(2) to prepare fellows to practice addiction medicine in rural and underserved areas of
the state.
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