as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 03/22/2021 03:57pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 03/09/2021 |
A bill for an act
relating to public safety; establishing an advisory committee to the commissioner
of public safety for the certification of firefighters; appropriating money; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, subdivisions 1, 2, by adding
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) The board must appoint an organization
deleted text begin that is accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congressdeleted text end to prepare and
administer firefighter certification examinations. Firefighter certification examinations must
be designed to ensure and demonstrate competency that meets deleted text begin thedeleted text end new text begin applicablenew text end NFPA deleted text begin 1001
standard or a national standard in areas including but not limited to:deleted text end new text begin standards.
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(1) fire prevention;
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(2) fire suppression; and
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(3) hazardous materials operations.
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(b) Certification must be obtained by the individual demonstrating competency in fire
prevention and protection under the NFPA 1001 standard.
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deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (b)new text end Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any requirement imposed
by a local fire department for more comprehensive training.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) By July 1, 2022,
the commissioner shall appoint a Firefighter Certification Board consisting of 18 members
as recommended by the following organizations:
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(1) one member recommended by the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association;
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(2) one member recommended by the Minnesota State Fire Department Association;
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(3) one member recommended by the Minnesota Chapter of the International Association
of Arson Investigators;
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(4) one member recommended by the Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota;
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(5) one member recommended by the State Fire Marshal Division;
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(6) one member recommended by the Minnesota State Fire Training Program
Coordinator's Group;
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(7) two members recommended by Minnesota Professional Fire Fighters;
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(8) one member recommended by a private fire training organization;
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(9) one member recommended by regional fire training academies;
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(10) five members recommended by the regional director of Greater Minnesota Fire
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(11) one member recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities;
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(12) one member recommended by the Minnesota Association of Townships; and
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(13) one public member not affiliated or associated with any member or interest,
appointed by the commissioner.
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(b) Each member shall serve an initial term of two years. The commissioner shall appoint
at least eight members from outside the metropolitan area.
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(c) Appointed members serve without compensation.
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(d) By January 1, 2023, the board must be accredited by the International Fire Service
Accreditation Congress and begin to carry out the following duties:
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(1) establish qualifications for, appoint, and train examiners to conduct both the written
and skills tests required for firefighter certification;
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(2) maintain a list of examiners that have met the qualifications;
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(3) develop and maintain a program to determine and certify the competency of and
issue certificates to individuals who pass examinations based on the NFPA fire service
professional qualifications and other standards approved by the certification assembly;
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(4) make recommendations to the legislature to improve the quality of firefighter training;
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(5) conduct studies and surveys and make reports to the commissioner; and
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(6) conduct other activities as necessary to carry out these duties.
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(e) The commissioner shall provide the necessary staff and support to the board and may
charge back any costs related to the board to the special account created in subdivision 4.
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Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Except as provided in subdivision
3, any person may take the firefighter certification examination who has successfully
completed the following:
(1)(i) a firefighter course from a postsecondary educational institution, an accredited
institution of higher learning, or another entity that teaches a course that has been approved
by the board; or (ii) an apprenticeship or cadet program maintained by a Minnesota fire
department that has been approved by the deleted text begin boarddeleted text end new text begin Board of Firefighter Training and Educationnew text end ;
(2) a skills-oriented basic training course.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) The board and its programs shall be funded through fees collected
from individuals who apply for certification and for certification renewal.
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(b) A firefighter certification account is created in the special revenue fund. The account
consists of the fees collected under this section and any other money donated, allotted,
transferred, or otherwise provided to the account. Money in the account is annually
appropriated to the commissioner to pay costs incurred under this section.
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(c) The board may accept funding from the fire safety account established in section
297I.06 for special or distinctive projects.
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(d) The board shall recommend a certification fee schedule to the commissioner. The
commissioner shall set the fee on an annual basis to coincide with the state's fiscal year.
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Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 299N.04, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) Unless otherwise indicated, for purposes of this section, the
terms in this subdivision have the meanings given.
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(b) "Board" means the Firefighter Certification Board established under subdivision 1a.
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(c) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safety.
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